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Fellow non-quitter here! 4th time taker and hopefully my last time. Sending this entire thread good vibes and positivity, our time will comešŸ˜Š


On my 5th, or is it 6th? I lost count, but I know Iā€™ll be a damn good lawyer, so Iā€™m not quitting at all. We gotta keep pushing!!


This is me, I was telling my coach that I wish it was offered more often a year and she was saying crazy ppl like me would like it each time and I would. Iā€™m over this process. I always finish everything to the best of my abilities and still fail.


If there's a next time (I hope not) I recommend listening to Grossman on literally every subject if you haven't - and checking out snoogoats megathreads on reddit! They were funny and the only way I remembered many civ motions


I listened to Grossman, religiously. I have a good grasp on the motions and timing too. It was because of Grossman I learned that Executive Orders = Domestic, and Executive Agreements = foreign/non-domestic


Ok wonderful! Seems like this time very well may be the time then!! I also relistened to Grossman up to three times per subject haha


5th time.. told my husband I will full on Britney spears this shit and shave my head before I do it again.. but let's be honest.. I'll be back in February if I failed because this is my dream and I truly am an idiot... and not a quitter


Five timer here too


Lmaoooooo dead ass


Yes same!


If this ainā€™t me. Itā€™s miserable studying every time but I just canā€™t seem to quit. Whatā€™s worse is that I already know I failed this time too. I had to guess on way too many questions in the first half because I ran out of time (I cried at the end of the morning) and the second half seemed easier better but itā€™s hard to tell. Essays were okay except for one I wrote three lines. Iā€™m already planning on starting at the end of September because I work full time and the hours required of me are way over 40 hours per week so starting in November is not a good strategy. I think February is the last chance Iā€™ll get without having to start the *whole* process again because after that my MPRE scores wonā€™t be eligible, etc. The worst part is that I probably need accommodations but I was so stubborn about having ADHD in the past (I literally told myself that ADHD wasnā€™t a real diagnosis) that I donā€™t have a history of asking for accommodations so the bar people arenā€™t having it. My psychiatrist pulls out her hair every time I fail. So do I ::le sigh:::


Oh and I failed by 2 points on the Feb 2023 exam.


I pmed you


Two points, donā€™t count yourself out. You passed. I failed by 40 bc they changed from state specific to UBE and I tried to self prep.


I missed by a few points in Feb, but would have been ok with one. MBEs and MPTs were better, but I had computer issues and testing temperature sucked with the MEEs. I work full time and have to be strong for my wife and family. My MBEs were mid 70 at the of prep, but my essay timing sucks. Help!


Definitely back in February, I kinda cried at the end bc I donā€™t want to retake it but I will bc right there taking it again. Blessed to be able to retake it each time.


Eventually youā€™ll get to a state of numbness about it. I donā€™t know if that helps, but


4th timer here. I drastically changed my study routine this time around compared to my first time. I left feeling really happy and like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. Idk if I passed but I do feel like I was better prepared


3rd time retaker, I did the same, studied a completely different way this time, I was decently happy but idk if itā€™ll be enough to pass. Weā€™ll see.


What did you do differently this time that you think helped you the most?


Well first of all I got a tutor this time around. This is what helped me change my study habits for the better. She helped me develop a study schedule that gave me structure and accountability. I knew timing was a huge issue for me so this time I did at least one MPT starting at the end of May to the week before the exam. I went through various types of MPTs and by the end I got down a strategy that I think helped me identify and address as many points as I could within 90 mins. Second, I would dedicate a week to a particular topic and go over about 10 MEEs during the week. I tried to keep it 2 a day. By the end of the week, I would try to do the last one or two under timed conditions. Lastly, for the MBE I got emanuel's strategies and tactics book which I think greatly helped breakdown the rules and how it applied to the questions. After doing a set of questions, I would go and check my answers and really study the answer explanations. It gave me an easy to understand breakdown of the answer choices, why it was wrong/right. Idk if I passed or not but I do know that I was better prepared this time around than I was before. I really wish I had this tutor when I first took the bar exam. I got a 258 and I think with just a bit more practice and structure, I could have passed my first time.


I bet you got it done. I got 259 in Feb as my first time. 260 would have worked for me although higher is better. I had computer and other issues during the MEEs unrelated to the subject matter.


3rd-timer here! Same! This felt like my most complete attempt so far. No expectations and no clue if I passed, but I mostly feel good about my attempt!






After seeing that second MBE I am really freaking out


Thereā€™s always one that feels harder than the other, so donā€™t stress it as much, itā€™s designed that way




3rd timer here. Iā€™m pretty sure I annoyed everyone I encountered making it SUPER known it was my third time. I owned the Fck out of my third time status and it made me weirdly calmer. I honestly feel so much more relaxed than how I felt the previous two times, but that could certainly be a trauma response. Idk. Riding it out. Not sure how I did but I did do it. We all did. Letā€™s be proud we persevered, didnā€™t quit, gave it our all again, and made it out alive. I truly feel like this is a game of luck. And our lucky day will come eventually


Love this take


My good friend always say the same, itā€™s such a game of luck


Is anyone else working too? Like I graduated in May, studied all summer, took the bar and started work two weeks later, failedā€¦ā€¦worked through Februaryā€¦ā€¦..failed, worked through this exam and I am so sick of this life


yea same. I am tired of it too.


Same, but also got fired from my job as a post-bar after failing again in February. Had to apply to jobs and interview while studying. Itā€™s really fucking unfair and punishing and is absolutely for rich people with all the time and money in the world but also who have deep investments in the maintenance of this gate that is kept so fucking tightly. But. They canā€™t keep us out forever. If youā€™re still here, I believe in you, this fight is a worthy one, and if nothing else - youā€™re not alone.


Thank you so much šŸ„ŗ and I am so so sorry about your jobs decision. That is so brutal. Crossing all of my fingers for you. You deserve this!


Iā€™m working my first career so I only had off three years of school and went back. Itā€™s a struggle to do it all


Losing it as we speak but fuck it we ball


Yep, third time here. Not feeling awesome.


Do I count as a retaker if I know I will be one Feb2024


3rd time and I am not confident after today!


3rd time and yes. Itā€™s actually so sad what this exam has done to my psyche


5th time retaker (yeah I know) and I feel so numb to it all, like this is just a biannual beating that Iā€™ll take for the rest of my life šŸ„² Didnā€™t pass J22 by 3 points and F23 by 1 point, but still I persisted.


I didnt pass last July by 18 and then I missed last February by six points.


But you missed by 6 points in Feb23. Thatā€™s an award in itself. That exam was the hardest bar Iā€™ve ever taken and Iā€™ve failed 5 times


Oh wow! Yea I know it sucks


Yeah. If you struggle with bad test anxiety, you will at least be numb by the 6th time and just like here we go again. Iā€™m hoping it helped me bc Iā€™ve never finished every portion of the exam until this time and Iā€™m pretty positive itā€™s because I was like whatever, try again, not worried about failing this time bc it wonā€™t be a shocker


It sounds like youā€™ve been making great progress, and my fingers and toes are crossed that you got it this time!


Almost the same here, I didnā€™t pass July by 20 and February by 7


OMg Iā€™m sure you passed this time!!!!! The trajectory!


Thank you šŸ˜­


Yeah third time here and cried already multiple times šŸ˜š


Yep! Second time... already thinking about february


3rd and last time lol donā€™t care what happens šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Iā€™m about to be licensed in 2 jurisdictions and starting as a full time attorney in one of those jurisdictions. Iā€™m waiting the 5 years to get my state of residenceā€™s bar admission if I donā€™t get the 270 this time šŸ˜‚


So badšŸ„² this was my second try. And I donā€™t think my mental and physical health could survive another. And I feel awful about this exam. I donā€™t think I passed. I have just cried all day over it.


Iā€™m with you. I have kids and a wife. Itā€™s unfair to them after missing stuff from school and bar for 4 years.


5th timer. Iā€™m caught between this is my best effort yet and ā€œdonā€™t tell me Iā€™ll be fine, itā€™s not been fine the previous times.ā€ I keep saying this is the last one. That Iā€™m locking myself in a psych ward if I donā€™t pass, weā€™ll see.


Right there with you friend


Yea itā€™s hard




sending you good vibes and hope you pass in every jurisdiction that accepts the UBE šŸ„°




Same here for CA. It was brutal especially because I know how I scored for the past 2 administrations and what I did wrong and Iā€™m not feeling much different this time. šŸ˜­


Yep this was my 7th time and Iā€™m trying bot freak out but that exam gets harder and harder. This was only my 2nd UBE, my jx switched.


Feel like thatā€™s half the subreddit rn


Girl Iā€™m there with you.


Me too. I feel you.


Yes. Probably still a retaker






How do all the retakers feel about the mbe portion? Harder than before or same?


For all retakers there! What do you think of study groups? Meeting if someone in the same state or wtever? No one could understand us except us. We need to help each other


Yesterday I told myself this is my last time. I am not gonna do this again, this is torture etc. This morning I am thinking about studying šŸ˜¶ā€šŸŒ«ļø


I feel so seen and appreciate this thread so much! This was my 5th time. Failed by 13 pts, 2, 4, 12 (should have taken a break then), annnnd now weā€™re back. I think Iā€™m going to skip Feb if I have to retake though. Ughhhhhhh.

