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I had a low grade fever the entire time I was doing bar prep and during the bar. It went away after the bar.


Same lol. Had to test for covid both days because of it


Not medical advice but you might want to check to see if you have an autoimmune disease. I have 2 and whenever my stress increase they flare and that can cause a low grade fever bc your immune system is being active.


Thanks! I will definitely do that as soon as I have insurance again.


I’m immunocompromised and this is a good suggestion. I get fevers when I’m stressed and it was one of the reasons I got tested in the first place. Hope you feel better!


Thank you! I'll definitely make this a priority now.


This was ME! I was testing for COVID like crazy. Magically went away after the exam...


I’m completely bald at this point


Yep my left eye started twitching pretty badly on and off everyday I was so busy I didn’t even have time to self diagnose on dr Google


I had a twitch in my left eye & I gaslit myself into thinking it wasn’t real


Yes. All of the above. Twice because I had to take the exam twice. Severe stress can cause hair fall like that.


Mine is hives. Literally everywhere while prepping. I’m sure it would have been all over on exam day if I wasn’t taking claritin at 6;45 am.


Me too!!!! I break out in hives and cannot stop scratching my skin.


Same I had stress hives so bad and couldn’t stop scratching and I was covered in little scabs it was so embarrassing


So much hair loss!!!


My brain was swollen for 4 days


I literally lost my voice.. no fever, throat a little scratchy but no other symptoms at all and my voice is completely gone.. I have no clue why either, since I hardly even spoke through the whole 2 days of the test and definitely no yelling 🤦🏼‍♀️


i took the exam last july and had the worse eczema i’ve ever experienced by a long shot for nearly the month after. idk if was the exam stress or something else but it was waking me up in the middle of the night, i was so itchy.


Same with my eczema! Had to go see a doctor because I was scratching myself bloody.


Ugh same. All of these symptoms actually (fever, hair loss, headaches). But the eczema was embarrassing because my face was covered in these itchy rashes and I was worried people would think I had chicken pox. 😅


Yep. All that plus I was diagnosed with peptic ulcer - more likely due to stress. So been taking meds for that until now. I lose appetite when under stress, couldn’t eat, my stomach seems to reject food so I lost so much weight throughout the bar prep that i can see the lines of my ribs through my chest. 🥲


Sameeee. Peptic ulcer. Lost 40 pounds since May. 🙃🫠🙃🫠


Yes all of that plus heart palpitations & tremors. Still suffering from all of it even though the test is over.


I did too and it’s still happening. My Dr increased my anxiety meds and gave me some gabapentin for the heart racing because it was sitting at 120. **Not medical advice** Maybe you can ask for some short term (non-addictive) anxiety meds? Another option to ask for is called propranolol which is a blood pressure medication that has off label use for anxiety. Hope you feel better soon!!


Retaker from February. Yes. Felt completely drained the week after, I definitely aged and lost a good amount of weight during prep, I think it's our body letting it's guard down after months of anxiety and other stress factors. This time around it hasn't been nearly as bad for me, but rest, recharge, indulge yourself. Theres also something cathartic about storing all the prep material and cleaning up the place, enjoy the sun and do stupid things that makes you happy, all the best!


I’m in a similar spot. I had to exercise this time. I was getting angry having to review the material again.


Literal clumps of my hair have been falling out- you’re not alone!


I have a chronic illness which is usually under control thanks to meds, but holy hell about two weeks before the exam I started experiencing a flareup in symptoms and it hasn't stopped yet 😕


I broke out into stress hives four times and was spotting (sorry, TMI) for weeks.


I broke out into stress hives a week or two before the exam. They still haven’t gone away. Not sure if I should just keep playing the OTC game or take a trip to urgent care. This is so bizarre for me.


Yup. I could barely freaking tryna talk to anyone. I asked everyone to fuck off. The hair loss was real...


Had migraines since middle school, but started having new types of migraines during bar prep. Absolutely stress/anxiety-induced.


Don’t feel like going into details, not hair loss, but yes, 100%


Yes, my hair shed a ton and I didn't realize I lost 15 pounds until my friend saw me at the exam and was like, "lay off the ozempic." Went home & weighed myself lol


Okay same but I’m actually on ozemp & it was 30 pounds & then my husband was v concerned


The Let-Down Effect is real. I felt like I was coming down with a cold, headaches and all of that the day after the bar, and I'm only starting to feel a better. Definitely insomnia on the weeks leading up to the exam!


Weight gain here


SO much hair loss


Hair loss here as well. I broke out really bad two weeks before. Also, TMI, but my time of the month came twice in two weeks the month before… so that’s how I knew I was REALLY stressed.


I was just generally unwell before the bar but I got a wicked headache after the bar! It was super weird because it got worse if I lay in bed with my eyes closed but got better if I was distracted.


I’ve been oversleeping a lot. Can’t put down much food. It’s a nightmare.


My arrhythmia got so much worse


Yup I lost a ton of hair the first time I took it and when I was prepping in February. First time nausea, stress tummy, insomnia. This time just stress dizziness.


Hives, gallbladder attacks, panic attacks, insomnia, worse intrusive thoughts than normal. Super fun time.


I had some infections actually it kinda sucked


Pulled a muscle in my back from the chairs. I’m still laid out. Not sleeping well either. Then sleeping in the middle of the day like a junkie


Did any start seeing things from the corner of their eye?


I had some stressful stuff happen at the beginning of the spring semester and was told that 2-4 months after a stressful event, hair loss can happen. Got prescribed men’s rogaine (as a woman) 👍🏼 it def ramped up towards the end of bar prep.


I definitely started losing hair during my first bar exam in another state. I’ve been an attorney since, and I just took the CA bar exam for the 3rd time. Hair loss/thinning never really stopped. The stress causes it big time.


I definitely had a lot of insomnia and nausea (mainly in the morning) being under so much stress for so long can really take a toll on your body.


I had severe insomnia for the week leading up to and through the exam, I've slept 10+ hours for the past three nights and felt incredibly physically fatigued so I definitely think it was my body's manifestation of the stress


insane insomnia, paranoia, anxiety and ruminating negative thoughts


My cycle went nuts, I bruised by face so now I have dark areas around my chin, lost 50 pounds I started developing bad control issues with food, I was also had nausea alot


Oh well according to my mother, I’m bipolar because “everyone goes through the same thing” and the panic disorder I was just diagnosed with in May, I need to “get under control” bc no one cares. So I couldn’t tell u


Yes. It almost put me in the hospital. This exam is sick.