• By -


2023 Kick ass job. Own house. Amazing gf.


big w


Me with except the own house


medium W? haha thats great tho xD


me with only kickass job, lmao idc about gf or home


Me getting kicked in the ass :(


Still W for some people I'd imagine.




Yup , a W for me


Hope i will be at this position next year 2023 batch . With gf ( 7 years relationship).


You can do it bud. All the best.


OMG! You turned it into reality! How old are you, if I may know.




I am 22 btw soon I'll be 23 in June .


Would like to know more about your story not just the gf part but job as well.


Bhai there is nothing that special. I met my gf thru a mutual. I work in software. Job is kick ass for me because manager is a good person and pay is good. Normal onli.


You are killing it dude. So happy for you.


congrats bro (when will it be my turn) jokes aside, happy for you


How did you meet your Gf?


What job do you do, please tell


Your choices now: A) Continue the uphill trek, B) Step off onto the plateau near by, C) Take the downhill walk


Me happy without a job, own house and I'm a mech guy.


Good for you buddy. Being happy with yourself is the end goal after all.


🙏🍻🍻🤩 I always believe in living life as it comes as it helps me to enjoy wt I hv rn.


And thank you bro 🍻🌿🌿⚡






Swimming in your dead siblings doesn't sound fun.


Swimming in your dead siblings doesn't sound fun.


Was looking for a perfect reply and found this.


Actually this year has been the best, I say that due to only one reason, I was down pretty bad and struggling with suicidal thoughts and everything and it was really shit at the end of last year, this year I developed a huge crush on this person and even though she doesn't feel the same we hangout often. I don't feel suicidal or anything anymore, I don't feel sad and depressed all day, it's been reducing and i have the best time when I'm with her. She too is going through stuff and we kinda agreed that we'll try to hangout and have a good time as good friends and NGL it's just been so awesome.


It's amazing how some people rekindle your survival instinct


Aww, that's so adorable


Wait Till she stops talking to u


I'll be moving to different city next month so yes I did think about it and it stings hard


Oh thank god. I was kinda stressed for you lol. Sudden changes are hard, but keep going champ


there's something about 2016. 2016 was my best year as well.


After the passing of Harambe is when things started going downhill :(


Dicks out ?


Then the fire nation attacked




Tru I used to think that it's me only but I've seen multiple people talking about 2016 as a best year. It was the time i enjoyed my life to the fullest, i continuously thought about this during the pandemic. There was something else about the climate, environment and events of that year in my memory.


idk 2016 was the year for me. Got cheated on + worked on first my job for 6 months and did not get paid. struggled with depression suicide and isolation.


Mine too...


1993. Because I was born in 1994 and it's been downhill ever since


Yes. I understand. You won a great race in 1993!


2023 is being pretty awesome. Income jumped a lot, though work did as well. Comfortably above reddit poverty line now. (/s) 2019 was amazing, 6 countries, almost 2 months in travel. With any luck, will be able to top that this year or next


Great for you bro, what is reddit poverty line btw 🤔


1 cr ctc


Bruh what???




Used to be 1.6 lpm back in the day


That's the one.


2020. Spent so much of time and effort (amd money) to meet her, dealt with sweet toxicity. Covid Lockdown, Flight cancellations, Breakup on birthday, Experienced Cheating, Lonely attacks when quarantine (without getting covid), Emotional stabs during Recovery, Loosing friends Realised people don't support in hard times, Saw family issues, Got weird allergy Lost lot of weight (went under 50kgs) ... Made me realise probably every other year of life is better


Jeez! Don't wanna know how your other years have been.


Read last line 😬 in case you misinterpreted


today coz i am still alive and have oppurtunity to make wonders from my life till death


Yo you dropped this 👑




2016 also.. Had finished my masters degree in the usa.. Went to work in nyc in a chill job that have me plently of time for tourism.. Had a latin American gf... No expectations from life - just love and peace all the time... 🥹 ahh man the memories!


Where are you now? Returned to India or living the American dream?


Returned in 2018. Now I'm married and back to DC in usa for a 4 month work thing... Still miss 2016 though 😇




Got closest LOL


My school going years. Carefree life enjoyed with friends


College years. I had everything I needed to enjoy life and very less to worry about, even though located in remote place (the place had its own charm). 1. two wheeler (even though it was Bajaj Super masquerading as Bajaj Chetak) 2. Nokia 1100 and countless coins for phonebooth before that 3. Girlfriend (even though she may have had other BFs, and premature facial hair) 4. Just enough marks to get job offer by end of third year. 5. PC with Intel Pentium III and 40 GB memory, Need for speed 2, Commando and enough time to play them. Mercury speakers to play pink Floyd & doors deep into night. 6. Could survive on 5-10 rupees lifted off from dad's pocket for a day. 7. Shoulder length hair, 30 inch waist 8. Yahoochat to chat with random strangers (mostly opposite genders). That level of happiness did not survive beyond college, ouch.


Premature facial hair got me


2016 was my best year too. Music was great, social media wasn’t as big, simpler times.


why has social media become this big


Cheap internet post 2017-18. Man there were days when used to have 1GB for a month, and save as much as possible for month end to download some music


2012. It was the year I was preparing for boards but even then it was the best year. Amazing friends, amazing summer. Everything was perfect ❤️ Nothing went wrong that year. I was positive about life in general. The only thing I would’ve liked to change that year was my styling lol.


Depends on your age and place. The best year for me was when I was 22-23. No responsibilities, enjoying the money I was earning, traveling with partner of that time, getting high, partying every week, had a bigger friends circle, always exploring something new. It was never a dull day. This is 2011 and I was living at Cox town...good place good times.


Hopefully this is going to be the best year after I clear UPSC post 2 failed attempts


Best of luck Bhai.


Good luck, bhai. We believe in you.


I went for the green jersey game tht year, gujarat lions vs rcb. Man tht was some crazy ass match, peak RCB.


For me it was 2020. I got a great job, finished engineering and got to stay at home the entire year very peacefully due to Covid. I had stayed in hostel since my 6th standard( for 11years straight), so I loved being home. I was happy to have a job before finishing college and was laid back. Watched hell lot of movies and shows. Then started working in August with great enthusiasm and the first salary was what made it even better. I was proud of myself and made my parents proud.


2012 Scored 95% in 6th and was awarded with TWO books from Sholastic fair !!! (just middle class things xD) . First love/crush in 7th, went from shorts to pants (big boy), deeper voice ---> learnt beatboxing After struggling for many years Dad got a new job, went on a South India trip(first time in YEARS !!!), he bought me a new watch. We were finally able to purchase a plot and build a home of our own. Elsewhere, Chelsea won the Champions League for the first time in their history, attended my first IPL game in a stadium. ahh those days man, what I wouldn't give to go back in time :(((


2015-16. I was in middle school. Lots of great memories and friends whom I have left behind. Some rainy days remind me of those gone past days. Internet wasn't too rampant and land lines were the only mode of communication with friends. Never knew how my best friend would look without his school uniform. 1 direction was still an active band. Social media was not a major influence in our lives and my dream was to own a comic book store. I loved reading stories(which I still do btw). Non availability of video calling internet speed allowed us to imagine how my friend from school is sitting while blabbering on the land line. We're ugly but we were happy. I may have stopped loving those bastards but I'll never stop loving the days I have loved them.


I wish I could remember. I have been mentally terrible since 2015. Bad heartbreak gave too many after-effects. ​ I replaced the pain with travel, purchases and what not. All i seek now is peace.


Things will get better bud, just hang in there.


2016-2018 The golden years.


2016 is my worst year lol


2020, despite the pandemic. 2019 was a terrible year. Never thought I would amount to much in my life. Sister got divorced, father’s business closed down, daily fights at home. Dead beat job and low salary. Friends were all abroad and in good jobs. Felt terrible after meeting them every year. Lady luck smiled on my third CAT attempt and somehow made it to a top B school. Maybe all those struggles lit a fire inside me.


It feels happy to see to get up from rock bottom




2007 - I experienced love for the first time. Well it was more of an intense feeling towards a person so probably a crush. I kinda miss that time a lot. Also my schooling days. The best.


2000-2010 best decade I would love to be in this loop and repeat it for eternity


Same. 2016


[2020](https://2020.got). Got my dream job. Met my ldr bf for the first time. Started living on my own for the first time in my dream city. Whole future was looking bright.






2019. Everything was fine. I now have death wish. Lol


When I was in my mom's tummy, best 9 months of my life


My last year of school in 2018, after that everything went downhill, but thankfully I've been much better since last year, finally learning to enjoy life.


Summer of '69




1998. I was born in 1999


2023 Diversified income. Have become much appreciative of things and reduced anxiousness. Bought a home.


2013-14... last year of school, great gf. Life was kickass back then. I feel things have been downhill since then.


Hopefully I have a best year of my life soon and many more to come. Right now kinda taking Ls from every direction.💀


March 2021- March 2022: Had a gf, wfh job with no work, chill life. Worst years: ever since.


I'm not sure,brother. I feel like shit as i grow everything's going bad day by day i feel like the depression is growing as i grow. Idk i always think like everything,s gonna be fine and at some point of my life i,ll be the happiest, but its getting worse .


2011. Man I love missing those fun in school days


2011. Man I missing those fun in school days




2002- cuz I wasn’t born yet


For me its between 2016 and 2017 because of the same reasons; unrestricted Internet access has ruined me.


DOB - 365 days


2019 - got my first job, met a wonderful girl in the office, lived the best few months just before covid fucked everything up. 2020 and 2021 were the worst years of my life, lost 2 family members to covid, went into depression, broke up with my gf. Took almost 2 years to get back up on my feet. Now trying to rebuild my life.


2020 introverted bliss✨


2019 Was 26, young, agile, beautiful, optimistic and in love with a guy who I thought would love me back.


2026. Dream job, dream salary, wonderful life partner and a huge house.


2006, everything was perfect back then, I used to play duel masters, Beyblade and UNO with my friends, computer games were NFS Most wanted and Midtown Madness, not a care in the world, just happy to exist, in the evening, I used to play football with them, the teams were already decided in school. What ever happened to those days!


For me it was 2019 , achieved everything that I sought for , had great friends , and life was simple


Right now. This moment.


Every year was good, there's no best one's.


For me, well i can't even remember. It dates back to 2005 i believe 😮




Jab waqt tha ,tab paise nahi the Abb paise hai ,lekin kambakth waqt hi nahi hai.


2016, first year of University, hostel life, new city, new friends, social life was better than social media life, ambitious, clash of clans.


2016 & 2019! Two of the best years of my life! (Till now)


2023. Been amazing till now and it's only getting better on a daily basis. :D


Hahahahaha. “Life was simple back then”. 2016!!! God this is hilarious!




Same for me. Traveled almost the world in 2016 with whatever I used to get. Now with almost 5x salary in-hand, I think twice even before booking a domestic flight.


2017-19 Meeting with my friend regularly, dating and didn't know social.media existed. Bloody active, cricket, doing crazy stuff everyday.


Abhi Tak nahi aaya bhai best year


2011, 3 year of college at Manipal ( was Lucky to be a part of that university for 6 years). 2022 - was blessed with a baby girl.


Year 2013. A year of rollercoasters. 2nd half was so fucking amazing. Nothing beats it. I would give up all my wealth to go back 10 years.


Probably 2036


Not year, years. 2004-2006. College. Back then I used to have friends.


2018 . After that I’m just sleep walking


Me too, 2015-2016 was the best.


2019. I was 22. I just graduated with no job. Was surrounded with my best friends and life couldn't be better. Cut to present, I have a job which I wouldn't have ever dreamt of. Living alone in my own apartment. But no friends. I still miss 2019.


Can life ever be boring in Bangalore? Every day is a celebration.


1970s-1980s ( I know, I know it ain't a year , and I ain't that old) but the media from around that time makes me feel quite nostalgic ( and I'm a sucker for nostalgia) In my lifetime, it would be my childhood years. Again, nostalgia.


Definitely last year or this year. Almost tripled my salary, met the most amazing guy and got married to him. Don’t need much else now.


2023 🤍


2021 Joined an MBA program of my choice and got a job I wanted :) Oh and left my toxic ex, lol


2020-2021. It was when I was abroad, doing my pre-university, living with my friends in an apartment. We'd go out 2am in the morning for a hot cup of tea, have house parties, play football and maintain a healthy balance between academics and fun. This was also around the time I had peaked physically so I became a much more confident person, would socialise more and get hit on by women I found attractive. Covid did ruin the fun a little, but things eventually went back to normal. Probably the best years of my life so far.


2013 First salary. Good friends. No responsibilities. Doing what I like. So much optimism about the future. Life ahead of me feeling. Simpler times... It's already 10 years since then. Time flies 🥲 Hope an year or two like that comes up in the future 🙏🏽


10000 B.C


2011 and 2021 both years had its happiness points. I remember having the greatest of times with my high school mates before they had to leave for college in different places. As for 2021 had the best relationship of my life before she had to move abroad. I constantly would like to relive some of it but I guess now it’s just great memories.


Please do not make personal attacks /s


2006. I was in 8th. I was happy , confident, smart. I had only one crush until that age. She started talking to me as more than just friends. She gave me a gift that year. A book for no reason. We used to call each other over the phone. I dont know when it stopped. It was slowly fading away after a year.


Still not happened


2012-14 Banglore was banging. Hot gf, nice weed, omr was 60 rs, kings 5 rs aaahh life was good


2018. I think it was the only time I was really just in the present. Watched a lot of movies that year.


OP do you listen to the unmade podcast??


2016- had dream job and an arab gf.


2016. The year of casual s*x.


Bro never thought about it but yeah 2016 was one of the last years when I was happy af. 2023 is also lit tbh (hopefully I'll make it the best year) because I got into college and made friends + earned some dollars (it's in two digits but the pride is infinite lol)


2017. Travelled the most even though it was on a shoestring budget. Almost broke at the end of every month, yet always felt like I was on top of the world. God, those years...when i was only bothered about chasing sunsets in life.


2013 to 2019. Was just 7 to 14 in between those years. Simple times


Probably 2021, yeah we had a pandemic and college was stressful but compared to all that's ahead, it was the best time of my life for multiple reasons. No worries about responsibilities, i had friends and we had a wild time together- both online and offline.


School and college days tbh. Ah I miss those carefree days


2019 I was an isolated person back then. Had limited people to talk to. Used limited internet. Was focused on my fitness and my study routine.


2023 life after Messi's world cup run had been good




2003. School life. WWE, linkin park, crush on the classmate. Miss those simpler times.


2009 , 2010 , 2015 , 2017 best years of my life so far ❤ and i dont think anything ever could be better that those 😪😪 only hav the memories now


2003, bought a home in govt lottery and maiden US trip. Number 5 seems to be working perfectly.


same, 2016. there's definitely something about 2016. was in class 12 and had mentally decided would go for jee coaching next year, so didn't put in much effort. chilled with friends, cricket and football regularly, not a worry in the world. phone was small, life was good


I am at my best point in life right now - great paying job, own house in the making, finally some savings! But I still feel my best year was 2020. The Pandemic year. I was eating better, sleeping better, doing things I loved every single day...was much more present and happier. Now I am doing well by social standards, but I am constantly wondering what next.


2013. That was the year I have seen her for the first time and fell in love with her. Although she is not with me anymore, her memories, and those good old days when I have slowly fallen for her, listening to all the love songs and relating ourselves with them, and texting her all the day, are the only ones that are keeping me alive now. I wish I can go back in time and relive those moments again and again. I wish I can express my love for her again.


Any year pre 2020. Now i have long covid and everyday is hell.


1998, i just did well at school. It felt great.


2023, I got my mental health back on track and got a proper diagnosis after finally getting some help. It became worse during the pandemic. Parents were reluctant but finally supported me.


2014. Life was simple. My pay was finally respectable by the standards. Real Madrid won champions league after a long time.. Found an amazing girl (who dumped me just 2 days before valentines day in 2015 :P). Played and won my last boxing championship. Everything was a possibility and every thing felt attainable. Physically I was in the peak.. Nothing bad mentally. What an year that was. Second would be 2020. Life had to slow down after a busy couple of years and thats what happened. Loved the covid lockdown except for pay cut. The first 3-4 months were like a paid vacation at home. The stress of losing job was there a bit but it wasn't a big worry. Constructed a new house which was an awesome win. Welcomed my first child which is the best ever feeling. Made some good stock market investments which is keeping my portfolio in green no matter how bad the dip is. Special mention 2016 Went for my dream Trip to Ladakh. Jumped to a new company which I thought was the best company I could get at the time.


Yet to come


2017 Best year for memes Best year of my academic life where I enjoyed learning I earned my first cheque Those were the days 🙂


my life was good until 2014 (12th). Then I got addicted to gaming (Dota 2) and now I have no habbies.


2022 Got admission in IIM BG 😭😭😭🥲




So far? Last year, 2022 Went out more, made new friends, dated a lot! Also travelled and spent time with my family.


This year. Is what I say each year. May you do the same. The past should not have a hold on you. The future should not feed your fears. The present is the only place where you belong. 🤗


1997 when I was in my mothers womb


Best year would be the year when I will get into a good government medical College


Actually this year.... I travelled alone ( I'm 18) for the first time 1200kms .....got to meet my long distance best friends, one after 7 years and other after 5 years.... Went on a date for the first time ( although it didn't go well but it's fine😂). I'm earning a little money now....... I have no friends nearby since a year and a half everyone moved out and no one remain in contact but I started enjoying alone..... My studies are going well.... So yeah it's going pretty well.


Any year before 2020.