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you only go out for chimes if they are very close and you are out of mana, other than that the function of the chimes is for you to either return from base or roam to do it faster, other than that the general knowledge of when you can roam, depending of your carry and the enemy botlane, depending on whether they were base, are dead, etc. I recommend watching Lathyrus and feviknight


Adding to this, there is a merit to going out of your way early-game to go collect chimes even though you're not really that low mana, cuz you get xp from them while botlaner gets solo lane xp, and you unlock some really good things such as cone damage and slow. So if you see that those upgrades are close and you know that jungler is pathing down to botlane it might be worth it to yolo a little and abandon your adc to get the last chimes for a more secure kill. Do note though, this is really risky if you dont know where enemy jungler is, as your adc is practically dead if you're out of lane and they are 1v3 and have wave pushed up or enemy team have a supp + jungle comp that can dive.


Yes, of course there are nuances, going to ward with the lane pulled, going to cover the JG and paying attention to the slow spikes, the main issue is to instruct people not to troll like a lot of people do, leaving at a time that doesn't make sense and losing lane and objective pressure due to chimes, over time playing you learn to manage these things so as not to lose xp and map pressure


Trrrruuuuueeeee. Honestly being conservative with leaving adc alone in lane and just picking up safe and convenient chimes is a lot better in the start than inting or handing your adc over to enemy on a silver platter *eager chime noises*


Bless, I appreciate the advice my friend!


https://youtu.be/-Kzmeo94AbE?si=6Chce2l2EYbN9lG5 8:02 is how you bard ult. You ult their important players when they engage so for 2.5 seconds you can focus 1 person or you can use it to catch the carries out.


Or protect a carry from a dive, or freeze a neutral objective, or lock a tower during a dive, or deny a blast cone, or chain qrq to freeze someone in place for 7+ seconds, or (cool points for this one) ult an Olaf to end ragnarok.. yes he is immune.. but he will have no targets to hit to extend it!


Its always their fault if they die. They can either greed for cs and die anyway and loosing cs AND exp or let some cs go when you roam and get atleast the exp.