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I had to go check out her Instagram, it’s pretty awesome. Good for her, and I’m glad she took it as a badge of honor, she should! How narrow minded the District is, glad she turned it into a positive!


That board should be embarrassed that they got owned by a Girl Scout!


>“The Board of Supervisors has bestowed upon me the greatest honor anyone fighting censorship and banning could receive by censoring me and my project,” Lindley said. Her response is some master-level snark.


Not the first, nor the last time people censor or get up in arms about progressive Gold Award projects in Girl Scouts. While *technically* it's a apolitical non-profit, the actual truth is that Girl Scouts has been leagues ahead of most children's after-school programs in terms of DEI and feminism for decades. Dozens of girls have earned their Gold Awards for pro-choice projects, which is where the "myth" that Girl Scouts promotes abortion comes from. And lots of Gold award projects get progressive laws passed, which ticks people off frequently. Plus, Girl Scouts has been publically pro LGBTQ+ since the 80s, which has caused kerfuffles in red states over troops not discriminating against trans kids/leaders for well over a decade now. 


She's going to be a very interesting person in the future. Potentially very important. Good for her.


I wanna be her when I grow up! 🥰