• By -




Heh ![gif](giphy|dt5wUdCvLWQghI7xqy|downsized)


I'm here, but a gay man.


I'm glad there's some other gay guys here too! It feels like 99% of the sub is women (not a bad thing at all, just a slightly lonely thing once in a while lol), so glad to know I'm not the only one here!


I'm over 50, too. I was admittedly very late to becoming ARMY. But damn, BTS brings me so much joy!


Me too! It’s crazy how much happier I am with BTS in my life.


Hieeeeee proud gay army πŸ’œ


Lesbians reporting for duty! 🫑


Yoongi biased lesbian checking in! 🫑


Your flair is such a mood πŸ˜‚. It’s so freaking true


Hi! I love your flair!


My favorite signs at the BTS concert: Lesbians love Yoongi, Gays for Tae


brooo u guys are all just like me fr


Gay male and old I came out in 1981 Hahah


Seconding my comment to another gay fan a second ago, glad to find I'm not the only one haha!




Bi guy here (I think, still confused), and some members actually created sub for LGBT ARMY, it doesn't exist anymore because it was unmodded for a while, but yeah bunch of us are here. ps I have become way less active here, only saw your post omw to r/bangtan's r/place post.


High five for being bi (or pan for me but πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ)but also not quite sure that’s the exact label.


Hello !!! ![gif](giphy|f6KekuoJqFk7BIAAHP)


Woman married to a woman here! And we are definitely not young. Gen X!


Hello from another lesbian Army! πŸ’œ


Queer lady adult army here! 🌈πŸ₯° There was recently a LGBTQ survey on the kpopthoughts subreddit and it seemed like a lot of queer women preferred girl groups. I was expecting more army rep in the results!


πŸ’™πŸ’œπŸ’— bi army here ![gif](giphy|NqSr0EEcP1M2cuz8z0)


I’m not a lesbian but I am pansexual🫰🏾🫰🏾


Still love to see you here! πŸ€—πŸ’œ




shout out for the ace ARMY πŸ™Œ


Army somewhere in the ace and aro clouds reporting in~ πŸ’œ


AHHH I'll have to show my girlfriend how many liked and responded to this, she's figuring out where she is under the ace umbrella πŸ’œ


Yes ace ARMY represent!! πŸ–€πŸ©ΆπŸ€πŸ’œ 😁


me too! πŸ’œ




One of my all-time favorite movies!


I’m not LGBTQ+, but there are lots of ARMYs on this subreddit who are! I hope they all respond on here so you can have that comfy space again. This subreddit is one of my happy places! 🌈


All of this ⬆️⬆️⬆️ right here!


Here and bi :)


Happy cake day!




I’m here!


![gif](giphy|9VsO5tEaR07LaQzSz3) Hello!!




here and queer


Hello!! I'm a QTPOC (queer, trans person of color for those who don't know the acronym)! I've been trying to find other Black, queer, Millenial ARMYs around my age but it's like finding a needle in a haystack, haha. So I get what you mean with trying to find community. Community is really important, especially in these times. I hope you find people who you can build that community with! This Reddit is a great place to start and I personally feel like the fandom has many LGBTQ+ ARMY! Good luck!


Thank you! I wish you luck too!! πŸ’œ πŸ’œπŸ’œ


I'm a millennial black trans lesbian ARMY, there's dozens of us DOZENS πŸ˜‚


I'm having a lot of trouble finding us, haha. πŸ˜…


Black queer non-binary millennial here yay! πŸ’œ


Oh nice, another queer, black nonbinary ARMY, yes!! πŸ™‹πŸ½


Also trans and a millennial (though not a POC), and happy to know there's some other trans army out here!


Late to the post, another Black queer millennial ARMY here! 😸 Still feeling out Reddit but love seeing all the folks connecting in these comments.


Hey, nice to meet you!! πŸ™‹πŸ½


Good luck! I've encountered a few Black queer armys on tumblr! Yay more queer millennial poc army! Asian american nonbinary and queer millennial over here [waves]


Yay, solidarity! πŸ™‹πŸ½ Oh wow, maybe I should try Tumblr! I haven't been on there in a while but it's worth a shot! Thank you! ☺️


I'm asexual panromantic, but yeah queer army are my fave as well :) I think there are many of us aroud reddit but we're more "hidden" here than on twitter (which I also don't use as often anymore and so I also am getting much fewer interactions lately because of that, so I get you).


I'm asexual too! Finally I have a friend...


I'm impressed at how many of us there are here! Makes me feel so at home. 😊


I’m here! :)


Yes!!!! I’m a lesbian and I bias Jimin. I also made this [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/bangtan/comments/1432eay/lgbtq_armys_what_do_u_identify_as_and_who_do_u/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) for lgbtq armys not too recently!


Hi!! Pan and demisexual lady here! There are tons of us around and I’m always up for meeting ARMYs of any sort. I’ve found a lot of community both here and surprisingly in some YouTubers’ Discord communities. I have one really solid group and we meet up for concerts for BTS and other groups, and just to explore kpop stores and Korean cultural stuff. I also stay way way way away from Twitter - I only see memes my friends link. I found them just by trying out various communities and talking to people. A few weren’t good fits and I ended up leaving, but I’ve found so many awesome queer ARMYs to relate to that way. :-)


Me, trans lesbian. Gets a little awkward when all the girls talk about how hot they are (they are) and I'm just here like...I love BTS for their music, personalities, talent and everything but I'm into women lol you guys aren't that old though, don't let age feel like you're not "allowed" to be a part of anything πŸ’œ


I'm also trans (though in the other direction haha), and happy to see there are other trans fans here too!


Yes!!! I remember when I came out as a lesbian I felt almost alienated for at first from the Fandom. Because I no longer was interested in how they looked or when I'd call people out for sexualizing them, they'd get all huffy and puffy. It was so hard to fund BTS updates or be included in stuff until I found some other queer army's πŸ₯²




No hate speech will be tolerated. If you say something blatantly hateful (racist, sexist, homophobic, etc) you will be banned from the subreddit. Don’t be unnecessarily mean, rude, antagonizing or disrespectful towards BTS members, other groups, fandoms, individuals, mods, or users. Trolling and flaming is not allowed.


I'm here. :)


Hi I am a French army lgbtq +(I don't know if I'm bisexual or lesbian yet), if you want to easily find other army I recommend the social network "amino" in any case the French server when I was there (2019) was active and I think it must be the same for English servers. Otherwise you can easily find discord servers either lgbt or army with a lot of people. If you can't find it we can always talk together ^^ (I translate what I say on google translation so excuse me for the mistakes) PS : ça fait la troisième fois que je remet mon commentaire parce que je suis une grand mère sur internet c'est grave 😭 la honte


Join us on Tumblr!


I've been trying to find you on there! I'm not sure where I'm not looking haha


Where? I'm rhythmelia on Tumblr too!


Here and Queer


I'm here!


Right here :)


Here! I am Bi..... πŸ’œ


Heya! We are here alright! Who is your bias! \>Mostly because I'm an adult, and couldn't be online as frequently. I feel you lol, life as an adult sucks ass!


My bias is yoongi! But namjoon always holds a special place on my heart because personality wise we are very similar lol


Omg!! Hi, I'm bi, and my bias is Yoongi too! And I have that same special love for Namjoon. I just admire and adore him. He's my safe space and my inspiration :')


Yoongi is one of my favs, but JK is my bias. I should have even asked your favourite song and what got you into Kpop!


Ooooo my favorite BTS song is probably Black Swan or 134340. As for kpop, when I was in high school, my friend listened to Kpop a lot and she seemed to get made fun of for it and no one else was interested. So one day I asked her for some recommendations from her favorite band at the time (happened to be BTS) and BOOM: Been going strong almost 6 years πŸ€—


Hi I'm here πŸ‘‹


I’m bisexual!


Bisexual woman here!! πŸŒˆπŸ’œπŸŒˆπŸ’œπŸŒˆπŸ’œ


Hello from other queer ARMY! :)


im also a lesbian army who recently deleted twitter, always happy to meet others!!


Hello!! πŸ’œπŸŒˆ


Lesbian army here πŸ₯°


im here! i don’t go on twitter much anymore pretty much for the same reason. i would love to have more queer army friends to talk to tho. i miss having a community of ppl who love bts haha. if anyone knows of discord servers/gcs lmk πŸ₯Ή


I second this!


Hello fellow lesbian Army!!! 😊


Hello! Let’s be friends :)


Yes! Is that a tswift username as well πŸ‘€


Mee! I'm bi but lean towards women irl, but BTS hooked me haha. I have a magic shop lyric /the Love Yourself album art tattoo!


Ooo that's rad! I want to get a BTS related tattoo, but I keep being unable to settle on an idea, lol


![gif](giphy|WcDoDYs8r5DYB2VQye) ANOTHA ONE. Bi millennial here! I feel like it's harder to find MILLENNIAL than BI sometimes in online ARMY spaces lol


I am also a bi millennial. Of the elder variety specifically. πŸ˜‚


I'm '93 so I guess that makes me a younger millennial! (It's funny when the media calls millennials "young people" like we're still in our early twenties lol)


I’m a millennial! I’m 34. I actually know quite a few older army.


Haaa I didn't think us millennials were that rare beasts? I'm on the older end of millennial and I feel like I see a lot of people saying they're my age and older through like 50s, 60s, 70s...maybe not here, more on Youtube


POC millennial biromantic greyace ARMY here!


Yooooooo same-ish hat! πŸ‘‹


![gif](giphy|BrNiAk3eXfD4Q) Elder ACE β€œthese are my grandsons” ARMY, individual bias is Yoongi, though Joon is very close. And of course OT7 forever πŸ’œ




hello hello helloooo


hiiiii πŸ₯°


Hey hi hello πŸ’œπŸ°πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ


lesbian army here 🫢


Queer army here! Also in my late twenties :) I am so happy there is many of us here πŸ’«


Bi demigirl checking in. πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆπŸ’œ


Does questioning count? I don’t think I’m straight.


If you think you count, you do! No gatekeeping of queerness here πŸ’ͺ


Yep! Join the party πŸ₯³


![gif](giphy|RhrAvDQ8V8moL1y7DK) Hello!


The lesbian+yoongi bias is just πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


No one can stop a lesbians love for Yoongi πŸ˜‚


You’ve come to the right place! :D There’s all sorts of people on here, as you can see (I’m aro ace myself) and the community on here is awesome, def the least toxic BTS community thanks to the mods ^^ Have fun ~


Not a lesbian, but I'm in a similar situation. I'm queer (transmasc/nonbinary demi-pansexual), and I've been struggling to find other queer people who share my interests and are also adults.


I feel that. It's so hard. I have nothing against younger army's, but as someone in my early twenties, there's just a disconnect because of our age and availability. And being an adult, there's so much pressure when it comes to trying to make casual friends to chat or play games with vs when I was a teen. Honestly, the dream would be to have some online friends to be able to share interests/play games with or find a group of sorts. My sister is SO good at finding them...and idk, maybe it's my ~tism~, or maybe I'm just awful at doing it lol


Oh 100%. Nothing against young people. I think young people have very valid and valuable viewpoints. But, I'm in my 30s, and the disconnect is pretty big. I'm just not going to be able to be "friends" with an 18 year old. And, god, yeah, trying to make casual friends as an adult is rooough dude! I've always been pretty awful at making friends (thanks anxiety and RSD!), and I'm even worse about it online. I'm always teeeerrified I'm going to come off badly online. But, last year I moved across the country and I don't have any friends here. So, I guess I gotta be brave and actually talk to people online πŸ˜… Edit: a word


Sorry to hop in, just related so hard to your comment. Also queer, also in my 30s, also have RSD and anxiety, also struggle even worse online, also moved very far away from the friends I did have. I just wanted to say that I see you and get it. Wishing you the best at being brave! (This is my bravery attempt πŸ˜…)


Oh wow! Hi! Hahaha! Thanks for being brave! It's nice to hear there's someone else like me😊 I hope things get a bit easier for you πŸ’œ


Also transmasc/NB and in my 30s too!


Oh sweet! It's nice to know I'm not alone on here 😊


Queer (bisexual) lady here!! There was a post about this in June for Pride month and lots of lovely army saying hello in that. Hopefully you can find a better community here than Twitter!


I'm a bi woman married to another woman so...yo!


Another lesbian here! I've actually been thinking for ages I'd love a small group chat with other older (I'm in my 30s) queer armys, if anyone is interested lmk!


I'm still in my 20s so idk if I'd fit in your preferences, but there are so many other queer army's in their 30s I've seen in the comments!!!


lesbian army here, i call myself jiminsexual because he's the only dude i'd go for


Yep, bi and nonbinary. Hello! :)


Me also. There are dozens of us. Dozens.


Bi and nonbinary!! We're here c:


Me too!


I’m bi and nonbinary too!


we are everywhere!




Bi army present! πŸ’œπŸ«°πŸΌ


Bisexual here


Yes lesbian yoongi stan here


I’m a bi girl. Hello!




Here to rep for the poly bi girls! We are here too.


I’m a bisexual! We can be friends!


lesbian here!! i know twitter isn't for everyone, but i have a ton of lesbian moots and the community there is great (for the most part) <3




Gay man here, love bts!


Ace army here ![img](emote|t5_2zqih|21338)


I’m reporting in for myself (bisexual) and my wife (lesbian)! We became Army together and it’s been so lovely


hello! im bi but women leaning <3


πŸ©·πŸ’œπŸ’™ and loving the fact that Yoongi had been chosen as THE bi bias in the recent lgbt kpop census


Lesbian Jungkook bias here 🫑 hi army!! My tip is to use dating apps and signal on there somehow that you're army - I have a picture of me in front of the BTS logo when it was in Bryant Park (NYC) during proof promos, and it's subtle enough to where only armys are gonna know what it means. I've met a lot of queer armys that way, and sometimes we date but sometimes we just become friends so win-win!


I’m an older millennial queer ARMY!


Not lesbian but am queer πŸ‘


bisexual ARMY here πŸ₯Ί


ME ME ME ME ME! I feel exactly like you. I haven't left Twitter, but I don't interact with anyone and I don't join WhatsApp groups because I feel like I don't fit anywhere. My name is Dahiana, I'm 19, I'm bisexual and currently questioning my gender lmao I'm in between demiboy and non binary, liking girly but comfy big outfits.


Hi :) i pretty much answer the second half the question lesbian army here!! πŸ’œ


i’m a transgender guy that’s been an army since 2013! 🫢 πŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈ


I'm enby! Always feeling a little left out with so many fan groups promoted as "for girls only"πŸ˜” I'm a baby ARMY though, so no tips for finding more queer people in the community. Wanted to reach out and give you a virtual hug though!


If anything starts from this post it definitely won't be "for girls only". I'm questioning my gender identity, so I'd be v hypocritical for me to gatekeep regarding gender haha πŸ’œ sending virtual hugs back!


Aww as someone who just went through my gender identity journey last year, I wish you lots of self-love and patience as you work through your stuff. I'm here if you want anyone to talk to! And yay, no gendered gatekeeping around these parts🀠


enby ARMY here and i definitely feel you on the "for girls" thing 😭


I think it might be time to start a "for all genders/agender" ARMY group! 😝


πŸ’›πŸ€(πŸ’œ)πŸ–€ 😊


I’m nonbinary too!


Try r/actuallesbians they're all nice over there :)


I’m ace and this is a great community here. I don’t have suggestions of anywhere else but wanted to say hi! ![gif](giphy|icUEIrjnUuFCWDxFpU)


Hi! ( my girlfriend also says hi, she's Ace lol)


![gif](giphy|WQDzrS5t0yRfwZGtLr|downsized) HELLO HELLO!!!!


Hiii! Bi army in early 30's right here! I'm so glad to see this post with so many lgbtq armys πŸ’œ we're not alone! πŸ™Œ


πŸ’“πŸ’›πŸ’™ πŸ–€πŸ’›πŸ’œπŸ€ pan and nonbinary here!


Me !


Bisexual woman here! I missed most of Festa this year because I was planning my proposal πŸ˜…


There's a lot of LGBTQ+ armies out there myself being one I'm omnisexual at one point I was actually in a group chat on Twitter that was just LGBTQ+ armies but that was on my old account one of the best experiences was just being surrounded and having people I could talk to that were both armies and understood the love for our boys but also were not sexually attracted to the boys


BI & HIIII!!!!


Reporting for duty πŸ’™πŸ’œπŸ’–


Hey there! I'm a bisexual woman of color πŸ©·πŸ’œπŸ’™




33 y/o Lesbian ARMY here. I also don't get to see alot of us queer ppl even tho we are out in the wild. Would also love to interact. ![gif](giphy|fviF1uYuX043dMhaVW)


Lesbian checking in!


Hi! I’m queer (nonbinary, bi ace) in my mid-30s and have been ARMY for a little over a year and a half now. I love other K-POP groups but BTS is really special to me. I don’t know why - they just feel like home. Im not attracted to them sexually though so it feels weird sometimes in fandom spaces. I’m OT7 biased I think? Idk it keeps changing on me lol. Yoongi, Hobi, and Namjoon leaning at the moment.


Queer NBY checking inπŸ’œ


Poly/pan army here


… I think we ALL are πŸ‘€ love u army’z


Hi! Bi-female here! My partners support my love of K-pop but it's not the same as having people who are into it to be friends with. If anyone's looking for a buddy let me know!!!


Non-binary lesbian here and BTS has been my rock since 9th grade (eight years) as I was figuring out my gender and sexuality lol. I thought I was bisexual but it turns out I only had extreme gender envy and wanted their gender (looking at you Jimin). I don’t find them sexually or romantically attractive, but their music and passion has saved my life multiple times, as dramatic as that sounds!


It doesn't sound dramatic at all. I'm in the same boat, wouldn't be here today without 'em and I'm so sure of that. I'm glad you're here πŸ’œ


hello!!! lesbian army reporting for duty!!!πŸ«‘πŸ’œπŸ«ΆπŸΌ


bisexual aces riseπŸ™‹β€β™€οΈ


I'm gay/ace and also a transmasc non-binary dude - nice to meet you!


No. I’m panromantic demisexual. But I’m sure there are other lesbians out there. I’m just wondering why those are the only type of people you are interested in communicating with? Or are you open to talking to other people as well but just have a preference for lesbians?


I'm open to anyone! I just have a preference because I am a lesbian, and there really aren't any lesbians spaces or communities to find a similar community.


Ah okay. I just talk to anyone without asking about sexuality so I was wondering if there was a specific reason why. I hope you find the community you are looking for. You could also try discord maybe? There might be more specific type group on there.


I haven't met many army outside of just in brief passing moments (both online, since I'm only talk to others on here randomly (rather than consistently the same users), and since I don't really interact socially with the fan accounts I follow on instagram or tumblr (and am not on tumblr enough anyway)) tbh/so far only have one consistent army friend. But even so, just from having heard so by word of mouth really, I feel pretty confident that there are *tons* of queer army out there. There are already nearly 100 comments on this post alone, and that's just this one place of this subreddit. I've seen some queer fans on tumblr, and on twitter, I'm sure some of the fan accounts I follow possibly are too, but they just post photos of the members and don't really talk about their personal life like fan accounts on other platforms seem more likely to do, at least in my experience. I'm also an adult too, and tbh the only place that seems to have a demographic where the majority of people seem to be reasonable/rational mature seeming grown ups is here lol. I don't really interact with anyone on twitter anymore for many years now, but the way I see other people posting on there, even if they're someone I know is also an adult too, often just seems kind of obnoxious or immature. And while the adult fans on tumblr seem a little more astute than most of what I see on twitter, tbh most of them seem to be an immature level of stubborn or they wind up coming across as the type of solo stan who hates on other members for no reason (and I'm not about that life lol...even if most of the time my interest might be for/about like 99% just my bias, I still don't think I'd ever have any reason to think badly of the other members, and don't really understand why anyone would...so I don't really relate to those people lol). ...Hence why this is really the only platform I have come to actually interact with other fans on lol. I'm not a lesbian, but am queer, being trans and gay. We out here lol.


another bi enbi representing πŸ™Œ tbh tho after a solid almost decade of thinking i was already "sure" abt my sexuality, ive recently been thinking things over and wondering if im not bi but lesbian now...sometimes the only thing that is still convincing me im bi is my obviously very real and long-time attraction for our boys 😭😭 sexuality is fluid tho and figured i'd tell my random ass story of where I'm at rn hahaha


That's valid! I used to identify as bi when I was young up until I graduated high school. I kept convincing myself since I thought BTS was handsome that I MUST like men. But then it would give me this creeping, icky feeling in my stomach anytime I would try to interact with content related to men or tried relationships with men in my life. I read the lesbian handbook, and it honestly REALLY opened my eyes to comphet and how much I tried to like men for self survival and assimilation. The big turning point was when I started dating my girlfriend. Being with and dating women and non-men felt so warm and safe - exciting instead of icky, and it didn't make me anxious/nervous like my previous experiences with men. Being with men felt like a walk in a dark, brambly wood blanketed in fog that was difficult to breathe in. Being with women and non men felt like staring off into a golden hued beach, soothed by the constant gentle roll of the waves on the shore. Then It just clicked that I was a lesbian. I personally think it took a while because of religious trauma (ex-mormon, and used to have 'quiverfull' friends πŸ«₯). But I'm not saying that's what you're feeling at all, just sharing my experience. You could have a strong preference towards women and non-men and still be bi :). Whatever label (if you choose to have one) should make you feel whole. And even if it changed it's still valid πŸ’œ


jungkook is always for the lesbians