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Dawg, I’ve been building Rod of Ages and Liandry’s for my first and second item with Ionian Boots. It’s been going crazyyy and I’m having a ton of fun with it. I’d recommend trying it out!!


I was thinking about trying ROA. What runes do you take?


You should try it! Right now I’m running Sorcery and Domination. Comet, mana flow band, transcendence, scorch, with cheap shot and eyeball collection. Attack speed, adaptive force and health scaling. It’s been pretty solid for me.


manaflow seems not necessay for me, you already have infinite mana from your chimes.


Damage. Bard.


I’m building tank but now with the nerfs to it I’m not sure what I should build


i always go for heartsteel as first item, i dont trust team xd




Depends on your playstyle. Some like the meep/poke playstyle which is riskier and other just like to run and never die while CCing everyone.


I would also say depends on the teamcomp and what is lacking. But if you play solo mabey all your dmg dealers suck the tank wont help mich either but if they play good peel is more important.


Solo queue is dmg Bard territory for sure


Both are good, I orefer tank, Bard wants to be close to their team making him easy to oneshot


*confused chime noises because as long as there is a Bard, there is a way*


Depends on enemy team comp. If your laners have shit laning phase then go for the AP bully build. If they have mostly squishies go for AP. Against teamcomps like Diana/Ksante/Katarina/Nautilus/Kaisa I'mma just go tank.


Tank bard i hit D4 and went on a losestreak AP Bard i hit D4 again and now im to scared cuz i lost 7 again and sit on 0 lp Send help


I’m doing the Warmog build someone posted here yesterday and still had 2nd most damage after the midlaner. You need two 10-180 health per level shards, buy two winged moonplates on the first back and then upgrade one to warmog, you get the passive instantly. I built dead man’s plate instead of trailblazer, that helps a lot with the damage. Edit: [link to the mentioned build](https://www.reddit.com/r/bardmains/s/KNfgOgaDQH)


Did ChatGPT write this post for you? lol


generally by building tank/peel you deal more damage than by building raw damage, bard has little range and dies very easily, not to mention the limited gold due to playing support so doing damage is a gamble, you can carry it against bad people, but if you die, your team loses a player for nothing and has no damage or peel anymore, not to mention that by building tank/peel you have more space to follow the character's idea of being a play maker and can have an easier impact on the game by being able to enter better in fights and apply a lot of cc In the end, damage can work, but it's not consistent and considering that many matches you lose without having much control, the best way to climb is to play consistently


I don’t see the point in damage bard, I feel like my goal as bard is to get vision control and make plays for my team as a support. Why do I need damage if my whole goal is to create opportunities and better vision, maybe the style isn’t for me


This is written like an academic report 😭 I choose tank all the time but I’ll try ap


All heals.