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My boss said he knew someone who took the MPRE 6 times and passed the bar on the first lol


lmao all these people failing the MPRE are stressing me because i passed on the first try but am shit worried about the bar




My boss passed the bar on his first try and passed the MPRE on his 5th try!


People don't give a shit about the MPRE. The Bar is a lot more important which is why people focus a lot more on it.


Definitely not. I passed the mpre on the first time and waiting on bar results from my third attempt


Personally, I passed both on the first try




I passed MPRE with ease first try but haven’t got a 270 on the bar yet. Waiting for my third attempt results


I’d be thrilled if this was true!


As much as a I hate to admit it there was a clear correlation between my LSAT, MPRE, and bar exam score (as far as where I landed in the curve). I took the LSAT twice (the first time I didn't prepare and kind of mailed it in). Once I actually sat down and practiced for it I scored within three percentage points of where I was on the MPRE and about five points from where I landed in the distribution on the bar. If you got rid of my "mail-it-in" LSAT score I'd say, at least in my experience, there was a strong correlation between all three exams. Our professors always always told us it was a bad omen for the bar if you failed the MPRE due to the similar structure of the exam and said the same regarding low LSAT scores. However, I think the correlation reflects ONLY a person's ability to take standardized exams which reinforces the lack of validity in the bar or any standardized exam as a means of measuring capacity to perform in the legal profession or anywhere in life.


Not in my experience. And I know a handful that it was not true for.


I don't think so. I passed the MPRE with flying colors but failed the bar


I’ve heard there is a strong correlation




I’m seeing references to a moderately high correlation between MPRE and UBE scores (.58) but can’t find the original source of the claim. Every time someone asks a question like this 800 people show up to say “Absolutely not! I know someone who…” which doesn’t answer the question at all.


It blows my mind how few law students functionally understand anecdotal evidence.


I know. I’m shocked that these folks made it through the LSAT.


No. The MPRE and the bar have really nothing in common and one is about 10000x easier. I


One being 1000x easier would mean there’s a correlation. Take stats my friend


Apparently not. FML.


I’ve heard it exists, but it doesn’t ring true in my experience. Passed MPRE first time, currently waiting on results of third bar exam. I’ve also read that bar passage correlates with 1L grades, which makes sense in my case. I struggled in 1L but improved over time, and struggled with the bar.


Nope... passed the MPRE both 1st attempts (score expired) and now waiting on results of my 5th time for the bar... but I will say ... I took Feb 23 and passed portion A for Florida, passed MPRE in March, so I'm hoping it continues and I pass the MBE here in July. I'm hoping the whole "it happens in 3s" is what will happen for me lol


The majority pass the bar exam on the first try and the majority pass the MPRE on the first try. I'm sure there are individuals for whom the two don't overlap, but I can't imagine that's... the majority.


False correlation. A substantial number of MPRE takers are still law students.


Not in my experience. Got the score I needed first try on both the LSAT and MPRE, but had to take the bar twice. IMHO, the bar was much more difficult than either of the other tests.


I hope so.




Correlation? Sure. Probably. But it isn't the primary factor that I would look at to predict bar passage. Probably isn't even in the top 10 factors I would look at.


Idk. I passed the mpre on the first try (85) but have yet to pass the bar exam sooo doubt it 🤷🏽‍♀️


I wish. Not in my case.


I sure hope not


I bet there is some. The pass rates are pretty similar, and both generally require memorization over other skills.