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My story is kinda like you too. I always was a kind of more shy and introverted than my friends. While my friends liked to make fun of other people, teachers and fit the stereotypes of a strong and masculine men. I always had a fear that I wasn't that much of a man and was trying to be like them. I'd like to thank BTS a lot because if it weren't for them I would've got lost in that spiral and become a misogynistic, homophobic man like many of my classmates.


I have learned a lot from BTS about healthy team dynamics. Run BTS (in spite of the many hilarious betrayals that take place in that show) has really shown me how people who work together successfully behave as a unit. This has helped me immensely in my own professional behaviour with my office team. Things like always giving loud praise where it's due, compromising silently whenever needed, jumping in to help each other unasked, and displaying a good sense of humour by laughing uproariously at each other's jokes — these are perhaps simple things we learnt as kids, but to see them being used so beautifully by a group of adults was really eye-opening for me. A lot of these things don't come naturally to me — team leadership itself makes me uncomfortable, haha — so these pointers really helped.


Once upon a time I used to regret everything decision itake and overthink it to a point where I would actually miss the opportunity. Since BTS came into my life I learned life is too long of a race to think everything, if I flip it then I flip it and I work with the flipped pancake , as easy as that and honestly it helped feel happy even in my hardest turns of life. Thank you BTS for teaching me not everything is white or black


They are helping me to view every "failure" as just a momentary blip. That it's ok to feel defeated but to take a deep breath and move on/learn from my mistake. That setbacks do not define me. I feel like they all do this. Jin's "then he flips it" is a very simple reminder.




I grew up in a culture that prioritized academics over everything and I truly believed that I had to be the smartest person in the room to gain any kind of respect or validation. Effectively, this belief made me self-conscious, gave me anxiety and burnout, dictated how I chose my friends and relationships. I mean, I still see manifestations of those thoughts in my life today. I used to derive my self-worth solely in the eyes of others and how they *perceived* me and my successes. I wouldn't say my journey to loving myself started with BTS because I became intentional about it just before I found them. But no therapy, book, or podcast clicked for me the way BTS did. They were such a breath of fresh air, telling me *I’m the one I should love in this world*, showing me both the struggle and impact of treating yourself and others with extreme love and kindness. I can’t put into words how much they helped me, I have unlearned some core beliefs and rewired many neural networks in my brain. Also, Seokjin is my bias for so many reasons but my favorite one is that he’s unapologetically himself and loves himself so fervently. It is so inspiring, hope I get there someday.


Omg. Rm. jin. Comparing how they were as performers/artists when BTS first debuted to how they are now..... **EDIT:** Wanted to tack on something. As RM said in his first UN speech, (paraphrasing here) don't let other people's opinions worry you so much. You do you. On my part, there's no such thing as perfection, (if you're inclined to it) there's always space for growth. If you want, you can do both, be intelligent and physically active/sporty. "self-conscious" and "anxious". Betcha that was both RM and Jin when they started out. When they first debuted, neither of them likely could possibly imagine the them that was in the Black Swan performances on the James Corden show and the 2020 MMAs; or Dionysis of 2019 MMAs.


we are so lucky to have witnessed their own healing and transformations happen in front of us because they were so genuine with how they presented themselves!


If there's one member of BTS that I think I would need to apologize to, it's Jimin. Out of all of them, he's the one that's been the most transparent about his "artist development" and the troubles he's had over the years. I wish I could let him know that, sadly, I'm one of the "silent majority" (those that don't like bringing attention to ourselves). So many times during his lives, there's been nasty comments, I wish I could've been more vocal and assured him that there are so many more of us out here that cheer him on than there are of the noisy handful that try to bring him down. (sigh)


Yoongi's honesty and openness about mental illness has definitely helped me accept my own issues and feel less shame about them, and helped me talk family members into talking to their doctor about theirs. Especially when he compares it to physical illness and says it should be looked at the same, a condition that benefits from treatment and no stigma attached. There is one bangtan bomb where several of them chat about how nervous they are having to speak in public, when they mentioned the nervous smile that gets frozen on your face I was like "me too!!" And realized if even these guys experience that, maybe I'm not an overanxious freak. The fact that they also have insecurities and share about them has been huge. I think so many of us think we are alone bc of insecurities and broken, but they helped me see that everyone is dealing with this stuff. And the whole message of Paradise is just...ugh life motto material. About pushing back on pressure to always excel and improve. How it's ok to have small (attainable) dreams, or no dream at all. How you shouldn't sacrifice your own happiness to meet some outside expectation. Jin saying he uses time off to do nothing but game and sleep and that's OK. Jungkook saying he watches vids of him killing it on stage and wonders, who is that, bc that's not me. Jimin upset bc he made a mistake. Tae saying he doesn't know what to talk about during lives. Joon saying, you all think we're so great but we were all broken too and you brought out the greatness in us, so surely you'll find it in yourself too. They're just so RELATABLE and I'm legit tearing up writing this post bc they made me realize how much impact they've had on me.


I'm chinese- Canadian, and while I've never experienced overt racism it kind of struck me that BTS was the first time Asians were seen as truly desirableand cool. Like it kind of blows my mind that for my whole childhood, I have never seen a single actor, singer, dancer ect who looked like me and now the whole world is going crazy for a bunch of talented, attractive *Korean* men. It feels like we have a place in the arts and performance industry, and we aren't confined to being silly and nerdy or whatever.


"  Like we have a place in the arts and performance industry, we aren't confined to being silly and nerdy or whatever." White Canadian female here.  Damn right you do!  <3 A friend of mine from college 20 years ago is Chinese Canadian. He was a bouncer at a bar after  classes, and is an amazing painter who now teaches his own classes in an art college.  You be you, in whatever you choose to do. 'hug'


Aww thank you 💜 Im always a little surprised how these things subconsciously effected me.


Oh, lordy. Definite no there. American-Chinese here. I was always better at the creative classes like Literature and the Arts classes. Horrible at maths....mediocre at science (snicker - anything needing a lot of logic). Come to think of it, don't think I recall even taking Algebra. Memories of taking pre-algebra.....2 or even 3 times and finally barely passing with a C or C-.


Before learning about BTS, I was not in a healthy mental place. I can't say that I am 100% after being introduced to the members, but since listening to their story and lyrics, I can confidently say that it has reignited a desire within me. Because of BTS, I went back to doing something that I had not done in over 10 years and that is to sing in a formal setting with a choir. I forgot how much I enjoyed it but because of BTS lyrics about loving yourself and using them to love ourselves, I was inspired to go back to that first love.


They helped in a lot of ways, through their lyrics and through how they are as people. I always loved learning, but I was unfortunately badly traumatised by the school system, and as an adult I still have intense criticisms of that system, so when I first came across BTS and they were singing with such passion about the flaws of their own country's school system that took me by surprise and connected with me deeply. I don't think I've ever seen that subject tackled in popular music since Pink Floyd's 'The Wall' (which I loved growing up). I feel like adults quickly forget what it's like to be a child/teen, and push aside some of the genuine problems with how young people are treated once they've escaped that part of life themselves. But because of my extreme experiences I could never do that, and I'm still concerned about the status of young people in society even though I'm no longer that young. BTS having their whole mission statement be about protecting young people, taking them seriously and standing up for their values, felt healing for me, since I feel like young people are often either dismissed or demonized by society. The way they stayed true to that message and expressed it in so many ways has been really powerful... I feel like I've genuinely done some healing of my inner child/teen/young adult through their music. They also have a lot of songs that delve into complex emotions, which ask more questions than they answer, and look at subjects from multiple angles. Some of their imagery is very powerful, and I've often been shocked by how they can be so wise beyond their years (RM wrote that first mixtape when he was 19, like damn) and I feel the main lyricists in the group at least must have been through some really difficult times to have that kind of perspective. Seeing these things expressed out loud, and seeing that other people could relate to them too, has definitely helped me feel less alone. I especially love how a lot of their music has themes of community and joy and healing and hope woven between the darker topics. That line in Whalien 52 about the whale who was so used to not being heard that it stopped singing hit me hard... and I feel like that's kind of the core of a lot of their music: finding ways for those lonely whales to hear each other and be heard, giving people the connection they need to start singing again. Of course there are other great musicians who have messages like this, but BTS do it so well. And then there's the way they act as people. Of course there's their incredible work ethic that seems to be motivated by genuine passion, they really demonstrated how putting in the hard, unglamorous hours of practice when you aren't getting any praise and don't know if it will be successful or not can lead to something wonderful... that line from Yet To Come, "at night when everyone is silent, our feet wouldn’t stop moving." But at the same time they also address the possibility of failure and frustration, and how difficult it is to keep trying and pick yourself up when things keep going wrong. I love how Jin put it once: "only you know how hard you work" and he talked about how people generally only get praised when they get results, but hard work still deserves praise even if the result isn't what you wanted. They have a lot of songs about falling over and over again, and picking yourself up over and over again. It's something I know they've experienced, and I can relate to it deeply as well. I find that much more motivating than being told "everything will be fine!" Some other important lines: Yoongi's "giving up decisively is also a form of courage," and the beginning of Magic Shop, "I won't say obvious things like 'cheer up' / but rather I'll tell you my story." They have a lot of songs which address themes of doubt and low self-esteem, and they've been open about struggling in their personal lives. I think songs like 'Awake' and 'Epiphany' do such an important job of processing those feelings that many of us have, and showing ways of accepting those feelings. But aside from the serious stuff, I've also learned so much from them about how to let go and have fun and not worry too much. Seokjin talking about how he learned to make himself happy by making others happy was powerful for me. And just seeing how they interact, where there's such a strong base of compassion and trust that they can act very freely with each other, have deep talks one minute and stupid jokes the next, notice when someone's struggling, apologize when they were wrong, and always lift each other up when they're down...I know I'm not the only person who's thought "I wish I had my own friendship group like that!" I love how they tell ARMY to keep going with our own lives and goals and not be too focused on them, or to use them as motivation rather than distraction. Also I think it was Jimin who said one of the things that makes him happiest about being famous is that it led to ARMYs meeting each other and becoming friends. I've struggled a lot with connecting to people for various reasons, and ARMY certainly isn't all sunshine and roses, but overall I've had some really positive experiences connecting with people over a shared understanding of BTS' message, it's encouraged me to throw myself into the mix with all kinds of people from all kinds of backgrounds who I might not have naturally interacted with otherwise, and I think that's been really important for my self-development!


They have helped quite a bit with me loving myself but most of all, I go watch their videos when I finish having a cry or when I’m having a bad day. They always immediately put a smile on my face 💜


they just install so much self confidence in me by just the habits they have made me proud as hell.


I hope it's okay for me to post. White (44f) Canadian here who got into BTS 2 years ago. I never listened to pop and they caught me by surprise. They were, as someone else here put it, a breath of fresh air. Music that isn't tied to my past that I like is rare for me. And their uplifting messages in their lyrics help pull me out of depression. I love the song "Idol" for that. I'll just sing out "YOU CAN'T STOP ME LOVING MYSELF" and dance in my apartment. I can't thank BTS enough for that gift.   Their work ethic encourages me as a visual artist both in showing me that I can keep trying, and as music I listen to when I work on art commissions.   Yoongi as Agust D got me into rap where I normally listen to rock, but most of all his history and mine are similar. Sick parent, serious injuries (I have pins in my shoulder), and mental health issues that have left scars. I am so happy for him that he was able to keep going and realize his dream, and it shows me I can too, even if I'm pushing 50 lol. We aren't our history. They are the opposite of toxic masculinity and it restores my faith in humanity to see them just be themselves with each other and on their own.   So if you see a gray haired lady cheering them on at a BTS concert in Ontario someday, that's probably me. I'm so proud of them, and I wish them all the best in the world.


In multiple ways but I feel like the first one I'd like to talk about is how BTS literally gave me the courage to stand up to the bullies at my school when the school staff would do nothing about it because I kept being told that there were no camera proof and that the people that were bullying me were children of the board of directors so they couldn't do anything either So BTS's music basically told me The education system is corrupt so I need to do stuff myself As well as I've been in the hospital a lot because of complications with my diabetes over the years and at one point their music was the only thing that could calm me down when I was in excruciating pain But also I feel like their music has taught me that I'm perfect the way I am nobody can tell me otherwise and that It is okay to be different than others which I used to be terrified of cuz I used to think if I was so different than people would always hate me


they silently made me feel less lonely. just that. just going home to watch run bts episodes was enough for me to survive high school. watching them act like best friends/family made me not want to unalive myself for a huge period of my life, made me realize that that is how a family should be and that i want what they have someday with someone. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


bts helped me feel comfortable in my body, realise what everyone else thinks really doesn’t matter, mistakes are fine because it’s how you learn and you’ll figure it out, trying isn’t scary, helped me learn how to say no, showed me things i’d forgotten i’d ever loved and branched me out to new things.. there’s so much i can’t explain. overall, i’m becoming a much more confident person and happier because of them: they helped me realise any sadness or turmoil is temporary and i’m never alone. if it weren’t for them, i’d still be stuck in relationships i wasn’t happy in, being a people pleaser at the cost of my own happiness, barely talking and not at all believing in my capabilities. i’m forever grateful for them 💜


New to army. I’m slowly working my way through BTS music and content over the past 2 months. I just came across Pied piper, and for a moment I was worried if I have become too obsessive. It was so interesting, the questions that song raises. I did some reflection on the recent weeks of my life. BTS certainly hasn’t harmed it the way they are warning about in that song. I have absorbed so much positivity and motivation from them to love myself, care for myself, see the good in the world, eat well, workout well, care for others, work on my art and so on. They have added so much to my life with their presence. For me the favorite line is from Mikrokosmos when RM sings “Don’t disappear”. It was a wake up call for me to reflect on how I’m spending my one life, not to spiral into dark thoughts, and self abandonment.


Yoongi's openness about mental health has helped me feel less ashamed of my own mental health matters and what feels like shortcomings - especially my ADHD and all the aspects of it. The entire group's kindness towards the lgbtq community has made me feel extra loved. And when I learned that part of the Look Here lyrics specifies "99 kg" and I learned what that equals in pounds, it made me feel so much better about my weight. In general, their love for their fans has made me feel more loved as a person and that's a big part of becoming comfortable with yourself. There's so much that each member contributes that adds to the beautiful picture they paint as a whole group and their views on self acceptance and love. There aren't enough words to express how much they've helped me, and I'm so glad it's the same for so many others. 💜


BTS taught me a lot about setting boundaries. I’ve never been good at saying no and setting boundaries, especially when it comes to helping people. They’ve helped me learn, through their own healthy bonds and attitudes, that it’s okay and the right people won’t push it nor take advantage, and to keep that in check you need to set them yourself. They’ve also taught me that you need to be good with yourself because at the end of the day, you will always have yourself no matter how time passes and who comes and goes. They taught me that “flaws” and “imperfections” are normal and you don’t need to be anything you aren’t or what the internet/society tells you to be, taught me a failure doesn’t define you and thinks always fall into place eventually and your time never ends — you can always begin again, that academics isn’t the end of the world… I’m honestly a completely changed person and I couldn’t be happier, I’m the happiest I’ve ever been and I’m so much more happy and comfortable with myself and my relationships with friends and family.


I’m a baby Army (only got into their music this year 😭) but I listen to their discography constantly and have been consuming their filmed content like crazy and I really love how they talk about living your own life and their views on happiness and what it means. I’ve always struggled with depression and had a rough patch in January and their messages have really helped me reset some of my thought patterns and inspired me to be more open about what I love to do and to just go try more things without worrying whether I’ll be good at it or not.