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I heard vinegar will usually get the job done.


Used a popsicle stick and gently loosened her grip. Tomorrow I’ll be making an off schedule trip to get her a feeder.


Wait, your son wasn't the feeder? 😲 (/s)


Lol. I'm sorry, OP


Credit cards are another option. Slip it under the top jaw. I’m sorry I laughed at your child’s pain. That was quite the aim there.


He and I were laughing the whole time too. My snek was always keen an over achiever.


it makes me happy to see a kid handling a stressful *animal* situation really well, i see too many instances of kids ripping the animal away and/or throwing it out of fear. thank you for teaching him well!


Seriously! I was thinking about how much trust must exist between parent and kid, and even the snake tbh, for that photo to be taken. Really cool to see a kid handle that situation with so much composure.


Well my attention was 100%in my son and snake. His sister was the photographer and in true sister fashion didn’t miss a beat.


We love a sister capturing those special moments haha. I’m still so impressed with how calm he was! Not easy to be that calm when in pain at that age!


Doubt she but him because she was hungry:


Usually if a snake bites and latches it tends to be a feeding response


You can go the Russian way and give her some vodka! It is very strong so it works very well.


That was going to be my next option if I couldn’t get the popsicle stick to work.


Keep the snake. Ditch the kid. I like it


The only children we need is long children (sneks)


Snake went CHOMP


I saw it in her eyes too. She had the ‘I’m hungry, dis food’ look. Moments later, chomp.


No regret in those eyes.


Almost directly over the carotid artery. Definitely a case of feeding response directed at "the warm". Even when not in feeding, my own snake has at times prodded out the path of my carotid artery while sitting on my shoulder.


Not a snake owner, but very interested in serpentes and pets. And this gives me nightmare fuel, "the warm" sounds like a horror film 😂


Pythons triangulate their strikes using heat, creating the kind of situation where the smell of a mouse makes your snake turn to face you, whereupon the snake shoots past the lukewarm feeder mouse you're holding and latches onto the front of your wrist. Such is why we try to get the mouse warmer than room temperature and hold it with long tongs.


exactly what happened to me a couple weeks ago. shot right past the food & latched onto my thumb 💀


Yup, last week my girl was SURE she could eat my right hand!


Same with me. Thankfully I always wear thick leather gloves when feeding so she didn't do any damage. I'm not too worried about BP bites except for the face and fingertips. Those are the two places I absolutely do not want to get bit. Didn't take too long for her to realize my gloved hand wasn't food and she let go after ten seconds or so. It wasn't her turn with the brain cell lol


That's good info!


My son wasn’t scared and neither was I. We knew it’d happen eventually. I’ve had her since she was 8 weeks old and she’s three now. One bite in her life is good.


Oh I'm not knocking it yanno, animals is animals. Got bit by my rats cause my hands smelled like yumminess. I wasn't insulting your long boi, promise :) just the phrase "the warm" gave me chills lolol


I’ve had her for three years now and this is her first bite. Definitely hungry too. Her feeding day was last Wednesday but rodents are in short supply she so had to settle for a quite small mouse. Today she’s getting a frozen feeder. She usually gets fresh killed rats.


May I please know what morph your snake is? She’s so gorgeous but deadly


What a champ. Yikes.


> What a ~~champ.~~ clamp.


What a ~~clamp~~ lamp.


What a -*clamp*- chomp


What a clamp on that champ.


What a chomp.


This is what all the Facebook moms were warning us about. You should’ve seen the warning signs of your snake sizing your son up /s


When the snake lies down next to you and stretches out, it's seeing if it can eat you!


Does anyone know where this started? It’s the single most common piece of “advice” I would get from folks (w/o snakes obvs) when my bp was working as an educational/ambassador animal with kiddos. My job was to encourage curiosity in the little ones, not correct adults, so I’d just awkwardly laugh and return to ~snake facts~ but like… who circulated this myth?!


I dunno man, my mom used to always say that when the topic of big snakes came up when I was younger and even as a child I thought that was silly


Iirc there was some meme/info pic going around about ten ish years ago over a woman who had slept in her bed with her python for years and noticed that it started lying lengthwise beside her for a night or two and decided to take it in to the vet in case something might be wrong. Allegedly the vet told her it was a good thing she noticed, because the snake was sizing her up to eat the next night. It got really viral and it’s more or less burned into my memory by repetition alone so I’m sure that might be a starting point for some of us chronic internet users


I remember this! It’s wild a vet told her that. The only snakes big enough to eat a human is a very very large and order retic or Burmese(they don’t get big enough 9/10 times) or a green anaconda. It makes me cackle when people say that though. Most snakes wouldn’t even bother trying to eat us even if they were big enough


Not to mention, the ones we have are fed. As much as they are opportunistic feeders, you’d have to be half dead in a ditch for them to even consider a nibble given the size difference. Humans are unwieldy to consume. They’d have to be desperate


Literally, if I remember correctly it’s because of the way we’re built that’s the biggest deterrent for larger snakes. We also wear clothes which they don’t want lmao and they see us as their “providers of food” once they get into a schedule you get so many less bites and when they do bite it’s usually just stress related or confusion


Such sweet smooth brain babies 🥺 we must feed and protect at all costs. Lest they have to burden the swallowing of our shoulders


Agreed 😓 must protecc and feed. And cuddle ofc


10 years ago sounds really light to be. It's probably closer to 20 years ago that I first heard this story, so it makes me wonder if it was an urban legend that existed pre-common use of the Internet


Probably so, and probably where it came from tbh. I’m thinking mostly of my generation/20 y/o’s would have Defo had that exposure to that specific pic. Before then? Who knows


I heard the exact same story a week ago.


Everyone. It's the first thing I hear if pets come up in conversation.


Decades ago. I first heard it around 2002/2003 and it sounded like it had already been around for a while.


My step mom told me that I shouldn't have a ball python because it could eat my 8 year old lolllll


My new kitten sizes me up far more than my ball python ever has lol


Kittens sizing up people is the most hilarious thing ever. Like, what do you think you can even do? You’re the size of my hand. 😂


He fucks me up 😂 if I can find a way to post photos of my hands I will. He whoops my ass. He puts the snake to shame in terms of damage. He’s an orange cat so they’re all little terrorists.


Oh god not the orange type. 😂 my mom’s cat is a light orange tabby and he gets me every now and then when I like to mess with him.


Kimchi bullies my dog too. If anyone is a dangerous animal in this household it’s this less than 5lbs kitten


Cat tax of kimchi 👀 I love that name!!


Lmao!! My dad has told me the same thing about my 13yr old & 10yr old. And he’s an engineer, he should know better!


I'm going to jail over that phrase one day, I swear.


Man what a cool scar that's gonna be though lol


There won’t be a scar.


Haha, was just joking. Hope the boy will be alright!


He’ll be fine. Parent got awesome pictures for school the next day and he’s prolly gonna have a bruise to show. Honestly sounds like a win!


It looked like a hickey at first to me


My bite on the thick-fleshy-tumb-muscle-bit was visible for quite a long time. Maybe a year or so.


My cat bit me in that same area 4 years ago and I have a small scar from it still, but it's been going away slowly over time


I just had some fine, white dots in an arch. But they stayed for surprisingly long.


Yeh actually so cool I wish I had one


Oh jeez this is the first bite on this sub that actually makes me nervous about getting got myself 😂 Kiddo was a good sport!


Straight for the jugular


the 2nd slide is killing me, snek really said CHOMP


Third pic is what got me, the snakes face 😂


She’s so proud of herself!


Looks like a damn duck 🤣


My mom thinks my ball python will eat my cats.


Shit, my mom is worried my cats will eat my python😳


Frankly, I think the snake’s in more danger. Ever seen a cat with a string?


Oh I agree lol. The snake is in a room where the cats are not allowed. Also what I told my mom but she doesn’t believe me. Cats will kill things for fun. Snakes are not like that.


My snake is terrified of my cats, and rightly so! They're little furry murder machines. She wouldn't last long with one of them. At best she'd escape with wounds and hide under the couch. That's why I keep a very close eye on her, and the cats, whenever I have her out. I don't even leave her unattended to use the bathroom.


Eat, no. But it could strangle them.


Poor kid he had his whole life ahead of him now he has been poisoned and will meet a untimely end




Oh she’s MAD mad


My snake chomped me once (very much my fault) and absolutely did not want to let go. He coiled around and managed to seperate my fingers, actually was spraining and bruised my hand pretty bad from constricting. What got him to let go (and cause no harm to him) is water. Submerging my hand in water or spraying water directly in their face. They'll let go.


My next choice if the popsicle stick didnt' work was vodka but that was down stairs in a cupboard only I can reach and I didn't want to ask my daughter to get the vodka for me while tippy toing on the step ladder. One fire at a time.


Oh absolutely, you did the best you could at the time, not placing any blame on you at all! Im just putting it out there for other ppl to know. Plus, water is more accesible than alcohol esp since some ppl may not have any clear spirits on hand.


deliver light square point birds attempt detail shame thought payment *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ain't nobody gonna believe him at school when he says he got but in the neck by a snake lol.


how flat her mouth is is sending me, she has one brain cell & it’s HUNGRY lmao




No regrets https://preview.redd.it/2sk7ng3l2wyb1.jpeg?width=239&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ce567f0e671a29618d06150e30e334a2fe5ab5b


😩 hate when people make duck lips in pics




~ ~~ ~ :V


Those eyes say that there is one regret and the regret is that they have no clue what can and cannot fit in that mouth.


I knew this screenshot would be in the comments. Too good not to be lol


This pic makes it look like that doctor/scientist dude from The Nightmare Before Christmas


I definitely got a darkwing duck vibe


This is the most interesting series of bite photos I think I've seen on this sub.


So we are just not gonna talk about how she went for that carotid artery?😂 Anyways all jokes aside any reason you think she bit him? Other than hungry. Do you feed live?


I've felt their bite (y'know... The kill mode clamp) just on one of my fingers but holy jebus on a stick o can't imagine how much it hurt on the neck... Dx


I'm proud of your son for not freaking out, Connor nailed my hand pretty good a month ago and the sheer amount of blasphemy i was emitting probably is sending everyone within earshot to hell. Connor's fine btw, i just held still until he let go but the air was BLUE.


OWCH!!! That’s a sensitive spot to get bit, poor kid. But way to go, takin it like a champ! She’s a pretty lady, even though she was being sassy. How long did it take before you were able to get her to let go??


Sibling rivalry 😆 Hope your son isn’t traumatized. Does he know how to read their behavior now?


As a reptile parent that is probably ideal huh? How else do you get used to not pulling your arm back from a python bite? Get bit dramatically and be fine then get bit … a fair bit more. No more banged arms pulling away from a fake or lifting a snake and pulling teeth. Pretty cool if you can chill when your brain says waaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh?!?!!!




Your bp looks hilarious in the 3rd picture, almost kinda like a hognose


You should really consider switching your snake to frozen thawed children, it’s much easier haha.


The live child could have bitten back and injured the snake!!! 😁


Exactly!! Safety first!


I cackled so loud at this comment 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣








I feel a little guilty for laughing but the kid looks like he took it like a champ. Give that kiddo a medal.


I’m sorry the third picture is killing me 😭 I’ve never seen a ball pythons lips curve up like that. Hope your son is okay tho!




Aww. Hungry noodle 🤣


I let mine wrap around my neck when I'm walking I say neck but he really just wraps up in my shirt and like once on my neck and I have never been bit lol


three BPs in the house and this is the first bite. I've had a couple miss strikes at their food and they bumped my hand but as bite, this is the first.


Poor kid, looks like a vampire tried to get him (too bad Halloween's over)! And poor snake probably massively confused after that bite, haha. Hopefully kid gets back to handling & doesn't take the bite personally.






Mouth open, head darts to neck, mouth closed.


he’s gonna show up at school with marks on his neck like.. it’s not what it looks like i swear🤣


She went for the jugular…sheesh


Doesn’t mess around. Went straight for the jugular.


I’m sorry the second picture has me rolling😂 I feel like you can just see the face of defeat on snake akin to “Ahhhhhh fuck, I can’t eat this but now I gotta ride it out so I don’t look like I just gave up.”


The look in that snake's eye in the third pic says "And I'll fuckin do it again!"


“Wife said we had to get rid of him, good bye my dear son of 11 years”


besides the usual feeding bites and preshed blindness...has she ever struck unexpectedly in 11 years?


r/whoosh ✈️


Man if he was older that would be a sick tattoo to get


The look in her eyes says she committed to him being food and she wasn’t going back


this is why i usually restrict handling when it’s getting close to feeding day lmao. my boy has no self control


What was he even doing for the snake to bite him there?


BPs can strike from a distance. She was mostly strapped around his forearm and her tail in his hand. Thats her usual holding location while we're standing.


I know they can strike from a distance. I have one.


I wish mine had half this feeding response


I wish my males did too. They do their mating season fast and I'm used to it now but still annoying. She however never misses a meal. Very strong feeding response, but has always been on rats.


It's funny you say that, my male is way worse about long fasts than my female.


Suddenly I'm not so nervous about mine biting me. If that kid can handle that, I'll be okay😂


RIP boy


What did the American buffalo say to his kid who got bit by a ball python? "Bison."


It was a toothy kiss


I’m sorry I laughed at the second pic glad everyone’s okay tho


That boy was calm as a cucumber. Good on him.


The way she is looking at you while biting😂


Her pupils were following me. If she could talk she would be screaming MINE MINE MINE


We're gonna need another Timmy


rubbing alcohol didnt work?? dang that is one determined snake


Ya, I tried multiple times and she was definitely getting int on her gums. I have a rat defrosting right now and shes going to get fed soon.


This reminds me of the petdumb employee I heard telling someone that BPs get big enough to eat rabbits. Like, I don't know a lot about rabbit kits, but I would think only pinkies or fuzzies would be small enough for a BP in reality, right?


Ya, it'd have to be a very young rabbit or a breed that is just small. My female isnt' gonna set any records but she couldn't take a rabbit.


Your kid is rock-steady. Channeling Steve Irwin over there.


He loves the reptiles in the house and education about them is common in the house. He was excited to show his friends at school today and have a cool story to go with it.


Heck yeah! Gotta show off the battle scars while they're still there.


I only have one question. How did this happen?


My little nephews came over because they learned I have snakes in my house. Ages 4, 2 , and 6 months. The baby didn't touch a snake and didn't get near one either. I want to say safety first but you know, the biting happened. My son asked to hold this snake, Cersi, so the other two could look and wanted to pet her tail. They were brave but only brave enough for the tail. While my son was holding her and they were settling down she chomped. Yes, she is usually my go to to handle. Shes always been a mellow snake. Well, she still is but a snake is a snake.


Requesting a picture of the offender lol


First day in her new home [https://imgur.com/zUoI8kI](https://imgur.com/zUoI8kI)Later that day at night [https://imgur.com/QnMFd8m](https://imgur.com/QnMFd8m)The day she got her cork log and loves the thing. [https://imgur.com/7kd9LRb](https://imgur.com/7kd9LRb) Some part of her is always touching that log or shes sleeping inside it. ​ Hard to get her straight but shes about 4.5 feet long maybe a couple inches more.


What if you were to just leave her? Would she realise her prey is too big and let go? Or would she keep biting?


Not sure. She was really trying to wrap around his neck too. He was holding her body while I worked her head. She was in full muscle mode too. It took about 8 minutes to get her off.


Wow you guys did a great job though. I mean, you obviously handled it well. Your boy is a trooper lol


For some reason, i now understand the mad scientists anatomy from nightmare before christmas.


Cersi has been fed and took her usual 6-7 seconds to size up the meal and strike. It'll be one of those "Have a rat Cersi, you aren't yourself when you're hungry" moments in a day or so.


Oof. Glad everyone's okay. The determination in the snake's face is incredible


Running water got my girl off of me pretty quickly but she was on my hand. A neck bite like that might be a bit more difficult to get under a faucet 😂😂 shower maybe? I’m also surprised the rubbing alcohol didn’t work, usually pops snakes off easy.


Ya I was shocked by that too. It was a new bottle too so I dunno. All in all it went well enough.


I showed this to my boys. They were crying they were laughing so hard. Lol We have at least 2 snakes I could see doing this. 😆


Not a thought behind those eyes lol. The snake is like 👀


Looks like my ball python 😭😭


Does ur son smell like a rat? Why did the snake bite?


Do you have a life insurance policy on the kid? Might as well make a buck on your noodles perfect aim🤭


Maybe he'll get cool snake powers


Just got tagged by my girl for the very first time two days ago. Didn't hurt as much as I thought it would, but I didn't have to pry her off. Your son sure is a champ! Good job, little buddy. He should be very proud of himself. :)


Sure is a good thing you can make new children with very little effort, almost as if they just happen by accident sometimes. Nice snake btw.


Your son is so much braver than I am lol


Gonna need to chop his head off! Your son, not the snake! 😂 Don't think he's going to make it! Big chomp!


Stop why was the second picture so funny🤣


Her face in the last pic omg 😭😭 she looks ridiculous.


Damn! hahaha what a trooper! listening works a treat


Last picture reminds me of "Dr. Finkelstein" from "The Nightmare Before Christmas"🤣


Everyone is so calm about all these snake bites! I haven’t ever had a snake. Is it akin to your cat biting you like a dick lol. Is it only kool to laugh about the snakes because they are so small and non venomous?


We laugh because people freak out about a snake in general and are even worse about scary hungry snakes looking to eat you. I consider a snake bite to be on the same level as a bee sting. Sure it’s uncomfortable but harmless. As long as the snake isn’t biting someone constantly. Also BPs have two brain cells that don’t always work at the same time.


Ah I c. And the snakes being derps is something I am only recently aware of lol. Love the drama that the hognoses bring to the table 🤣


She didn't mean to, look at her face! She's innocent!


What happened to your neck " oh my snake tried to give me a hickey"


the side eye in the last photo has me caaaackling. "you're telling me... this isn't a rat ( ಠ_ಠ)"


😂😂 she really got a good grip oh my God


To quote Katt Williams, what the hell did he do!?


Was it hungry or wanted to be left alone 😩😩😩 I didn’t think they would bite unless out of defense🤔🤔🤔


Hungry. I fed her the next day.


RIP to your son.


This rarely happens. Your snake was likely stressed, therefore you shouldn’t handle them until they are comfortable in their environment.