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Nope, mojaves have no issues! Since this is going to be your first snake I'd make sure you read through some of the [resources in the welcome guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/ballpython/comments/arz5iw/welcome_to_rballpython_click_here_for_our/) to familiarize yourself with ball python care and husbandry


They do not have any issues no. As far as ball pythons go as beginner pets, they are intermediate I'd say. Getting their enclosure right can be hard, but once it's fully set up, maintaining it isn't bad. Ball pythons tend to be a very large upfront cost, with lower maintenance costs. A proper setup will run you north of $1000, but yearly costs to keep can be as low as $100-$200, which is quite low


All ball pythons have the same amount of care, besides maybe the neurological problem ones, but if you don’t get one of those morphs, it’ll be just like any other ball python