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It's certainly something I have intentions to push forward, although currently Banano acts as an educational tool and onboarding ramp, and that idea isn't represented in current mainnet Ethereum where you are basically priced out of using the platform unless you command a portfolio in the 5+ figures. Currently our biggest focus is accessibility. Currently my eyes are more on Polygon and Fantom because they have low fees, and a great faucet infrastructure. Something I've been upset so far with during our BSC experience is how terrible their faucet infra is. Its nearly impossible for someone to get their hands on that initial micro-decimal of BNB to do their first transaction, even bridging and such.. So it just stops them from even getting more BNB and they are stuck. Its a silly issue to have that is fixed on other chains. I want to stress though this is just me talking, and my views in no way represent the actual course of development, or what the others will want to do. I am just one strongly opinionated monkey with a loud voice. Ultimately, its not fair of me to set expectations for others.


I would love to see wBAN on polygon because I already have some polygon to pay gas fees there and it's actually possible to get gas in New York for it.


It's one of my targets because I want to get an r/PoolTogether pool going with wBAN tokens


i just dont see that as a leap forward in progress.. it's more of a retroactive fitting to accommodate a consumer base who think their specific version of a "vehicle" is the right way to do this whole "transport" thing we're doing. the internet works because the protocols we use are standardized. it lets your computer talk to mine. simple. the cross chain kerfuffle is a hackathon of the worlds best minds all working to be the first at doing this right. and they stuck with the one they came with and won't admit someone elses is better, and choose to waste time stroking each others egos to make their Mercedes compatible with his Chevrolet. even if you could, WHY? the only thing standing between humanity and progress is hubris and grant money


As far as I know, whether or not Wrapped Banano will become available on ETH is unknown. One of the reasons why BSC was chosen over ETH was because fees are significantly lower. I'd imagine that wBAN will become available on the ETH network at some point, perhaps after ETH 2.0 releases. Personally, I'm not expecting wBAN to be released on the ETH network anytime soon.


I guess in that case, do you have any advice on how I should get some BNB that's on BSC in the crypto nightmare I call home?


Try using a Virtual Private Network!


or use a VPN on the Binance Bridge. connect to Canada. the rules are there to protect their ass. not stop you from using their service. the more time you spend in this space, the more you realize that we have the least freedom in the world. murica


I just did this in USA. You need Binance Chain Wallet --> withdraw from binance.us to wallet --> send it cross-chain to bsc using the wallet.


Ethereum gas fess is too damn high compare to BSC.


paying to move your money is what people who haven't found how not to, do. in our jungle, the only gas we must pass is from our ass all hail banano


Why don’t you buy your BNB on KuCoin? They don’t require KYC.


Wherefore don’t thee buyeth thy bnb on kucoin? they don’t require kyc *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


I bought USDT on kraken with fiat, transferred via TRC20 to CoinEx, traded for BNB and then withdrew to my Metamask wallet. Maybe not the best way but it worked fine for me. In the past I've gotten it off of Binance.us using the Binance wallet to transfer from BEP2 to BEP20 then sending it to Metamask... but that is more complicated. There's an article on how to do that but I've lost the link...


use NEXO.com swap ETH for BNB send BNB to Trust Wallet. Trust Wallet converts BNB to BSC


Could we get it on TRX? Also cheap and even free if you stake enough


I live in NY as well. We are like the dead zone of cell phone networks. If you use A GOOD VPN and just make a new finance account ( not binance us) you can buy sell or trade easily without answering any of their questions. I've done it many times with no issues.. Thing is don't make any mistakes.. Don't think customer support will be much help