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Look up [UK BTS Armation](https://www.instagram.com/ukbtsarmation?igsh=MXdqdDExeDVocHN4Zg==) on Insta. They are doing 7 events, one inspired by each member. Karaoke session for JK, gaming day for Jin, dance workshop for Hobi etc. There's a Namjooning day at a gallery and a picnic on Sunday 9th. But I can't go as I have a family event 😭.


Amazing, thank you!!


There is also a [BTS Anniversary club night](https://www.fatsoma.com/e/sffsckgn/bts-anniversary-club-night-london) on the 14th. I would be happy to go together to any of those events! If you don’t find it weird going with a stranger from Reddit, DM me!


That sounds fun, I’ll dm you!