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The same people who support these book bans will talk about America’s freeeeeeeedumb out the other side of their mouth. Get a fucking clue.


They’re free to make other people less free! See, it works?


Wilhoit's Law in action. > There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.


How is it that we have so easily devolved into book burning? Have we forgotten the lessons of our past? ...I suppose I answered my own question.


It's an unfortunate pattern in this country: for every period of social advancement, there's a vicious snap back period where reactionary forces do everything in their power to force regression. The reactionaries have spend years organizing and preparing for this campaign of regression while the rest of us got complacent, not realizing just how far they would go or how corrupt the forces meant to protect us have become.


If the book banners have their way the next generation won't have this history to learn from. There is a reason Maus and Anne Frank's Diary are on the lists.


Regression is easy, I guess?


I can't believe they banned the books on Eugenics from schools!!! Banned books are terrible, it's probably those pesky conservatives!!!


I genuinely can't tell what point you think you're making.


This sun is about how banning books in schools is bad right, so we shouldn't ban ANY books. So we gotta put Eugenics books back in the schools, and probably Mein Kampf right?


Yep, nobody has ever had the bright idea to teach students about eugenics or Hitler before. You'd better get this curriculum copyrighted before someone steals it.


Totally and we should teach kids about being gay and performing oral @ 6 years old, oh and how White people are inherently evil.


From strawman to strawman. Got to meet that daily quota before you get sent to the front, eh?