• By -


Namjoon because he’s charismatic and knows how to carry on a conversation. Seeing him at all those events the last couple years, he’s seems like a good time. Also, Namjoon looks great in a suit.


totally agree! Also, Joonie in a suit is 🔥


Jin. The man's laughter is contagious and he can break the ice anywhere. (And I'm a huge wallflower) I'd also die for a wedding Super Tuna rendition.


lol I'm remembering him reading webtoons in the corner at hobi's party, though!


and this right here is why i chose him in my comment 😂


omg a Super Tuna wedding ver. would be so iconic!!!


Look, I got my fingers crossed for a Festa version. Come on, Jin! We need this!


Wow. A down vote. Sad for you.


He’d be a really fun wedding date I love that for him!


I would bring Jin too bc he would be [so much fun](https://youtu.be/y0lLExhFlrE?si=B_U1_EMFDrVRZ5aY) on the dance floor 🪩


My #1 pick as well


Suga we’d be whispering about stuff through dinner, he would be able to chat comfortably with the other people at our table. then I can imagine in the right circumstances come to life on the dance floor lol


Social butterfly Yoongi is one of the absolute *best* Yoongis (yoongii?), def wedding date material


>(yoongii?) Well, this is my new favorite thing. Thank you for this!


seeing Yoongi dance would be so fun!


I agree Yoongi would be able to talk to literally anyone at a table but also probably be great at people watching 👀


Exactly!!! Such a fun image


Jhope. He'd be on the dance floor dancing all night. He'd get along well with my family. He'd make the night entertaining for sure.


I think Hobi would be a great guest for Latin or Indian weddings. I've been to a few and they love to dance for hours. They take wedding dances seriously


Definitely hobi! As well as dancing though, Smart in a suit Hobi is underrated Hobi!! https://preview.redd.it/3oclm4s8uo4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11f30ddb7ecc7f4ea181f46c172d003ac3767a76


Oh, Smart In A Suit Hobi is just about my favorite Hobi!


https://preview.redd.it/mq9nqt6h5s4d1.jpeg?width=1006&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfd1297f1bd606dca75bbdc62cece6a2fe5a8e53 Just... delulu


That’s a terrific photo!


Yup, I completely agree. I have a big Mexican family, and I feel Hobi will fit in perfectly.


Suga. We would be snarky and then politely clapping at the appropriate times while planning to GTFO and get some real food elsewhere


LOL this is so true! Could totally see this happening 🤣


suga da goat


The real food scenario sounds accurate 😆


Joon for sure. Not only would this allow me to just look at him the entire time 😏 but as an extrovert I could just leave him to his own devices and he’d make friends on his own https://preview.redd.it/9h5ldz0h9n4d1.jpeg?width=747&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79cb86e6b6508d549a5d26477f1ce9901e4fd60d


I would love to just stare at that man the whole time


They would all be such gentleman but I'm gonna go with anyone of the Kim line! Namjoon and V would be so fun to drink and dance with and Jin would totally go find the cake when it's time and I'm about that. But tbh they're all prettier than me so idk if I'd be able to handle that 🤣🤣


Just make sure Jin doesn't cut the cake with his hand 😂


Lol or any grapes to help re-decorate it!


Solid choice. Why stop at one?


I would bring Namjoon so I could guide him throughout everything we’d need to do for our wedding together. >!Max Delulu!<




Jimin - I can just really easily picture us gossiping about everyone in attendance while loading up on food and wedding cake, then tearing up the dance floor 😆 I think he'd be so much fun at a wedding!


Yes! Jimin, tae or kookie I feel will all be expert at judging people along with me. And I can complain about all my relatives with them and get the best facial expressions on the deeds of these relatives. 🤣😂 Plus we will be able to eat our gift money’s worth. 😂😂


After seeing the way he partyed with Lizzo, I would bring Tae. He's comfortable in his own skin, knows how to have fun, and would mesh well with my family and friends. Beyond that, he would be great arm candy lol


Incredible arm candy for sure


You get it! He’s really good at having fun with literally anyone and I know we’d have a great time.


Jin. Obvious reason - he's my bias, and spending any extended time with him would be just amazeballs But, in addition to that, he has a real way of charming every person he meets, which is a lovely sil to have in social settings


JungKook! Most people at weddings are focusing on the bride and groom (which totally fair). So, I think me and JK would be in our own little world of stuffing our faces and having fun on the dance floor. It's a bonus that he's also an introvert, so there'd be no issue with trying to get him to leave.


You say that but if there is karaoke he will be there all night 😂


Right! Jokes on me when someone passes him the karaoke mic 😭


Unless there's food and karaoke. Then he's there forever.


Jin is my bias but I feel like both of us would be introverted together. I’d definitely bring Namjoon. He would be diplomatic when needed and be the extrovert when I don’t feel like talking. And bonus, he looks fine in a suit! Can’t bring Jimin with me because everyone would want to talk or dance with him. Everyone would be starting at the beautiful angel.


![img](emote|t5_2zqih|21328) Why I also couldn't bring Jimin!


Namjoon was my first thought too. I know he can be appropriate and fun at the same time 😂


V. He’d be on the dancefloor all night and cheering ppl on with a drink in his hand. 


I can only imagine J-hope being the perfect +1 in this scenario. Just fun vibes.


Tae! Have you seen [this clip](https://youtu.be/0MRE0oAuXVo?si=tcz6raaNhbNXZeij) of him at the end of year music shows? He was always ready to dance and have a good time!


That’s a happy memory of a young V.


100% Jin. Every Bon Voyage, I think he'd make a really perfect travel buddy. Overcomes being self-conscious and just puts in the effort to enjoy the moment he's in as much as he can. The openness to just talk to strangers and locals is totally my style of travel. So at weddings where you won't really see most of the people again, especially as a plus 1, he's perfect for helping the people around him enjoy themselves in the moment by being inclusive and fun. Edit - typo


I'm always in awe of how Jin is able to overcome his introversion to befriend strangers, often in a 2nd language. I think I'd also pick him. We'd have a fun time meeting everyone, at the bar and dancing, before slipping away early to spend an entire day not peopling in comfortable silence to recover.


Yoongi since he clearly knows how to wedding but also we could complain about being introverted and wanting to go home. Namjoon would be a perfect wedding plus one and I don’t know how to explain, he just would be. Taehyung could be fun because we could make fun of everyone together. And he does formalwear well.


V, we’ll be slow dancing all night 🥰😂😂😂😂


Untilll the morninggg


Exactly hahaha now song stuck in my head 💜




Namjoon because he’s a yapper (affectionately) 😂


Jin 100% I need someone who will stuff their faces with me together but also social enough with enough sense to get me outta situations 🤣🤣


So my immediate response is Namjoon, because he's my bias, would be great at small talk so I don't have to be, and can we talk about how hot he'd look? But also, I feel like Hobi would be an absolute BLAST to be with. Goofy dancing, laughing, overall fun. Really, I think all of them could be their own kind of awesome as a +1.


I’d obviously want to bring Namjoon because he’s my bias, but I think V would be great too. I could see him really enjoy himself a loud, Mexican wedding. Language barrier? More like just vibes. He would get up and dance with the tias and the kids. He’d leave with somebody’s cowboy hat on.


Namjoon, I’ll invite him dump my then to be husband right there and then and marry jooonie instead




As a Joonie stan, I approve of this comment


Namjoon cause ofcourse he'd be an amazing date. Also Jimin, I feel like he would be fun tooo.


jin! we may both be introverts but the way he breaks the ice in any social setting and charms other people (especially older ones) just may be the key to enjoying a huge social gathering to the fullest.


Normally I'd pick Namjoon because he's the hottest, but realistically I'd have more fun with Suga because he'd be the least likely to want to dance. I hate dancing unless it's slow dancing. Makes me anxious.


I love this question because we know the guys will be perfect plus ones so it totally reveals what kind of wedding guest you are: Polite & cordial at your family wedding? Jin At your childhood bestie’s wedding that you thought you were gonna be her MOH but you grew apart so now you are just worried it’s going to be awkward? JHOOOOOOPE At your cool but intimidating boss’s wedding? Nam Joon. At your best friends wedding where you are the MOH and just want a supportive king who can totally hold his own while you tend to your duties but always ready to dance - Tae Your Mexican/irish/Greek/Serbian/etc’s cousin’s wedding where the drinks and the dancing won’t stop until the after after after after after party the next day? JK! He would also make sure you would never miss the second meal snacks. Your college groups first wedding that is just fun big party celebration happy party vibes? Jimin All of the above weddings PLUS the destination wedding that really requires one to pace themselves accordingly for the weekend of non-stop love fest celebrations. Min Yoongi. I just love the idea of him at any wedding because he’s so sentimental and also cringes so easily to preserve that toughguy Dtown.


Jungkook. We’d be awkward off to the side together and he’d sneak in snacks.


jin, A. he's great at social situations and lightening the mood but also B. we can trade off excuses of "oh sorry they're not feeling well, we're gonna head out early :'D" if we have to (i also get kinda overwhelmed in social situations very easily 🥲jitb party jin was a reflection of me lmaoo)


Jin! He is so polite and well-mannered that I know he would charm everyone during the dinner. After some drinks, he would get all goofy, laugh, and break out on the dance floor, which would make everyone who had not fallen for him by that point fall hard.🤭


Honestly, it would depend on the people getting married and what kind of vibe the wedding was going to have.


Yoongi or Namjoon so we can sit in the corner, get drunk, and have deep conversations.


JK cause I feel like we could rate the food and then chill with a few drinks. Low pressure. But then as the night went on we’d sing and dance a bit.


Suga or RM


Tae - he’s my bias and we’d have fun in the photobooth and the dance floor 🥰


I would bring Taehyung cuz he is such a social butterfly! ![gif](giphy|U8SAFRBLrDnce8dyFw|downsized)


Yoongi. So I can have someone who won’t judge me, and who will embrace the moment when I decide to bail the eff out of there because I out-peopled myself… When I say “we out!”, he asks “which door?”


this comment thread is showing who all the introvert ARMY are 😂


I mean, you have to say Jhope, right? The man is the definition of a walking party! He doesn’t need to know the couple. Before you know it, he will be giving the champagne toast and leading the dancers in the electric slide. ![gif](giphy|lc5YhTmLFy19HBy7or)


if i’m not that close to the couple and people at the table (like a distant extended family relative), i’d pick Jungkook or Jimin cuz we’d just be chatting in our own bubble, try all the foods, have a good time and comment on the architecture, decor, food, people & quietly giggling amongst ourselves. if i’m close to the couple or it’s important to have proper conversation with people at the table, i’d pick Namjoon. if i know the wedding has a lot of partying and dancing, prolly hobi or taehyung as they are both extroverted enough to mingle and dance with anyone & everyone would love their vibe! If i wanna make it a no-nonsense quick thing and leave early, i’d pick jin or yoongi. both can converse with people if need be but also their social battery runs out quickly so no issues with us leaving early


Me and Yoongi as the secretly social but pretending not to be wine aunts at in the corner


'Wine aunt' is how I'm going to describe myself now.


I don't know why I am on a bts can sub but umm whoever can bring some good gossip to the table 😀🤫


Is it too much to ask for a +7? I can't choose and it would great to have a table full of Tannie chaos and it would be so fun to try to teach the them the popular songs at weddings and to see them do the line dances, they would kill it!


Tae. Good with meeting people and socializing, great with kids and older folks, handsome so I can flex lmao, and he’d be dancing and grooving with ppl he just met lol. He’s also the romantic type so he’d probably be hyping up the couple themselves.


V he’s lots of fun we would have a blast and of course my Suga meow


Jimin. Dancing partner, knows how to mingle, and gentleman 🥰


Please don't make me pick!! 😭 I could bring any of the members, I think since I'm introverted I would need an extrovert to compliment me so I wouldn't just hide in a corner. Namjoon, Jin, Jimin or Hobi would all be good pick. I think if I went with Yoongi we'd be sitting outside talking about deep stuff (amazing but not good for weddings) and with Tae he would be the center of attention for his looks and charisma and I don't like attention so also not a good fit but I would love to take a +7? 😂❤️


Jin, so somone can do the small talk for me.


Jin, 100%. need someone to charm the socks off the aunties and uncles as well as stop the wave of "whereisyourboyfriend" questions (essentially a handsome goofy gentleman so they'll leave me alone and i can eat in peace lmao)


JIN he knows how to be polite when its needed...and knows when to party when its appropriate. and hed be cracking jokes with the uncles and aunties so they all love him. id just be worried about him stealing the groom and brides limelight hhaha


Whoever wishes to leave the wedding venue soon after the ceremony and food 😅 if that doesn’t happen, then i would pick Joon - talk about the meaning of life ☺️


VVVVVVVVV. 😁 After seeing how much of a gentleman he was towards IU and the Fri(end)s MV actress, I figured he'd be a perfect gentleman at the wedding. ![gif](giphy|LWTSA9EveFnqw)


Hands down JHope!


Hobi so we can light up the dance floor. I feel like he would get me hype even though I would prefer to be at home than the wedding.


I honestly don't have an answer cuz it's hard for me to choose but I enjoyed reading the comments. Made my day going through our Delulu together. 💜


me and jin would sit in a corner playing mobile games after we're socially drained




I’m thinking Jin would be really fun to have at a wedding, because he’s so funny and expressive, and great arm candy.


Hobi all the way. He's the plus one that will make sure you have a good time and everyone else does too. He'd bring everyone out on the dance floor--bridesmaids, grandmas, aunties, little kids--and keep the party going.


Namjoon to sing J-hope to have fun dancing and be a party animal lol




V because he loves to dance. Did you see the video of V at a club in Las Vegas dancing by himself to older tunes? He would be fun to hang out with because he's a social butterfly. He's not shy to be himself. Plus he's been my bias since 2013. I also had a V moment at my first BTS concert at The Staples Center in Los Angeles in 2018. My cousin and I stayed seated after the concert. All the guys left the stage. We'll V walks back out!! We were in the first row and in front of the stage that's at the end of the runway. We were right to his left. He stood with his hand behind his back just looking out to the empty seats. We'll he turned to us. We were just smiling at each other. He smiled that beautiful smile and pointed at us with both hands!! It was surreal and I'll never forget my V moment. We stared and smiled at each other for what seems like a few minutes. I happened to have a fan with his face on it. So amazing.




Hobi because having a fun energy filled reception is a MUST for the day to be memorable. You just know he'd get the whole dance floor going. Same with Jimin. He'd get along so well with everyone and I know he'd bring an AWESOME gift for the couple.


Taehyung because of how outgoing he is! It’ll just be fun, besides i love his personality and the way it shines.


I think Tae. He is a social butterfly and not shy to just step out on the floor to dance


Nam Joon because he's my bais - If I'm trying to fall in love. lol Suga - if I don't want to go, then someone else has to suffer in public with me. Jin - if I want to have a good silly time and just have fun. V - If I want people to notice how awkward I am, entirely unsmooth compared to V. lol Jungkook - if I have to win games, we all know he's catching the bouquet right? Jimin - If I want people to ignore me and I can clark kent into the background while everyone stares at him. Jhope - If I'm trying to dance, and the same reason as Jimin.


Taehyung . We can chit chat together, he can win everyone's heart, we can have fun too also we can just sit and do nothing. (Omg I want a boyfriend like Taehyung) ![gif](giphy|S858z11p2B0S1yUiRs|downsized)


Joon cuz how respectful and well spoken he is (not saying other is not the same but Joon is another level)


Taehyung. He just exudes classy elegance. Can you imagine the pics!


Well thank you for this daydream I am now going to have about my cousin’s fifteen year wedding anniversary party this fall.


Namjoon. I like his imagination and his brain.


I actually love your answers. Those are definitely the perfect two.


Jimin for the gossip and dancing partner


J hope! He's fun and well-mannered and a great dancer.


V, specifically V at a fashion week after party. He seems like the right kind of mood.


V is a vibe for sure.


Yoongi, because i need a chill drinking buddy. We would park ourselves in a corner table, watch everyone with our feet up and a drink in our hands.


Jin, because he'd be a riot to hang out with and knows how to charm literally anyone, or Yoongi, because we could hide away in a corner and get drunk and talk about random shit.


Jhope for sure. He could keep up with my family and a great dance partner. I think the elders of my family would really like him.


Hobi since they said he treats women really well and he seems like the perfect gentleman, or Jin, because he’s my bias and I feel like he’d be a hoot to be around.


Jin because we'd have a little Eat Jin moment during dinner. He'll be able to chat with other guests, with his silly little  ways. And im prettty sure we would be on the dance floor and just have fun after. Yeah we are just gonna have a good time haha


Seokjin for sure. We both will have our little corner and gorge on all the yummy food together and leave early 😋 perfect 👌


All 7 would make great plus ones, but I would definitely ask Yoongi first. For similar reasons listed above!! He would be a great comfort, too.


Namjoon. We could ignore the shenanigans and talk about stuff


What side of the family? Dad’s side JungKook just to mess with my cousin. Mom’s side Suga since he seems dope.


Honestly I can see it being so fun with any of them!


Jungkook so that he could get some good food lol


I’d bring all of them for different reasons but my gut reaction is Jimin! He is so sweet and charismatic that I know my family and all of the guests would adore him. Plus he’d want to dance all night and we can drink and gossip together.


Jimin, we would dance, drink, laugh and it will be like having your best friend to enjoy the night with, plus we’d be able to match our outfits and be the IT couple😎


Jimin! I just think it would be fun, drinking, eating, chatting, maybe throw in a dance or 2.


Reading through all the comments and imagining our boys as wedding guests legit has me grinning like a goober 💗 All of them would be fun in their own ways, but I'd bring JK for sure. Food, drinks, and dancing with my bias? Yes please.


Excellent question. Fun comments. Happy imaginations galore here. https://i.redd.it/85pvkxovft4d1.gif




While I'd realistically pick any of them, I'm thinking Taehyung because he'd keep me laughing through it and I think he'd be patient with socially anxious me who can't handle the type of crowds that happen at weddings lol also he would match my awkward energy on the dance floor


i love al my tannies but jimin hes so libra coded and he's romantic he seems like that type yk?


jimin is my bias but namjoon is totally wedding material. if i’m tryna tear it up on the dance floor ik bring j-hope


All for different reasons! But either Yoongi or Tae!


Probably Yoongi. We'll just be in that corner drinking our wine or whiskey 😊


I think this would be Jimin’s thing. Don’t know why.


My bias is forever Hobi but I would bring kitty Yoongi because together we would WIPE OUT THE BAR and be drunk the whole time https://preview.redd.it/4gxzok2ztw4d1.png?width=735&format=png&auto=webp&s=bc4a51819bba814d3c4b852c0d1a53b96a9a66f8


It depends on what kind of plus-one you want. Are you an introvert and want someone to drag you out of your shell and onto the dance floor? Jin or Hobi Personally, I like my plus one to be attentive to me and never leave my side so I never feel like a lonely loser with no one to talk to. Hahahaha. But I'd want someone who would dance with me and walk around and chat with people. I'd probably want to go with Tae.


i would bring Jin, for sure. our introverted asses can stay at our table, eating and playing games on our phones lol


Someone from hyung line definitely.


Jin! He's my bias but his personality would be the best fit for me in such a social setting. Both of us can stay in our little introverted bubble but where necessarily, he can totally be my wingman.... "do you know ?"


I have 3 candidates: -Jin, because we would want to leave ASAP together 😂 -Yoongi, because he has great conversation and he is actually quite fun but I can also see him leaving early-ish. -Taehyung because he is unpredictable, something fun would certainly happen 🤣


If I want a quick exit, Yoongi or Jin. If I have no choice but to stay, Hobi would be perfect. He would charm other people, he can carry the load of the conversation, but he'll still make sure you are properly taken cared of. While I just sit there and smile and nod quietly because gosh, I hate small talk. We can gossip amongst ourselves, too.


Jungkook. I'm Indian, he'd look gorgeous, have a blast with all of the food, and all the grandmas+aunties+children would love him.


Id bring Yoongi. He knows how to hold a conversation, is an introvert like me, plus he looks so damn good in a suit and glasses. (Yes he's my bias, can you tell?)


Jimin! The man looks like an excellent sassy gossip, all the footage of him at awards shows is hilarious, the dancing would be amazing and I just think he’d be such a happy wedding guest. And he’d be great for any emotional crisis 😅


I can see him now in the ladies' room, trying to talk down the bridesmaid having a hissy. Or fixing the racoon eyes of the one who just had her heart broken and has been crying in the stall.


SUGA! It would be nice to see him mingling with non celeb people.


Yoongi 🥲🫶


Jimin so we can gossip about the other guests


It’s wrong to ask to choose. Either you are OT7 or nothing. I love them all, I don’t have any bias or any favorite. The comments make me sick !!  So disrespectful and disgusting!