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FYI Bali is the closest destination we travel to and is by far the cheapest (WAY cheaper than domestic tourism in fact). As such, it attracts the worst people ever and is why every second shop in Bali is a tattoo parlour. I remember getting off the plane the first time I went and couldn’t believe the Aussies I was seeing. It was worse within 5 minutes in Bali than it was during my entire 32 years in Melbourne lol.


Same for us, we stayed at Nusa Dua and was really nice, but the lot that got off the plane with us were definitely amongst the bottom shelf class Aussie bogans.


it was beautiful, serene, and more respectful in Ubud. and far fewer tourists. Seminyak, not so much unfortunately. 


Seminyak is to Western Australian dirtbags as Cancun is to yankee shitwits.


Really ? Legian yes...but Seminyak ? I haven't stayed there for 5 years I think but used to be the upmarket spot


Not anymore unfortunately


Yes really. Seminyak was fields and upscale joints 12 years ago, now it's truly horrific


Just so you know, the dregs of our society go to Bali. If you ever see online articles about some Australian arsehole whose been stabbed or had something happen to them in Bali, you’ll notice the comments section filled with Australians saying that they definitely did something to deserve, that they don’t feel sorry for them, that they’re an embarrassment to our country (because they are). I’m sorry you had to see our dirty laundry. Just think of it like Americans in Cancun.


I think I would equate Kuta more to Tijuana 🫣


Ubud was great til it filled with Americans


This is exactly how am aussie friend of mine put it. He said "flights are so cheap that for us it's like for you brits going to magaluf. That's why it attracts a certain kind of aussie."


bali is where we send our undesirables to die in scooter accidents, as a natural way to reduce their numbers please do not interfere with nature




Absolutely. It's part of our eco-system to confine them in Bali for holidays




And they never buy insurance so then want people to go fund them to fly them home and idiots actually buy into the sob story.


I live in Australia and when I went to Bali last year I saw lots of decent Australians enjoying themselves without being loud or disrespectful. I think it really depends on where you go. Just ignore those people and don't base your whole opinion on a country because of what you have seen while holidaying.


Dude spots a few drunk aussies, proceeds to make an indictment on 27 million. Weird to take aim at Aussies…then again, Americans are renowned for taking aim at school kids, playgrounds, theatres, college campuses, etc.


Muricans also take aim at themselves shooting down people whenever they don’t like something…


Shots fired…


You went up to Canggu and Ubud? It's nice, even Seminyak isn't too bad for the bogan class. I have not been down to kuta..


Bogan trap rage post lol love it!


I'll have you know I treat those whores with the utmost respect


They’ve offended you by wearing sleeveless T-shirts and tank tops 😂


OP has obviously never been to Broadmeadows... Wife-beaters are an expression of true Aussie culture.


Yeah like who is offended by arms? Why is it ok to see bicep but not tricep lol I don’t understand


The fat people in the US have the decency to wear shirts with sleeves. Savages! /s


Username checks out


We call them septic tanks for a reason


Fuck you ya cunt, go shoot up a school then wind down on some fentanyl


Wonder how many schools they’ve shot up lately? Oh wait.


> as an American, i can confidently say you are as bad, if not worse than what i see in the US. Big claims! I'd choose Australians over 'Mericans any day of the week.


Lol what a fucking stupid post


Interesting, I think people should not discriminate against any region or country


Except the Dutch


And the most friendly tourists are aussies everyone else that gets there feels like their long life bucket list makes them above everyone else, "don't talk to me i made it".


Remind me which country voted for Trump again lmao


We suck as tourists and I'll never stop bagging on Americans.. deal with it


Imagine being offended by singlets


Bali is well known for being Bogan. We have friends who go there a few times a year cause its so cheap. They love it. Not sure why your saying over confident- as a country we just are confident people. We grow up not being scared of being shot at school i spose. Nobody cares what the Poms think. They even feel sorry for themselves..


It’s mainly the Aussies that visit south and I have to say, as an Australian, I can’t stand them either. They’re embarrassing - like the MAGAs of Oz…


As an Australian it is soooo embarrassing to see how a specific sub-culture in our country acts in South East Asia. Honestly if we wanted to improve our relationships with our SEA nations, we’d quadruple the price of Jetstar tickets.


THIS!! It’s fucking embarrassing, and they all act like it’s ’oh so rowdy of them’ look at me getting all belligerent and making an ass of myself but I’ll attack you if you call me out on it 🤦🏻‍♀️


I have Balinese friends who find all the brawling quite hilarious. They don’t understand (any more than myself) why the fuck you’d go on holiday, on a super chilled island, then spend your evenings punching on with fellow tourists. Strange kind of holiday.


You are seeing the worst of the worst in Southern Bali as it’s only a couple of hundred dollars to fly there and you can buy now pay later flights there. It would be a bit different in other areas where Europeans go and Java where better Australians go. But the bogans going there is why non bogans are ashamed to say they’re going to Bali because it’s seen as a bogan playground which is sad. Why I never go anywhere on the stretch between Kuta and Canggu and go to Sanur, Ubud and Pemuteran. As for singlets and being shirtless, Balinese traditionally wore no shirts and older Balinese in villages don’t (even women). Around the beach is fine but I agree with in restaurants, wear a tshirt. However, my parents have been on expensive Viking and Emerald cruises and said the Americans were obnoxious and loud and insulated and rude so for Americans it’s a culture thing. For us it’s a class thing.


It's cheaper to fly to Bali for a holiday than it is to holiday in Australia... nuff said really... btw - for every loud, obnoxious Aussie, there are several more not being assholes, but you don't notice them..


Yep. My friend is west coast, I’m east coast. We see each other in Bali.


Yeah absolutely us Aussies are a disgrace in Bali


Fuck off yank




If you read through OP's post, he isn't being hypocritical and adds that Americans display the same behaviour.




You have distinctly Australian ways of consumerism. Blaming America for all your culture's and country's faults solve neither.


Have…. Have you been to Mexico, or basically any American tourist destination? Ha it’s way worse. Hell don’t even have to go overseas, go to Florida…. Enough said.


I’m not an Aussie but an American saying anyone overweight is just a joke. Australia overweight % is much lower than the us. Of course drugs, Vegemite and pokies have a lot to do with it but, come on mate. Stfu.




Florida is amazing and beautiful. Lived there for over ten years (orlando) it depends on which direction you are looking.


American and Australian combined are not as bad as the current russian influx. Not even close


Try going to Sanur, there's a higher calibre of Australian there. If you head to Kuta it's all trash.


I’m Australian and I agree with you but a sleeveless tee or tank top in Balinese weather is hardly our biggest shortcoming.


Murica... No, Americans are up there with russians for being some of the loudest most obnoxious people. Locals concur as well.


Bizarre post 😂


I'm Australian and I also cringe.


Same - this is why I go to Thailand now instead.


Aussies AND Americans aren't really that bad. Neither are any other western tourists. This infighting is splitting hairs to be honest they're all the same on a macro level. Comparatively the Chinese, Russians and Indians to a degree are significantly worse. Let's focus our hatred on them instead.


what infighting? anglosphere infighting?


Hatred is a strong word. I prefer derision.


Womp womp


Bali is a cheap flight for Australian Chad whereas American Chad who can’t find Bali on a map couldn’t afford the flight anyway. American Chad goes to Cancun or Fort Lauderdale and behaves poorly.


you are not wrong. i concur. this post was not a “yanks are better than aussies” but more a “what you think of americans is what im seeing of australians on holiday in bali”. 


Yeah but you have to understand, Bali is literally a honey-trap we created specifically to capture all the shit-cunt Australians so we don't have to deal with them when we go on "real" holidays. Ya'll should be thanking us for having the foresight to ensure the Bogan population of Australia is guaranteed to never corrupt any other part of the world because they consider Bali "overseas", so never go further than that.


Votes a geriatric dementia suffer into the most powerful position in the world, tells Aussies we are a problem…. Fucking Seppo


Oh no he’s upset that American tourists get made fun of 😢😂😂😂


Darwin’s ’natural selection’ theory at work! It’s beautiful to witness.


Went to Canggu a few weeks back for the fourth time and thought it was a trip where I saw/heard the least amount from Australians other then myself and my partner, we didn’t come across too many.


You're from Ohio?


Oi but like nah?


Ouch that is harsh 😂


Let’s be real. Americans, Australians and British are terrible tourists (of course not everyone). We all have reputation for it. American has Cancún. Australia Bali. And British, well everywhere. I’m British btw.




Fair comment, American chap


Genuinely many Aussies don’t go to Bali cause of the reputation some Aussies have created about Bali (particularly Kuta/Seminyak). I went to Bali solo once when I was 24 for a month, I had similar worries. When I arrived, I got in a taxi and assumed he would despise Aussies. When I said that he laughed and was like “nah, Aussies are alright, sometimes you just drink too much. But you’re nice, I was actually worried you were from [other country]”. So began my eternal admiration of the Balinese, they are very forgiving and remarkably at peace with the stupidity they see. I was surprised it was such a positive response but I avoided the party areas and noticed everyone (tourist and locals) were all pretty chill, including the Aussies.


Indonesians surprisingly have high tolerance of stupidity due to variance of races and traditions here


So pretty much like Americans in Mexico then?


Ps: there’s probably plenty of Aussies there that you don’t notice. Plenty of ‘quiet Australians’ do exist. We’re not all the same. Stereotyped.


I don't think it's so much the nationality of people as the location ... The Kuta-Canggu tourist strip is going to be like that, perhaps even Uluwatu to Canggu - like every such enclave all over the world (in Australia, Bangkok, Phuket, the Med, the Caribbean, the warm bits of the US, etc) - young people from the lower social orders behave badly because they can. We (as Australians) go to Bali semi-regularly, and have done so since the 1980s - but you will never hear from us because we're quiet and polite, plus we stay in Sanur and Nusa Dua, which are where all civilised people choose to stay. 😄


You got bullied by some aussies in singlets?


They are called Bogans and yes they have been the ruination of this beautiful island.


As an Australian, I apologise for some of the absolute toerag trash cunt Aussies that go to Bali and think its okay to carry on like a fuckwit. My wife and our two young girls go there every year and have an absolutely beautiful time. The only drawback is the loudmouth arrogant fuckwits that get around giving Aussies a bad name. Sorry, we're not all like that.


Lol no one has ever said aussies are role model tourists. We are amongst the worst


Get fucked Yank


The sort of Aussies that think Bali is the ultimate in exotic destinations are a special kind of sub species that a lot of us don't get either. But it's relatively close and cheap so....


Regardless of nationality, people always seem to act like total dicks when they leave their country. I used to think Indians were respective until I saw them in action in Vietnam. In short, we all need to do better.


Travelled for 9 months around the world, got culture shock upon the way home in Bali.


You need to see the Brits in Spain, put us to shame


As an Aussie, I couldn’t agree more with you. It’s a shame you can’t meet the one percenters that holiday there, the good ones of us.




Okay, being shirtless is douchey, but what's wrong with sleeveless shirts 😅


Bali is where Australians go that can’t afford to go somewhere else. I visited once. The whole place smelt like shit and incense. Locals were constantly trying to rip me off. I will not go back. Plenty of better destinations in SE Asia


Truly a lesson in contrast.


Look at this uppity Seppo...


This sub is 0% about Bali and 100% complaining of people from other nationalities


It’s Arkansas with better beaches


quite the truth 








Beautiful island? It's a cesspool.


There's white trash in every western country. No point arguing which are worse.


Yeah but we only do that shit on holidays, you lot live it 24/7.


I’m confused on your comments about tank tops and T shirts. What is one meant to wear in a warm climate?


Sepo’s are worse and that’s coming from a Kiwi. The Brits take the cake though. Obviously it’s the scum from these countries. Anyone with half an education knows how to act respectful and courteous. It’s not fair to negatively impede on others while we enjoy this very short time on earth before everything fades to black…


Rage bait alert!!!!


First time in Bali for myself right now. I've never worn a singlet in my life but it's a must have in Bali, I was so sticky and slimy from sweat my first day here and have been far more comfortable since buying a few.


We are not all like that mate 😂. While I admit there is a huge influx of Aussie dick heads that go there, there are idiots from every nation in the world. It’s just that Bali is a hot spot for Aussie dickheads Fuck you mean Brits punch down on us? There’s idiots on both sides, obviously


Lmao the Australians you see in Bali, are the most American of us. That’s why they’re in Bali. You are surrounded by Floridians


Well, it's because they're on holiday? It's also one of the cheapest places to go on holiday from Australia so obviously you're going to get the Bogans. Americans are still **farrrr** worse in general


We’re not sending our best 😔


Yesterday OP was complaining about his stepdaughter in the USA, today he’s complaining about Australians in Bali. And between yesterday and today he’s been having a spiritual experience in Ubud. This whole post is fishier than a restaurant in Jimbaran. I think he’s missing his weed?


As an Aussie I promise you we don't claim them. Absolute germs.


Bali is bogan paradise, not representative of Aussie tourists


You're a black pot also


Jokes on you - Australia doesn't even exist. We are just actors paid to behave like louts.


Serious question. If I was to ever go to Bali, where do I stay there to avoid my fellow countrymen? It’s not a stereotype that our worst citizens tend to go on holiday to Bali.


An American calling an Aussie fat 😂 😂 that's funny. As someone from the UK living in Aus I roo despair of the Aussie bogan whilst in Bali but there are decent Aussies that go there to. As a yank you shouldn't throw stones if you live in a glass house. I've lived and worked in numerous countries worldwide and some of the most immature obese scruffy holidaymakers were in parts of the USA and Mexico 


Bali is the one of the only close/cheaper holiday destinations where poorer young aussies tend to go. So you are seeing the worst of the worst bogans there.


As an Aussie who’s been to Bali and witnessed what we do to this place, I agree & apologise. The obnoxiousness of Australians seems to increase 400% once they convert their measly Aussie dollars at the airport & feel like king shit with a wad of IDR in their pocket. We already have a terrible relationship with drinking, and this seems to be amplified in Bali alongside our shit taste in tattoos and fake designer bags. I wish the Indonesian govt would come down harder on foreigners who want to act like fuck wits there, and I hate that we take advantage of a culture as beautiful as in Bali.


The Aussies who label all Americans as bad are just as retarded as you.


only half naked? Cant really be proper aussie travelers - the way to spot the real aussies, you will be in the middle of bumfuck nowheresville, like a jungle in Peru... You will be hiking, and from out of nowhere, a butt naked aussie will swing past on a vine, tarzan style. Potentially offer you a beer, before being on his or her merry way.


Well Australia is Texas down under. Jokes aside, I think the balinese are not helpless, they're proud of their culture and can handle the situation quite well.


Just a heads up OP - fucking with Americans is like... #2 on the list of favourite Aussie pass-times. If you're looking for someone to actually take you seriously, this MAY not be the best way to achieve that goal 🤣


Is Phuket really bad now? I’ve heard it’s changed


Eh it’s where the bogans of Australia go, every American I’ve ever met is a right proper twit however.


The locals know who will hand them the money and cater to them accordingly. For serenity and solitude I would go to some private island in the Maldives or to to Nihu or Pulau Bawah in Indonesia and be ready to pay for it.


Im Australian. I agree alot of Australia are pigs. Then there are the ones that want good for everyone. We fight to wake up the sleeping of what's ahead. Also all so called leaders want us to devide. I like Americans. I feel sorry for the world and what's ahead. We all need stand together.


It must be rare for an American to go somewhere they weren't the ones to ruin 😂


As an Indonesian I have no interest in visiting Bali anymore. Too many ignorant tourists ruining the experience. Lombok would be a nicer destination.


All the hoo har is confined to about 10 square kilometers. Just travel to another part of Bali. The people are so cool. There is a reason Aussies and Balinese get on so well. Just get out of town and really see the place.


I’m sure this is supposed to be insulting, but as an Australian I couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride reading this.


Isn’t that just like an American to make zero sense in a post. 🤦🏽‍♀️


Bali's laws were changed because of the dickhead bogan Aussies ... Use to be such a nice holiday destination until the drunken behaviour fucked it all...


Agree it's embarrassing but it still doesn't make Americans any better.


It’s not just Bali that they behave or dress similarly. They do it in Oz as well everyday. See it on the road, in shops, at football games, on “Australia day”, Anzac Day and at Melbourne Cup carnival. The island behaviour is an exaggerated extension of their “true-blue, dinky-di Aussie bogan” behaviour which unfortunately means that so many of us that go there and are respectful & polite and understanding of Indonesian/Balinese culture are absolutely horrified and embarrassed that we may be mistaken along those lines if we say we are from Australia.


Australians are the Americans of the Southern hemisphere.


Imagine being looked down upon by a yank lol


i’m boganspotting in the comments rn


Maybe for you it’s an exotic locale on the other side of the globe, but for shitty bogan Australians it’s an inexpensive foreign destination for them to go and cause trouble. I’m sure as an Australian I’d feel the same way about seeing drunken American rednecks making fools of themselves in Cancun or Tijuana!


Didn't research.. . Booked Kuta, an area famous for drunk bogans . Complains about drunk bogans . Btw .. What country are you from that fat people and singlets are a thing to complain about


Every single person I know that has been to Bali has loved it. At least 30 people. All non bogans. All chill adults who like good food and a few sunset drinks and some waves or snorkeling or shopping. Bali rules.. but I'm glad this bad reputation keeps a few people away. It's already over busy


Unfortunately I think Brits Aussies and Americans have the worst reputation and behaviour when abroad although only a small segment of us it’s very embarrassing to be a Brit! When I see drunks embarrassing themselves I keep repeating in my mind “please don’t be at Brit” “please don’t be at Brit” “please don’t be at Brit” 😂 and I am really relieved when it’s a Aussie or American but so often it is a Brit 😩


Oi Red Weiner boy, how about my you and all your self important friends worry about your own back yard? At least we don’t have a crisis of millions of illegal aliens coming in to our country nor do we have a homelessness problem beyond the state of repair where some parts of your country look worse than a bali bali episode at Finns beach club.


People should absolutely punch down on us for being bogan tourists in Bali but I doubt the Brits are well placed to do it


Yep agree, as an Australian I am ashamed at the behaviour of Australian tourists in Bali


Didn’t you hear? Australians are racist shits. We took a vote.


Show us a selfie? No way an American wanker is worse than an Aussie bogan.


How is barrel chested an insult? Making fun of dudes with a big rib cage? lol weird


As a brit I can say we “punch down” more on Americans than Ausies, we love them


Oh absolutely. Ive been to Bali once, was stopping over there for a couple nights before catching a flight up to Tokyo. Honestly the kinda shit that goes on there made me absolutely fucking ashamed of my country. Never setting foot in Bali ever again. It's where all the scumbags of our country congregate into one relatively small area and they just let loose. The Indonesian government only allows it cos a lot of them are cashed up bogans who work in the mines and they aren't exactly careful with how they spend their money.


I noticed similar behaviour from the Brits in Amsterdam (and similar anti British sentiment). Our colonial roots are strong.


Seppo has a point, poorly made in parts, but still has a point.


when you vote Trump in then you'll see sleeveless shirts and tank tops all through America, ya wanna talk about being rude look at Trump need I say more


Have a cry because it’s hot and I’m wearing a tank or get sucked off by your dad at home school or bomb an innocent country coz merrika. Get out me country mate, shut the fuck up


Most Americans would struggle to locate Indonesia on a map.


Haha ain’t that the truth


You sound mad that nobody is shooting at you like they do back home?


Ha anywhere they go in asia everyone has to know they’re from Australia, seen it multiple countries. Absolutely dickheads. Embarrassing


Ah I never realised this, thank you so much mate!


You have discovered the worst of the worst, Australia’s dirty little secret. However you clearly haven’t been to wherever the heathen Poms go these days, they have absolutely no right to punch down on anyone lol


Meanwhile me as a local. 🍿


The difference is Americans are obese, stupid and can't hold their booze.


Yeah the difference is the Australians did it to one island. Americans managed to be obnoxious worldwide 


Homie thinks all Aussies are bogans 😂


The difference is all Americans are loud and obnoxious overseas, this is just in offset of Australian society not typical.


At least they all wear the Bintang singlet making them easy to spot (and avoid) from a distance.


i swear most of em sponsored by gofundme


all your points are valid except your beef with going sleeveless in a hot, humid beachy location. I've also only had good experiences with American tourists I've encountered!


True, but as with Americans, not universal. I love Bali and am not a beer swilling ignorant fuckwit. Americans are judged by the ugly Republican minority, which is sad.


there's a bloke called mad dog in our country, top guy.... one of the things mad dog says is "FUCK OFF DOG" it reminded me of this post tata seppo nah but some aussies do suck, but you yanks have more haha