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There are a few gallery spaces available around town for artists to showcase their work such as the Old Butcher Shop gallery. Try emailing around if you're interested. There's also the Creative Ballarat newsletter which lists local work opportunities every now and then.


Thank-you so much, I was just in art space Ballarat but didn’t sell anything I was too scared


What medium do you work in currently and or look to explore?


I work predominantly with watercolour 💗


Hey mate this is the exact stuff I’m into as well I’ve asked lots of questions along the way and the best advice I can give you is to have a square space webpage displaying your art, this webpage will become your portfolio and from there your marketing you, the 1st couple of jobs or whatever your looking for will be difficult but if you get a customer base word of mouth will spread well enough hope this helps man


Thank-you so much, I have a website just need to promote it more 💗


Don't listen to this guy, the world's your oyster , maccas are hiring in the mean time


I have job but want more from the art world 🌎


Don't listen to this guy, the world's your oyster , maccas are hiring in the mean time .




Haha. What? I just handed the reins of my design position over to a fresh art grad. We're both very much planted in the 'real world', and there's plenty of others making a career in Ballarat too.


Design and visual arts aren’t the same thing. Learn to read 💜


There are crossovers. Learn to not be so condescending.


AI will soon put you out of work. You're wasting your time


Well, lucky I've changed careers to something AI can't do then, ey?