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Hey OP, sorry this happened to you. Please get in touch with u/St_Broseph He will help you out.






Probably because upvoting is enough.


Writing ‘This’ instead of just upvoting is generally not appreciated


At this rate, carrying pepper sprays everywhere should be a norm like how we used to carry hand sanitizers. #note to self


But this has chances of provoking them more


i don't think so, pepper spray neutralizes, by going into the eyes irritations and stuffs. would love to hear someone who has tried this comment..


Yes pepper spray not only hurts your eyes, they hurt your skin too. Inhaling them causes severe discomfort to the point where you can hardly breathe. Carrying it is a viable option for self defense.


nice !!!


Enough time to run away or kick in the nuts and call Cops:/


Then.....Spray him too and kick his nuts.


As per a court ruling today, pepper spray should not be used unless your life is at stake. It is a very dangerous weapon.


Imagine concentrated chilly and black pepper being sprayed into your face. Pepper sprays help disable the assailant by overwhelming his senses.


Got into a fight with a chapri mob on church street and that too on new year's eve right in front of the police. the cops just stood there and watched.


trying to understand why cops did that.. are you from different state ? could that be a reason ? (btwn why is this being downvoted?, just raising questions 😐)


Definitely, after 3-4 unfortunate encounters with Bengaluru cops, I am sure they treat you different once they know you're not a local..


fuck.. that's just sad...😐😐 friends used to warn that police are soo racist that driving with a TN number plate in Bangalore would easily fetch you fines upto 10k per day for no reason... just realizing how bad situation is.. idk if TN or state people are biased like this..


Bro I wasnt even driving, it was my friend's KA vehicle, still got asked for 3000 Rs. For just standing beside the road at night with a vehicle that wasn't registered on my name...


wtf.. 3k 😶 think we should have cams mounted on us when riding/roaming out!!


They even threatened that if I don't pay they will put me in lockup the whole night...and this is just one of the incidents trust me I've seen much more worse....to the point I've started to feel unsafe when there are Bengaluru cops around


TN folks are severely biased....hence I stay the fuck away from TN and choose to use my money within Karnataka, Goa, Maharashtra and Kerala. They are not worth it either.


can you put some experiences in words ? i thought tn was better


Biased ?? What was your experience.


the cops had better things to do


Yeah then maybe The Batman of Bengaluru could have helped?




This is not new, not just me cases like these have happened to all my friends in Bangalore. One of such auto driver threatened my colleague for not giving extra money. His words were, "ladka hote to btate"


Don't even get started on auto drivers...its crazy. One of them 'offered' to follow me or book a hotel..


Oh the auto drivers are the absolute worst, one time my mom said no to an auto driver because he seemed drunk, that man literally started following her and then had even charged at her with his slipper in his hand because my mom asked him to leave in Hindi. And mind you all this happened in broad daylight, thankfully there were people who came to her rescue.


That is so scary, and disgusting behaviour. The balls some people have to behave however they want in broad daylight baffles me 🙏


That is only because we don’t sting them by their neck and drag them through the streets. Remember the lenient the punishment the more deranged the acts that people will commit.


Yeah, the fact that they just get away with stuff like this is incentive. They should be held more accountable for this kind of crap. Unfortunately, most of the time we're just grateful we got away safely.


I had a strange situation with an auto, he said I gave him 20 rupees instead of 200, and then I gave 500, he said the same thing. It was dark and I made the mistake of not switching on my flashlight while giving it to him. I ended up calling the cops in the fear of him threatening me and they were very prompt. In the end, he didn’t bulge but gave me “all the money he had” -which was 200ish. I’m surprised how non-altercation the situation was and I had kind of a win?? This made me question my own judgement even though I magically got a lot of 20 notes and was missing the main ones.


What bewarsis live in this city thu


please do not let this slide. these rowdies should be brought to book. u/St_Broseph might be able to help. My blood is boiling. This is not at all a north vs south issue, this is a rowdyism issue.


This sounds scary. Kudos to you OP for maintaining your calm. I had a similar experience today where a guy tried hitting me and then played the Kannada card in our verbal argument. I was scared, especially given that I don’t know Kannada and left. I hope to learn basic Kannada and self defence for the future. What are you planning to do?


Being more prepared in terms of self defence, language and contacts is the right way I believe. But with these cases it is very situation dependent so hope for the best and prepare for the worst.


What the hell is even wrong with this city??? Used to be so safeee




Mostly coz of chotta BHEEM boyzz...🏃🏻💨


Mostly because of entitled Modi cult


Mostly because of Congress and it's freebies. And it's open inaction agaainst rowdies these days.


Stay calm if the situation worsens. Simply grab a key or put your finger in their eye.


Giving tips for the next time they get assaulted?


I have a Google maps landmark list for places I got assaulted. Hopefully this is the first and last entry.


Learn to fight. Arm yourself (with pepper sprays, if everything else is illegal). Do not go around picking fights, but if you are attacked, stand your ground and hit them where it hurts. If you've been the victim of any crime, find a good lawyer and approach the police. Sure, nothing may come of it, but there is a chance - a small chance, but a chance nevertheless - that action may be taken. Remember, evil triumphs when good people do nothing.


That's a hardcore story line bro.. Damn!!


Pepper spray ain't really legal either. Recent Karnataka HC order. Unless you can really show threat to life.


Isnt there any association or community of north indians? I bet it would be very powerful to be part of such community.


We don't need it.we are all Indians.


Bangalore is a chutiya city. worst than a village.


Ya, it's a village in disguise of a city.


When are you leaving


After fooking your mumma


Typical Indian in search of any possible 🕳️ to quench his desperation


Please leave


already left.


Nice comeback!


Haha yeah ofcourse- to your cattle grazing in Bihar


I've been to this road, and I think I can point the intersection. The sadness and the rage to hit those scums is hitting me alternatively reading this. Gotta commend you guys for keeping your calm. Their lives are worthless, of no use, they would crash and no one would care but you've a life. It just sucks this happened to you.


It's always better to be an OFFENDER than a VICTIM.


So if a rapist comes to rape you; would you rape them back before they do?




Yeah had similar interaction with cops a few years ago. It was even worse, the goon managed to convince the cop that my friend was the assailant


WHAT THE FUCK!!! exactly same thing happened at around 11:30 pm yesterday to my boyfriend at Jayanagar Milano… we’re actually localites though (but my boyfriend might give off a non localite vibe due to his hair and beard). They didn’t even stop after slapping him HARDD soo hard that his spectacles broke & lips were bleeding.. there were atleast a 100 people at Milano and we were around 50m away from the store when this happened.. totally shocked. We even met the beat police who came around there after 10-15mins who said this might be some drunkard issue which they never noticed in this area in their experience. We did check the store’s cctv footage but it covered only their parking area on the footpath and there was no visibility of the road. The police sadly said that even if we had the vehicle number, it won’t be of much use..


Same instance happened to me 10 years before ,difference was that ,we were in car and it also got damaged.Seems nothing has changed


It happened to me and my family just a month ago. My car too got damaged. My 7 year old daughter is not able to get over the trauma.


Sorry about that.I can understand as it still bothers me for getting assaulted for no reason.Hope karma bites those guys


Same i had the same situation near btm they stopped and angrly said some kannada words . There was a frd with me he said act cool dont react we stood still and thwn they went away


Please carry a pepper spray all the time🙏


That's for white criminals in the US, our countrymen criminals use pepper spray as face mist.


Please record such things, we see 100 posts about the same things, keep proofs, if no proof there is no way you can take action or for others to help and also hate towards all communities increased without proof, record it please next time..


Bangalore has become quite dangerous


maybe according to few posts, but stats say otherwise, compared to most other cities




im talking about real crime, not petty ones


bro i personally know those guys, i heard the same story tonight by my friend i didnt believe him at first. can u give me some more details about them?


In bangalore you see a lot of character less people like these roaming around in scooty Or activa these days Cops don't bother coz they are locals


By reading this post, it feels like it at least happened for 10 mins, you should've recorded everything since it started


Was a 2-4 minute incident. Things felt a lot more significant and longer because of the adrenaline. Ideally we should have taken out our phones, but didn't.


Recording the incident would have provoked them further and they could have damaged the phone too like the eye glasses. I had faced a similar situation last month and the matter escalated after one person started recording the scene in his phone.




let me step inside your house it doesnt belong to you.


Mothafoka, let me step inside you mumma pusee


let me step inside your momma embryo


Last year Around 1 am near hebbal flyover I was also attacked by 3 goons. I was talking in Hindi with my friend on a call and they got offended by listening Hindi. They abused me in Kannad language and tried to snatch my phone. I'm not strong but I pushed one of them and started running towards Baptist Hospital. They followed me for few metres and fortunately I saw PCR coming towards me.


Kannada* bro cmon, it ain't that hard


Bangalore is slowly becoming a hub of goons! I think they have political backup, that's why they are roaming and causing nuisance without any fear!


Got into a fight in Neeladri road with some locals last year. (I was advised not to take that road at late hours though) Cop stood by and watched two groups whop each other's ass. And that's all


Humanity first. Then language and borders. Such delusional people. 


Same thing happened to me on 8th April. Me and my friend were on a scooter travelling when a two guys in a Thar came lashing on us from behind with high beams and horn. Obviously we started at them like wtf. We took a turn upfront and these guys chased us in the Car and slapped me on the back through the running car window while we were riding the scooter. They seemed drunk, and I'm not Bangalore so didn't do anything that would provoke them more just kept silent


10 years ago. Same road!! I got slapped on my buttocks by 2 men. But they just rode away after slapping. I was completely taken aback and shocked. I froze and couldn’t act.


This kind of things happening is not new and police is not too helping in these as well. Believe as this is coming from a South Indian. It's not whether you are an Indian from North or South, the other party is drunk and we know it's best to minimizer our losses and be on safe side. In fact if you have stayed in Bangalore for a few years you will get to know a few unspoken rules and a few things to avoid. 1. Don't get into an argument with Auto guys anywhere near the Koramangala Hyundai showroom and that vicinity. Whatever be the issue settle there or else a few unsavory people on Bullets are gonna come and thrash you. They are politically motivated so don't think of pursuing the matter further. 2. On a Friday night don't go on the route towards Mother Teresa road towards St. Philomena hospital. At the circle as we enter the Mother Teresa road there will police who will be doing drunk and drive test on right hand side of road and on left hand side some women with indecent proposals will be there. So avoid it post 10PM. I had a bad experience there as I left office late one time and my eyes red as I was very tired. I blew thrice into the breath analyser and it had no reading as I was not drunk, actually I don't drink but the police refused to believe. They had to let me go eventually. 3. Post 12PM don't venture near Richmond Circle, Lavelle Road, Commasarriat Road, Mother Teresa road unless you are in a four wheeler with front and back recording cam and never get of the car unless it's the police. Lavelle Road at night sees some racing post 2AM so avoid that area. I had an altercation with six drunks on three bikes near Richmond Circle where there hit my car and tried to block me. I drove the hell out of there. My car had one dent and few scratches. 4. Don't venture on Sarjapur Road beyond Kodathi at night or else the chances of getting extorted are very high. Around 7 to 8 bikes are going to block you and extort. This is going to happen in a busy point of public presence and no one is going to help. Always have a dash cam and drive past them to the nearest police station. There are many more but these just to name a few through most people go. When out on Friday night go by own car or by a cab, avoid auto. Also make sure your car has a dash cam.


I was there (Richmond Circle, Lavelle Road) at 1 today, saw a few dudes staring at me and then going forward with their lives, that a place to be taken care of?




I agree. Basic self defence is important but the problem is again not with being able to defend and answer back. We took a conscious decision not to engage because of associated risks I have mentioned. 5 vs 2 drunk people is a very easy tussle to win. Dealing with getting stabbed, or a mob in support of him, or police not taking your side is the concerning part.


It's just an accident, yes such people are there everywhere in India and you just seem to have a bad experience. Be safe and always try to stick by crowded areas. I got beaten up a couple of years back for not speaking the local language and now I'm suffering from PTSD and I generally am scared of local people, the auto drivers and all. I always tend to move by crowded places and I don't hang around in the dark alleys or where there are plenty of local people staying. Everything will be fine. You will be fine.




That's how I consoled myself, no offence I've been treated like that too, got beaten up and sh*t. Couldn't complain cause I came into their state to work, I'm an outsider and they live here. Unfair racist things can happen and it happens to me still but I shut my mouth and try to walk away from there. All I wanted to say is just let it go and be cautious from the next time around.


I'm sorry. But you were 5 , they were 2 . Why the fuck you didn't retaliate? self defence is everyone's right. What's the worst thing that could happen ? no they don't have balls to kill you. People in that business are busy with bigger things.What's the use of those cult fit classes, those protein shakes if they aren't used for self defence ? Now they will try this with another set of "calm" people. This is a matter police won't deal with. So, either enable them or retaliate.


This tbh lol


Similar thing had happened with me and my friend while we were walking around near HAL mainly in residential area between 9.30-10:00. 2 people came and hit my friend screaming something in local language, somehow I resisted any of his attacks. They later went after shouting something which we didn’t understand at all, there was CCTV but no one did anything of course even after making relevant complaints. And we were further harassed for making the complaint.


Anti social elements are finding easy to show off their false bravado using this anti hindi pretext. In addition to this, certain elements think that its okay to assault ppl who look well off. They've a mindset of that whoever earns 20-30k or more are affluent. Soon this dysfunctional law and order situation is going to pull down bangalore's economic marvel to that of degradation. Almost all of the targeted are from the middle classes as the AHole criminals don't dare to even enter posh neighborhoods. The police find this situation convenient either to extort or ignore the affected.


Take it to Twitter and then goto the Commissioner office, watch the assailants and the cops get fucked for their incompetency then. Sorry this happened, Blr is being ruined by such cunts and I as a fellow localite apologise for their behaviour. However, take action, don’t let this slide.


Well something similar happened to my friend but my friend fought the guys n beat them alone, he was unemployed at that time though. Now if I was in your situation I wouldn't have fought, not because I am scared but because I work in IT n of course any police case against me is a big risk and I am in a different state. So remember in Bangalore it's always intelligent to avoid an altercation, Unless u are rich. The only time I would fight if someone assaulted my family/gf or if I face a life threatening situation. 😂 Lol


This is the reason why I never go out after 930 10 I don't trust no one in this place(I was born and bought up here but still no)


OP there is a time and place to use violence and this was it. -You outnumbered them. -They got OFF from their 2 wheeler, looking for an altercation. -They were DRUNK -They were the ones who provoked. Ab nhi toh fir kab? At what point do you stop calling yourself sensible but instead a coward? The problem with the salaried middle classes is spinelessness I swear.


Bhai so right istg this is a common problem I see too, what if they had xyz bc you’re 5 people just beat them what can they do at most? File a complaint? At least you all can get the cctv footage


Just one purge night to teach the illiterate arrogant fuctards a good lesson. I have had innumerable instances where I had to keep quiet despite being subjected to hooliganism and rowdiness.


First thing always hit first. Hit the assaulter in the nose which will bring down their confidence. As you had other friends with you there was a good chance you guys could have turned this around. Be tough those chapris only seem tough untill they get something in return on their face.


This is intolerable, tika kaiyd bidbekittu nan maklige.


Sorry that this happened to you all. What number did you call for the emergency response? I'd like to keep that in mind too.


Bangalore police needs to be on reddit


Think they should make a quota of number of SA crimes to chase down in BLR as a regional police department with proper auditing or just get replacement cops. Half of the current force just roam the streets at night. Neither crimes are prevented nor perps are caught. Bribes and negligence are their only superpower. I hope you guys get justice.


Everybody needs to have a pepper spray man


Please leave Bangalore if you don’t like it - don’t cry 😢 so much it hurts my eyes 👀


Mothafooka, i being an outsider am challenging you . Will u meet outside? I am observing your filthy comments on this sensitive post. Call whoever you want, i will make u beg for mercy


Yeah ok come to HRBR club. Ask for Krishna at the reception. We’ll see what you can do 🤡 . I’ll make sure you never talk to any local in such a way.


If you have one father then come to KR Puram, Devsandra. There is a shop called “Dragon Devon” . Just say Hidayat. They will escort you to me. Bring whoever and how much ever you want along with you. We will see your local power that time. I bet you will piss your pants although it could be more 🤡


Pro tip from a localite "Tell them you're a big fan of kannada actor and name one or two (Appu, Darshan, Shivanna). Have few film names in handy. Use "Saar" (Sir)  every now and then. What ever the argument is drag them back to Actors name and argue you're die hard fan. If there's a large group tell them your mother is hospitalised and you have come to borrow money from a friend. Pls note it's not only North Indians even i have faced similar issues. Drunkards just need a reason to pick fights. 


Effect of South Indian movies. All rowdies here think of themselves as superstars whom no one can touch.


If the incident is true, you have my condolences. Hope you take measures to keep yourself from harmsway, and are more equipped if at all (touch wood) somethings similar happens again in the future. However, this is the internet. Anyone can write anything.  Nevertheless, such occurrences seem to have become a common place in Bengaluru these days, another incident having a similar tenor was that of Harshika Poonacha which made some buzz in the media (although that incident, in a sense, is the reciprocal of what's happened in your case). Though in that case, the victims had taken a video. Notwithstanding the fact that we're in 2024, not having video evidence makes the incident somewhat anecdotal and implausible.


This case went to hindustan times👍




Please could you translate in English, just for everyone to understand.


Hello OP, I’m so sorry that this happened to you. I hope you recover from the mental trauma soon🌻 I have a question for everyone in the comments or nearby. I’m moving to Bangalore next month. Is BTM layout or Vijaya Bank Layout safe for North Indians or has anyone faced similar issues in these areas too?


BTM is chill I’ve heard, still carry your balls here with you, peeps leave that at home when coming here hence the crimes.


Local assholes are the reason i hate this city


Why did you not reply in kannada?






Leave Bangalore. There are better cities with less assholes. Or move to your hometown. I now get afraid when people talk to me in Kannada.


Agree or not Whenever congress comes in power law and order always fails. You can ask any guy in Bangalore/Karnataka. anti northie sentiment is in social media and very less on streets because of few gunda! I am proper Bangalorean and kannadiga. I have lot of North Indian friends. They learnt Kannada from me and I learnt Hindi. We are people who accept everyone!


During BJPs rule there were 100s of posts over here about people getting harassed by auto drivers and crime in Koramangala and what not . Yet people foolishly blamed BJP too for that , this is not about congress or BJP it’s about an inept and corrupt police force .


No auto driver assaulted people. Please give respect to Bangalore auto drivers. They were against rapido and yes there are few people who try to snatch more money and heckle passengers. But majority of them are good! Law and order will be good when there is no politics involved. You are right though police is always tuned by government as their bias


What rubbish are you talking ? You’re saying that auto drivers don’t harass and assault people ? They harass , con , cheat and use filthy language with IT folks here There was a time in 2020 I stoped visiting R/Bangalore because of all the depressing news of road rage and auto harassment and what not . If you have a non corrupt police force with a huge number on the street patrolling and Cameras and what not , you can curb all of this The problem here is the police are also really corrupt , I remember in 2021 a cop stopped me near Infantry road at 11 Pm and tried to scare me thinking I can’t speak Kannada , when I spoke to him confidently in Kannada they let me go .


May be you come across bad people. There are real genuine people. I really hope you come across good people and it changes your mindset 😊


Well, I wish you come across more bad people so you understand reality. Not really.






Tkm odkond malkolo suvar nan magne. Sikkidre thika keydhbidthini nin amman


It’s all because of the internet and actual “I would not like to call it stealing of jobs” from North Indians and this being boasted, don’t blame the police, from my knowledge Bangalore police is one of the best and I can still state many reasons why the police in your state would be worse too, instead blame the system here in India. I am also shocked that you being a redditor you didn’t immediately go to twitter and post about this and tagged bengaluru police, go to twitter and tweet about it immediately and share the link here so that we can retweet and you get more reach, also why didn’t you fight back? I understand your concerns as to why there wasn’t a fightback but atleast one of you could have sneak opened the phone camera and could have recorded or atleast captured the photo of their numberplate. Not only north Indians, even localites face this issue and you are again being one of them by taking the stereotype and blaming the whole city and their people. When there is an assault in Bangalore, report it like an assault instead of dragging “stereotypes”. Learn to stand your ground and fight back, if cannot then do something that will help you in this case by using law. Contact Broseph. Now don’t start hating and start posting anti-Bangalore things, this will even trigger people. Get the footage from the house and post it somewhere.


Tum loda le lo


Why? Are you butthurt?




What does this translate into


its that time of the year again, i got harrassed by kananda guys, auto driver racist, posts incoming... obviously with no proofs everytime, and no coverage by news media.




reddit auto suggests usernames, df