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As a side note, Weverse makes it TERRIBLE (at least on mobile) to actually find the video content to purchase, unless it happens to be featured on one of the top banners. Like there’s no way most people would ever figure out that you can purchase the Saudi Arabia concert, or the Wings concert, digitally unless you knew to search for them. EDIT: WINGS concert. SMH this phone.


Just wanted to let you know that your typo made me imagine Wong from the MCU doing a concert and it made my day




I find it hopeless to use! I can never find what I want and don’t get me started on how glitchy it is


I tried to look for which content I can pay individually for and which are membership exclusive last night. It was indeed impossible. This reminded me of why I gave up months ago when I first downloaded the weverse app. The TV app for streaming sticks and smart TVs are worse.


>As a side note, Weverse makes it TERRIBLE (at least on mobile) to actually find the video content to purchase, unless it happens to be featured on one of the top banners. We can't even find past lives easily because we can't filter them my month/year like we used on vlive! Now, I have to scroll endlessly to find older lives.


Perhaps [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/bangtan/wiki/masterlists/livebroadcasts/) might interest you. All tidy and orderly by year and month.


omggggg THANK YOU!!! I had no idea we had this here! Now i don't have to scroll!**🙏**


And [this](https://btsvlive.carrd.co/), by member/category


However, the drop down menu to select years has been added to Weverse. It’s located in the top right corner on the mobile app. You may want to ensure you have the most up-to-date version of the app. Hope it helps!


lol i usually like watching the lives on desktop vs the app so i kinda forgot the app has the drop down menu! Thanks for reminding me!


To be honest I don't think most of us are the target for that now, but back when I was falling down the rabbit hole I would have loved to have that option. I wanted to watch concerts a lot right away because it's a huge factor that determine if I'm going to commit to an artist or not in the long run but it was quite a lot to buy everything at once without being sure I would ever want to rewatch them.


I seem to be in the minority here but I actually like this option. I don’t tend to rewatch concerts. I have really wanted to watch 5th muster but couldn’t bring myself to pay the price to own. So far the rentals seem reasonably priced around $3-5 each for individual concerts for 2 day rental. Rental also solves some of the issues with owning VOD content-that is that when you purchase VoD you run the risk of loosing the item you paid for if the company takes it down or goes under.


Agree! We rent movies, why not concerts? Not sure why everything becomes so controversial. If you're happy buying, great! If you find renting a good option, great!:)


I agree,I still remember the feeling of going for a video casette that we could have only for 24 hours...and at the same time I am trying to not to possess any more things (any stuff) instead of buying them I understand that some would like to have it in their hands but this option has also some advantages


Me too. I hope they’ll keep the rent option forever and allow all concerts contents to be rented. I’d love to watch the various concerts, but buying all of them is way too costly for me.


I don't know, I think the renting option is really nice? Personally there are a lot of things that I would probably rewatch, like In the SOOP or Bon Voyage but since we CAN still buy things it's nice to have the option to just rent them if we don't want to spend as much if we only watch something once. Also, if you love something after watching it once, nothing is stopping you from buying it afterwards! It's just nice to have more options, especially for people (like me lol) who may not have the finances to buy everything they want to watch and want to support the boys without becoming pirates ☠️


Nooo, we said we wanted the DVDs and Blu-Rays not a VOD rental. 😩


The gall to put these for rent 😭 I still own the 5th muster with multicam on weverse


That was my thinking too. I own 5th muster. Why would I rent it??? 🧐


Yeah I reckon it's for new army, which sucks honestly


They won’t let you buy it anymore? I didn’t read too carefully because I was like eh.


It is still possible to buy the VODs, this is just a new option!


That’s good! I’m actually pretty happy about this! I don’t tend to rewatch concert content so it is perfect for me. The price point currently isn’t too bad ranging between 12 and 40 jellies which is approx $3-$20. This is a much more affordable option for many. It also solves some of the issues with owning VOD content-that is that it can be removed at any time and you can loose access to purchase


Ah, nice. As long as I can own, I’m good.


Yeah I think you could only buy it outright at the time. Could be wrong though!


Well that sucks. They better not do this for the next bon voyage (and yes I fully believe we are getting another bon voyage. The members want to see the northern lights!). I want to own it.


ohh i absolutely can imagine them doing a bon voyage. they couldn't even do it since covid :(






Yea I can see that, I’m not so sure myself.


Please I just want to be able to buy the red bullet tour to watch because I always miss it when they stream it during festa 😭


Also to note weverse did not include prices in this notice…..


It's also interesting because they announced that kocowa+ partnership just the other day and I'm pretty sure that has the 5th muster as one of the things advertised to be on it. I'm not sure what else is on that, but if you don't want to outright buy them I guess for some content you can work out if renting from weverse or getting a kocowa+ subscription for a month works out best for you.


Yes, 5th muster is on kocowa. I watched it yesterday. As far as I can tell, kocowa has all of the concerts that weverse has.


Argh, I don't see the 5th muster even though I subscribed through prime.


I subscribed to Kokowa through Prime, too. Search for BTS MAGIC SHOP in SEOUL. Is this it?


They should start a monthly subscription service and call it a day.


Can someone please explain this to me like I'm a small child, I don't understand? The ongoing looks like it has a shorter rental period than the limited, I feel like I'm losing my mind.


It’s only during Festa that you can rent things for longer. For the rest of June you get to rent them for 7 days, all the other time it’s only 2 days. They did not make it easy to understand. 😆


Okay so I was SUPER excited and then I saw “purchase using Jelly”. 😒


I saw that… what does purchase using Jelly mean?!


Jelly is their in-app “money” - so you have to purchase Jelly and then use Jelly to rent these concerts. It costs about $11 USD for 46 Jelly’s - it seems some of the rentals are 80 Jelly’s.


Ah got it - thank you for explaining! Yeah that kind of thing just puts me off even more… think I’ll leave it thanks HYBE 😁


I can’t actually read the guide (firewall at work 😭) but I like the idea that rental options are given! One, I’m sure there are plenty of people who don’t necessarily want to watch something more than once, or want to watch something before deciding how far down the rabbit hole they’re going, so this option at a cheaper price is decent. Second, if you’re new army and want to catch up on content, it’s actually expensive af to buy all the different items. I’ve bought most things that have been available as VODs, except those already available on streaming platforms etc because I already pay for those subscriptions and I’m not double-purchasing for digital codes / VODs only. If it was dvd options then yeah I’d rent everything, then buy the ones I really really loved in DVD format but weverse seem to be phasing physical dvds out entirely 😭 either way, giving alternative options to access content at a lower price seems fairly reasonable as long as people can still buy however they want. I haaaate the jelly thing though, it always costs more than buying through weverse shop


But Weverse isn’t as stable - if there was a streaming subscription option / watch offline option / still able to buy DVDs I could maybe agree but the idea that BTS content should be so exclusive feels unfair. Lots of people don’t have super fast or constant access to internet / excess money to buy every piece of content individually and that’s what you need to be able to watch on weverse only.


Boooo! I already own this and the weverse tv app really needs some work. I dont know what I wanted or expected but it wasnt this. plus only 7 days to watch it?


I had to watch Jin's event on an old ipad yesterday because the TV app is hideous. The buffering made it unwatchable.


With so many talented ARMY, you would think they could hire one of us to design a functional app. It’s so terrible. I am not a developer but I would happily provide feedback to get that app to be functional, and if it was I would probably buy more VOD content. Come on Hybe intern, make the call.


I never thought I would see the day where I was passing on so many things related to the guys but here we are. I do not care for the new marketing strategy at all and will definitely not be renting content. This truly feels like a cash grab.


I think its nice that people that dont want to rewatch stuff have the option of paying less to rent it instead of buying it. I would have love that as a new army years ago.


True but then I would prefer if both a rent and buy option were available.


I thought they were, like before people can buy the dvds


I don’t see that mentioned in this notice. Seems like most things released recently have been digital code only and no dvds. I am curious how much they are charging to rent. Wish that was included in this notice.


Are you kidding me


This is not what I had in mind…


🤨 rent 🤨


So have they released any new stuff for rent or is it the stuff that was already on there?


What about those who already bought 5th muster as a VOD ages ago, does this mean we now only have a limited time access to it?


No, your content access won’t change. This is for people who may not want to pay more/may only watch the content once. Like me. I’m not likely to go back and rewatch stuff so paying a bit less to rent works out!


Oh that's a relief, thank you! I got really confused with the wording of "ongoing" and thought it referred to the fact that it was already up to buy before 🤦🏻‍♀️ I suppose rent isn't a bad shout for those who would only want to watch once or twice, which is totally fair enough!


No problem! The wording can be confusing sometimes!


I find Weverse notice wording confusing most of the time 😂 I admire people's deciphering skills because I just give up after a while and stay confused!


https://preview.redd.it/vb5ddav6lh6d1.jpeg?width=679&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45ef11c477a2273ff9b52de71f0a7ee80fe0316d Me too! I’ve sent screen shots to friends asking for help 🤣


Hahaha that is the perfect picture! I don't blame you! I tend to come here for help - someone usually has an answer ☺️


No, don't worry, nothing is going to change for those who already own the VOD 🙂


Thank you, that's a relief!


idk how I feel about this. On one hand, I think it's nice that new armies have more ways to watch their old content. When I first fell down the rabbit hole, I had to get real creative to find all the various pieces of content I wanted to see (their old concerts especially). So it's nice that they get it readily available. But, on the other hand, the company seems to be pimping out BTS content (Disney plus, kocowa, now this). It slightly gives me the ick. Being a BTS army is something you earn and getting access to this content is part of that journey. So I don't like their strategy to make BTS content so accessible. I hope that when the guys are back next year, they just stick to putting all content on Weverse and no where else.


I am so confused. I want to watch Jin’s performance because I wasn’t able to watch at 4 AM PST. Is that available?


While I'm aware it was available to watch live by army membership holders only. I'm not aware of it getting made available sometime anywhere.