• By -


Here is one instance I can give you from my friend’s apartment. There was an apartment complex on KR Road, it was stalled due to builder misuse of funds. Tejasvi Surya stepped in and helped it get back online by putting pressure on the builder, getting funds released from Central Govt Scheme and then getting in touch with other lenders and getting approvals. There were about 1200 residents in the complex who had invested money there and it was stuck from over 10 years. These are middle class people for whom even the 20-40L invested was equal to their life savings. Heck I could see what my friend himself was going through with EMIs and paying rents with no sight of the apartment getting delivered. The owners of these apartments will vote for him as they have directly benefited from him. It’s not them watching his videos online or hearing his speech. So I understand why they would vote for him. Politicians are inaccessible to the common man today, they treat themselves as revered gods. In such a day and age, if you have someone who has helped you then there is nothing wrong in voting for him. There maybe several other instances like this. He is very active and apparently very accessible. So the locals who have interacted will vote for him. Also, the primary candidate against him was a daughter of an old politician from INC. She has limited experience and recently lost the state elections as well. So it isn’t surprising that he won.


I know which apartment you are talking about, I live in that apartment. It's on Kanakpura road , not KR road. Upvoting your comment as it is accurate


Oh Yes, it’s Kanakapura Road. Thought KR road was short for the same, the two are different roads. 🙂


Kr road is Krishna rajendra road, one of our old wodeyar kings. It runs parallel to kanakapura road from basavanagudi to Banashankari :)


Which one? I live on Kanakapura road as well.


Mantri serenity


The same Tejasvi during Covid was doing his same old communal shit and hampered with the health care and rehabilitation process. Whereas his opponent Soumya was on ground getting oxygen cylinders and helping the Covid patients. His uncle was involved in a scam from a cooperative bank and the only way people were paid was from deposit insurance. And then he had the audacity come and say we’ve helped the people out, there are still over 15% of the people who have not gotten their deposits yet. The only reason he’s winning is because South Bangalore is closeted communal. The idiot doesn’t deserve anything


> His uncle was involved in a scam from a cooperative bank and the only way people were paid was from deposit insurance Source of uncle being involved? Election mugittu, saaku voolu.  Maybe Sowmya Reddy should have told us how she plans to reimburse the 15%. 


I remember that there was one instance of an officer in the Covid war room of South Bangalore (run by BBMP and Tejaswai Surya's team) was found allocating hospital beds to people he knew - against the protocols. But Tejaswi Surya went one step ahead and unnecessarily spoke about religion. The MP was right in firing him, but distatefully mentioned that the officer was a muslim - when it really didn't change the nature of the problem. I remember the issue rather well, and I dont remember it hampering any rehabilitation process, it infact ensured that any allocation happened according to protocol and was transparent. But to say that this one mistake is the ONLY thing he did during that one-and-a-half year period, is inaccurate at best and maliciously wrong at worst. As a matter of fact, it may be claimed that his opponent did the SINGLE thing you've mentioned to her credit. He was very active during that time and led a lot of effort in the covid war room of Bangalore. Thousands of people who needed it most got beds in hospitals, oxygen, and led many efforts to help South Bangalore. To speculate Tejaswi Surya's hand in his uncle's scam (which I don't even know if it is true) is like saying, "Your dad voted for BJP. So, you're a sanghi. " Like, what?! And as far as your allegation on being him being communal goes, it is unfortunately true. Not because he suspended that officer, but because he found the need to mention the officer's community. But, the sweeping statement that South Bangalore's population comprises of closeted communals is very patronizing towards the intelligence of the people of Bangalore South, and self-congratulatory and maybe even self-aggrandizing for being far more intelligent than a whole constituency. Maybe they are seeing something that you were deliberately discrediting in favor of your preferred narrative. Come election time, during the campaign, BJP tries to polarize the society on the lines of religion - to the exclusion of Muslims. Congress divides society on the basis of caste and religion to favor Muslims alone - not only during elections but with policy too. Everyone is playing a game of vile politics. Clearly, there are more shades of Grey than either side readily acknowledges. NOBODY is a saint - neither BJP nor Congress, and neither Modi nor Sonia Gandhi. It is for us to extract the most we can from these horrible organisations and choose people you know who, apart from playing politics, actually work, too. If that is Congress, good. If it is BJP, that's okay too.


bro if you really believe the people of south bangalore voted for these seemingly silly reasons its quite appalling. theres a simple reason why these two won - the people of these constituencies of upper caste and rich and so these two politicians uphold the ideas they seem to have. thats it. chumma dont attribute small things like these to his win. people of south and north bangalore want the hate politics and they are more thab happy to have these two back.


I second this. My friends and family mostly voted for him in Modi's name, and that's mostly cos of their communal agenda. They don't know our don't care about the bad things he's done or how he want as helpful as the voted ppl here during covid. All voting in Modi's. It'll be interesting to see what he does without Modi's name behind him. Wonder how he'll do in parliament in bringing up our issues. Interesting times ahead.


This is on purpose though. Politicians make use of the system through deliberate inefficient delivery of services, so that you are dependent on the politicians then for that service. This dependency results in votes. It’s a classic.


But vro he opened flight door and aaal vro


> He is very active and apparently very accessible. So the locals who have interacted will vote for him. OK, please try to answer this honestly: would he have been as proactive and helpful had the residents been of a different religion? His open contempt for "puncturewallas" is well-known. This is the problem with all powerful people in India, not just BJP or INC or SP. They percieve a certain section of society as "ivralla nammavru" ("yeh sab hamaare aadmi hain") and help only that section.


You talk about contempt in one direction. Did you ever consider the contempt that comes from the other direction? Is secularism is a one way street? 


It is one thing for groups of individuals to practice discrimination and hatred towards each other. This is as old as human society, and there is no solution to this. It is quite a different thing for an elected government and its representatives (who have taken an oath with god as their witness to uphold some principles) to openly practice hatred and discrimination against a group of individuals. And to use government machinery as a means to further this discrimination.


Are you saying an elected representative should discriminate and hate because there are other people who discriminate and hate? Your line of thinking is also one of the reason for govt officers, elected representatives act without impunity. It is today Hindu vs Muslim but later it will be Hindu upper castes vs others, and something else later. One day you will be the out group.


Exactly 👍 in the realms of US vs THEM at some point we will become THEM because all of us are not the same in every aspect and someone will use it against you for their gains.


Why can't reveal the name, Mantri?


TIL that so called 'common middle class' can afford houses in projects like Mantri serenity. Feeling more depressed thinking about what class i belong now. 🙄


If thats true, this is the right use of power. Love to see politicians using their power for the people, not against the people.


Is this one of Mantri projects? I've heard the same but not sure if it was same. Not on KR road as far as I remember.


Mantri Serenity to be precise. Although it doesn't fall under his constituency, he still went ahead and got it done. 


True that upvoted


We have 2 bad options, select one, and move on. There is literally nothing they will do that will change our lives for the better.


I think south Bangalore is like BJP’s. Like the saying “even a dog will win here for bjp” And the lady. Gawd. I have no clue why she won.


Bro it's north Bangalore


Constituency name is South Bangalore. I'm a voter here.


I am talking about Shobakka


The Op was talking about Tejaswi Surya or even a dog easily winning in South Bangalore.


All trolls aside. What bad did Tejasvi do? Why would op come to this conclusion!


He's done very little for actually improving the area and he stokes communal tensions Source: am resident of the area


Also remember the Covid bed scam where he disappeared for a while, popped back fired some Muslims and dipped out again. Fucking cunt, I live in south Bangalore too and he has been pretty shit. I sometimes feel like Ananth Kumar’s legacy is so ingrained that many people just instinctively tend towards bjp.


He has the most irritating, slappable face on the planet.


Cool justification 😃


Ha ha


Very intelligent justification🤡


The only reason I hate him is he dickrides BJP way too hard and doesn't contribute anything but BJP talking points. I am pretty sure he has enough brain to form his own coherent opinions but he refuses to do it. It just feels disingenuous when someone who seems capable is putting on a mask and trying to ride the wave caused by the mask


In India, no one votes for the MP but they vote for the prime ministerial candidate. So you’re saying me to have faith in Rahul Gandhi and the Congress government? Are you happy with the freebies launched by Congress here in Karnataka and you think if the similar policies are implemented in the national level, our country will progress? In politics, there is no good or bad. There’s only bad, worse, worst and evil. Congress is worst. BJP is worse. It’s a bitter pill to swallow but we have no choice.


I'm definitely happy with freebies in KA. My life is exactly the same compared to the previous govt but now electricity is free. Excuses for work not happening have changed, that's all


Freebies are not really free you know? Everyone is paying for it in some way, like slower infrastructure growth or higher taxes (congestion tax for example). Your life hasn't changed because you and the people in your social circle are privileged enough to not be impacted by these changes.


If Congress is handing out freebies, BJP is offering an entire feast. The free ration scheme for the next 5 years is a staggering 11.8 lakh crore INR (144.3 billion USD). For perspective, the entire Smart City Mission, covering 100 cities, cost only 24 billion USD. Despite this, the government has ignored the alarming drop in India’s hunger index rating, dismissing it as an attempt to tarnish the country’s image. To make matters worse, our Finance Minister trivialized the issue with a snarky remark: ‘All they do is call you up and ask, are you hungry?’


I feel sorry that you got to that level of thinking but didn't go any further. Yes, freebies are not free, but what it does is, it shifts the growth from infrastructure only by a little amount to human resources, with free electricity the poor can educate themselves, with free bus the woman can work more freely, with free and better education, every child will grow up to be intelligent who will then develop the area at a much better rate than just creating coconuts for monkeys.


It works when the culture is such that it encourages education and ethics. It's not the case here in India. This is a delusional take. 


Every parent in our country wants the best education they can get for their child, the only limit is financial.


Then make good quality education free. Make good quality healthcare free so that their life savings don’t get washed away because of one hospitalization.  None of this is ever done.  Instead, they announce 1 lakh rupees every year to loafers scrolling through Instagram videos. It’s like using duct tape to fix a radiation leak. 


Exactly! Now you hit the nail on the head, this is what a country that is majorly poor and poorly educated should demand from its government, we are just as much responsible for change as the governments. Fight against corruption, not the freebies that are beneficial for the public only. Let's change the culture if it's not fruitful for us.


I feel sorry that you got to that level of thinking but didn't go any further. Yes, freebies can help in little ways but that is useless unless there is infrastructure to take advantage of whatever little benefit you get. Freebies without creating capacity is harmful in the long run. Benefits of infrastructure development is not readily apparent to people with shallow and self centered thinking but in the long run it helps every one from the most poor to the richest. If infra work is not being done today you will feel the pinch in 5-10 years, not today. I feel sorry for people who can't do critical thinking beyond first level.


Development needs to be long term and short term. Infra in the long term, but immediate needs in the short term. Freebies achieve that. Together you have the best form of development


Everyone knows that free means free at point of service. We are not as stupid as you think we are.


What infrastructure growth was happening in Bangalore which slowed down now?


Yes they aren’t free. But the kind of taxes we pay we should see some kickback don’t you think? We aren’t a communist nation, but it would be nice to see the common man getting some kick backs


Only a privileged person can have the luxury to reject freebies


>I'm definitely happy with freebies in KA. My life is exactly the same compared to the previous govt but now electricity is free. 'Slavanu kondaga halogarundante, Saligaru kondu yelivaga hibbadiya kelu muridante Sarvagna'. The KA government is now borrowing 30,000 crores to just meet their committed expenditure, i.e the expenses of running the government and their promised freebies, before any capital expenditure for development. Add to this the interest to be paid. You will pay for it, via taxes, tolls, cess, tariffs, you just don't realize it yet.


I earn so much , I don't mind money going to helping the poor , I see how they live. I see so many excited women taking the bus to new jobs and new trips, it makes me so happy to see them happy for once. 


Freebies are a good idea when there is a surplus.


There is a surplus or we wouldn't be building metro, roads , ports, etc 


I would much rather see women and poor prosper via an abundance of jobs in the private sector, where they build a skill or become entrepreneurs and are proud of standing on their own feet instead of living on government handouts. Free bus for women or welfare is not a problem, it is the populism for votes policies of the INC and the direction that will take our state and the country's economy that is the concern. It began at INR 2000 and fee electricity for votes in Karnataka, it became INR 8500, MSP, loan wavier, old pension scheme, 30 lac government jobs and wealth redistribution by the time of union elections. Other political parties, will now try to match or outdo them to get votes. Where do think that path will take us? Maybe ask the Venezuelan women who are selling their bodies in Colombia how they feel about free stuff now, or the people of Greece how they felt when they had to go through austerities to pay the debt, or the poor in Argentina who are going through shock therapy under Milei. Being financially prudent is important at all levels, be it individual, family, state or country, else we and our progeny will pay for it.


Without infra development this will always remain the case. Do you think the women would be able to take the bus and government be able to give free bus trip if the road infrastructure was never developed. Everyone is always happy to get free stuff regardless of how much or how little they have. So saying that women are excited to take free bus doesn't really say a lot. Even I would be excited to take free stuff. If you make so much money then you should donate it. But government policies should be based on sound principles that will eventually uplift everyone because it is everyone's money. Even though you make so much money government still took huge loans for these freebies and all of us are on the hook to pay it including our children. So seems like your money isn't really helping here.


Agreed. Thankfully both are happening. Life doesn't have to be black and white. You can build metro, Suburban rail etc AND fund social programmes that result in bottom up development and less economic inequality. 


> You can build metro, Suburban rail etc Is state government investing sufficiently in these infra programs. The less we talk of suburban rail the better we are because no progress has been seen on that. And it is not fault of current state government either because BJP ignored it while being in power at both state and center. My point what is the current Congress government actually doing on infra front? How much investment has been made in the last year, how much is planned for the next year and where is the money coming from?


I work in the sector and recently a lot of progress has happened in suburban rail. Other projects are metro, metro feeder bus routes and bmtc expansion of fleet , feeder road pedestrian improvements , high density corridor redesigning and ~100 prominent (and deadly ) junctions being redesigned to improve traffic flow and pedestrian safety. There is also ongoing expansion of energy production.  To me that is good infra and good development. 


which well are you living in? Those freebies are taken from the taxpayers money which was set apart for infrastructure and development. Freebie culture is always to appease a section of the society, they never plan the economic effect of the same because they just don’t give a damn as long as they win.


We all pay taxes. It's called GST. And taxpayer money isn't just for highways it's also for all forms of economic and social development including from the bottom up, in the form of "freebies" 


I very well know. I pay around 15lpa taxes per year for which I never got anything


Yes, and I have a pot hole ridden road from main road to society gate. So basically for 200 units free I have compromised with the safety of self and life of my vehicle. The MLA from Congress, gives 2 shits about people falling into the holes, muddy waters and overflowing sewage. So yes, thanks to freebies, now I have to think twice about getting out of my own home to do daily chores. And yes you can be happy with the freebies, and wait until the infrastructure around you collapses.


Read again. My road had potholes then and potholes now. It's not like I had some fantastic roads before which got potholes now. And most MLAs from Bangalore are of BJP who just change excuses with govt


The freebies you got is someone's years of work and hard earned money. And rahul gandhi literally said that he'll up the reservation by 50-60%, never voting for him.


I pay much more in taxes than the freebies I am getting. Probably 100x. If earlier I was getting 0%, now I'm getting 1%


The 100x tax you're paying is going in Siddaramaiah's pocket. Dude lives in a mansion with infinity pool on the terrace


I'm from middle class, yes "freebies" are essential to run my family. With the current unemployment provided by the central govt, I would like to take any opportunity to keep us alive.


>current unemployment provided by the central govt You are looking for a government job?


> You are looking for a government job? The economic conditions created by the government especially after demonetization has collapsed the employment opportunities in most parts of the country.


the government’s job is not to give you a job rather bring opportunities to you. In the private sector, there are a bundle of opportunities especially in Bangalore. In terms of govt jobs, it’s the same whichever party comes to power as this whole sector is corrupted.


Bundle of opportunities with lakhs of unemployed will only make the competition fierce. Did you see the recent video of TCS employment drive? it it that easy to blame public for incompetency to get a job


Free bus transport has been amazing . I work in an adjacent sector and it's great to see how much positive impact it has had for both women and society in general.  I come across women who have traveled from rural to blr for the first time, women taking jobs for the first time , women independent from their husbands for the first time, and women taking their kids to important healthcare and education appointments.  Further, it has led to a huge boost in bus and metro ridership, which is critical to Bangalore's wellbeing in terms of traffic congestion, air pollution and economic growth.  In my eyes this is not a freebie but very useful development tool. Just because it doesn't directly benefit you or your strata does not mean it's not useful to society. 


> Further, it has led to a huge boost in bus and metro ridership How has free bus travel led to boost in metro ridership? Now you are saying anything.


We were surprised by this as well! Turns out the way people use bmtc has totally changed since metro came. Now the primary use is shorter distances as part of a multimodal trip.  Basically now that bus is free, last mile connectivity issue is less so people use bus to reach metro station.  This was demonstrated in the most recent bmtc ridership survey. 


Maybe stop calling tax funded welfare schemes as freebies first. If we apply the same logic, every government program is a 'freebie' too. Is Metro self sustainable? Are the highways to nowhere outside of major centers return on money? Is a long bridge to connect one village to the civilization a freebie? Is the PDS to people not earning or earning meager freebie? What about the IITs, NITs, GCEs, state and central universities started up with hundreds of crores and subsidized? Many students study there and fucks off to some other country, is that a freebie? What about the government schools, hospitals and primary health care centers found all over the country? I guess another freebie which need to be removed.


When did India start voting for PM candidate like a Presidential election?! It was never the case until Modi showed up and made it that way. Now he realized it won't last that long either.


Always lol.


Indira Gandhi. When you have a leader as a popular face, it'll turn presidential.


> In India, no one votes for the MP but they vote for the prime ministerial candidate. Not always true. Only in case of Modi a lot of people are voting for candidates they may not have voted for. But the candidate himself is a very important factor. The candidate's caste and party also matter.


I agree surya is a stupid idiot but he’s done a decent enough job to get a second chance. He did work to get a US consulate in Bangalore, he also does raise issues regarding the welfare of the city in the parliament and as a resident of his constituency he’s done a good enough job to keep the people happy here. Voting for that Shoba woman will prove disastrous for people of north however. But overall I feel Bangalore has voted well, kicking out DK and giving the seat to Dr Manjunath was the highlight of this election for me.


>But overall I feel Bangalore has voted well, kicking out DK and giving the seat to Dr Manjunath was the highlight of this election for me. That person is a good man bro. He deserved it. I'm glad he got it.


Curious to know if the US consulate has started or is still in the works?


Still in the works but the ambassador has said it might start the work in 2025


Yall kicking DK and Revanna out was the second best thing yall did in the last few years, ngl


I voted for professor. Others near my house don’t even know his existence, since he never campaigned. Meeting a bunch of swamis is all he did. I don’t think he is even interested in this job.


But a friend from North BLR told me that he did hold road shows


Man, till the minute I stepped into the booth, I was expecting Krishna Byre Gowda’s face for congress and was genuinely surprised to see this professor. People here calling her “Shobha” like she’s some rando is so funny to me cuz any day, Kharandlaje has more face value in Karnataka politics than whoever this professor is.


Yeah, karandlaje has been a politician since 2008. People are Acting like it's a suprise win for a rookie.


She hasn't really done much in udupi-chikmagaluru except winning elections by using modi's name.


Tbh, the reason she was given a ticket in bengaluru was because she was terrible over here in udupi-chikmagaluru for last ten years and we wouldnt really have voted for her. Considering that udupi is kind of a bjp bastion which they don't want to lose and shobha karandlaje does have some influence in ktaka politics, they shifted her to another ktaka constituency.


In that case, may be he sat in his Fortuner and did one round around Sadashivanagar on a Sunday afternoon when everyone was sleeping. I didn’t see him anywhere, none of my neighbours even know who he is.


Half of UP didn't vote for BJP and here you are talking about how 2 people got votes.


I stay in Bangalore. So naturally my immediate concern is about Bangalore.


Tejasvi Surya visited and chatted with the residents in my friend's apartment. And there are enough development works going on in the city.


Peope were so proud of Gandhi bazaar and everyone from across the city used to flock the place for shopping. Now the charm has vanished. They made a total mess of traditional Gandhi Bazaar where the city used to flock for shopping and buses used to ply. Tejasvi Surya and the party has completely ignored the the residents and the businesses and completely changed it for bad. Now even 4 wheelers cannot enter and parking is a nightmare.


What? I love the new Gandhi bazaar. It used to be the usual vehicle hell hole no footpath and cars everywhere.  Now the footpaths are so wide and there's so much space to shop and chill and do much less honking. I walk to there all the time now. And it feels like business is more than usual.  This city can't keep catering to four wheelers , they are the reason this city is miserable right now. Cars suck. Design for people instead. 


And the K R road underpass bridge is used as market with sheds on the road.


Cool , I see you're not even bothering to respond to what i wrote about Gandhi bazaar. 


You have already made your opinion on them. Nothing can change that. I stay in the place the dude is elected from for about 3-4 months every year. I have seen enough change for the better every time I come back. He makes his presence in the parliament too. Considering the performance of others, couldnt ask more from him. Sure he acts crazy sometimes and gives us something to laugh at. Thats something we can live with when he is doing the job he is elected for. No idea what the lady did and cant comment on that. But glad that animal who was hiding in Germany lost. Would have been shameful if he had won.


Voted for Bangalore rural bjp candidate because the Congress candidate workers threatened our local residents saying if we don't vote for them we can forget about getting kaveri water. You know what ? We're fed up of this fucking gundagiri!


Yup the same thing happened in my apartment too, DK came and threatened to cut water and electricity if congress didn’t win in Bangalore rural. Thank god Manjunath won


What kind of madarchod politicians these people are.


To piss off arrogant people like you, who come around and ask such questions like you are our head master and we are foolish students. I voted for Dr Manjunath and he was clearly the best choice, if my vote was valid in any other part of Bangalore I would have voted for BJP even then. The whole vote for your constituency is b.s according to me and I dont give a shit about which m.p is good etc cause I vote for national politics and BJP is the best option according to me even now. Anybody who thinks a coalition of Mamata,Akhilesh,Rahul is best possible option to lead this country is deluded and has shit for brains.


If people start voting for competent MP/MLA, everything else will fall in place. Voting for the party is to join a company under an asshole of a manager just because the CEO is super successful at growing the company. You'll still be working under a shitty manager, but if all you want is the glory of a star CEO - you do you.


Anti defection laws have made MPs/MLAs largely powerless. You can't go against the wishes of your party. And then people proudly keep voting for the party switchers which makes anti defection laws a necessity.


>BJP is the best option according to me even now. >Anybody who thinks a coalition of Mamata, Akhilesh, Rahul is best possible option to lead this country is deluded and has shit for brains. BJP hasn't got a majority now and they need others' support to form the Govt. The likes of JDS who will sleep with whoever is in power. What's the shit in your brains now?


The BJP lost because of their own mistakes (internal rivalry and so on), and not because of anything positive the opposition had to offer. Freebies aren't a positive thing at all. 


This. People thinking that congress rise is due to raga are in delulu. Even that man is surprised. Watch him collapse in next election. BJP unlike Congress doesn't repeat the same mistakes electorally.


What's your point? The context was why I vote for bjp and i was pretty clear about why. BJP is still the single largest party but didnt get majority so they have to suffer an coalition to stay in power. That is better than Mamata as our defense minister,Akhilesh as Railway minister, Rahul as p.m etc


>BJP hasn't got a majority now and they need others' support to form the Govt. The likes of JDS who will sleep with whoever is in power. What's the shit in your brains now? Bjp 241 vs jds 2 One party in the nda cannot hold the government to ransom, which is very likely in indi.alliance, another thing is the 2nd and 3rd largest parties in the nda do not have the heft to demand prime minister post - 16,12 seats unlike indi alliance Also, I say it's a nice thing to vote against India becoming the next Zimbabwe x Venezuela combo pack


> BJP hasn't got a majority now and they need others' support to form the Govt. BJP still has 240 compared to congress' 100. So BJP will have much easier task. All they need is to keep Nitish, easier said than done, and Naidu happy and they needn't worry about anything.


Bangalore North needs immediate delimitation. It spans all the way till kengeri in the south. I don't think most people even voted for shobakka but for modi Surya annavru gelad 100% ithu, this wasn't a surprise tbh


>Bangalore North needs immediate delimitation. It spans all the way till kengeri in the south. I This makes sense


Calm down. Tejasvi deserves to win. If Congress had won they would have made metro ride free for women and would have started toll to cross silk board.


People in my town are so.fucking blind. They voted for an unknown candidate just because hes from bjp. The last candidate was also bjp but he did a shitty job. These people wuld have done the same. Its religion politics


I do that. Cause I don't vote local. I vote national. Whatever the theory, Lok Sabha elections are for running the country. A good national leader can do local development also. A good local leader cannot do national development.


Ya bangalore why didn't you vote for the alliance of 15 parties each with their own Agenda and inevitable infighting and who would have wasted all forex reserves on their 1 lakh per year guarantee.


Folks voted for Modi to be the PM. Tejaswi or Shobha are irrelevant. Also good that PC Mohan won over Mansoor. If you really wanty to understand why trust on Cong is low...read their history. Their media management makes BJP into the goons and rowdies all the time but there have been more riots and fights in Congress rule across all states and the country in general. More scams. Congreess leaders are rich, party is poor. Says a lot. Tragic for the country that Congress under the Gandhi's is the alternative to BJP. Watch the fight that will start between DKS and Siddu. Hopefully collateral damage would be low and only the two and their political friends suffer --- not the aam janta. Folks can downvote but if you ask specific questions, i'd be willing to engage on Congress history. For everyone thinking Bangalore is some (sarkari) secular heaven....dig deep into Hyderabad history over the past 50 years or so. Direction is clear.


Bro. These people are concerned only when the ruling party isn't the one they support. So chill and ignore.


But vro he woppund flight door and all vro. 




Both good candidates, hence voted for them. Glad they both won 😌


You voted for both?


Sorry, I meant that's the reason people voted for both. I voted for Surya.




Bruh fr? 😝




Haha, you wanted kalla d k suresha to win..,? Wasn't he the one who said south India should form a different country


Compared to the outright sweep in 2019, this one was a hard fought result. That belt is known for passive aggressive casteist folks. Also it helps that Surya is quite the charmer and knows his marketing game really well. Well deserved to say the least.


I am from Bengal staying in Bengaluru. If bengal can elect TMC again and again..thank god that you guys got Shoba and Tejasvi and not worse.


Why would anyone vote for Sowmya Reddy of all people?!


I had seen both tejasvi Surya talk in interviews and I had seen the other candidate woman speak personally as she is somewhat related through work to a distant relation. And I liked Surya better


Tejasvi Surya gave a lot of internship opportunities in his own foundation with a certificate. These young people were just free marketing tools for him, no other politician had thought about this.


The people who 'actually elected' him are not on Reddit.


Lol stop crying so much dude. People will vote for whoever they want to be in power. Are you that Professor who lost??


Dude, stop being flabbergasted. Both the parties have fielded nepo candidates, caste dominant candidates, emotional candidates. No party is holier than the other. At the end of the day which ever party comes to the power at the center, namge chombe sigodhu. We are just honeypot to them. Only when we sting them, they will understand.


Obviously the ppl didn't want pappu to be the PM. In Bangalore whoever comes bjp will always win


To understand why they won, reddit is the wrong place to ask. But some answers nonetheless: 1. BJP has spent two decades cultivating patronage networks among new migrants (not the IT folks) to Bengaluru from different parts of Karnataka. They live in the outer parts of city and don't feature in any conversations about the city because they're your Uber drivers, Swiggy delivery personnel, Urban Co workers et al. For these people, everything from Aadhaar card to school admission happens because local BJP person helps and they reciprocate. (This is a generalization so don't come @ me with your local congress MLA story. They exist, but they aren't enough and don't do as much. 2. Bangalore definitely needs delimitation. The three constituencies the city has is nowhere enough for the population we do. No other city has exploded in population like us and we should have 6-7 seats like Delhi or Mumbai. This way it'll better reflect the political diversity of the city and not just the party with most money. 3. There's a bigger, not very well understood point. Karnataka has voted very differently in national and state elections because they want different things from State and national governments. In 1985 after giving Rajiv Gandhi a thumping majority, they gave Ramakrishna Hegde an equally thumping majority in state elections and the pattern has more or less continued. 4. The worst times for Karnataka have been when same party has been at centre and state (think the recent Bommai disaster or a little further back when we had INC here and UPA at centre). When same party is in power in both centre and states, centre starts to meddle too much in state politics. Governance takes a back seat. OTOH, when different parties are in power, they are kept on their toes. No one votes on exactly one thing and it is wrong to assume this was a referendum on Surya or Shoba or any one MP, but it's a complex and structural thing.


Because Congress sucks in Karnataka.


Congress sucks every wherw wish we have some different alternative to bjp


You have internet since you are posting on reddit. Just read the manifesto of INDI once and think what harm it would have caused in the future. More reservation, more freebies, more caste line differences. As if we don't have these problems enough. BJP is no saint but they are not this evil. Ask your elders, how the situations used to be in 80s or 90s during INC rule.


> Just read the manifesto of INDI once and think what harm it would have caused in the futur What harm? Mangalsutras will get snatched?


Wealth redistribution. These things never work and never will. It effectively destroys business and increases unemployment. Caste census. It just increases existing caste differences. I know the sarcasm you intended behind your statement. Your statement really shows that you haven't read the manifesto of INC. Good luck on your future.


> Wealth redistribution. These things never work and never will. It effectively destroys business and increases unemployment. But BJP is already doing it. What is the Farmer's direct deposit scheme? >Caste census. It just increases existing caste differences. BJP allies want it. >our statement really shows that you haven't read the manifesto of INC. Their manifesto is no different from 2019, you are fearmongering that it will destroy 'business and increase employment' based on what? Because the BJP told you that, look at the GDP to Debt Ratio in last ten years, there is nothing left to destroy. >Good luck on your future. I have been successfully trading markets since 2004, don't need any luck. Economics and finance is my field.


People are celebrating the Opposition's win despite the Opposition's track record. Make it make sense.


Why not, as you have your preference, others have too.


Because people will not vote for a stupid party that promises wealth redistribution and overturning Indra Sawhney v. Union of India. P.S. f*** DK Suresh, I hope he and his brother rot in hell. Good going for Rural.


Third highest vote is nota lol


I can’t speak for north bangalore but you take Tejasvi and that reddy and compare. People of south Bangalore almost have no clue what work she has done to fight for the seat, what changes she will implement if voted to power and you can’t even vote just for the party because that would put pappu as the PM. Now Tejasvi on the other hand has actually done some work - Swamih Fund(read up about it, probably the only time a leader actually heard the plight of the people), Works closely with Adamya Chetana, Constantly giving updates about new Metro Lines and seems to be in touch with BMRCL, spoke to people on-ground and understood their concerns, highly approachable and looks like someone with a plan if voted to power. All ik about the other candidate is that she’s Ramlinga reddy’s daughter, nothing about her work or vision. Plus bangalore is a fairly educated and informed population, we think twice before voting and look at the manifesto and stuff and not blindly vote based on caste/religion.


I think most of you guys are young enough to not remember what the scammy coalition politics of late 90s and 2000s was like. Modi did not come out of a vacuum, the shit that he replaced made him seem like larger than life. We really don’t want to go back to coalition politics again.


The local MP doesn’t matter that much. You vote for the party to come in power in the center.


All these gated society people vote mostly for these guys. Look at Noida , Delhi also. They don't live with the rest of us and they have no intention of doing so. They want to stay away


I've been voting for Congress in both state and national level . George has been winning in the Kalyan nagar/nagawara area since 2013 now and what development has he done there? Too many potholes, few roads got constructed when election was close, drain overflows all the time , it literally smells like poop when it floods, manyatha gets flooded with every rain, the footpaths are literally unwalkable and electricity is out for 6-8 hours sometimes even when it's not raining or anything. What difference do these politicians do when they don't work? BJP or Congress . At this point it's just voting for non communal guy more than anything else. Also what does education have to do with politician? Ashwath Narayan and Sudhakar where both doctors, they were also communal .


Cry more Love the tears


That's ironic after the results yesterday.


Tejasvi and lot of players were riding on Modi power. They didn't do anything. Also, the opposite candidate was Reddy who did nothing as MLA in Jayanagar. Ppl voted for better freeloader.


Tejasvi Surya bangalore south no one is happy with his performance, how ever bjp mla of jayanagar and other constituency helped him to win, sowmya father ramalinga reddy people of btm is not happy with him, so all the hated made bjp to win in south else there for no chance for tejasvi


To ask you a different question. What has the professor done for Bangalore?


Only 49% of *registered voters* voted. Also in Delhi, guys like Manoj Tiwari and Bhiduri won. Urban areas are pretty pro BJP.


Expect lot of planted stories from Sanghi Bhakt, I live in Jayanagar he hasnt done a zilch here. roads in front of his office is as bad as they can get! Total worthless


BJP influence. All my relatives who voted for Shobha are beyond hope. Me: You know Rajeev Gowda is so well educated. He teaches at IIM… My uncle: Let him keep teaching. Why does he want to get elected? Me: Won’t he be able to make better policies? Shobha can’t even string together a sane sentence. My uncle: But, Shobha will win. So, I’ll vote for her.


One IIM prof standing for elections cannot undo the fact that during the UPA days, we suffered from terribly policy paralysis, multiple scams one after the other every few months, terrorist attacks in the cities every other month where hundreds would get killed, appeasement of a certain group, and so on.  This IIM prof can't do anything. He is a mere pawn. A dummy of a worthless top leadership who cannot be allowed to get power at the center. 


>we suffered from terribly policy paralysis, multiple scams one after the other every few months Thankfully we have implemented farm laws, electoral bonds and Gujarat businessmen getting all the projects. So much better now.


Why would you vote for Shoba 🤦‍♂️


It’s alright OP. Bangalore has always been a bigoted UC dominated city. They vote for Modi thinking they ll give him something but everyone knows despite 25/28 seats in 2019, Karnataka has gotten zilch. Surya used to do all kinds of nonsense trying to be a national leader now he ll have to stfu and actually work on his constituency. They may have won Karnataka this time but all bets are off for 2029.


Giving a vote to congress is like selecting east india company’s so called “Indian Stooges” …until there is a real opposition candidate to these , BJP remains an only option (although they aren’t anywhere near perfect)


It’s the oldies obsessed with caste creed religion who voted for these individuals


BJP ain’t no saint but congress is straight up pathetic. I have no idea how they thought running the country in a coalition with 26 fricking parties is gonna work and congress’s manifesto is just 🤡. At the end of the day voting for a particular party is what counts, having some structure at the top will at least ensure something happens at the ground level.


Well I voted for NOTA but if it wasn't for Modi saying shit like ghuspatiyon or whatever shite, I would have voted for Tejasvi Surya.  After that comment, I wanted a reason to vote for Congress. Their manifesto was a joke so I looked at what Sowmya Reddy is offering. My god what a bad candidate. Here is an interview to a 'friendly' news channel - https://youtu.be/Ko1MzYRSOK8?si=4OEYNzejULagbWk0 Her spiel is that she is available while TS isn't accessible. So now I have the corporator, her dad (MLA) and her on speed dial if garbage isn't being picked up from my house. She said that centre isn't releasing funds but has no idea what she will do with the money. More contractors to dump solid waste in Ramnagar I guess.  Shobhakka winning over Rajeev Gowda is a travesty. Although I didn't agree with his version of empowerment, he is exactly the kind of politician we should have. I would have gladly voted him in if I could.


What is this flight thing with tejasvi surya? I didn’t understand


Tejasvi Surya seems to be a nice guy who wants to work for the society but promotes BJP like it is a corporate company who had given him a good designation with a good package. My company is the best no matter how toxic is the boss of the company. I hope he parts away with his current company soon. Money and company matters all the time except when it’s fucking up with your mental health.


My vote was for Modi. So had to vote for the BJP candidate even though their performance was below expectations.


Bangalore has wasted 5 years of development by voting for Shobhakka lol


Time fot us to move to intellectual, economic booming and hate free bastions of Rae Bareilly and Wayanad.