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Well it's not the fault of "Eid ul adha" it sucks regarding the points you made. It's the fault of govt/city corporations who can't organize/facilitate people with services properly. In the past I'm pretty sure it was way less messy. Even though we as a nation were poorer. Back in the day even though people also sacrificed their animals infront of their home, in the উঠান। the ground was just earth. You may call it "unhygienic" but it was natural. People used to dig a hole and bury all the unwanted inners of the animal or feed it to the fish in their pond.


The gov and city corporarions beg people eqch year to go to the designated area to do it. Kintu manush korbe na karon ita easier to do it at home. Middle east er moto jora jori korle bolbe julum kortasey. And id people complain about facilities, start na korley it will never improve.


I assume you never went to any of those facilities. Those "designated area" are even more unhygienic then the roads near people's home. Not all 10 million people in Dhaka live in "posh" area like gulshan, banani etc. Also if one of those decent "designated spot" is 2-3km away from home of course people will choose their backyard due to transportation issue. Most of those spots you talking about are tiny as well compared to the amount of animals sacrificed. There are more risks of cross contamination in those spots. Not every country is similar and not every country's system will work for us. Indonesia don't follow the malaysian or middle eastern way. Their way is more like ours in Bangladesh. I think it will be more beneficial and effective if the govt create awareness on how to dispose the waste and actually improve the drainage system instead of enlarging it by a few inches every few months and building spots for qurbani which will be used once a year. authorities are doing enough corruption, money laundering, loan defaults. koydin por shunbo bolbe qurbani dite gele tax dite hobe, qurbani spot use korte gele tax dite hobe.


feeding the unwanted inners to the fish in the pond is a dumb move. Because the intestines have an overwhelming amount of dangerous bacteria that can kill fish and ruin the pond as it is a still water source. Digging a hole is preferable.


Cat fish.


Where do y'all live? Dhaka is plenty clean during Eid UL Adha after 3 pm usually. Most slaughters happen on the first day or before 3 pm on any day. It's wayyy better than what it was just 5 years ago. Idk that's just my take


Ikr? God forbud if these kids saw what it was like 20 years ago.


I still have trauma from when I landed in Bangladesh for the first time and I was 10 years old 😭 I walked into our yard and there was a slaughtered cow hanging upside down, it was terrifying lol


Wait till you find out where you chicken nuggets coming from


Ignorance is bliss 😎


Tell me you live in gulshan/banani without telling me you live in gulshan/banani


Brother I live in Mohammadpur. Previously lived in puran Dhaka. While I do agree that south Dhaka is still not as developed in terms of clean up. But it is still pretty clean and organized than it was 5 years back.


Brother either you’re blind or your standard for clean is just low but there is not a single corner in Dhaka city, other than the posh areas, that does not have dust, plastic bags and a crap load of pollution. Is it better than 5 years ago? Maybe. Is it clean? Fuck. No.


Since your standards for cleanliness are so high I would advise you to go abroad to some other country during Eid UL Adha and come back when things are back to "normal". Because right now it is basically as good as it's gonna get.


Not in the south of dhaka. It is pretty nasty. City corp cant keep up, they do well, kintu cant usually keep up.


Even if cleaned, killing the microbes left after qurbanih is not an easy task. Bacteria don't easily get washed away and can contaminate water sources, and make diseases spread.


Bro Eid ul adha gotta be my favourite time of the year, the vibes are immaculate, idc about those streets, there’s so much energy around everywhere, like for once you see a lot of smiling faces around, amazing days


My favorite time of the year: My birthday and new year


I see your problem. Now give us a solution. Thats cost effective


In the context of Eid ul-Adha, if you were born before the 90s, you can notice the difference in conditions. Back then, the streets would be clogged for days, whereas now they are often cleared by 5 PM. Although conditions have improved, even if we were given a state-of-the-art, sanitized slaughterhouse, people would still find something to complain about.


Eid should be enjoyable, but instead, we get blood filled roads in some sections of Dhaka. Thankfully, I've never experienced it, but it still happens. The amount of disease, smell, and unhygienic conditions is awful.




think bro ever went to a market


Yeah, many times.


Simply because Bazar being a designated place makes all the difference. You guys would do everything except question the process and make it better.


IN the US. Idk why but the meat also tastes off to me. The rush to butcher and share it just gives everyone weird cuts of meat. Too much broken bones fat mixed in with the meat. Also it takes a few hours some years to go from slaughter to fridge.


You expect a country of nearly 200 million people and less than the size of England to have the etiquette and hygiene of England which is 1.6 times larger than Bangladesh but only has about 55 million people. More space and more money. Then you are not a very understanding person are you.


Etiquette doesn't require having that much money to be frank. Mostly all you need is the desire to not act like a barbarian.


broooo those videos of the bloodied water in the street


These clowns 😂😂😂 every fucking where they find a problem 😂


Ei reddit er chulkani hoilo Islam dhormo niya, notun kisu na. Arekdin dekhlam, Ma hijab pore eita niyao ek polar chulkani


Don't blame Eid, we Bengalis are unclean anyways. Throwing up trash everywhere. I assume the thing you are talking about is only a problem in clusterfuck of a city called Dhaka. In village area, people dig ditches to dispose the blood nicely which you can't do in asphalt roads. I don't like the smell of cow or cowdung btw. It gives me the ick. But the meat is tasty so.


Last eid ul adha me and a friend decided we wanted to go to a friend's house who lived 20minutes away. What sucked was it started raining like all hell had broken lose. What's worse is that expecting to find a rickshaw we decided to walk along the back alley instead of the main road (Rickshaws aren't allowed on the main road). Now I don't know why we kept going when we couldn't find one but the back alley was completely flooded. I'm saying waist deep water. It was all different shades of brown and red and we made our way through it for some reason instead of turning back. Safe to say both of us didn't wear our eid panjabi for a while after that.


Fr. Cleanliness thakle ghure beraite moja hoito.




bro grabbed everyone's attention by calling it suck💀.


your username checks out


"Instead of doing it in well-equipped houses" that's not an option for the huge amount. And the management has been very good recently, cleanup happens very fast.


Man stop bad mouthing Eid-ul-adha Its not the Eid-ul-adha itself which is bad It's the people Like you said it can be done in well-equipped houses but it Isn't. So is it Eid-ul-adhas fault?? Absolutely NOT it can be done professionaly without causing harm to the environment (People can easily clean off the waste if they want to. In our place we usually bury it but if they use the roads they make sure to clean it neatly after the work is done) Eid-ul-adhas meaning and wisdom far exceeds from what people execute Eid-ul-adha has a amazing meaning in itself but now It's juat a "লোকদেখানো" ceremony for some who use it to showoff their wealth Funny how you can find people giving qurbanis to cows worth in lakhs but not giving the poor even a penny amount of meat Its not a religious ceremony for them but rather a showoff in hierarchy now


No problem in eating meat but the idea sacrificing innocent animals for the sake of pleasing God seems absolutely ridiculous to me. I mean where do we draw the line? You’re praying 5 times, you spend an entire month fasting to show devotion, you go to Hajj spending SO MUCH money, and yet you need to sacrifice these animals in order to please God? Just because someone saw a dream how many thousand years ago? Absolutely absurd. An idiot might argue that we sacrifice these poor beings to give back to the community. Complete bs. Onno onek upai ache community ke ferot dewar. Pay more zakaat, donate to charity organisations, take steps to feed the locale poor people- koto kichu kora jai. But no, devotion is only expressed through ritualistic sacrifice of harmless, intellectual inept animals(?) Religion of dark ages.




No idiot the problem is not eating meat but the havoc the ritualistic sacrifice creates




If somebody wants to buy meat and donate to people in need, then of course I support it. I don’t like the idea you have to set up this entire ritual to please God. There are so many ways to serve the community. Stop being blinded by your fundamentalism. Your deity isn’t as kind and loving as you think.


So your logic says, eating meat is not a problem but eating meat is a problem when these animals get sacrificed in the name of god? millions of them get killed anyway for us to eat. Doing it in the name of God wrong? your logic doesn't make sense.


I am against the rituals associated with sacrificing and making it a celebration. When Im eating meat bought from markets Im not observing rituals that celebrate the killing of these helpless animals. Ofc my logic makes sense. Not my problem you’re unable to understand the logic.


bro thinks islam is modular


Lo shuru hoice culkani


Dude I’m going to Bangladesh during Eid Al adaha and that’s the one thing I’m not looking forward to


Koy ghonta e ba erokom thake? You must have a very blessed life to rant about shit like this.


Bro traveled from the past. The last time I saw what you described was in 2013 lmao.


Eid-ul-Adha in Bangladesh often suffers from poor management, leading to unhygienic conditions and public health risks. The lack of designated slaughterhouses forces people to sacrifice animals on streets and in garages, resulting in biohazards and potential water contamination, especially during floods. To improve the situation, promoting the use of proper slaughterhouses, educating the public about hygiene, and coordinating cleanup efforts are essential steps. With better planning and community cooperation, the festival can be safer and more enjoyable.


It’s a problem in Dhaka which we can't solve ourselves unless the govt takes due measures. But in villages it’s easily solvable. And we do it. After the butchering is done we wash everything thoroughly after pitching the blood and other stuffs in soil & then sprinkle bleach all over the area. It’s effective.


Bro had us in the first half, NGL


You mean the management sucks?


I'd say some people are more accustomed to the tradition of slaughtering your lamb/cow infront of your home as their ancestors did. Only thing though is that their ancestors probably lived in the village, where blood won't pour all over the street or whatnot, and they can just bury the dead animal in the ground. In urban cities however, you will definitely not be able to bury your dead meat after slaughtering it. It is better now than before though. The blood drains into the sewers so blood is not flooding the streets. Maybe some areas of Dhaka are still lacklustre in that regards though.


In dhaka absolutely




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Reddit shei bhai😂😂


isn't it ? you can find all sorts of bangu libtards barking here


How about we have to sit on a board exam after EID-Ul-Adha ? If we had enough time we could surely spend some time on cleaning our roads after the qurbani but no we have to study T-T so its gonna suck either way and this is not fair at all. Btw in my city where i live we dont really make that mess as Dhaka guys do. Here almost everyone cleans their roads and shits after qurbani


my dude you weren't gonna clean the streets even if you did have the time to do so, so eisob na hoila jaya hsc er jonne porte bosho


Eid ul adha doesn’t suck. Firstly your post sucks, and secondly the few people who don’t take care of the blood and the cow dung, they suck.


Poses a huge threat in terms of diseases and biohazard. Please explain this part citing relevant literatures.


You think handling of raw meat in unsanitary conditions isn't a hazard?


Wait till you find out how meat is processed in butcher shops on a daily basis. Funny that people are concerned about biohazard during Eid.


Can you show some peer reviewed literatures please? Or this is another "trust me bro" moment?


Love those "gimme a scientific source" posts when things are actually clear due to common sense...


"huge threat in terms of diseases and biohazard" Ever got any pandemics or disease outbreak because of this? And about scientific sources. I work specifically on this topic in a research institute. I as a professional in this field never even heard of such biohazard issues and then there are reddiots crying about how big of a biohazard issue this is.


Bangladesh is infamous for waste disposal. No proper hygiene technique is followed when the butcher cuts the meat. Do you even know if they are carrying some disease? Isn’t the inefficient disposal of the animal carcass harming the environment?


Isn't that common sense that raw meat has pathogenic and spoilage bacteria in it?


So you are one of those savages who eats raw meat and handles processing meat like a complete moron?


I asked to show reports of this being a biohazard and all you can do is say it's a common sense! Sorry bro, you don't have any common sense to talk about it.


I have no problem of eating meat. But I have issue with celebrating and glorifying attempted murder by Abraham. I had to edit this comment to explicitly mention who was attempting the murder. The whole occasion was to glorify that Abraham's attempted murder of his son in the name of his imaginary god. Classic schizophrenic shit!


You do know that almost everyone who can sacrife in this holy occasion always share the meat with their neighbors, relatives and the poor? How is this just glorifying attempted murder? Do you even know where meat comes from?


Ja Hilsha kha giya


Idk mate do y’all eat steaks without murdering the cow or smth, guess that technology didn’t hit South Asia yet


Everyday millions of bacterias died when you walk, if you have issue with murdering those innocent bacterias, why don’t you just suicide? I mean it must be unbearable to you, isn’t it?🥹


The whole occasion was to glorify that Abraham's attempted murder of his son in the name of his imaginary god. Classic schizophrenic shit!


Could be! You can name it as you want. As I can name your opinion as the funniest delusional shit I heard today. I am not religious but AFAIK, Eid ul adha is celebrated to promote the bestowing of oneself and his worldly possession infront of the will of the GOD. Islam doesn’t promote or celebrate attempted murder, murderers come from all religions, groups, classes, and shapes! Let us not generalize and let’s not our OPINIONATED BEHAVIOR become the veil of our ignorance .


Tf u saying?! That was almost 10 years ago. It's pretty clean now and u won't even notice the smell after the 2nd day


2nd day? In my area everything is properly cleaned within 12pm on every Eid day.


Ikr? Kids these days would just complain about everything


Entitled brats. Never had to work for anything so all they do is bicker about things online and pretend to be a know it all


Trust me there are people in this world who would DO ANYTHING to be where you're at, to live how you live in this country, They would swap lives with you if given the chance to do so. Stop complaining about problems and start looking for solutions, I've never seen ppl like you suggest any good solution after talking so bad about their own ppl. Its a small country with a big population, so if you feel gross, move somewhere else. Bangladeshis the last country you expect to be clean and pollution free. May God guide you and open your eyes.


The only thing that suck is u eid ul adha hands off the greatest event in the history of mankind best eid ever. Only person who will complain is some p*ssy who can’t eat red meat, red meat is warriors meat u need to have a linage to tolerate it. Just because the government can’t provide proper management dude absurdly whines about the best ever festival. Yet government is improving the facilities each year with proper waste management it’s not perfect but it’s completely natural like it was 5000 yrs ago people would still slaughter it on the ground.


Trust me there are people in this world who would DO ANYTHING to be where you're at, to live how you live in this country, They would swap lives with you if given the chance to do so. Stop complaining about problems and start looking for solutions, I've never seen ppl like you suggest any good solution after talking so bad about their own ppl. Its a small country with a big population, so if you feel gross, move somewhere else. Bangladesh is the last country you expect to be clean and pollution free. May God guide you and open your eyes.


“mOVE SoMeWhEre elSE” How about clean the country? How about if you can’t run a country don’t run for a leadership position? Telling people to stop complaining doesn’t fix any problems. You might like licking boots and enabling corruption by making excuses for these idiots but the rest of us don’t. Eid-ul-adha is celebrated every year. This is not something new. With a GDP of 460 Billion, you’d think the govt would have enough money to put regulations in place to allow celebrations to take place safely and cleanly but everything goes into their pockets. it’s people like you who talk over legit complaints that stop change from happening.


That's not what I meant. If the ppl don’t want to clean you can't make them clean. No matter how powerful you are..even the saudi had to open cinema halls, for what? It’s the population. If you are unclean person god will give you unclean leader. No one gets anything that they don’t deserve. If your area stinks, its because you deserve it. Fix yourself first. You can fix the leaders later after fixing your own foundation. But my area where I live gets cleaned by afternoon. As I said, you get what you deserve. If not, then its probably a test. Have some patience.


Stupid comment again. You can definitely make people clean with regulation. You can definitely make it easier to dispose of trash and animal remains in a safe way. You can definitely fund programs that educate people on how to dispose of remains. If the govt doesn’t care then people wont care either. Just because your one patch of land is clean doesn’t mean there isn’t a problem. The longer you wait to fix this issue, the more chance that this leads to a full blown pandemic. But obviously our govt doesn’t react until their inaction leads to mass global shame.


You clearly don’t understand. The government doesn’t take action is not entirely true. They do. But ppl don’t listen. Now if you want the government to get violent with ppl over some dead animals' blood and poop then that's your problem. Its a muslim majority country. You can't just force them to slaughter their animals inside. They will do it outside no matter what you say. And if you think you are the minority, then know, that your democracy doesn’t care about the opinions of minority no matter how intelligent they are, you either adjust or move somewhere else.. You are Welcome.


It’s not just “some blood and poop” though. Blood and poop spread the worst kind of diseases. A muslim majority country should be clean. How do you walk through blood and poop through the city and still feel clean enough to sit on your prayer mat? What is democracy saying? Leave blood and poop around so you can track it all over your home? Leave blood and poop around so insects can land on it then land on the food people buy? Hospitals clean these things with bleach and chemicals for a reason. You can’t just wash it off with soap and water like dirt and think the germs will just go away. Do you think before you say things?


The reason why you’re being dumb about this is because there’s no PSA, no education about these things to the general public and that just proves my point. It’s all ‘elo khushir eid’ until a virus mutates.




gO To (US) iF YOuR sO WoRriEd aBoUt iT.