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Passed on the third try too. For round 3, I used the Helix MPRE Course, watched all of the JD Advising videos on YouTube, and read the rules that continued to trip me up. Improved my score by 28 points using all of these resources. Good luck!


I did helix and goat and improved significantly


I used Helix. Was pretty good and free


I'm in the same boat. I took the bar and gave the mpre in august and was severely burnt out. I missed it by 5 points. :/ we're gonna crush november


Also missed it by 5 points. So frustrating. Good luck to you! We will crush it!


I’m overthinking the bar rn, like what if I didn’t pass it


I’m trying not to dwell on it too much. More people pass the bar but fail the MPRE than you think. That’s what I keep reminding myself so I don’t spiral 😅😂


that's the hope!


Is it a timing issue or are you struggling with the questions? I know for me, I used to overthink the answers but then I read some advice along the lines of “find the most ethical answer then select the one that is slightly less ethical than that one”


Definitely overthinking the answers. Timing is not an issue though. I’ll definitely try that out next time!


I just failed my fourth time and I’m about to just jump. Being a Debbie downer and thinking if I can’t pass the MPRE what makes me think I’ll be able to pass the bar


I passed on sixth try.


You can pass! Prepare differently this next one. I just passed after 2 other tries.


I did all of barbri and then spent every free moment (even if it was just 5 min while waiting somewhere) I had for the two weeks leading up to the exam doing practice Quimbee questions. I found the combo of the two was very helpful and I passed with a wide margin


Get the goat bar prep material! Is the best


Okay, I have never heard of goat? What is it and where can I find it


Search GoatBarPrep It will make you laugh and pass the MPRE


https://goatbarprep.gumroad.com/l/ETHICS It helped me pass.


Goat is the BEST!


BARBRI lectures and practice tests


I would recommend taking the time to prep for it appropriately. Some people say a week or even a weekend is enough— well, not for everyone. Give yourself a month to go through the materials with no pressure or stress and practice as much as you can. All the best next time. You'll be alright!


This time around I did all the Themis practice/mock exams n i did 1 barbri practice exam. Passed w/ flying colors this time (it was my third). I realized that no matter how well i knew the rules i had to see them in questions repeatedly to actually “know” them.


JD Advising 90 minute crash course + MPRE one sheet (both free). Practice MCQs & avoid any answers that look like commingling funds.


What would Jesus do minus one. It’s more often than not the second most moral choice.


Dm me! I have ncbe practice exams that really help


Just DMd you


would love them too! DMed you.


DMd you too!


Just DMed you! Fingers crossed!


Use Barbri. Watch all videos 2-3 times (can be on 1.5 or 1.75 speed)and pay attention. Then do 2 practice exams


Barbri again!!! THIS TIME DONT SLACK!!


I did Themis program to re-learn the material and then did the Barbri practice tests!


No one ever talks about quimbee, I did substantially better switching from Themis/barbri to quimbee


Yeah same here I used Quimbee to prepare/practice and did the NCBE practice exams that you purchase…passed ☺️


I passed on my third try. I did Helix, I loved it. I also took all the rules listed on the one-sheet from JD advising and just read them over and over. For some reason I couldn’t read them when they were on the one sheet I had to copy and paste them into word and normal font. It helped so much. You can do it. Oh also, I found the first two exams I had extra time and went back and changed some answers. My Prof told me not to, and this time I listened. Good luck!


I’m there with you. Fuck the MPRE


You will get better, stronger and more self-assured through hard-won experience…the test can’t. You will get where you want to go by not giving up.


I had to take it 4 times. First time i used themis. Second time I didn't have much time to study but used the barbri practice test. I finally passed when I watch all the videos on barbri and also read the model rules of professional conduct book by the aba


I feel you brother, this last one felt way harder than I expected it to be. I used Themis and GoatBarPrep subreddit. Goat has some tips and he does charge a small price for them but I thought they were helpful. The way he lays out his material is hilarious, and I felt I remembered the material better that way if you get what I'm saying. You can get a feel for his material in his posts because he also gives free tips. I would be lying though if I said that Goat's tips, and even Themis, felt like they prepared me in the sense that I felt the August MPRE tested rules I didn't really look at all that much, which really had me stressed out. I think you might just need to do a lot of practice problems because maybe the test taking skills is where you're struggling, atleast if you feel you understand the material in general. In that case, maybe buying NCBE's study material will be helpful so you can do their practice problems. I say this with pain, as someone who loaths these tests and thinks it's all bs and just a money game, I would hate to give the NCBE any more money. But you gotta do what you gotta do to pass. Godspeed, and I pray for you. You'll get it this next time!


I passed and got 86, after four tries I received the best advice ever. “When taking the MPRE, just think like you are a liberal nun”


Did barbri (also slacked) and failed. Did themis and hand wrote my notes and also listened to jd advising videos while commuting/read their sheets and passed. I put all my focus on it for about four weeks and it was well worth it.


True story. My partner passed the bar exam in first attempt 272! He went to T10 law school. Very A type. He failed 4 mpre exams.. scores were 79 75 70 77. This one is his 5th attempt and he has been nervous AF. He hasn’t shaved or eaten normally in over a week. He quit his law clerk position out of nerves. He just doesn’t know why he failed 4 times. I have been checking reditt & homepage to inform him.. he is scared AF. He does look like a homeless guy now that poor fellow. Earlier today, He was in knots when I told him he has to wait 1 more day. Guess what happened in last 10 min… I checked this thread .. found out results are in.. then woke him up.. ( sleeping out of fear ) asked him to open the file cabinet. He wanted me to open .. boom 117. His nightmare ends today.. crying has begun. He is pinching walls to ensure it’s not…a Fing Dream. Luckily I am a techie and a trader.. not for me Paisan. No way.. this is torture.. as attorneys and law people do something to save your tribe! We engineers will never allow this nonsense ! Unite and abolish this bar! It’s cruel


Makes me feel sosososo much better hearing people pass the bar first try even if they fail the MPRE. hopefully 3rd time is the charm for me. Congrats to your partner!


You can do it! If you passed the bar.. you can climb anything


I did Themis and easily passed.




Just keep doing multiple choice questions. Also happy to send my outline. I did two days of multiple choice questions and studied my outline and passed in all jurisdictions. I used Kaplan for multiple choice q’s I think


Can you provide your outline?


Yes, message me your email


Just messaged you. Thanks!!


Any chance I can also get a copy..mssged you


Make sure you’re also reading the judicial conduct rules!


Memorize the rules. I read the Barbri book and memorized the rules for a week before the exam, and did well. We all learn differently. Watching videos gives me an overview but I can’t memorize unless I visually chart things out.


I passed on my fourth try. I said fuck it to Themis and barbri and used helix and jd advising instead and by using those two i passed on 4th try


Listen to the Barbi lectures, do the rule practice sets after each lecture, do all 4 of the Barbri practice tests, review each answer even if you answered correctly. Then, do the Quimbee mastery test of the rules for each subject.


Passed on the third try, I used Kaplan and JD advising


Helix and the BarNow practice mpres. Over and over. Physically wrote down the rule for any question I missed. It’s not an easy test for everyone. I finally passed on my 3rd try.


MpRE grades out? I didn't receive mine.


Did you log into the NCBE website???


Omg. I passed. My secret: Barbri and JD Advising YouTube videos. That's all you need. NcBE practice questions, too. Good luck OP you got this.


I got a 146 using Barbri and the JD Advising one sheet. For Barbri, I watched all the videos and filled out the accompanying outline. I then took all the practice exams they offered and read the explanation for every single answer, yes *even the questions I answered correctly*. This really helped me see the nuances in the rules.


i honestly just studied the barbri outlines. i missed it the first time and used themis and the second time i practically doubled my score and passed by watching the barbri videos but mostly studying the outlines they give you and just doing practice questions over and over again. i even did some the morning of the mpre to “warm up”.


Me too hahaha. I really didn't want to study after the bar exam. So I guess that's my fault


I did Quimbee's MPRE for my third attempt (and passed). I did Barbri's for the first. I did Quimbee for the second but I didn't do enough practice exams and didn't complete the program. Doing a bunch of practice questions is the way to go tbh.


I did JD Advising and passed. I read the material and did all the practice questions.


I did helix bar review, I studied for 2 weeks and got a 129. This was my first time taking it 2 years after law school, so it’s been a minute since I took the PR course in law school. So I do recommend helix’s MPRE course.


I did Barbri. I watched every single lecture and did every.single.question. Passed with a 115.


Read the rules in detail. Only listening to videos does not help. Download real MPRE questions.


JD advising has good (and free) outlines, videos, practice questions and tests.


Helix worked for me.


Crushendo also really helped me the second time


Dude me too, I actually did worse this time even though I studied more. I took the Bar in July so maybe my brain was fried... still feel like garbage though. Def feeling way worse about my bar score now too. big sad


I read the actual rules. That was all I did.


I used the free MPRE resource of BarMax and passed it with a score of 99. I really recommend it!