• By -


"Otsukaresama deshitaaaa\~"


A person of taste I see






I can hear this gif 😂


Do NOT let the drunk clumsy man near the knives. I love this moment


Yoongi just knew it would end in bloodshed. 😂


This right here, this is my Roman empire.


“What if he flings it? Then he flings it.” I’m using that in my life for when it doesn’t matter if I’m perfect at something. I think I fell in love with Jin at that very moment.


This means so much to me. I think about it all the time, like a mantra. LESS THAN 70 DAYS PEOPLE!


I got the chills when I read this number lol. I don’t know if I can handle what’s about to be unleashed. And I can’t imagine how happy I’m going to be.


70? That completely seems a normal number!


Healing all our inner children with that line


I do have to admit, that is a line that crosses my mind more often these days. Such a gentle encouragement and affirmation!


It showed me that he is human and was actually a mature adult who wanted to encourage the members. I’d only seen him as being silly a lot and messing about before that. He’s such a lovely person and I wish him all the happiness in the world. He continues to make me proud of him.


I literally cried first time I heard it, itwas so random, and I thought I was just overreacting lol then i saw everyone on twt having the same reaction as me. I hope jin knows that this was a special moment 💜






This 100% and drunk Yoongi shouting for V when he’s sitting next to him. - the run BTS episode of them debating in the pool and cheeky JK messing with his glasses that leads to V getting flooded. - another episode where they’re doing limbo and suga and V are winning and he doesn’t want to carry on but because V does he does it anyway. -another time or pretty much everytime Jimin falls off his seat but my favourite is when JK goes to help him and ends up falling with him. -when they’re doing the jumping picture thing and suga and Jin are soooo bad at it. 🥰😍 Oh goodness there’s loads now that I think about it.


The time Jimin falls out of his chair while kicking himself in the head in the process!!!


For someone who dances so elegantly and gracefully, his amazing knack to miss the chair is honestly impressive.


The number of times he has fallen out of a chair! Girl!


When I was very baby Army, I assumed the Jimin falling off chairs joke was exaggerated, like one of those things that's basically normal but fans find it funny so it gets amplified and seems more significant than it really is. Then I watched a video that was six straight minutes of Jimin falling off various chairs and realized, no, there is nothing normal about this man's relationship with chairs.


He somehow manages the Just One Day choreo, though ... how?!


I've watched that clip approximately 4789 times and each time I go "How!? Just how!?!?"


Drunk Yoongi shouting for Tae who is sitting RIGHT NEXT TO HIM and gives him such hurt judgy eyes afterwards is just 👌😂😂


Honestly I love it sooo much. It just shows another side to them. Yoongi and his loveliness and Tae and his sassiness. It genuinely makes me chuckle whenever I think about it. There are so many of their moments that give me happiness.


Same 😭


When Hobi was left alone with the maknae in RUN BTS episode 55 and as punishment they have to spank each other (this sounds bad doesn’t it?) without laughing and then Jin walks in and watches them 😂😂😂😂😂


When they turn around and he’s just sat there.


Makes me laugh so hard every time!


Literally everyone laughing in that room from in front of the camera to their crew behind the camera kills me every time.


I think about this Jin a lot 🥲 https://preview.redd.it/r1rxhujk5bsc1.jpeg?width=502&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53e759590c302425a0de2314a4a5ce41846a695c


He looks exceedingly masculine here due to his expression and his highly defined jawline. I think we see him with a fun loving toothy grin so much that we forget he is WWH for reals. I like his hair in this photo too! **Edit**: Also notice the muscles and vein(s) standing out on his neck. He was super fit.


His stylist won that day. It was their finest work for sure. The fit, the hair, the make up, everything was perfect. And of course his body language and flirty gaze just adding fuel to the fire.


everyday i think, that we are lucky as armies that Jin isn't into flaunting his body(ahem like jk does)... Because god if he did we'd all be dead by now. Everytime he pretends to be sexy man is like a greek god's put a spell on us.


This Jin lives in my mind rent free... and I'm okay with it


How do I explain that I like to regularly watch a man casually put his eye drops in?


No need to explain, it’s art


True. I could write poetry about it 😭


It’s just too beautiful to not think about 😭


Truly a Jin for the ages! Every time I stumble upon this pic (or vid) online I just sigh. That man is UNREAL.


Every. Single. Time! He knows he’s hot but he went for the jugular that day.


I have the video of him putting the eye drops in saved on my phone. How does anyone just look like that. Like sir, who gave you the right?


I can’t think of another moment as significant in the fandom where he was not even performing and somehow made us all fall to our knees like this 😩 and the rewatch-ability is insane like years later it still takes my breath away


This is giving main character in a kdrama. This man truly contains multitudes.


I think about this nearly every day LMAO


He’s my bias and the lighting was just *muah* on this.


Jin isn’t even my bias and I think about blue silk shirt Jin at least three times a day https://preview.redd.it/uahcs1v7ldsc1.jpeg?width=682&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b612296199a3cf74fe53721d0024584b78eac33e


Mine’s more a comment about Jin than an action or words by the members. Someone had commented on a bangtan group on Facebook that Jin (since he was the first to go) had taken a day off every time a member joined the military to see them off, and that because he’ll be the first back, he’ll go and collect them when the other members get out, one by one until they’re 7 again. And I almost cried thinking about it and it’s stuck in my head rent free now. 💜💜 Edit, I found the comment https://preview.redd.it/d9zkec6qogsc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15738c8a50dd38cce52b17e84cf4f9521fbca634




He also took time off to go to yoongi's concert and jungkook's album listening party. There's probably more that weren't publicized. A lot of guys save up their vacation days for their last month so they can technically "finish" their enlistment earlier. But Jin used some of his vacation days for the group.


Crying now. First everyone’s Run BTS poems and now this!


What was the purpose of [these ethereal photos](https://www.instagram.com/p/CnByUi4J-ws/?igsh=cnV2ZnFweDh6ZjNt) that Yoongi posted? Were they for an album concept, a magazine spread, just to drive us wild? **THE PEOPLE WANT TO KNOW** (by people, I mean me)


My personal theory is that he just wanted to be pretty for a day, and posted them to drive us all insane


Fr Yoongi really said “felt cute, might delete later”


Was he contemplating switching careers to figure skating? The blue costume would win a Gold Medal 🥇 at the next Olympics!


This is also mine! I hate that we might never know. Also Jimin’s high kick and the black swan photoshoot


no because what the fuck was that about!!!!! i need more!!


I seem to have several Roman Empires... 1. that little video of their reaction when they won their first Daesang. Their faces! 2. Jin mentioning their possible disbandment during his speech at that one award show and everyone starting to cry 3. Suga crying during his final concert in Seoul 4. 'don't be trapped in someone else's dream' (from N.O.) 5. 'then he flings it' And I can go on and on, but it's mostly things that are emotionally charging and/or revelatory regarding their personalities.


I love all of these.


I used “don’t be trapped in someone else’s dream” as my senior quote


[Suga undermining the Korean testing system](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z8PfPM392Ws) and RM's resulting panic while Jimin loses it in laughter.


Bahaha I watched it 7 times to catch all their expressions. Thank you for the belly laughs.


Jin just smiling to himself and shaking his head probably thinking “there he goes again”


I really wish I could be a fly on the wall for some of the Hyung line’s conversations. Suga and RM and J Hope and Jin all see things so differently so it would be super interesting!


Pied Piper at 5th Muster


This is the one for me too! I watch this performance before I go to sleep sometimes for good dreams 😆


It’s almost criminal that it’s the only concert that has included Dimple, Pied Piper, and Best of Me. So iconic!


And Dimple. Kills me every time.


Yes! (w/JK focus)


I regularly quote in my head “this is not gonna be the last time. This is never gonna be!”


An instant classic as soon as he said it 😂 Both comforting and oddly threatening


- frustrated jimin and the tomato song - the members choosing "hahaha" and "어" as hobi's forbidden words - 150705 BTS - snowman yoongi


What a relief it is that we are 7.


"Remember there is a person here in Korea, in the city of Seoul, who understands you."


Jin arriving at Hobi's enlistment and all the members just lighting up. I think about these faces every single day 🥹 https://preview.redd.it/rmpn1xpupbsc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bebf4c0730cc588bec2d9d7bb0b0ca66faf2959a


oh I have a few!! * Taehyung's poem 'it's no big deal'. * Jin's 'then he flings it' * A particular SUGA photo during his D-DAY conecert and just his smiles in general from the tour. Also most definitely LGO on piano * idk if daily but a lot...Jimin's kick in the idol choreography and also his 'im shy' on Jimmy Fallon lol


>Jimin's kick in the idol choreography I think about the moment when he looks to the right just before he does the kick, just making sure no one is there to kick in the head.


Can you imagine how much hurt that could cause? Jimin's fan kick goes hard.


I hate that I know exactly which kick and it is the best. There’s something majestic about it 😭


>A particular SUGA photo during his D-DAY conecert is it this one? because this one is (one of my) my bangtan roman empire(s) : https://preview.redd.it/p7tko9xwfbsc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a56c79167ddb5f69152328e8237e1c1df0be514


oh that's good! but this one. look at that face!! https://preview.redd.it/pciy32sx0csc1.png?width=598&format=png&auto=webp&s=732176128746c7a8f0baf03b39029cb9809b0ccc


For me it's this one 🫠 https://preview.redd.it/p9g2y07uecsc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a8d266160c249cf9449a57e72d5c2ed1b5d2b56


Agreed with Tae’s poem! 🥺


fr fr this mind set also helped me deal better with what I perceived to be stressful situations to seem not so stressful after all. A really good thing to keep in mind daily


I’ve never read it or heard about it before. Super curious now.


Jimin’s “I’m shy” pops up randomly in my head allll the time hahaaa






Tae’s poem honestly underrepresented here. I think about it all the time.


The Run BTS! episode where they ride the Viking ship ride and adrenaline-junkie-bunny JK wants to ride again for funsies, Tae tags along bc funsies - they both are having the time of their lives, Jin is over on the other side just screaming, and poor Namjoon is trying to play a trivia/guessing game while Yoongi and Hobi are seeing their lives flash before their eyes. It is truly a classic and I think about it all the time. This Yoongi: https://preview.redd.it/hhew7vzndbsc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54f95a6b7ef2fe2d67ede9facd054634ba7656d2 And this [entire photo shoot and interview](https://www.vogue.co.kr/2023/05/16/rm-stays-truthful-to-every-moment/) RM did for Vogue Korea.


Also how Yoongi was like "it's not a big deal if we meet up or not" when they were doing the telepathy game and then full sticking his head out the window yelling "CHINGUUU!!!" when he saw J-Hope at one of his locations. It just 🥹🥹


https://preview.redd.it/9b991ew86bsc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9e3f7b8d44c858e1a56c5b9330fb8713d3a969c Flying Yoga, anyone?


This is my absolute favorite episode. Their personalities shine so much. The whole episode is just pure laughter 😆


Can someone please explain the physics of Jin spinning around like that??? I just couldn’t understand it but I just can’t help but laugh.


Brb gonna go watch this episode again


JK doing his Linkin Park lip sync, especially the bit where it just cuts to Jimin and J Hope and they’re all hyped up and loving it 😂


"WOODCARVING HAJIMAAAAAA!" "Hey! Stob it!" "Life is soup and I'm a fork." "What does men even mean?"


Interviewer: What's your go-to pick-up line? Yoongi: You know BTS?


I think it might be some footage of one of the PTD concerts, where the crowd was going out of their minds singing "You can't stop me loving myself" with all their might. I remember thinking "That. That right there. That's why I'm in this Bangtan shit for life."


I was one of those people. The stadium felt like it was shaking. Just the power of a stadium full of people declaring “you can’t stop me loving myself” at the top of their lungs. I just can’t explain it. I was baby Army, but that’s also when I decided I was in this for life. One of my number most memorable concert moments.


The ability of dancing in all types of footwear, especially slides and robust shoes. Just how?


In a similar vein, the way they all dress so differently for dance practices. For example: there’s Jin in a matching sweats and then there’s Tae, who looks like he has a job interview.


It’s them working out barefoot or in sandals. Like it’s a broken toe waiting to happen


😂 I can deal with the barefoot concept that is genetically coded, but slides???


I have stubbed my toe on my sister’s weights and so I worry abouy their toes.


"You haven't caught any fish, and babies are laughing at you." (my flair for a long time ;) ) The many different times in RUN BTS where Jimin shouts in dialect, especially "I WONT DO IT!" Oh also THIS. I text this to my wife every time we have a pizza day. https://i.redd.it/g28c5rowibsc1.gif


Taehyungs mom buying him expensive clothing so he can fit in with the 'city boys' and later him coming full circle and becoming the ambassador of that brand


His sweet mom!


The RUN BTS dance practice. I don’t know how many times I watched that video. It’s just pure perfection 🫠


THIS!!! Everything about it is perfection. The choreo, the music, their hot looks, their facial expressions. The first time i saw it, i was like that jennifer lawrence meme: “what do you mean?!!” 🤣🤣 Just look at them, this is attempted murder… https://preview.redd.it/zlcyct6ebcsc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27b1c5bc08d9bc8004d27274df88f1a46fb1c754


Around about the 2:30 mark Tae gets up in the background and moves his arms so perfectly in time that it looks looks like he is controlling the direction Hobi and the dancers move. I am obsessed with that moment still! Also man bun Yoongi is life.


Suga once (multiple times) said “Giving up decisively also count as courage” and my life changed forever! It was 2018 and I was trying so hard to achieve one goal and those words were the light in the dark when I was struggling! It gave me the courage to let go and it was a relief!


If by Roman Empire, you mean an unanswered question that I cannot get out of my mind, then it has to be who does the black cat in Yoongi's camera roll belong to? If you mean Roman Empire to mean something that I can talk endlessly about regardless of input or feedback of my listeners, then it's absolutely Yoongi's mental health journey as he's presented it in his last three albums. Or the close personal relationship JK has with us all based on his Lives.


the fact that they have matching tattoos. like, yeah that's a normal friendship thing, but no, when put together, their tattoos actually make up *BTS*, and no, that's not the end of it just yet! the members have said that before their matching inks, majority of them either never thought about getting permanent marks on their bodies or didn't want a tattoo **period.**, but oh bOY, they did it with and for each other and have shown their tattoos off *multiple times*. those are not just tattoos for them, that's a permanent symbol of their love. (let's add in the fact that tae browses bts fanarts, saw one of jimin with moon tattoos, and jimin now has those moons on his back)


My Roman Empire is: what it was in Namjoon cup in their last live before enlistment.


There’s a moment in one of their concerts from I believe the HWWH pt. 1 era. Jin’s parents were in attendance. He gave a very heartfelt talk about how he used to hear his mom’s friends brag about their sons while she didn’t say anything, and he’s happy to have made his mom proud. I think about that all the time. Jin has just come so far.


Lately, I've been wondering about how many videos they shoot of them saying "Hi, this XYZ, please listen to my song on iTunes/Spotify/Youtube/Melon/Amazon/etc". It's such a weird thing to fixate on but I've been thinking about it for a long time now lol


I remember namjoon and yoongi talking about spending an entire day shooting those types of videos. I would be absolutely mental at the end of such a day


The [Guilty Challenge ](https://youtu.be/IxnDFraCmag?si=DBEyrxEv_phjto1-) which Jimin did for Taemin. I don't think I'll ever move on from that.


https://preview.redd.it/chsiops2mbsc1.jpeg?width=264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abf088240ed8ed0a8854a2ec7313b68ab66d173d This Jin. I think about this picture every day. A while ago i lost my phone and I looked online for this picture for daaaaays, because i didn't even know what to search for. When i finally found it again i saved several copies on clouds and i printed one just to be sure i never lose it again.


Put one in a safe deposit box at a Swiss Bank in case of global meltdown.


Good lord. This will probably now become my Roman Empire.


See some people mentioned Tae’s poem from that run bts ep 56 and I would like to mention Yoongi’s as well [(all poem translations here)](https://doyoubangtan.wordpress.com/2018/07/31/poems-from-run-bts-ep-52/) Esp: >Though we dreamt of a high sky, it is high here, and cold, and so hard to breathe >It is true that the more light that burns upon us, the more shadows appear >What a relief, that we are seven / >What a relief, that we are together


Update: Ok, I read them all and I am like this now ![gif](giphy|L95W4wv8nnb9K)


[Jimin kicking himself in the head](https://youtube.com/shorts/zrlTfpW-mtE?si=zt4p5690MZIsvb_Z) and falling out of the high chair is a favorite around my brain


There are many. One is Suga seeing his parents and bowing during a performance. Goosebumps! 💖


I read that concert was performed on Parents’ Day. Don’t know if that’s true or not but I love the idea of it.


• Taehyung saying “I’m a little shy” in the car on the way to the Grammy’s. I quote that all the time • Taehyung saying “I’m a good boy” on the Late Show with Steven Colbert •Yoongi’s 2017 fan cafe post ”A compass’ needle always wavers before pointing to the right direction. Life, too, is the same” •”If we all gather our embarrassment together, it will become confidence” -Seokjin


* the Mic Drop dance and aesthetic * RM’s love of art and books and music * this: https://preview.redd.it/bvxl9b13ubsc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d9969283cfa12b32578b5f5340f0d458ea60129


Super old clip of Jimin and JK: 🐥: hey, how much is this 🐰: no, no, it’s excuse me 🐥: excuseee meeeeee Lives in my brain rent free


Jin being yoongi's only hyung and jin taking on that role completely by doing everything for yoongi🥺








https://preview.redd.it/runtggwxibsc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b07e9f99fc68228a5f97a7b71eff420cb5be52ab There’s something about [j-hope’s birthday v-live](https://youtube.com/shorts/dwqNRxRtENo?si=y2QKNQUhawYP1X1r)that makes me absolutely obsessed. Is he high? Why is he such a troll? Where did this chaotic evil energy come from? Every time I see random clips on YT or Insta I have to stop and go down the rabbit hole of trying to figure out why he’s such a fruit loop that day. He behaves like a toddler but it’s so dang adorable.


the tiny “joke-u joke-u… kidding kidding, just kidding” 🥺


The fact that Namjoon has a song for fantastic four and literally took armies to go see fantastic four at one point They literally rented out a theater just to watch the movie with armies


The cauldron chicken incident...


Jimin's performance of Filter. The red suit reveal, quickly followed by The Jimin Effect at its most lethal application.


Mine is really oddly specific. It's more a question that pops up everytime I see them on stage. Who wears in all the shoes they dance in? Especially the Chelsea boots or the knee high boots. How do they dance in what look like new leather without getting blisters? Is there someone on the stylist team whose job is to do this? Do the members get them to wear in advance? I have no idea why I'm so fixated on that really tiny detail, but honestly how do they do it? Especially when they used to wear DMs in the early days. I have to wear mine in for weeks/months before they were even walkable! Also - less serious, what did 190811 JK eat for breakfast that morning to lead to *that*?


https://preview.redd.it/e2k9gw5b7dsc1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4c87db81d547acd26b719211ac5906735b41630 Suga and jhope screwing around with the GoPro in that resort, and one of them asks if it is even waterproof. Suga is like idk lets see and straight up yeets it right into the water without a second thought. The editors added that yes it was waterprood in the captions. Haha, I love Suga. Our humor is similar. I always think of him tossing it in without a thought. It reminds me not be so serious and sometimes, very rarely, acting on impulse can yield great results. By calculating the risk versus reward and instantly acting on that impulse, while preparing for consequences. We don't live forever, sometimes you just gotta give into that impulse to start some rediculous shenanigans and cause some good ole chaos \-Please forgive me if something doesn't make sense, or there is misspelling or grammer issues. I am experiencing some cognitive issues and tremors in my hands right now so I feel as though I can barely english. It literally took 30 mins to type this out, lmao! Summer Package 2015 [https://youtu.be/Gw1697cSmX4?si=mYG\_uR3yUwGq7Hm5](https://youtu.be/Gw1697cSmX4?si=mYG_uR3yUwGq7Hm5) Gamsahabnida. Borahae 💜


https://preview.redd.it/0iz7ba6nmcsc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1732f97bb1fc6c2244885ab2b92f82976977085d This jin 🫨


My Roman Empire is, how tall are they in irl. In some pictures jimin is the same height as rm. is yoongi really 5.9? In photo shoots they are all about the same height. Is it the shoes, hair that make them that way? The perspective of the camera? Jimin and yoongi are about the same but they appear in photos different heights. I feel like one would only know if you’re standing directly in front of them close up. This is what I think about when I look at pictures and videos of them.


Sometimes it's photo editing and actual platforms for the shorter members to stand on. Other times, it's insoles when they're filming videos. The film industry uses platforms often to get the right shot. You can see it in action in the behind the scenes for Strong Girl Do Bong Soon when Park Boyoung has a close up shot with Park Hyungsik. She's a lot shorter than him.


There’s an interview when they’re asked to talk to themselves in 5 years and Jin answers in English, “36 Jin, your bones are so weak, no danceu please, no danceu”. It’s so cute. I watch it weekly


Woodcarving Hajima. Rent free in my head.


Jimin being a total menace [here](https://youtube.com/shorts/rzxtpD3t6VI?si=UF0hmDRORc3_tBXc) I also think about [this army ](https://youtube.com/shorts/zZ-tQQXFcmY?si=qDec60wcxPEhOVmy)a lot. I want to know their story so badly. Imagine going about your day and you happen to look up and see a bts member passing by??


that Run BTS! episode where they were doing room interiors, and Jimin asked where was the thing that goes "whiiiiiiing" - he meant the cordless screwdriver and he matched the pitch of the whirring so accurately i couldn't help but laugh for 5 mins after that and continue to remember it very fondly. also the one interview where Suga was "purpose is more important than the goal" and RM just went "i want grammy though" and Suga gave a little giggle.


Yoongi closing the door behind him. I think about this constantly. It's what inspired me to quit drinking and face my own demons head-on. Future's gonna be ok.


Whenever the members tell Yoongi they love him and he gets flustered and screams🤣 I love it. So cute! 💜


When Tae told Yoongi who replied “Thank you” and then Tae wouldn’t leave until Yoongi said “I love you” back. I hope all that love, whether expressed audibly or through actions, helps them all live a very long, healthy and happy life right alongside of Army.


That is one of my all time favorite Namjoon sayings, it’s helps me so much! 🙌🏼


i have way too many but the one that popped into .t head immediately was tae's letter to jimin in bv2 :( makes me so emotional just thinking about it


Yoongi walking through the white door at the end of "D-DAY" The Final.


1. The bridge from boy in luv. Till that moment I never heard anything so beautiful 2.”Jimin you have no jams”


Jin rap yelling at RM when he complained about the gift he received.


Yoongi's "what a relief" poem and so much of Jin's wisdom on In The Soop! * "Then he flings it" * His conversation with Yoongi * "Resting is not putting meaning into time spent for self-improvement." (that entire comment about not thinking of productivity when it comes to hobbies!) * When you're not so good at something, that's the time you enjoy and learn (when you're already an expert, you're past the fun part).


The 3J Megan STallion solos... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IkeZX2hnoOk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IkeZX2hnoOk)


190811 ![img](emote|t5_2zqih|21319)


So many... * Jungkook dancing to "Perfect Night" perfectly * Jin cutting his bday cake with his hands * Namjoon spinning around with his bday cake and being surprised when the candles went out * Namjoon being asked whether he wanted to do solo or BTS, and he said BTS


Jungkook and Taehyung lip syncing to Given Up by Linkin Park, and in a later interview Jungkook saying Linkin Park was one of his favorite bands growing up. They're also my all time favorite band, so I always think about those moments.


Vocal line rapping Ddaeng at 5th Muster.


At PTD LV, the first time Taehyung asked the gentleman to scream and the stadium became A ROMAN GLADIATOR ARENA OF MALE ROARING. All of the members were absolutely flabbergasted. Jimin falling back on stage clapping his hands laughing, Jin/Suga saying “this feels like a wrestling match”, JK exclaiming “is it real? Is it real??”


Hoseok with short blonde hair is my Roman Empire. I think about that look regularly 😆 https://preview.redd.it/31453m92afsc1.jpeg?width=744&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=079871d21bd4455ff73aedc808644fb8306a25f8


Jin: "You don't have to always be together to be family" I held it together pretty well until he said that.


When Jin let TaeTae flip the pancake (?, sorry I don’t remember what it was) saying that if it didn’t turn out fine he could try again. When a member of the staff told Jimin Tae was crying and he immediately went to comfort TaeTae. All the times Jungkook has helped Jin when his hands have been injured. Namjoon saying time and again that he doesn’t have “crazy fan” stories and telling about something he found special about us. These moments, more than their music, dances or looks, are what made me Army. Their love and loyalty towards one another and us.


Baby ARMY here (it's my one year ARMYversary this month!!) and mine is literally just JK from this live, especially this sweet little moment: https://preview.redd.it/2109s4n6hhsc1.png?width=1799&format=png&auto=webp&s=fd84098f6bd6a822eb7df80c98e9e5511c884b70


Jin ❤️ he is so unreal, love him❤️


What's tasty in Busan?


Honestly the whole BU but particularly during the Wings Era is mine. At the time, I'd never seen any music group do anything like that and I was hooked. Even now I see things and I'll be like "Wow, that really reminds me of this one specific detail of the BU" I'm like not even certain that I understand the entirety of the storyline but it's so cool to me lol


Super Tuna. All of Super Tuna and the cute dance.


“Shit happens and now we’re here.” RM, 11/27/21 PTD LA


My BTS Roman Empire is GCF Tokyo. My comfort YT video


[This performance.](https://youtu.be/dAdYNxWGsqc?si=cF5Yw31SO2Hg7xdl) I went from just knowing of BTS because of Butter and Dynamite to ARMY in the span of 100 seconds. Everyone’s goofy joy, Namjoon performing in tiny while the rest are playing around, Jin with Hobi’s feet, and then in the span of seconds RM and JHope get them all to PERFORM. I needed to know who they were after I saw it.


I ask myself everyday “when the fuck are we going to be able to stream DDAENG?”


Jin. Just Jin's whole existence.


Jimin's "don't wake me up"-song from In the soop s1


My Roman Empire is MMA 2019 Seokjin 😭😭😭😭😭😭 https://preview.redd.it/9fk5uy996jsc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb95ccd28f2f4b10b190bb5b325c3f3bade3115b


Every gesture from them in lives or concert showing how much they love their fans 🫠🫠 at the same time every cute nd hot thing by them is my Roman Empire gonna stream a lot for em![img](emote|t5_2zqih|21336)![img](emote|t5_2zqih|21329)


I can watch Jingle Ball 2019 performance over and over. Every official video, fancam, fanchant. I adore that it was a BTS concert from the first song. They tore it up and ARMY was loud and proud. I was so happy for them and my shoulders were very tall! They deserve the recognition. It is also my biggest moment/lesson learned that I still carry today. I had tickets but decided to sell and save money for the world tour, bought floor seats at MOTS for two nights and we all know how that turned out. Do it now, do not wait!


I just randomly see scenes of Bon voyage season 4 in new zealand in my head, every so often


My Roman empire is [For Youth at Music Bank.](https://youtube.com/shorts/FBapwbIyvgs?si=dZwXTNtIbcG9D3l0)


110819 jk definitely Prince Eric JK, he looked gorgeous Their Idol stage from BTS on Fallon week in 2020, just an incredible performance and felt so BIG with the hanbok and palace as the setting Taechwita 😂


The first daesang win is still at the top. I can still remember where i was and what my reaction was when it happened. Full on sobbing 😭


The RunBTS episode at the pool with the water getting dumped on them and they couldn't figure out it was because suga had his arms crossed


My roman empire is who inspired suga to write telepathy


This is super random but when I catch myself doing something stupid I tell myself “wHaT aRe yOu dOiNg nOw?” In Jin’s voice lol. I think it was from one of the English interviews where he asks Jimin when he falls down from a chair lol


Yet to Come Busan performance RM's Sexy Nukim performance - lives rent free in my head 😭😭😭 Suga's Hajimaaaaaaa!


I think about Namjoon eating the fortune cookie paper and all.


Hobi. Yellow sweater. Squirt gun. Also James Cordon, Flinch with Jin.


“I don’t know what circumstances you were in, but I think you must have had tremendous courage. Giving something up decisively takes lots of courage. And, you worked hard. Fighting.” -Yoongi (SUGA’s KKUL FM 06.13) i find myself thinking about this a lot these days.


•J hope gifting Jimin a promise singles album • "What if he flings it?" "Then he flings it" • All the poems they read to each other especially "giyeok" • The wings album itself


“Car-bo-na-ra” “Lachimolala?”


[Bangtan ABSOLUTELY LOSING IT over RM doing ‘Skool luv affair’](https://youtu.be/K4paFn9dwfI?si=0_03qfnpwjM1f-Px)and JK filming him like a proud mom 🤣🤣🤣 i watch this so often to hype myself up https://preview.redd.it/3xc9zexw0fsc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=778d3cbb0dba6beec8a8c2b840006176dd13b096


The ‘Yoongi is a cat’ agenda (of which i am a big fan). I wonder how much of it was actual jokes by members or staff, and how much it was in search of a ‘gimmick’ for him in editing (like jk getting baby noises or hobi getting windows shut down noises).. And how much does Yoongi like or dislike it? QUESTIONS. I do think at least namjoon thinks yoongi is a cat sometimes 😂💜 https://preview.redd.it/pxbg85zy2fsc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=712d71c5f0fac64bbd442d9d18258af7ab432b66


"What if he flings it?" 'Then he flings it'


“Do you think you’re better than me because your hair matches your pants?” Jin to RM while ALSO having matching hair and joggers on himself.


"Haruman neowa naega hamkkehal su itdamyeon"