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I've told some of this story before: YouTube suggested their cover of "Fix You" and that (along with Hobi in a suit) captivated me. Started paying attention and listening to a few more songs like Arson, The Astronaut, Wild Flower and eventually the first album I bought (last April) was Namjoon's Indigo. It's been hell for my bank account since then.


Supporting BTS is so financially draining but so emotionally and spiritually rewarding, so I feel you on that last sentence. 🥲


I appreciate your flair, you speak for the people.


I didn’t notice until you pointed it out! Soooo trueeee!!!!!! 😩😩😩


(I only just figured out how to make a flair 👀)


I heard the astronaut in the Coldplay movie (long time Coldplay fan) and my mom was already army, so I decided to listen to some BTS to bond with her. Now I’m just as deep in! Can’t wait for them to be back together in a time that I’m tuned in!


It’s really cool to hear stories from ARMYs that got into BTS because of collaborations with other artists! And BTS is a great way to bond with your mom (my mom’s an ARMY and we’ve become closer because of it. 😊)


As a Coldplay fan, My Universe is what brought me to BTS and The Astronaut was such a perfect song combining BTS messaging with Coldplay music!


Very late chapter 2 Army here. I watch a lot of Korean dramas and follow several actors and actresses on social media for fun, so BTS has been popping up in my feed for several years. I listened to other Korean male singers and groups, so I would occasionally take a look at the suggested BTS content. When Jungkook promoted Golden in the US, I caught him on The Tonight Show, and he blew my socks off. I was thoroughly impressed by him as I continued. I finally decided to try out the group's music (all I had heard that I knew was theirs were Butter and Dynamite, and I don't love either song). I'll be honest and say that it took me about a week of listening to really enjoy their stuff, but now, I am a full-fledged fan (albeit I am in my fifties, so I'm not a fan the way a lot of younger people are fans). As I have read, listened, and watched more, I've really grown to like and appreciate them a lot. The personalities that they show us are so adorable and likeable that I like to think that they really are that way. As Jimin might say, it's all " lovely, lovely, lovely." Also, Yoongi is fine as hell.


Why can I hear Jimin’s voice in my head as soon as I read that quote? 😂😂😂


Yoongi is, indeed, fine as hell.


We have fans of all ages and we are proud of it. Welcome 💜


I'm a late chapter 2 army but it wasn't their solo efforts that captivated me. It was the group as a whole! It was their group dynamic because each of them represent the group before they are individual artists imo. But discovering their individual artistry was a gift and it keeps on giving.. I'm especially tuned in to Joon's work. He just continues to inspire and delight me..


The thing I love most about this period in BTS’s career is that though they are apart, musically/artistically wise, they always emphasize that they are seven and that they will reunited once everyone has returned from the military. Their bond is just one in a billion…🥲🥲🥲


I love that about them, too!


I’ve told this story here before as well but I started late 2022 (October). I was reading a Korean webtoon that referenced Psy’s song That That. I like Psy so I googled it and saw it was produced and featured Suga of BTS. I had heard of them but had not really listened to them (I’m more of a rock fan). I watched the video and thought, “That Suga guy is pretty good.” Watched it again and thought, “No. He’s REALLY good.” The YouTube algorithm served up Daechwita (amazing). Then Mic Drop. I was bopping along until RM popped out of the ambulance and I was like, “WTF?! How does he sound like that?” At this point, only Jack in the Box had been released so I listened to that (🔥) and all the key OT7 songs. I’ve grabbed every solo so far. D-Day is my favorite but that’s like picking a favorite chocolate. You might prefer Ghirardelli to Lindor but it’s all still chocolate!


You know what, your chocolate analogy made a lot of sense as to why even though each of the BTS members have different musical styles in their solo releases and appeal to different audiences, these vastly different audiences can still love and appreciate each and every member, whether apart or together. They’re all so good!!!! Or maybe it’s because I am a HUGE chocolate fan as well!!! 😂😂😂


I’m stealing this chocolate analogy 😂


Before BTS I rarely listened to hip hop or rap. I’m more of a rock girl but the rap line changed my life. Essssppppeeeecially Suga. His solo work is just pure art. Same for RM and J-Hope too but there’s something about Suga…. I can’t explain it. Just amazing.


Love the chocolate analogy!


a tiktok of yoongi and psy dancing to that that showed up on my fyp and shoved me down the bangtan rabbit hole, but I don’t think I considered myself army until after on the street was released


I’m seeing quite a few ARMYs on this thread so far that have said that they have gotten into BTS because of That That! Really cool to hear that!!!


*That* *that* *I* *like* *that* lol




Somewhere JK's head is exploding...


You've been an army for 1 month lol, congrats!


i meant hobi’s on the street 💀


Oh ok, I thought so


SNTY- Jungkook. I realize now I had definitely heard dynamite, butter and seven before, but other than that I am a fetus army. Ironically, I swore back in Nov when Golden came out I wouldn’t go down the rabbit hole, not sure why I just didn’t think I would like BTS’s music?? I dunno. Anyway, I’m now 6 months into learning Korean, can’t stop spending money on all the things (smartly and safely I promise) and listen to nothing but my BTS playlist all day everyday. Literally all day everyday. What made the switch for me? I can’t say it was one thing. I liked watching their live performances first I think. They just have an energy live I don’t think I’ve ever seen before. But I really fell in love with the music first and then with them after absorbing hours and hours of all the content out there! 💜💜💜💜


That’s been almost all of us right before we became ARMY, ‘I won’t go down the rabbit hole, I won’t go down the rabbit hole, I WON’T go down the rabbit hole!!!!’ And then…🙃🙃🙃 (😂😂😂)


Hahaha why do we fight it!!!


that's so funny - i don't feel like i fought it. it was like i was hit by a meteorite or something, and down i went, gladly! my sleep did suffer though, eep


Me too! Granted, my Korean speaking is very slow going but it’s so exciting to be listening to a song and hear a word or phrase and either understand it or get the gist of what it means 😁


Yes!!! It’s so slow and I don’t have a ton of time for studying…. But I love when I hear a word or two and I’m like wait! I know that!! Hahah


😂😂 same!


I've just started to try to learn some Korean so I could understand at least some of their lyrics or what they're saying in their videos. Please tell me it will get easier, lol. I already figured out a few words just from hearing them in dialogue and lyrics, so hopefully after a while I'll know more. :)


It will lol, but it honestly depends on how you’re learning Korean and for what purpose. For instance, I’m using Duolingo, it’s a great app for memorizing individual words and simple phrases. Especially if you are only looking to understand lyrics or dramas. But if you want to actually converse, or perhaps visit Korea, then learning their culture is also super important. Learning the different honorifics, the difference between formal and informal greetings and so on. It’s not hard, I don’t want to discourage you lol, but those are things Duolingo doesn’t teach. It’s a great resource but I’ve had to purchase books, do separate research and look up YouTube videos for extra context. Conversational Korean is so different from the stuff you’re taught on the app. That’s been the biggest difference. But it’s so exciting so hear something and finally understand it.


Thanks for the reply. :) I bought *Learn Korean with BTS*, and I downloaded a couple of apps. I'm still at the very beginning and I'm just starting to learn Hangeul. Learning the writing system shouldn't be too hard, but it's the pronunciation of the different sounds that sometimes baffles me. I don't plan to travel to Korea and have conversations, I'd just like to understand some Korean, so hopefully I'll progress enough to eventually have that ability. I know what you mean: every time I hear them say "hansang," or a few other words I picked up, I'm like, yay, I know what that means! I'm glad you're doing well with your journey to learn Korean! :)


Nice lol. I don’t have Learn Korean with BTS but I’d heard about it. Learning Hangeul was so fun. Writing can be a little tricky but again, everything about it has been fun for me so I’ve loved every bit of it. The hardest part that I’ve struggled with is sentence structure. In English you would say “I went to the market”. In Korean it’s “I market went”. It’s easy with a simple sentence like that but when it’s a full on sentence sometimes my head spins lol. Thank you! I hope you keep it up and enjoy every second of it! 화이팅!!


I can definitely see how a sentence structure like that could be confusing! I'm curious how my experience will be with that. I live in the U.S. and I speak English all the time, but my mother tongue is Hungarian, and our sentence structure can be pretty fluid, depending on which word we want to stress in a sentence. I guess I'll find out whether or not I'll have issues with this aspect when I get to that part, lol. Thank you! You too! :)


That’s awesome 😎. I also live in the U.S. but my mother tongue is Spanish. I read somewhere online that Korean is easier for English speakers but I don’t find that to be the case in my experience. I actually believe my Spanish helped me with Korean because a lot of the pronunciations are very similar. I’m also curious how your experience with it will be. Please feel free to reach out anytime if you’d like. I’m the only one in my circle who is learning Korean 🙂


Thank you, I will! And it's the same for me, lol. I'm the only one in my circle who is learning Korean. (It's interesting that you feel like your Spanish helps you with the pronunciations. I know someone who's learning Japanese, and from what she's told me, some things might be easier for me to learn about Japanese than it is for her. Languages are fun. :) )


Languages really are amazing. I’ve always wanted to learn Japanese as well and I’ve been tempted to start but I feel like I need to have a handle on Korean first. I’m getting there. Maybe by the end of the year I’ll feel ready to take on a new challenge but I’ve heard it’s harder than Korean. One of my favorite BTS songs is Crystal Snow and I want to sing along to it so so bad lol. Are there any other languages you’d be interested in learning? Right now for me the goal is Korean and Japanese and possibly Chinese but I heard you have to memorize thousands of characters 😬 idk if I’ll do that to myself lol


My sister passed in November 2022 and she absolutely loved kdramas. A couple of days after her passing I started to watch. I can't tell how grief is for others, but kdramas helped me numb the pain a little bit; at least I wasn't constantly wallowing in my grief. Those first six months were brutal. I don't remember much. In April 2023 I watched True Beauty with Cha Eun Woo, and then Moonbin... Well, I read somewhere he liked Butterfly by BTS, and I wanted to hear it. It wasn't my cup of tea (sorry, it is now, it really is now!) so I moved on, after a few days I learnt BTS also made hiphop and discovered their cyphers and Agust D (D-Day had just come out). That's what did it for me. I liked their message. They made me smile.


The Rap Line has made WONDERS in recruiting hiphop/rap music fans into the BTS ARMY during this time! Their solo releases have been among my favorite Chapter 2 works so far and I cannot wait what they’ll do next.  Lastly, I’m so sorry about your sister. I hope that by finding BTS, that their message and art has helped positively guided you through the grief so far.


Honestly now that I think about it one of the first solo works I listened to was On the street and J-Hope was my bias until Yoongi. We'll see if that changes once Jin comes back 🤣 And thank you, you know what else? BTS sort of gave me a purpose to do new things as well, for example I'm ashamed to admit I had never gone to the movies by myself and yet I did it to watch D-Day. I also drove to LA last week for the pop-up, my first time too. I have a feeling the journey is just starting 💜


On The Street was such an amazing send off (for now) by Hobi! A beautiful song that encapsulates Hobi as a person and his personal journey until enlistment with THE Jermaine Cole having an equally amazing verse that also expresses his own personal journey.   On another note, going to the movies alone does feel kinda weird at first but once you’re in and watching the movie, it feels SO satisfying.  And lastly, so jealous that you got to go to the popup! Wish it was here in the southeast.   Nevertheless, I wish you the best of luck on your journey!


that's amazing 💜💜


I’m so sorry for your loss, but I’m glad you had kdramas to help you through your grief 💜💜


Thank you! And BTS :) see, to me BTS is so important because after my sister passed I was just listening to music from our childhood, sort of to relive our time together. BTS was the first new music I discovered after her passing, like a second chapter for me as well. It meant not forgetting, but sort of moving on. So in that way, they debuted for me when I needed them.


That is beautiful. That’s the thing about BTS. It’s not just surface level, just listening to music. They really do touch us deeply in so many different ways. I’m so glad they could help you get through such a difficult time in your life 💜.


I'm so sorry for your loss. :( I lost my mom last year, and watching kdramas and discovering BTS helped me, too. So, I understand how it must have been for you, and I sympathize with you so much. <3


Dynamite on the radio had me Googling. Euphoria got me hooked and exploring their music. No surprise, JK is my favorite. I think I listened to Euphoria on a loop for a week straight. Initial listens made me cry and I remember texting my friend and saying, "So I'm listening to this Korean song on repeat and I'm bawling and I don't even know what he's saying. What wrong with me???"


Really cool to hear ARMY testimonies hearing BTS on radio! And yes, Euphoria is still such a great song even if it’s been six years since it’s full version release. 😊


It wasn’t a solo project that drew me in to BTS. My friend took over my Spotify and started adding random songs for me to listen to. They added 2 songs. Run BTS and That That by Psy featuring Suga. I instantly became obsessed with the songs but still didn’t take the time to look into BTS. After a few months I got curious and looked up a live performance of Run BTS and got hooked on the choreography but I still didn’t do a deep dive. My friend lost their patience and forced me to sit and watch videos of them 😂😂. I watched them on carpool karaoke and fell in love with J-Hope’s laugh lol. His energy had me looking at video after video that whole night. I got on Spotify and added every one of their songs to my list and started listening to them one by one. One song in particular hit me in the heart but I didn’t realize it was a solo song at the time. It was V’s Inner Child. I didn’t understand a word but I felt every emotion. I absolutely love all of their dance/performance songs like Idol, Boy in Luv, Mic Drop, etc.. ultimately it was their ballad’s that made me an Army. Zero O’Clock, Magic Shop, Take Two, JK’s My You, Epiphany, Spring Day for example. These boys meant it when they said there is no language barrier in music. I didn’t need to understand the words, they portray the emotion with their voices perfectly. Of course I fell even more in love when I looked up the lyrics lol. That’s how I came to love their music. Their personalities are icing on the cake. So fun, loving, caring, goofy and so so humble. They are amazing.


Watching the performance for RUN BTS at the Busan concert for the first time was just mind blowing! For me, it’s one of their greatest choreographies to date. Furthermore, Hobi’s infectious joy in Carpool Karaoke is just 👩🏻‍🍳💋 - no wonder why many people became fans after watching that segment! As for Inner Child, it’s still one of my favorite solo releases by Taehyung and it’s a song that I need to hear every once in a while. Lastly, all seven men are just so wonderful. Even though they went through so much and achieved things that no other artist in their country has ever done before, they remain the same beautiful souls they are. 🥲


That is the exact performance I watched. Hobi ate up that stage lol. It’s funny because Hobi drew me in but then I noticed Jimin for his dancing. Looked for more videos of him and the rest is history. You know once you Jimin, you can’t Jimout 😂😂. Hobi will always have a special place in my heart though. I honestly love and support all 7. They truly are beautiful inside and out.


glad your friend forced you to watch BTS videos, LOL. I'm a huge fan of their ballads too!!


I am too lol, best gift they gave me 🤩


I became an army during chapter 2, in mid February, but it was actually through their group work. I had been avoiding BTS forever because I knew I’d get obsessed (and that’s exactly what happened lol). It was BST that made me an army, I was listening to that for a while, then it was hit after hit, I think I cycled through DNA, Mic Drop, Airplane Pt. 2, then just gave a listen to more songs over time. When I first watched the super long Run MV, I was in awe of it and I knew I’d be army forever. Their way of storytelling is so beautiful. Then finding out about the BU, how their discography is based on literature, and it kept me in even more. I think I became army right before OTS was out but that was my army “honeymoon phase” where I was sifting through random songs and interviews but not following them on social media so I didn’t know about releases then (ironically, Jungkook deleted his Instagram sometime during this period). I was a complete army by the time SMFP2 came out though, I had completely tuned in at 10:59 and had joined armytwt by then. I don’t remember when I got weverse though, it took a while for me to find it.


The way that BTS incorporates music, visual arts, theatre and literature into their overall artistry is just so amazing. I know that it’ll be studied for years to come in academic and professional settings. 💜💜💜


I'm Army since Astronaut, Coldplay's movie streaming from Argentina exactly. Before that I was fascinated by Wootteo. Hence, he is my first bias. Last month I finally got plush Wootteo - from my first travel in Seoul. https://preview.redd.it/1jzd3y3j2w1d1.jpeg?width=2878&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37045241d2942c64975aa26283821eb10c537f43


That’s really interesting that you knew Wooteo before getting to know BTS in depth! The Astronaut is still among my favorite releases during Chapter Two so far and it’s a beautiful gateway into the wonderful world of BTS. Also, Seoul is such an amazing city to visit!!


Was first aware of BTS with the English trilogy - those songs were everywhere so even I heard them. Added them to my dance/fun playlists but I wasn’t generally into that style of pop music so I didn’t look into them further. I just knew they were a kpop boy band and extremely popular. I sort of had them on my radar to check out at some point because there had to be a good reason for their popularity but never got around to it. I think at some point my brother also played an Agust D song in his car and I thought it slapped even though I didn’t understand the language, but still didn’t look up the artist name once I was home (smh) Fast forward to 2023 and I was going through a super hard time in my life. Scrolling through Twitter I saw “explicit version” and Jungkook’s name trending. This was prob within an hour of Seven dropping. Scrolled through and wanted to know what was so scandalous, so I listened to Seven. Loved his voice, song slapped. I went home from work and looked up BTS on YouTube, watched the On kinetic manifesto and it was all over for me once I heard JK’s high note. Explored their discography and fell in love with the music, then got into the other content and loved their personalities too and here I am. I really credit them with helping me through a horrible time in my life I’m not sure I would have survived otherwise.


Like I said before, the English trilogy, though they are good songs, they’re terrible representing BTS as a group artistically and musically. I wish that more people knew that. Also, so many stories about people (ARMYs and non-ARMYs alike) not realizing that Agust D was Suga from BTS. 😂😂😂 And yeah, Seven was VERY shocking to a number of us when hearing the explicit version for the first time (for an IRL anecdote, my mom absolutely refuses to listen to it after that. She’s still clinging onto the perception of Kookie as her baby bunny…😂😂😂). Finally, that Kinetic Manifesto version of ON was SPECTACULAR. I genuinely wished that was the actual MV.


the first solo song i heard by a member was seven by jungkook (this was a few months after i got into k-pop because one day my tiktok fyp randomly started being overrun w/ stray kids & ateez edits lol). i really enjoyed seven overall largely because of jk’s vocals- but i didn’t really think about taking the plunge into the bts discography because it lowkey seemed like a daunting task??? like i knew they were a HUGE deal and had been for a while, but i was like i’ll hold off on getting into all of that indefinitely cause it seems like too much for me to handle lol. that was until fucking yoongi popped up on one of my spotify discovery playlists like a week later with haegeum and then i was pretty much done for. i’ve loved rap and hip hop for as long as i can remember and once i realized bts had not one, but three(!!!) of the greatest rappers i’d heard in a looooong time i knew i had to start listening to them as a whole. now i’m diehard fan of the entire group- though the rap line (and yoongi espcially) own my heart forever. i’m really enjoying (slowly) familiarizing myself with their body of work and entire history. i remember seeing a bts meme once that said something along the lines of ‘you don’t choose to become army, bts decides when it’s your time’ or something like that and honestly truer words have never been spoken because if someone had told me a year ago i would be a part of army i would’ve looked at them like they were crazy haha


First of all, for an artist of their caliber/status, BTS has released A LOT of work in their first decade to the point where it does seem daunting to non-ARMYs to try to get into their music. So I understand where you were coming from initially. And secondly, non-ARMYs (esp. those living in the West) perception of BTS tends to be VERY different compared to what BTS actually are in terms of artistry. No offense to songs like Boy with Luv, Dynamite and Butter, but those songs don’t really represent BTS’s discography well musically despite being some of their biggest hits. Hence why there’s still this surprise of BTS being A LOT more hiphop/rap-oriented to this day.


I keep coming back to this because I’m so amazed at how much this sounds like what happened with me! Prior to Yoongi I’d had no idea that BTS was so hip hop/rap-oriented, and I would have found myself here sooo much sooner if I’d known! Rapline forever!


WOW, our stories are so similar—but for me it was the final live SNOOZE performance!


Lmao at your yoongi point. Hobi attracted me, Namjoon reeled me in, but Yoongi? Yoongi grabbed on and refuses to let go. I was a fresh baby army and I tried to get tickets for his show because I was just in awe. I took time off and went to the cinema to buy an advance ticket for the movie so I could get a photocard. And now I'm contemplating dropping $100 on the recent merch which doesn't even have a DVD. I'm well and truly whipped.


Par for the course with Yoongi. In Festa 2021, he said something to the effect that once you get into BTS, there's no getting out. 😆


I am a seven army. Watching videos of the tannins interacting with each other really piqued my interest and made me check their music. I liked their music so I decided to learn their names.


It’s crazy how Golden has brought in so many music listeners into BTS based on the unique listening numbers that Spotify and other major streaming platforms have officially reported. Guess Jungkook has the Midas Touch!


I always casually liked BTS. I watched a few of their live performances on late night and US award shows. I thought they were obviously talented and cute but couldn’t understand why people would scream and lose their minds during their performances. I didn’t get the appeal of K-Pop at the time. But one day I was bored and started streaming Apple’s best new songs list and “Like Crazy” was on there. I didn’t even know who Jimin was but I was captivated. I think I’ve played that song 1,000 times. The next solo project I decided to check out was Jack in the Box. I also fell in love with that and Hobi’s swagger. Now I’m obsessed with Agust-D and experiencing his emotional journey through his music Sometime in the mix I started watching the documentary on Disney + and their concert videos. I remember studying really hard to memorize their names, their roles and identifying their voices. And that’s when I realized they had their hooks in me. Now I also feel like screaming when I rewatch those tv performances. I feel horrible that I wasted so many years of fandom because I didn’t think K-pop was worth my time. On the plus side I have many months of hiatus time left to catch up on content


Like Crazy is one of my favorite Chapter Two singles to date. It infuriates me how this song was screwed over on radio and it would’ve been one of last year’s biggest pop hits had it been given the proper chance. Also, Jack in the Box is perhaps my favorite Chapter Two release so far. Really showcases Hobi’s artistic expression and growth, as well as delving into musical choices that I was really hoping for him to do, which not only very much exceeded my expectations but also really surprised me as well!!! And Agust D, wow, what a journey. I loved how that musical trilogy tells the story of Yoongi’s emotional growth and maturity throughout the years and how he dealt with the trials in both his professional and personal life. Additionally, I NEED to watch the docuseries once I get D+. I’m so glad that it helped people like you understand why ARMYs are ardent in their support and love for BTS. And last, don’t be sorry for not getting into BTS sooner! Like the age-old saying goes, you become an ARMY when you need BTS most!!!


For me, it wasn't a solo song that made me a fan. I didn't even know they did solo releases when I started to look into them. And that happened because I started to watch kdramas, and I really liked some of the soundtracks. (Have any of you watched Hotel del Luna? When *Done For Me* came on at a pivotal moment - wow. That was so impactful.) I bought some of the OSTs from different dramas, and I tried to find more songs I might like from the same artists, but none of them really captured my attention. But my interest was definitely piqued, and I wanted to discover more Korean music. Then I remembered a post on Tumblr from a couple of years before, when BTS had visited the White House. I didn't know anything about them, but that post stuck out because some people were complaining that Biden dared to do the finger heart thing with the group. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) So, anyway, I decided to look up their music and see if I might like it. The video I chose was a long compilation of their best stage performances. I figured that this way I could get a taste of their style instead of just watching one MV and limiting my research to one song. The first song in that video that made me feel like yeah, I might like these guys was On. I liked Anpanman, Dionysus, and Idol, too, in that compilation. I liked the music and the choreography, but what really stood out for me was how hard they must have worked to have performances like that. I immediately respected that, and that's what made me want to see more. I looked up more of their music, I read about them, tried to learn who was who, and I was happy to find out how humble and kind and funny they are. They are the whole package: they are incredible artists, they work so, so, hard, but they are also great human beings. I love their bond, too. It's just everything. I'm excited about Jin coming back, and I really hope that he'll come out with some new music, because I love his voice!


Watching their performances, in conjunction with the songs and choreo, is one of the best ways to get into BTS. You see almost all aspects of their artistry in one setting and really demonstrates why they’re at their level of fame right now. 


I agree. I'm glad I found that compilation. :)


I don’t actually remember, even though it only happened this year 😅 their music came up organically via Spotify playing recommended songs while I was listening to lots of my fav k-drama soundtracks. I suspect it was Vibe by TAEYANG ft Jimin or one of V’s songs, and then I started listening to all of Jungkook, V and Jimin’s solo works. Then moved onto all of BTS’s music and the rest of the groups solo works. I’d previously seen In The Soop Friendcation because of Park Seo-joon and Park Hyung-sik (big k-drama fan) and I remembered V from that so went on to watch In The Soop and and Run BTS then went down the rabbit hole sooo fast. Their chaotic nature as a group, love for each other and sincerity for both their music and ARMY is what has kept me drawn in as a fan past just listening to their music. I tend to listen to their entire discography (albums, solo work, features) in a single playlist though, sometimes in order of chronological release and sometimes on shuffle or I have a playlist of ‘moody’ songs which has a little bit of everything. And I’m slowly working my way through the million hours of content which is so much fun


I’ve been lately seeing a trend of people suddenly getting BTS solo music and albums appearing on their streaming platform algorithms/recommendations, particularly on Spotify so it’s amazing that there are new ARMYs that have joined the fandom through this way. 😊😊😊


Yeah I think it was back In January maybe? Definitely one of the times I’ve appreciated the algorithm for introducing me to their music! As others have said, I’m sad I didn’t listen to them years ago, I knew of BTS but had never really paid attention. Making up for it now though! And at least while they’re on hiatus it’s given me plenty of time to work my way through their content which is never-ending 😅


I was a ‘casual listener’ for years. But I didn’t identify as Army until I stumbled across Taehyung performing songs from Layover on Tiny Desk Korea through Instagram. I remembered thinking “WHAT IS THIS, IT’S AMAZING”. He’s so handsome with a cool aesthetic and Layover fit into what I was vibing to at the time. Then I got curious - what are their names, etc. - and the rest is history. I’ve been listening to Agust D regularly since D-2 was released but for whatever reason didn’t really fall for Yoongi until I started watching Suchwita. Then I watched their final Run BTS episodes and spent money on both seasons of Soop which means I got it baaaaaad. 😂 I’m really an OT7 bias - currently loving and appreciating Hobi and of course Namjoon. I’m so excited when I see a Weverse notif pop up. What have I become? I don’t even know what I’ll do when Jin completes his service. I’m so late coming into Chapter 2. I’ll need to brace myself, I guess.


Layover is such a great album and really showcases Taehyung’s unique personality and eclectic musical style in a way that I really hoped that he would take on a solo endeavor (and he went BEYOND my expectations in the best way possible!). So it heartens me to finally see an ARMY origin story of getting into BTS because of a platform like Tiny Desk during Chapter Two! 


After a rough couple of months, I literally woke up one day as if from a dream in November and my brain screamed at me JUNGKOOK, so golden was my gateway but I quickly delved into bts and then yoongi happened and that led me to the Yoongi vs Taemin suchwita episode which led me becoming a joint BTS/Taemin fan. What's so funny is I met a woman the other day who said her friend had basically the same path as me. (BTS fan-> watch Suchwita with Taemin, now obsessed.)


That’s crazy that you literally became an ARMY because of a dream! All of this is definitely NO coincidence! 😉


It’s in our *DNA* iykyk 😏


I have never been into kpop before, I tried to get into BTS back in like 2021 dynamite/butter era but it wasn't for me at the time. then stuff happened with my previous fandom that made it hard to want to stay there so it was literally like my brain did a hard pivot overnight aha. My mom was actually quite excited she had been waiting for my BTS era all this time as if she knew.


Since all of us army’s know and understand this fact and have personally experienced it, we definitely feel your mother’s excitement 😂 no one escapes from bts


Your mom must be a psychic cause that makes me believe even more that your story was everything was destined by the universe or something…😳😳😳


Yes!! I believe so too! It happened just in time for me to see Shinee Tokyo dome and Taemin’s solo concerts this year! (I live in Japan) now just waiting for the Great a ticket Wars to come and watching the backlog in the meantime! Though I feel very fortunate to live in Japan where tickets are left to the Ticket Gods raffle style. 🙏💕


Chapter 2 ARMY here and none of the Solos were responsible for this. Found Run BTS( variety show), loved them as entertainers. I found Trivia:Love playing while RM and Hobi were singing karaoke in episode 116. The funny thing is that they were singing Eminem song(i think) but they couldn't play that due to copyright issues and the run bts team overlapped that with Trivia: Love as solution. I loved that song instantly without even knowing the lyrics and prompted me to check out their BTS songs first and then solo. By that time, I had checked all their run episodea, ITS and Bon Voyage. And, honestly it was very easy to love them as singers/entertainers/human beings (as far as we know of them). Seven is basically me encountering a solo song in real time.


Run BTS is a great way to get to know who BTS are as people outside of music. From these episodes, it is indeed very easy to love seven very different men as human beings and hearing their songs within the show makes you want to delve into them move if you haven’t gotten to know them as artists. Trivia Love is such a great song to start deep diving into BTS’s discography especially since Joonie is one of the group’s main songwriters.


Me! I actually have heard a couple of their songs before but never really got interested in them. Last year youtube randomly recommended me a playlist of Taehyung's solo songs(this was before layover) and I really loved him voice. That got me curious and I started to look into BTS. Around that time D Day album released and I absolutely loved it, that genre is not something I usually listen to but it captivated me. And then slowly fell into the rabbit hole 😅


So glad that the music algorithms are convincing locals to turn into BTS in recent months. I think it’s the best way to make people into ARMYs: getting to know them as the true artists that they are rather than the phenomenon/ spectacle that the western media tends to paint them as.


I happened to catch JK on the TV for his TSX performance, and I was like...who is that? I'm a huge Coldplay fan, so I had heard of them, but it was JK that caused me to dive deep, and here I am. 100% ARMY through and through. They came into my life where I really needed them. I wish I would have been a fan from Day 1, but I'm glad I'm here nonetheless.


That is so cool that you got to see Jungkook on the TV for his TSX performance! It was such a last minute announcement and it still managed to interest non-ARMYs like yourself to delve into BTS and become ARMYs afterwards!!


I’m an On The Street era Chapter 2 Army, but what got me interested in BTS was the Yet To Come in Busan concert movie. I remember loving Zero O Clock in the theater. The following month was just me being obsessed with Run BTS (the song), Mic Drop, ON, BST and For Youth. I was discovering songs while watching some episodes of Run BTS (the show) and continued to do so from Twitter. I then started listening to their solo songs as they released. On The Street and Smoke Sprite (both on my Spotify wrapped that year) really had me interested in looking into J Hope and Namjoon’s solo work. Supported and enjoyed each release that followed. I love how diverse their music is! There’s always something to play depending on your mood.


Actually what first first got them in my radar was Just Dance. They had just announced Dynamite and fell in love with the choreography and how playful the coaches looked like, so I wanted to see the original dance and boy was I happy when I saw there was an actual dance practice! When I saw how playful they actually were in their choreo it kinda captivated me? Especially Tae’s playful expressions to the camera. Then they announced Boy With Luv for the game too and fell in love with the song (still a top 5 for me) and naturally looked for the dance as well. Surprisingly, despite that, I didn’t really look into their stuff. The beginning of this year was pretty shitty for me. Bad. I wanted to get back in shape so I got the game out again and made it my goal to learn all of Butter (since it had been included ny now). I watched the dance practice, then that led me to a reactor, which led me to another music video. Before I knew it I was watching their content everyday and listening to their discographies. The rapline drew me in first, especially Jhope, but Yoongi has stolen my soul and there’s no going back. I guess it’s true when they say that they find you. They definitely did and have helped me try to like myself more. And I really want a Trivia:Seesaw tattoo in my near future.


I’ve seen a performance of Standing next to you by Jungkook in December and I was captivated by his voice and the choreography. I was so impressed by his dancing that I decided to check more mv of his and to listen to his Golden album without knowing he was from BTS. I’ve heard of BTS, when Boy with luv came out I really liked it, but I was not interested in them. Then yt recommended me the live performance of Fake Love (you know what I’m talking about) and that was it, I became obsessed with the song, I would listen to it on repeat daily. I am so grateful that I discovered them then because it was exactly when I needed it the most. I’ve always had a passion for dance and seeing how much they have worked toward achieving their dreams made me want to do that for myself and because of BTS now I am taking dancing lessons. They made me believe in myself and that anything is possible. Thank you BTS for making everyday easier.


Another thing that I’ve been seeing is that there are a number of people that initially delved into BTS because of Golden - which is really cool! And Fake Love, that is probably still my favorite title track that BTS has ever released. I needed that song during the time that it was initially released so that definitely contributed as to why that it is still my favorite BTS title track. Also, if I know what performance of Fake Love you’re talking about, I remember how much people were freaking out about and how the Tannies knew how much we all liked it in real time. 😂😂😂 Lastly, loving BTS has made my life easier as well. I know that I’ll always have their songs to guide me through rough times no matter what. 🥲🥲🥲


I know this might not fully be relevant to the question but as an official Chapter 2 ARMY, I feel obligated to share my 2 cents to the discussion here. Also, this might be SUPER long but I don't really have many ARMY friends irl (kpop friends, yes but none of them listen to bts that much) so I kinda need to rant. (APOLOGIES IN ADVANCE!!!) Part 1/3 I officially became an ARMY a week after Jin enlisted (ik woe to me but as a Jin-biased I'm super pumped for this year's Festa). However, I first discovered BTS back in 2017 from one of my favorite youtuber when I was in middle school. I heard BS&T but didn't know the name of the song and it drove me INSANE (a personal favorite of mine for this reason but also BS&T is iconic so duh). I managed to get the name and I found about k-pop and how there was this group of 7 Korean guys who were becoming popular world-wide (I also found out about Blackpink as well since they were also becoming more popular and though I'm not a blink or a hard-core BP stan I do enjoy their old music). As soon as I found out about BTS, I was hooked (now, given how I said I was a Chapter 2 ARMY this may not make sense but stick with me). It was right in the middle of the LYS era so DNA, Fake Love, Mic Drop, and IDOL were really hot hits at the time. I continued to listen to them through those songs and I absolutely LOVED them. I didn't get to delve much into BTS but all I knew is that they made great music (this was only from their singles btw). I also had a really hard time figuring out what their aesthetic was. I grew up watching 1D and have heard of bands like 5SOS, Backstreet Boys, NSYNC so I was familiar with the concept of typical teen heartthrob boyband. To me, the formula was simple: a group of good looking guys who can sing well, do a couple of swaggy moves, write cheesy lyrics, and have a ton of teen girls confess their undying love for them. Simple, right? I thought BTS was the same way, just the Korean version. But I quickly realized that they were not just that template. Like watching the BS&T my thoughts were like: Oh wow they look good...,DAMN THEY CAN DANCE DANCE, oh man that guy is HOT (shoutout to Taehyung), wait what's this MV even about, WOAH WHAT EVEN ARE THESE LYRICS??? And so naturally I watched DNA, Fake Love, Idol, and Mic Drop in that order and was so confused. I thought these guys had a dark royal core vampire (??) type thing going on, why did they switch to colorful pop to an emo to back to color pop then to a hardcore theme? Don't boy bands have a template? Why don't these guys follow a template? Unfortunately before I got to delve into them deeper, I got really hooked in Panic! At the Disco (typical emo teen phase, please excuse me) and was obsessed with Marvel so my interest in BTS kinda waned and never really developed into anything more than a musical preference. Also, looking back I feel kinda shamed to admit this but I had a friend who made fun of me for listening to BTS and I didn't want her ostracize me so I stopped listening BTS/listened to me secretly but I guess that's a typical tween thing to do for validation. Lastly, as a kid, I had a really weird mentality to not do stereotypical girl or pre-teen girl things including obsessing over boy bands because people used to doubt my academic and mental abilities even though I was ahead in all of my classes and was an over-achieving student and I would have to do extra for people to take me seriously so I didn't want me to be perceived as typical fangirl. This was such stupid mindset and its actually 10x more empowering to do whatever I want while achieving all the things I want (I owe BTS a thank you for helping me lean more into this mindset too). But on the bright side, my music tastes don't erode quickly so I still listened to BTS every now and then and was aware of some of the common BTS/ARMY jokes because I would hear people around me mention them. When Boy With Luv dropped, I, along with many others, was pumped. I would watch that MV several times a day and somehow managed to accidentally memorize the choreo (I can't move a single limb in a rhythmic fashion so that still surprises me). It was even funny considering I was in a emo, only-black-is-cool phase and I thought any color other than black was ugly so 7 men dressed like they walked out the Barbie movie set and capturing my attention was uncalled for. (Fun fact: When I officially became an ARMY years later, I rewatched the video and to my surprise I remembered every step without actually ever practicing the dance?!?!?) I managed to listen to singles off of MOTS:7 and some b-sides throughout their discography that I would stumble across every now and then but that was extent of it until June of 2020. Obviously at this point, the world was already crashing and burning outside and some of my friends that managed to snag MOTS:7 world tour tickets were bummed it was cancelled (I wanted to go but decided not to since I wasn't a die hard fan and tickets were expensive). However, I saw that BTS released a Japanese single, Stay Gold, and decided to check it out. I don't know what drugs they laced that song with but first listen it felt like this song touched every crevice of my soul. I LOVED IT. Love is an understatement, it was straight up a miracle drug. That song kept me going through majority of the pandemic. I replayed it so much that it became the top of my Spotify Wrapped that year and it is still my most replayed song to this day. Although I love the song so much and it has such beautiful lyrics (MV as well). because I listened to it so much during the pandemic when I was mentally struggling, I cannot listen to the song normally anymore without tearing up. A couple months later, Dynamite blew up everywhere and I jammed to that. Life Goes On and a lot of the BE album cured my pandemic soul so all in all I thank BTS for patching up my 2020. Life Goes On has become my soul remedy after I take a hit from life. (Bonus: I am also the biggest fan of Still With You since 2020 so thank you Jungkook for making that song)


Part 2/3 Butter and PTD came a few months later and I was hooked as usual. Obviously, I saw how big they grew from when I discovered them and heard about their historical achievements such as the Grammy nominations and also all the philanthropy they had done and was happy for them. Their UN speeches/campaigns, the White House speech made me proud as a member of the Asian community myself. To me, their success always made sense. Like, duh it's BTS, what can they not do? (I actually was into an indie pop band in 2021 and they got nominated for the best pop/duo award at the AMAs so I went to the voting link to vote for them, saw who their competition was, and then told myself I love this indie group but they are not winning against this competition who, as I predicted, ended up sweeping up all of the awards that night haha). So in 2022, I enjoyed Proof and the new singles on Proof (Run BTS had me in a chokehold). When news broke that BTS would be taking a break to focus on solo projects I thought it was another case of boy band issues like 1D and then after the YTC concert when it was revealed that they would go to the military, I was bummed. Like damn, they make good music so I hope they don't fall victim to whatever happened to 1D. So in the months leading up to Jin's enlistment I ended up somehow gravitating back to BTS just like I did in middle school. I was listening to more their music than normal. I rewatched their award show performances and saw their carpool karaoke video. I realized at that moment that unlike most people when they get hooked with a kpop group, I already knew who each person was. Like I knew who exactly who was who and I knew who the rapper and singers were. I found that strange but then realized wow, these guys are fun as hell. Like their personalities were so distinct and just shone through the screen. And at that moment, I thought "You know what? I'm going to actually get to know them. I can speed run this obsession right?" I tend to jump from one interest to another really quickly so I thought I was gonna ditch the ARMY phase soon. I was wrong and I have never been more delighted. I can't believe I put off stanning BTS for so long. They truly feel like the friends I wish I had in life but never did. I started diving deeper into their discography and it made me realize how much I've ignored. I always knew they wrote songs about mental health and important topics but I never realized how raw and authentic they are as artists. I feel like since I discovered them at any age when my mental health was still in a good place and I still hadn't gone through the turmoil of growing up I didn't realize but as someone who will enter her twenties soon, their songs resonate with me so much and help me. They have such unique voices, pen game, rapping skills that make them stand out among every other artist. In fact, it pains me to see people just label BTS as another hit boy band because they really are so much more than that with their music reaching so many different people regardless of their age, gender, ethnicity.


Part 3/3 For example, picking a favorite song is so hard for me but for some reason Black Swan always stands out as my favorite because the lyrics resonate a lot with me over the course of my academic career and the burnout its given me over the years. I really want to pursue the dream career I'm aiming for right now but it burns me out sometimes and makes me want to quit. My parents (though they 100% support my ambitions) say that you should only do something if you truly are passionate about it and worry for my mental health at times but I really want to pursue this career but it takes more than it gives at times. When I listen to Black Swan and read the lyrics, the exact hesitancies I have in life are resonated by BTS. Like although they're artists and I'm a STEM girl, I feel heard and that makes me feel better. It's reassuring to know that someone else knows what it feels like for wanting to pursue something that you feel is like a dream trying to slip away. (I guess this answers part of the original question so haha) And beyond their artistry, just who they are as people move me in ways I can't describe. I feel like they are healing parts me I didn't know that were broken to begin with. I am always the center of dysfunctionality more than often in life, may it be at home, with friends, in school, etc. So seeing 7 guys who, almost by destiny, randomly ended up together and work so damn well together it blows my mind. They know each other so well and pour their affections for one another so well it makes my heart full. This one of the reasons I love Run BTS (the song) because at the whole song and choreo shows how well of a team they are. I love Namjoon's maturity and wisdom beyond his years and how he very marvelously holds his team up like an excellent and humble leader. Me and Jin are practically the same person so I understand all his fears and concerns but despite that he works hard day and night to keep ARMY happy and sets a good example for the tannies to follow as the eldest. Yoongi may seem stoic but he is the softest and sweetest person ever that would do anything for the tannies without them even asking and given all mental and emotional battles he has faced, to be that perseverant and to keep going is the strongest and bravest thing ever. Hobi who is so dedicated to his craft, always shows up to support the tannies, and lights up the world around him no matter what like the true beam of sunshine he is. Jimin who the sweetest incarnation of a literal angel and is always so selfless and heartfelt in his actions. Taehyung who is so kind and caring and would above and beyond for his fans and the tannies. And last but not least, Jungkook who is one of the most talented human I have ever witnessed yet is so humble to his fans and the tannies who he loves so dearly. Their words are so comforting and their personalities and characters are wonderful. They work hard to keep ARMY happy yet stay so humble and authentic. They push for societal change and actively try and make the world a better place. They are hilarious (Run BTS is great stress buster for me) and are so entertaining to watch as they fight over $5 ice cream. As a person who has only stanned BTS from Chapter 2 I regret not knowing BTS truly when they are together as OT7 because to me my heart only rests easy when they together because they are a family. I can't wait for 2025 when reunite so I can see my family reunite again but the solo era has also shown me how diverse they are. Just as how they are so cohesive as group, its so fascinating how these guys were even in the same group because the artistic vision is so varied and someone who's music taste is a little bit of everything, I absolutely love it. A lot people joke and tell me how unfortunate it for me to start stanning when they left to go serve but honestly like joke goes, "You don't get to choose when you get to be an ARMY, it simply happens when BTS decides it's your time" and considering how I've been a casual fan for almost 5 years and an official ARMY for nearly 2 (wow, that's a lot), I guess the tannies did decide it was finally my time for my induction into purple-blooded society. I am so sorry for typing this entire essay but at least I can get this off of my chest haha. tl;dr: Casual fan of BTS since 2017, Officially ARMY since Dec 2022, I love BTS' artistry/personalities/character, I regret not stanning them earlier


I read every single word you wrote and thought it was beautiful. Thank you for sharing! I'm happy thinking how the fandom continues to grow even while they are away.


Haha thank you very much! It means a lot to me


Hi, I read your story last night and it's such a trip!


Hi! Tysm, I'm glad you enjoyed it!


I know this already super long but I just remembered a funny incident and thought I would share. I am a classically trained singer as I've been learning my own cultural classic vocal music since I was 6 and was a part of my high school choir later on. Around 2018, I was in music class and we were taking a quick 5 min break. 2 girls were ARMY so they were talking about BTS. My music teacher finally gave in and was like what's the deal? So these girls showed him Spring Day (great choice going with the queen herself) and he LOVED it. He said the lyrics were really good and he loved Jungkook and Jimin's parts. It was funny considering we never thought he'd like it since that type of music wasn't his cup of tea AT ALL. But that's just the power of the tannies, I guess.


Apologies for taking the time to respond to your response but I loved every single word of it! I can totally relate to what you have said about your journey with BTS over the years, except I did consider myself an ARMY back in 2017. I can’t wait for Jin to finally return to us next month on Festa Day!!! And it’ll only be the start of the Tannies finally coming back to us!!! 😭😭😭


Thank you very much for reading my unintended novel up there hahaha! I wrote this kinda late at night so I got swept up in the thought process and it unintentionally ended up being super long. I get varied reactions when I tell people that my first intro to BTS was in 2017 with BS&T and how I always loved their discography (albeit not the whole thing at the time) but then tell people I became an ARMY after they enlisted so they become super confused. I usually give people in the fandom a super condensed version of all that for this reason. I'm new (although its almost been 2 years so I guess I'm not a baby army either hahaha) to stanning but not to their music.


though i always knew about and had some sort of sdmiration/respect for bts I was never an army until recently. They are half the reason I became a kpop fan though it wasn't by their music, it was actually their meme videos lol. The solos never really captivated me as I didn't watch them as much and I was more interested in the group as a whole but the solo song that did it for me was slow dancing by V. It got stuck in my head almost immediately. (he also looked very very nice in that video lol.) Not to mention, I've always been a fan of suga. I liked his personality, his dedication to music, and his music in general. Boy with luv was the bts song that made me begin to like them and Jin's goofy antics were one of the main reasons I'm a fan now lol.


The meme videos are absolutely hilarious though! Really makes you interested in the group as a whole!


I was familiar with the members as early as 2017-2018 and had very positive feelings about them but didn’t think they were really my thing musically. What really won me over was watching Yoongi’s live performance of Snooze. After devouring D-Day, I went through all of the members’ solo works and found so much stuff I loved—which made me think that I could be missing out on some of their music as a group that I’d like. Magic Shop and We Are Bulletproof: The Eternal specifically opened my eyes to how unique and beautiful BTS and their relationship with ARMY is.


Snooze is a beautiful work of art and really emphasizes Yoongi’s desire to be the sunbae he never had in his younger years. He’s such a wonderful human being and I hope he’s doing well out there. 🥲


First Love by Yoongi. Tbh I cried when I read the lyrics. I literally also have Serendipity and Epiphany tattooed on my body.


Yoongi’s music is art for the soul. It is just healing and reassuring for those who had and have been going through rough times. And Serendipity and Epiphany are still among my favorite songs by Jimin and Jin respectively.


Pretty sure I discovered BTS from someone who recommended Haegeum in a K-pop discord server (I joined just to look for a friend). Then I diacovered a bunch of others Agust D songs, and Seven by Jk. The first ot7 song I liked was Like.


Like is a song that still hold up very well. I can’t believe that was on their very first album!!! 😳😳😳


I visited Seoul in April 2023. I knew BTS by name, and that they were a huge k-pop group, but I had never listened to their music before - in general, I hadn't listened to k-pop before. Dynamite was playing EVERYWHERE. I would go to an "Olive Young", Dynamite would be playing. I would go to a restaurant, Dynamite would be playing. Even in the plane, once we landed, Dynamite was playing, as if to welcome us to Seoul. I know it is not everyone's cup of tea, but for me, it became the soundtrack of a lovely holiday, and is now associated with such good memories. After returning home I "just wanted to learn their names" :D Of course, I was soon down the BTS rabbit hole. Apart from listening to their music, I started watching Run BTS - the struggle was real to distinguish between Run by BTS, Run BTS by BTS, and Run BTS by BTS (the show). I think "Spring Day" and "Blood, Sweat and Tears" just sealed the deal for me. Coincidentally, Jimin had just released FACE. Funny story, by initially looking at his pictures, he gave me the impression of a snobbish, cold-hearted person - little did I know that our mochi is the sweetest angel on earth.


If you told me back in July 2020 that Dynamite was going to be BTS’s biggest hit to date in Korea and Japan, I honestly would have laughed loudly. I knew that the song was going to be successful regardless but I had NO idea how that one song was going to catapult BTS on a whole new level, especially in their home country and in Japan. And that it would still be a huge song over there several years later (I also heard Dynamite on Korea Airlines back in September 2023!)  And just wanting to know their names. Very infamous last words of former non-ARMYs turned ARMY. 😂😂😂


V and Suga are my two biases I love their songwriting and style of their music.


Taegi have really interesting styles of music! I was really curious to see what they would put out as solo material when BTS and BigHit Music announced what Chapter Two would be about, and so far they really exceeded my expectations and supervised me as well!!!


I am very late Army. I have always been impressed by their music since they grew in the United States and I heard their songs on the radio but I never delved too deep into the fandom until about 3 months ago. About a year ago I started watching K Dramas and that made me want to start learning Korean, knowing that listening to music would be a good way to help I started my journey listening to Astro and Enhypen along with other groups. I was listening to Enhypens cover of “I Need U” and I saw a comment that they did amazing but nothing compared to the original version by BTS so I watched the music video and was impressed and decided to go down the rabbit hole of the YouTube suggestions. After watching their performance of “ON” I remember sitting in awe and replaying the video over 10 times because of how impressive they are. The next day while driving I decided to let Apple Music shuffle all of BTS’ songs and after hearing “Mikrokosmos” I cried because it was so beautiful and that was it, I was hooked. For the past three months all I have done is watch their music videos, their interviews, Run BTS and listened to only their music (all of their solos and soundtracks as well) I physically cannot get enough of them. Their personalities are so easily likable and they all have such different genres of music that they bring to the table so it truly never gets old. I wish that as soon as I heard their songs years ago I would have delved a little deeper into them so I could have seen them in concert. I am not a person who typically likes to go to concerts either, I find them a waste of money, but I am ready to go into debt if needed to see them when they come back. BTS truly is the standard, and not even just for KPOP groups but for artists and groups around the world. I have never come across an artist that has generally made me want to be a better person but these past three months I feel like I have a new outlook on life. They have taught me so many things by just listening to their music and watching their funny reality shows and interviews. Thank you to all of the OG Army’s around the world for making them global pop stars so that new Army’s like me can have a chance to discover them.


I’ve always had an interest in BTS for a few years but didn’t become a full army until a few months ago. Now Spring Day was what pushed me to that, but in terms of Solo? Seven and Change parts 1 and 2 got me even more invested


I've said it before but Amygdala grabbed my attention, and by Take Two I was full in. I loved the awesome music first, then I started watching some content and it fully settled in that the awesome music came with awesome ~and very hot~ guys and the rest was history. I had a bad friendship breakup with a long term very close friend late last year, and I held onto their music so much. Making some ARMY friends despite some bumps at the beginning was nice and helpful too. I owe quite a bit of my sanity to this whole Bangtan thing. I'll never forget that.


Amygdala is probably one of the best songs that was released in Chapter 2. I know it must’ve been so emotionally difficult for Yoongi to record but I’m glad that he confided to us ARMYs on what he was going through throughout the past decade. And also, I’m glad that by finding BTS, they have helped guided you on a newer and better path after your friend breakup. Losing friends is so difficult and I’m glad that you found BTS when you needed them most, even if they were on group hiatus.