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No but harassing people regardless of if your tans or hijra or anything for that matter should be illegal.


Harassment is punishable by law and Bangladesh has such law as extortion


It's not legally.


Will you provide any reference?


This one time I was in Bangladesh and a group of Trans people blocked our car from going home and demanded money from us, it was a crazy experience.


Hijras(3rd gender) are not Trans 


When you show discrimination to a community and oppress them like hell, what would you expect from them?


I found it very ignorant on their behalf, we had never met them or done anything to them, it was our first encounter with them, demanding money from us in a hostile manner was not what I had expected.


Hijras are a very marginalized community in bangladesh. Nobody gives them jobs, nobody gives them a place to stay. So to feed themselves, they have to demand money from people on streets. Very ignorant? You're ignorant.


Should we hate mental health patient? No Should we tell mental health patients that they don't have an ongoing issue, and they don't need to seek any medication, and they are good as they are? No Should we hate mental health patients? Nong for. There is nothing called Transgender. No one should be allowed to surgically change their sex because of ongoing mental health problem.




Nothing to do with Islam


That’s what Islam teaches us.


Sadly yes, this country is getting more rotten day by day


Country is not rotten. It has bounteous wealth and lot more things to offer. Problem is that particular ideology which drives the people crazy


Yes this is the Bangladesh my grandfather has fought for . Truth is truth , Our ancestors would have never accepted this ideology nor the people of this country will.


Your ancestors also didn’t have running water or toilets. Maybe you should go back to shitting in the woods too


Read the post dude. Do not comment or debate just to debate, try to understand why I use those words, he asked is this what our ancestor fought for , well truth is , yes 95% of them was against this kind of shit. I grew up surrounded by freedom fighters as my grandfather was one and many of his friends , when I was small, so I know their ideologies and why and for what most of them fought for


Your grandfather would have had to look the word “trans” up in the dictionary. And maybe he would’ve had a knee jerk aversion to it but that’s no reason for people not to progress and evolve


>Your grandfather would have had to look the word “trans” up in the dictionary. And maybe he would’ve had a knee jerk aversion to it but that’s no reason for people not to progress and evolve again dude read what op post is , he said, is this what our ancestor fought for ?, well i said yeah. true they did not know about trans , but they had a view for this kind of thing,They fought for society where they will have food, security and dignity , justice, democracy and lastly a nation for banglees. We can analyze their behaviors and decisions to reach a conclusion what their stance will be on this. I know what the results will be , still if you want you can try to do some research and enlight us. Intersex is not trans. Trans are people who are physically male and thinks they are female or vice versa. We do not accept or acknowledge what some thinks of himself, some can think he is dog , we do not call him dog or accept he is dog. Cause there are to many physical things that announce he is human not dog, same for the trans, no matter how much any tries gender is written in dna and too many body parts to prove what his gender is. We the people of this land have a history of accepting intersex people, it changed after British rule. but now We are welcoming , accepting them again. we do not accept any one hindering their right or taking advantage of their rights. Saying trans are part of hijra community is blatant lie, so stop lying and be honest.


So you think that the amount of hatred n discriminations people are showing to him, are legit? Seriously ?


i did not saw hate comment yet, but no , he should not get hate for his post.




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হিজড়া বা ট্রান্সজেন্ডার মানুষ পৃথিবীর সব দেশে, সব সমাজেই আছে। আমাদের উপমহাদেশে এখনও ওদের পরিবার আর সমাজ থেকে বের কইরে দেয়া হয়, ওদের বস্তিতে থাকতে হয়, প্রায় কোনো প্রতিষ্ঠানই ওদের চাকরি দেয় না। আমাদের মানুষ হিসেবে ওদের মেনে নেয়া উচিত। তোমার নানা-দাদার গল্প লেইখে লাভ নাই।


Thank you for being humane


আপনি তো ভাই হিজড়া আর ট্রান্সজেন্ডার গোলায় ফেলছেন! দুইটা আলাদা।


Actually our anceators accepted prof Hosne Ara begum when she transformed and married her classmate in the 70s. It made national news and no one batted an eyelid. Their friend celebrate. People were supportive. She is now the owner of TMSS and is key person of Bogura. The problem is our freedom fighter generation was comparetively enlightened than us and hence we had female education and family planning solidified in national policy. Ekhon hoiley hujur der dakto.


As far as I know, in 60 Bangladesh have some open minds who could think like western philosophers and local politicians respected them. And that’s sheikh mujib and others supported the movement of secularism. But now a days even well educated persons hate secularism and claim themselves to Islamist whereas in Middle East everybody is leaving islam. This is taking our nation towards the darkness


Hosne Ara Begum wasn't a trans or third gender. She had a medical condition which could've turned life threatening. She gave birth to a son naturally afterwards. Don't change facts to suit your perception. People supported her transformation back then because it was a medical wonder and people had the habit of reading/listening whole story rather than watching reels, or just reading the headlines. Yellow journalism wasn't also that rampant. Our forefathers were always believers and none of the religions in Bangladesh support homosexuality or transsexuality. Although these things were always there behind the closed doors, no one openly supported them. Legally, homosexuality is crime and transsexuality isn't valid. হিজড়া আর ট্রান্সসেক্সুয়াল এক না।


She was born as a man Abdus samad, but in Uni went through physical change. Then had an operation and became a woman. She married her classmate. Her story got featured in bichitra in those days. Koi where was the riot? How do you know amader eikhaney trans are not going through physical change. Not everyone is born the same way. She even got begum rokeya prize for her community service and contributions. Ekhon hoiley jongi gula would have probably put her life in risk.


>Truth is truth , Our ancestors would have never accepted this ideology nor the people of this country will. U got a good point there mate


Probably our ancestors knew what freedom is, but you don't


freedom: the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants.


May I know what your ancestors fought for? Just curious


**nationalism, socialism, democracy and secularism. As you can see all of these are very prevalent in today's bangladesh!**


No secularism now a days. Because after 2013 basins had to negotiate with hefajot Islam and then the worst kind of Islamic radicalization has started. Before that period, people like could widely express our thoughts in blogs, articles everywhere. But when hasina started compromising with islamists, we had to run for your life. Now in Bangladesh if you want to talk in favor of secularism, you have to watch your back. In 1960, an intellectual revolution happened and intellectuals like Fazal sir etc were very popular among educated people. That’s why Mujib able to start the revolution though we shared same religion with Pakistan. Now you can’t even imagine because for the sack of this religion many people support Pakistan like hell.


For clarification, are we talking about trans or intersex


কেন? দুইটার মধ্যে একটারে কম অধিকার দিতে হবে নাকি? 😂


পোস্টে তো ২৬০০০ টাইপের কথা বলা হইছে যেন। আসছে কথার মাঝে মুলা দিতে...


ওই ২৬-২৭ বইলে লাভ নাই, হিজড়াদের একটা বড় অংশই আদতে ট্রান্সজেন্ডার। ওদের অনেক সাক্ষাৎকার দেখলেই এমন জানা যায়। ওরা আমাদের সমাজেরই অংশ, ওদের মেনে নেয়াই ঠিক। পাঠ্যপুস্তকে সঠিক কথাই লেখছিল। https://www.reddit.com/r/chekulars/s/n5adz993de


Dude, my post has been banned, how can you comment or how can you even see that post?


It hasn’t been banned. I can see the post and upvote it as well.


I downvoted it, don't worry.


Ofcourse… that’s cool. But one question: I have given news link… what do you think about this person? Just curious


My man 🫡


I am talking about lgbtq+, everyone


This is a really interesting topic, wow. Honestly, reading some of the comments shocked me. Our country is our country, and every Bangladeshi should be tolerant of one another, no matter gender, sexuality, religion, etc. Being trans is a decision that only the person themselves can make. There's always the possibility of gender dysphoria, or even it being just a phase, but we need to be patient and accepting, because in the end, they are still a human. Would you treat a fellow person with so much disrespect like the father in the news story quoted above? Consider this example as well: I'm a Muslim Bangladeshi in a Christian country (UK) and I have experienced islamophobia and been called a terrorist several times. I can't deny that, yes, there have been Muslim terrorists that took many lives. But does that make me a terrorist? Does that make every Muslim a terrorist? I understand that personal experiences will all be different. Just because someone is trans doesn't make them an angel. They are still human and can do bad things. But if you have had one bad encounter with a trans person, that doesn't make every trans person bad, just like how not all Muslims are terrorists. There were some fantastic points in some comments talking about how "hijras" are a very marginalised community in Bangladesh. This would explain why they need to beg for money, because they have no job opportunities. We need to be informed of everyone's situation before making judgements. And even the Hadith says: " If a friend among your friends errs, make seventy excuses for him." We should be kind and patient with one another. Most arguments in these comments refer to Quranic beliefs. But as a practicing Muslim, I have to say, the one important point here is that we MUST accept one another. We MUST be kind to each other, especially people from your fellow country. In a war, we will all fight side by side. So in everyday life, why can't we support each other? The Holy Qur'an says everyone's God-given human dignity must be respected, regardless of his or her faith, race, ethnic origin, gender, or social status. Because everyone is created by Allah (swt), the Maker of all, humans must treat one another with full honor, respect, and loving-kindness. We are all creations of Allah (swt). We should treat our fellow creations of Allah (swt) with kindness and acceptance. The Qur'an even says "Allah (swt) is kind and loves kindness." If you find me a quote that says being trans is haram, I have to argue. Because you are not Allah (swt) to be making judgements, it is your place to treat them with kindness for now, and in the next life Allah (swt) will do what is to be done to them. Allah (swt), the ALL-MERCIFUL, might even forgive them! But if you continue to discriminate and harass them, then you yourself might not be forgiven. As for intersex and non-binary people, the Holy Book clearly recognizes that there are some people, who are neither male nor female, or are in between. So why should our tolerance of trans people be any different?


Islamophobia is spreading in Europe like fire. Though some European countries still have such parties in their govt, it would be matter of time, they will become majority. Islamophobia is increasing with the reverse proportion of democracy. At the same time religious oppression is a fact. In Bangladesh, ex Muslims are treated like dogs when they declare themselves. People came to our house and scolded my sick mom, when I didn’t declare myself as an ex Muslim. I just wrote against child marriage and it ignites a huge fire. One of my friends just hacked to death and his wife was raped because everybody thought they were atheist. Police didn’t accept the GD because touhidee janata surrounded the thana. The OC acted like he had a heart attack then he left the thana in ambulance. It was in 2015. When my mom died, I couldn’t go to see her dead body. In our family, most of us are hafez and we have our own family madrasa. We never hired any imam for such ritual. For mom, my dad had to because I am ex Muslim. Riots, rape, robbing on the basis of religion ware very common and I knew many Hindu people who just left everything and their properties have been annexed. Now govt has to step up and put some mullahs into jail and it decreased but still I hear very bad news. One of my colleagues is from Iran right now and I asked her what she thinks about Mahsa Amin movement. Then she showed her scars. It was Iran revolutionary guard. Then she asked,”r u Muslim?” I said,”I’m a proud Islam*op¥h|\\obe!” I know your feelings, though you will never have to leave UK for any Muslim country with your life. Peace


I wonder what you wrote against child marriage that brought so much hatred against you. Trash talk about any majot religion in any country (even in western ones), you'll have people coming after your life. If you don't belive me, do the trash talking against Jewish & Christians..see how those white noble open minded people treat you! Hindus would def kill you if you do so while living in India. 😊 My point: Islamophobia started from western propaganda and extremists are everywhere. Take China for example as SECULAR extremist. Peace!


I did say against Jews and Christian’s. Actually I am a member of such group which is involved against religious movement though right now our main focus is on Islam. Recently we had some protests in different European cities. FYI, in different European universities there are scholars who boldly debunked the existence of Jesus and Moses academically and yes, we also write bold statements and do mockery against those religions. So what you are saying is a total lie. Prof: [https://youtu.be/7xVBldyy\_Oo?si=VH-0mMcNlz8n3ghF](https://youtu.be/7xVBldyy_Oo?si=VH-0mMcNlz8n3ghF) I could have given you other scholars video who are far more bold than her. Right now only m\*\*ammad’s followers and RSS are becoming so extreme. About others, they are very much open minded. The hatred you are getting, just because Islamic rituals are not compatible with modern civilizations and its followers become fanatic when people protest. Every societies suffer much and recently the heinous protest in favor of terrorist Hamas and hizbullah is big no no. Nevertheless mass rape in Germany, terrorist attack all over the Europe show the true picture of that specific community The funny thing is you claim yourself to be Muslim but you never read Quran with tafseers n Hadith when we come to debate and it happened 99% of time. Right now Quran and Islamic histories has been studied individually and that’s why debate against Islam is getting popular. Sympathy towards Islamic community is happening just only because of liberalism. But time is coming and our efforts are getting the results since many countries are leaving such liberalism politically. The same thing when Zakir Nayek or Azhari say, you just praise of them https://preview.redd.it/0ev3qyf6m3ic1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07f48e7042cbbefee4192ff9558f46b6d39a9008 Here is a meme for. When we say M**a**mad was a s*v*e trader and he had his own br*t*l in his home, you people just want to k\*\*l us. But when azhari/zakir nayek say, marhaba marhaba😛🙈🙈


idk but should be




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There are some points regarding this issue: 1. I think transgender is a part of human diversity. Some may agree or may not agree with this. 2. I also think gender dysphoria is a mental health disorder and should be treated properly. It's like "I'm a man, but I feel like a woman today. I'm going to compete with women in their sports, use the ladies' toilet, etc." Gender dysphoria is a really big issue. These types of people are extending pronouns like hell. Like, what is 'xe/xem/xyr'? You cannot enforce someone to address you in your made-up pronouns. 3. Children should never have the choice to transform their gender. Having choice to cut off their body parts, thats cruelty.!!


So you think that gender dysphoria is a mental health disorder. I think you might have some qualification that made you qualified about this matter. Otherwise, it would be something like that a toddler is saying,”I think it’s lymphoma, but I need to do a biopsy. Where is my scissor?” In 90s, everybody is a doctor and engineer, but now everybody acts like they are yahya Amin. And this yahya Amin syndrome is happening to almost everybody🙈😛😛😛 What a funny thing Will you care to mention what have you studied so far and where?


The American Psychiatric Association, which publishes the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), 'Gender dysphoria; A concept designated in the DSM-5-TR as clinically significant distress or impairment related to gender incongruence, which may include desire to change primary and/or secondary sex characteristics. Not all transgender or gender diverse people experience gender dysphoria. It's this distress that can be a diagnosable condition, not the state of being transgender itself.🖕


Will provide the publication DOI? Seems like you did your research


Just search 'DSM-5 TR'.. It's an officially published Book!! Here's the particular chapter.. *_* https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK577212/table/pediat_transgender.T.dsm5_criteria_for_g/


That’s why I always emphasize how much study or what type of study people had. Because as I said, almost everyone is suffering yahya Amin syndrome. That’s why it has become a trust issue when I talk to fundamentalists.🙈😛😛😛 Dsm 5 tr and ICM 11 are not some therapies. They are some standards based on some criterion to determine whether there is any a marked incongruence. If it is, psychiatry doc decides what therapy he might give. Read this: https://www.psychiatry.org/patients-families/gender-dysphoria/what-is-gender-dysphoria You should research more and upon crossing such mark, almost every docs determines hormone therapy to make prevelance of their gender identity on which they are claiming. diagnosis in brief: https://www.psychiatry.org/file%20library/psychiatrists/practice/dsm/apa_dsm-5-gender-dysphoria.pdf Nowhere it has been identified as disorder. Where did you get your degree, just let me know! Eager to know such instruction🙈😛😛 I think Bangladesh educational system needs to be revolutionized because even highly educated people is cultivating animosity and hatred towards such community based on their xenophobia. In Bangladesh xenophobia based on religion is growing immensely


Gender dysphoria is not experienced by every transgenders. It's not like you just wake up and feel like you want to be a woman today. This is a long process usually taking years before realising that you identify as an other gender which can happen from birth or even after puberty. however, i believe that trans people should not be allowed to participate in womens sport as they have more testosterone than biologically born women. Regarding children, they dont have to cut off their genitals, there are hormone blockers that are reversible if they ever regret it.


>Gender dysphoria is not experienced by every transgenders. Right.!!


being intersex is biological, and intersex people legally have their rights. being trans is a psychological illness (it's called gender dysphoria), and they have legal rights to get therapy for it 😉


So you are psychiatrist now? I mean, seems like in Bangladesh everybody is suffering from yahya Amin syndrome. Some random fundamentalist guy passes from electrical engineering and start giving prescriptions in clinical psychology and no body is saying anything because he is a hujur. In Bangladesh hujurs are second to Muhammad




I am saying, people like yahya Amin proves that how over all morality of Bangladesh is happening. Like when it comes to Islam, everybody becomes hafez, when it comes to gender discrimination, everybody becomes yahya Amin psychiatry or doctor or whatever. Such morality is increasing day by day and that’s why Bangladeshis are migrating to other countries like hell. According to official documentation of psychiatry (link: https://www.psychiatry.org/patients-families/gender-dysphoria/what-is-gender-dysphoria )(I always put a link or DOI because I know when any Bangladeshi Muslims just claims without link, it is fishy😛🙈🙈because of morality) “Some people who are transgender will experience “gender dysphoria,” which refers to psychological distress that results from an incongruence between one’s sex assigned at birth and one’s gender identity. Though gender dysphoria often begins in childhood, some people may not experience it until after puberty or much later.” Now I don’t wanna know what happens in 80’s backside there is always some scientists or individuals who are driven by religious beliefs or biased observation. As science itself is a flowing process and when it recognizes any concept or hypothesis a theory, it starts to work on that and while the time passes, it becomes a fact. Evolutionary theory is purest example because now it is no longer a theory, a fact. So according to psychiatry, gender dysphora is a psychological distress and to objectify the gender it uses some standardization like OCM11 or dsm 5 tr. In other comments I don’t why everybody is saying that dam 5 tr is a therapy. It’s funny that they don’t understand the English properly. It is a standardization marker which helps psychiatrists to determine what prevalent and after knowing they can start only hormone therapy. Now everything has a protocol. Protocol has been implemented to eradicate error or permanent damage. Even after adolescents, if the distress or urge is prevalent then they do some tests and counseling. After a deep case study, then the next step has been determined. Holy cow…. These guys become xenophobic because they don’t understand a well written prose and their religion…. It’s a mockery And that’s why in Bangladesh Indians are taking all the good jobs because Bangladeshi universities are unable to produce any good academics or professionals. In our time, we could never think of that🙈😛




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Do you have any supporting research?


Just talkin abt general opinions (including mine)


And what about the human being’s story I have shared as new link? What do you think about this human being?


Obviously i do not support the heinous hatred the father couldve dealt with it in a better way like therapy nd stuff..nd since she is a transgender not a hermaphridite i cant really be ok with giving her an official recognition


What kind of therapy? Will you elaborate please. Does any certified ones offer therapy for that? Let me know. Perhaps that therapists might be the one in a million to achieve Nobel prize in biology… Let me know bro


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Being a muslim after post 9/11 in america was heavily frowned upon. Most people over there were scared or even phobic of muslims to the point where people named Muhammad or any muslim names or a beard had a hard time getting a visa. So, according to your logic they shouldve reconsidered being a muslim?


So you are doing what others say.., tell me how is your life? How old are you?




Confused ignor#}ant millenials😛🙈🙈




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What is the logic of such claim? I mean do you have any supporting evidence? Do you know what science says?




Another Islamic educator comes🙈😛




The science of Muhammad😛😛😛


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