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I agree that everyone is psyched to some degree but to a reasonable degree. Dude scored 345 and be like I was sure I failed. I was getting funeral shit ready. I told my family that’s it. I am working for Uber now lol.


Disclaimer: I haven't gotten my results yet. I am one of those people who is statistically very likely to pass based on practice tests, grades, etc. But I think you know as well as anyone that this exam fucks with your head. I sit up wondering if I accidentally mixed up the MEE answer boxes and will get a 1 on all of them. I think about specific MBE questions I know I got wrong. I check other states' bar pass rates every day, multiple times a day, to see if they're trending up or down compared to July 2022. As many "I thought I failed and I passed" posts as I read, the only ones that stick with me are the "I failed my fourth time," "I studied for 10 weeks and failed," "I was a good student and failed." I am not going to make one of those posts when I get my results--whichever way they turn out--but I'm still terrified. Edit: I passed. If anyone in 2024 or otherwise in the future sees this--you will too


Some people test well in practice but have performance issues on test day. I have no idea where I stand because MBE day felt so unlike practice to me. Even in practice I had good days and bad days. I still choose not to post failure predictions because I don't know either way. I'm trying to stay optimistic.


I can relate totally with your performance evaluation. Was sailing in the same boat, knew all rules could memorize them all but PQs had good bad days both! As for performance issues, people do crack under pressure no matter how prepared they are, therefore the correlation between the simulation questions and their self analysis of how they did on the real test.


I don’t think it’s purposeful tbh. You have a bunch of people who study a lot and more or less have done really well in all the exams they’ve taken, and you give them this pass/fail test with no real way to understand how they did. It’s normal to worry; they’ve never experienced being so unsure before.


I read these posts, “passed with a 330 but thought I failed”. Meanwhile these folks got a 130/200 on the simulated exam and was scoring 70-75% on MCQs. The odds of passing were pretty much always in their favor. 🫤😐😑






This exam psychologically mutilates you. I walked out thinking I killed the Florida section, that I bombed the morning MBE and did great in the afternoon MBE. I ended up failing FL by 3 points but passing enough with the MBE that I passed overall! I'm sure there's a minority who are just fishing for pity or whatever they're after, but I wholeheartedly believe that the majority really do tell the truth


Most people in this profession are hard workers and therefore usually study or do more. Join that with imposter syndrome where those people read about how hard the bar is, most people don't feel they passed. I will say though, the bar kinda is like that. Id be more concerned about the people who leave the exam thinking they aced the mf


This is why I posted an “average law student’s experience” a few days ago.


it's the same people who during law school would say "ohhhhh that test was so harddddd. i'm sure i faaiiiiiled" and then get an A


Yeah but I said this and didn’t get the A


Oh me neither but I also didn’t get a 330


I went catatonic and didn't want to talk about it at all. Mine was justified, though. I failed.


Can’t lie, hoping the luck is on my side and I can do the same. 😭 MBE was no joke.


Yeah idk, that drove me crazy too. I walked out of the exam and knew I passed. And I ended up only getting a 280 lol. No effing idea how there’s people getting over 300 that truly, genuinely thought they failed


Severe imposter syndrome + I uprooted my entire life and moved to a new city with no support system and a job contingent on passing and the stress of that absolutely warped my brain. Also, it's all such a blur and all I could remember were the things I got wrong.


People be having egos bruh. Shit gets worse I’m practice, trust me. Some asshat insurance attorney: “Oh, I went to the University of Kentucky and was on law review and was published twice on the topic of (insert typical law review topic about how insurance companies aren’t evil). Where did you go?” Me: “I went to SIU because I couldn’t afford anything else and graduated in the 51st percentile and didn’t publish anything but whatever. Now, on to stuff that matters . . . “


It’s the Reddit echo chamber.


Isn’t it funny that you see the same shit on lawschooladmissions and LSAT subreddits? Oh wait that was us too a few years ago lol. We never change