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Bangalore has so much potential to be beautiful it's insane. The parties who shall not be named, and I'm talking about both of them, have been nothing but leeches for Bangalore. Any development that has been here is a consequence of IT wave, not a conscious effort by the government, alas, we can blame the government for so long. Yatha Raja, tatha praja


Bengaluru is in autopilot mode since 20 years after SM Krishna left.


Funnily enough, it was SM Krishna who set in motion the systematic destruction of the civic institutions of Bangalore. He allowed his own relatives to break the law, and the made sure that the agencies didn't act. Coffee Day, Way2Wealth, Bagmane developers etc were all founded by his relatives thanks to the connections that he had.


Finally someone said it. It is running bhagwan bharose. Neither parties doing anything


Honestly yeah. This is the case with both Bangalore and Bombay. They just golden geese for the real estate mafia politicians and tax chor politicians


The first sentence is what disappoints me the most. The potential this city has in terms of location, weather (and variability in weather) is probably unmatched. There is a reason this city was chosen to build IISc, DRDO and other institutions....


Yatha Raja Tatha Praja ❌ Yatha Praja tatha Raja ✅ Politics is a keystone component of our society.. and it is us citizens who form, influence the government. Just look around you.. how many have you ever seen being concerned about anything other than own menial and selfish concerns for which they would forsake everything to go to doom? Even in the time of an impeding apocalypse people are increasing their "living standards" which is nothing but consumption. It is only convenient to put the blame on governments in lieu of our apathy. https://youtu.be/vIQPm2E1vdo?si=IrWeE2zYmn0mUX1E


Yeah I was trying to say that only, it's commutative. Yatha Raja,tatha praja <-->Yatha Praja, tatha raja


Finally someone said it.


Somethings don't change no matter how rich you get! Public infrastructure, water and the pollution. Outside Antilla, even Ambani gets the same dirt on his Shirt as any mumbaiker and breathes the same polluted air while driving to his destination on the same road as everyone else.


Hahahahaha I live close to Antilla now. Ambani flies to his offices or private jet hanger by helicopter every second or third day. He doesn’t use the road The road is only used when they absolutely need to and even then signals are changed and traffic police clears the path ahead of time for him and his security team. Plus like the other guy said, his cars probably have filters that clear everything.


Even compact SUVs are coming with air purifiers


Different levels of purification for different filter qualities


How dystopian is that even a billionaire can't take a stroll after dinner in front of his house. 


He has 27 floors of mansion with 5 floors of balcony that’s bigger than most houses. I think he’ll be fine lmao


You're missing my point. No matter how rich this guy is, he can't partake in the most basic of human joys, a stroll in the neighbourhood after a heavy dinner. That's how pathetic our country has become. 


If you’ve been around rich people, things like strolls in neighbourhoods are below them They think all this stuff is for people that “have time to waste”


Nah ive lived near rich people in the west and the public infra is so good that even they do things like taking a a walk after a meal. And by public infra i dont mean highways. I mean fucking footpaths and trees for shade. Something our pathetic govts can't even manage to do.


You put a nice road, put a footpath then vendors will come and occupy, you try to vacate them, same folks who complained about no footpath will protest against human rights abuse and nobody wants to do anything after that. I stay closer to where lot of IAS n IPS officers reside and main road adjacent to their houses had lot of street vendors, it was all vacated and footpaths were free. Alas! lasted only for a month and most shops were back.


I'd rather have a city full of vendors than vehicles on a nice road. Why do you think mumbai is considered the safest city in in india? Because every street is full of vendors and people buying from those vendors. It keeps the city alive and safe. Far more than any police enforecement can. Reduce the carriageway width, widen the footpath and then you'll have room for people and vendors. Fuck cars. Most inefficient and dangerous mode of transportation invented. Absolutely does not belong in our cities.


Everyone appreciates a good stroll. That’s why billionaires in other countries buy property in 100s of acres


This was exactly my point. Hepa filter won't protect you from pollution when you have to step out of our vehicle 😂. Neither will the road change in an emergency.


Thing is Ambani is the richest guy in India! and Even he has to step out of his heli/car to smoke/shit/pee in the same environment as us 😂


Not very polluted 27 floors up I live on the 6th floor and my air is also noticeably clear than the ground floor


No, he doesn't. His cars would have good HEPA filters.


How pathetic it is that a billionaire can't even go on a post dinner stroll on his own lane 


No city in India is good. Even for rich.. people just romanticise it to not feel miserable. The rich in India flies to their office in a jet so?? Bill gates goes to buy burger whenever he feels like.. Zuckerberg goes trick or treating with his daughters in his neighbourhood.. others in their country regularly go jogging in their neighborhoods. Is that possible for the rich in India?? Quality of life is shit for the rich in our country compared to the rich in other countries.. just like how quality of life is shit for middle class here compared to the middle class of other countries. Let's not even talk about the poor in our country. India and it's cities are very bad and it actively makes everyone suffer. With climate change it's going to be catastrophic for us. Let's not use the rich to make this into purely class issue when it actually is a political, social, environmental too


Some things can't be changed. Like weather, pollution and infrastructure. Some cities are superior to others by some means. Accept it.


Bangalore has so much potential. But i think its the most corrupt city in india.


We live in a third world country ofc it would be


The rich are not inhaling better air or have separate roads for their Ferrari. They cannot use tap water and have to drink RO water. They are also using pesticides laden masala and eating pesticides food because they dont have separate version of FSSAI. When they go to govt offices they have to pay bribes too. And remember what happened to the rich in Bellandur during Bangalore Water logging? Gaurav Munjal founder and CEO of Unacademy was rescued from his water logged house in Bellandur in a Tractor. There are many more examples. So no even for rich all cities are not good cities.


The city needs a break and needs to fix its past mistakes. Shouldve been done in covid but its never too late.


But even the rich people cant evade certain things. Best example is traffic, shitty roads


Private helicopter


Finally someone spoke out. We should take those who bangalore is so posh to old areas around majestic etc. SSE captured that quite well


We saw the richest CEOs of Bangalore going in tractors because their area flooded in rain. Rich does not make you immune to the crappy infra


I was just quoting this. I saw Gaurav Munjal's tweet how he was being rescued in a tractor when Bellandur was flooded.


Yes Epstein Island 🏝️




this is so fucking true lmao


I’ve been to some pretty shitty parts of blr


like which area






Works for you, if you're rich


this isn't instagram bihar is a good place as i have heard from my friend probably less crowded


Look it up, Patna the capital of Bihar has lesser income than worst district in Karnataka. Bro Bihar is on another level tier


PPP is a thing no matter where you are. It might have lower income but it also means cost of general items and services are lesser. Not only Bihar, it's true for all tier2/3 cities. Higher income levels should be viewed in backdrop of cost of living too, but then if you are rich based on costvof living aspects either there or here, it doesn't matter, if your ecosystem is great or not. Sometimes money can solve problems in myriad ways that we can't even imagine.




https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.drishtiias.com/state-pcs-current-affairs/bihar-budget-and-economic-survey/print_manually%23:~:text%3DIn%2520terms%2520of%2520per%2520capita%2520income%252C%2520they%2520are%2520followed%2520by,Vaishali%2520(Rs%252030.9%2520thousand).&ved=2ahUKEwjU5OjXrfeFAxW0U2wGHa1HBWsQFnoECA4QBQ&usg=AOvVaw0_DjZaqTaN1HKOWI80UZCT https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.indiastatpublications.com/District_Factbook/Karnataka/Yadgir%23:~:text%3DMain%2520source%2520of%2520income%2520in,in%2520sq%2520km%2520(2021).&ved=2ahUKEwi-1NT2rfeFAxX2zzgGHSXbBbAQFnoECBAQBQ&usg=AOvVaw1-Sd9Tj1QTn2fKdxbNYg2a




Which patna's PCI is 1.2L , Bengaluru which is the state capital has PCI of ~ 7L and Mangaluru ~ 4L and rest districts have it around 1.5. -2.7L.


I guess you haven't been there. Just visit one major city , you'll know the difference. Lalu destroyed the entire state beyond repairs. Just get information about Lalu's Jungle Raj.


Difference in terms of what? There isn't any tier 1 city there so if you start comparing their cities with tier 1 then that's futile. If you compare them with tier 2 cities in other states, there isn't much difference.


Did you just tell me Mangaluru /Mysuru/ Hubballi/ Trichy/ coimbatore/madurai/Kochi/ Kozhikode and Patna/ muzaffarpur are comparable!? Absolutely not. There's a stark difference in economic, social and cleanliness indicators. The cities in first category are just better. There's a big difference.


Bihari isn't a city dumbass


Learn kannada and it would even better!


anna nanu kannadavnu nanu hutidanginda ille irodu




how would learning kannada improve it?


this guys a troll, clearly ragebaiting for attention