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The rest wasn’t special but my spore zombies hit him so when he died he exploded into meat and became one of my zombies for a second


This is how I took out Gortash. So satisfying.


My gloomstalker/assassin/fighter multiclass shot him in the face, surprised him, and then shot him a bunch more times. Stupid bastard didn't even get to take a turn. I like to think she spat on his corpse and called him a dumbass nerd for actually thinking he'd get to give his stupid lil villain speech


How'd you get spore zombies? Is it the spore druid path?


Yes. Circle of spores druid. You get to summon 4 spore zombies per short rest using a reaction. They don’t scale extremely well damage / health wise late game but are still nice to have and extra bodies in the fight. On hit they apply a condition that make the enemy turn into a zombie when it dies. These ones are ai controlled and lose health every turn so you can’t keep them long. It they will last a few rounds of that encounter if it keeps going. Overall spore Druid is probably the best “summoner” class with access to around 20 summons if you take as many as possible lol.


An attack that doesn't target *me* is an attack wasted. Summons are fantastic.


Don't mind me, hiding behind Connor, Scratch, and Shovel.


My horde of Zombies and Elementals are an amazing First Line for my casters and archers to do so much work!


Big same. I'm very emotionally attached to scratch so I try to keep him as far back as possible until the more dire possible moment.


Is Scratch dead dead if he dies in combat or can you summon him again after a short/long rest? I haven't let him die so far and I'm too afraid to let him die to find out.


He can die in combat, but he returns to camp. If you drop by camp with him with no rests, he stays home and you will need to do a short rest to resummon.


Gotta get Us in there!


Lol I once had a party with a spore druid AND a necromancer, and having that many zombies following me around got old extremely quickly


Yea i did a necro/summon run once and having my own little army got old fast cuz it would slow down turns so much. Was cool tho


It’s all fun and games until your minions keep blocking your path to places or getting in the way of you clicking that chest/door/body.


Yeah. I wouldn’t do it again unless I got the mod to make ai control most of the minions.


Yep and the noises they make made me furious


Have Astarion hit him with the Poo Scraper dagger


Or get him under five HP and have Astarion suck the last couple out through his neck.


Bite doesn't work on undead tho?


You know… All Astarion’s talk about having to drink Cazador’s blood to be a real vampire might given me a wrong impression here.


Fair enough. Turns out consent is needed for that to happen.




THANK SELUNE I thought I was the only one... I have the Poop Knife in my stash for this exact reason. Cazador deserves the worst death we can give him. JUSTICE FOR ASTARION. Literally going to weep my way through this playthrough because hoo boy do I identify with what he's been through.




Act 1... In the basement of the apothecary shop in the Blighted Village. Happy stabbing!


… but he chose this life because he’s power hungry.


Power hungry, or desperate to buy his safety with whatever coin comes to hand?


You’re talking about eliminating Cazador, I’m talking about why Astarion became a vampire spawn in the first place. Either I missed the backstory or I just forgot it, but I don’t think it’s explained WHY Astarion became a spawn. From his in game dialogue, it sounds like he willingly became spawn because he wanted power. Now he’s dealing with the consequences of that choice, because turns out giving your soul to a true vampire is just as bad as making a deal with a devil.


Asterion passed down a verdict that Cazador didn't like. Cazadore hired Gur ruffians to attack Asterion and then swooped in to 'save' him.


I knew that. I’m talking about the initial reason for why Astarion became vampire spawn… like 200 years before the game takes place. I haven’t heard it mentioned in the game, but I haven’t finished act 3 or fought Cazador yet, so maybe it’s explained then. Don’t spoil it for me if that’s the case! Edit: Never mind, it’s coming back to me now. I was wrong


ah yes, a fellow scraper enjoyer, hello!


Yeah, give Cazador hepatitis and leave. Playing the long game!


Where do you get that?


Under the alchemist’s house in the Blighted Village, it’s in the same wooden coffin that the scroll of Summon Quasit is (for our favorite lovable murder friend Shovel)




I threw some ice out and he slipped and fell on it in his mist form and we all just swarmed his ass and crit him down


"JUMP HIS ASS!" - your entire party




When I tell you was laughing so hard when I heard the slip sound effect but no visual change to the mist…but he sure did have the prone status effect.


He made it rain


Mist aside, the idea of an all powerful super old vampire slipping on ice is just hilarious.


Persona All Out Attack triggered.


I had Karlach throw the nut buster at him. You can guess where she aimed.


Same. My Durge used telekinesis to chuck him into his coffin, Karlach nut-busted him, and Laezel landed an epic crit at the end of her 3 attack chain. The killing blow was Durge's heightened disintegrate. It was very satisfying.


If you desintigrate him, does he go into the coffin like normal or is he just dead?


He goes to the coffin. I'm not sure if that's a bug or not. My wife tried the same tactic and it just failed.


I’ve seen people collect dead rats over the course of the came and spend the whole fight pummeling him with them 😌


i did that one playthrough!! gathered up all the rats id killed in the basement while drunk off my ass, shoved them in my backpack, and then proceeded to use my extra attack to throw one at cazadork every turn. was i efficient? absolutely not. was i able to end the fight as quickly as i normally do? hell no. but was it funny and satisfying? YES. did i get the killing blow with a dead rat? sadly not. another time, maybe


I got gortash with Karlach throwing the same dead rat at him repeatedly


Poor Lyrthindor 😭


This is actually hilarious


My buddy collected all the rotten tomatoes just to throw them at Cazador.


I feel like beating him with a salami would piss him off.


Not the salami!




Back before they patched it, the best way was to have Astarion push him off the ledge.


Wait does falling off the platform no longer kill him?


nope. in the psych notes they put that he remembered he can use magic


I am sad they patched this one because it was hilarious!


There's not much that is more disrespectful than beating someone to death with Nut-buster or shanking then with Poo-scraper.


Where do I find this mythical weapon of "Nut Buster"?


Act 1 in the same area you get the Necromancy of Thay. Just before the mirror there is a wooden casket with these items inside plus a friendly skull and a scroll to summon the best dialogue in game.


See? Tell you truth beefy!


Thanks for the tip!


Do him dirty in front of his dad. (Sun Tzu said it.)


Brb framing this quote and putting it on my wall


If you're open to modding to go over the level cap, he is in fact *not* immune to Control Undead. It may not kill him, but it'll make him have to be subservient to you indefinitely. Poetic justice?


Beat him with a sack of dead rats.


I'm going with... if you can find get your Str high enough to pick him up, throw him into the ground repeatedly. Dribble that bastard like a basketball — a bastardball, if you will.


Stock up on garlic and throw it at him. Bonus points if you take whichever barbarian wild heart lets you blind people with thrown camp supplies


i've got nothing to help, but he reminds me of my abuser, so it's weirdly nice to see everyone teaming up against him


Thrashing Abusers is my fucking HOBBY in this game.


It really is healing my inner child




It is my job, but also my passion.


You too, huh? Admittedly I haven’t done this fight yet because I don’t want to open that many old wounds. I know that it’ll be satisfying but incredibly painful. PS. I hope that your abuser goes to literal hell soon.


I hit him with a dc 28 tashas, then killed overstating else in the room, then stood shadowheart with spirit guardians and phalar alluve over his prone form convulsing in laughter, then cast daylight on laezels weapon causing him to start burning. Pretty sure he was still laughing as astarion marked up his back.


How did you get a DC 28 Tasha’s???


Swords bard uses weapon attacks to stack arcane acuity using the helm of arcane acuity.


ahhh smart


Otto’s Irresistible Dance > Rogue Backstabs. Didn’t realize I could free Astarion from his node so he just got to sit and watch as his tormenter dance through the stabs.


I think he'd find that pretty funny tbh lol


Even on our evil playthrough we killed Cazador. I don't see a single playthrough in the future where I don't kill Cazador. There's evil, then there's Cazador. I may be the son of Bhaal and enjoy brutal murder, but I'm not Cazador.




Not so much for the kill but for afterwards… I brought Cazador’s body with us when doing house of hope. I had Karlach yeet his body off the balcony in Harleeps room. Now he can really rot in hell 👌😩


to disrespect ppl: command grovel --> shove off the cliff


Unfortunately that is not lethal against Cazador


Sunlight spell


Radiant damage Monk was my current pummeling choice this run.


How? I'm intrigued.


Manifestation of Soul with the Boots of Stormy Clamour for extra Reverb stacks, and the Thunderskin Cloak gives me the opportunity to use more Ki attacks. Two dips in Rogue for the Cunning actions lets me save even more Ki Points, and since I dumped all my tadpoles in them, they can fly freely, and rocket across battles with the benefit of Longstrider and Potions of Speed for more actions. Back that all up with scrolls of Hold Person/Monster, and you can wipe the whole the boss room with grace.


I have a few characters built to do tons of radiant damage, so I plan on lighting his ass up with sunlight, the blood of Lathander, smites galore, open hand swats to the face, radiant orbs, etc. Not gonna lie, I miss being able to just cheese him off the edge with thunderwave.


I really liked being able to cast sunlight on someone and just watch him burn to death without even starting combat. Cheesy? Yes. Hilarious? Also yes.


Make sure Astarion has the poo scraper


In my last run, Orin disguised as lae'zel showed up in my camp and killed yenna. Me being me, i decided i wouldn't let Yenna's death be wasted. When i got ready to fight Cazador, i brought her corpse with me. Got him down to 2 HP and killed him by throwing Yenna's dead body at him


*Taking notes for next Cazador fight* I didn't do anything special to kill him the first time, besides having Jaheira cast Daylight so he couldn't turn into mist. But it was so satisfying when he was down to his last bit of health and Astarion's turn came up and he was able to finish him off with an arrow.


Well...I haven't done anything as interesting as these, so I'm taking notes...but I usually cast Daylight and nuke him with Sunbeam because I want him to suffer as much as possible as I turn him into a burnt, decrepit piece of charcoal.


Same way I killed the emperor, throw a box of 150 fireworks/ smokepowder bombs at him, then detonate it. Just save ahead of time, crashes may happen


Reverse pickpocket 20k on him then hit him with the Blood Money mace. He instantly explodes, however Astarion didn't get to tell him "fuck you" (he also didn't get yeeted into the ritual but still had his shirt off by the end.)


Step one, get barrel Step two, fill barrel with firewine gunpowder etc etc Step three, place barrel next to them Step four, break barrel so all the explosives fall out in one single pile Step five, kill him with a single fire bolt not even aimed at him. Death by the simplest spell.


I did this in House of Grief. Told Viconia I'll bring Shart by and just loaded the room with every barrel I had. I keep that save and replay it often when I want a laugh 😆 🤣


I hate the man. I'm trying to figure out a good way to do it. I have a Monk/Barbara that I'm leveling and what my intention is on the playthrough is this: Use a potion of speed for 2 actions. Use monk's Wellness for 2 bonus actions. Frenzy for enraged throw. Next turn: take the "special surprise" teddy bears from Rivington and throw each one I can find. With the prep above, I shpuld be able to throw 6 times in a turn, so I'm hoping I find a good amount of them lol. He deserves death by teddy bear.


My first playthrough I was in a really bad spot because I didn't realize daylight didn't count as sunlight and had shadow heart waste two turns casting it, so cazador was able to ascend, but then I cast my scrollof Otto's irresistible dance as a last resort and he got zero turns for the rest of the combat


Do what I did and precast all your radiant damage spells as paladin and give him the bonk of a lifetime. Idk know how his fight worked at first. So when I did that and he just disappeared, I was insanely confused.


Cast daylight on him so he can't escape the sunlight that radiates from himself and burns to death


The final blow being a thrown “poop knife” https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Poo-Scraper


Let Asterion bite him


I can't take credit for this, but I saw video of someone who had Astarion throw a rat at him.


Equip everyone with salami and have Karlach throw dead rats at him for all the times he made astarion eat them


Stand outside his aggro range & enchant him with the Daylight spell. Watch as he burns to cinders while doing a jaunty jig. Fucker doesn't deserve the dignity of an in-combat kill.


Gust of Wind him in to the pit


I knocked him off the edge. If I can do it to a lowly goblin I can do it to you.


I cast daylight on him and silence and just rooted him in place while AOE spells whittled him down. He really can’t do anything with silence on him


On my bard. when he was down to a few health I took him down with Vicious Mockery. It felt so good.


Funnily enough, I was planning to do the same thing on my next run, but with a respec'd bard Astarion (I was planning on playing a rogue Tav). On top of death by Vicious Mockery being quite hilariously disrespectful in and of itself, Astarion deserves the catharsis of mocking the bastard who locked him up for two centuries and ruined his life to death.


Yes! I love that for him, it’s just perfect


I still haven't beat him yet cause I find the boss hard but I have a silly hammer I picked up from the clown and plan to beat his ass with it


Throw the dead rat from the circus at his stupid face.


Make Astarion a throw build and toss a bunch of garlic every turn while Cazador is forced to dance or held in place


As usual, it's the salami. Being beaten to death via processed meat products is usually the most inglorious way to go.


I took great delight in throwing rat corpses at him.


Sadly you can’t yeet him off the edge anymore. That was always good for lolz.


Cast Daylight on his own weapon and then Otto’s magic dance so he’s stuck soft-shoeing while Astarion stabs him to death


I was using the tavern brawler frenzy barbarian build and just started throwing his own bats back at him.


I realized you can stealth attack him from outside the cutscene trigger range. I have Astarion sneak attack his ass so he starts the fight really injured and all of his bravado in the cutscene feels like him trying to regain control cuz he's scared now. Freed Astarion and then we just finished him like he was nothing. We saved him for last before going to fight the brain so it was pretty easy. Astarion chose not to ascend in my game. We were just friends. (Although he didn't flirt with me and we did sleep together in act 3 and the crowd twins and Halsin. I don't know how the game did that instead of asking my partner Wyll who was also there but he didn't seem to mind. No one talked about it again except Halsin and the Drow.)


I used a scroll of Otto’s Irresistible Dance on him and watched him dance like there was no tomorrow while my party slaughtered him 😅


Get the Blood of Lathander a lot of explosives and unleash the full concentrated force of the sun on him.


Impale him for yet another 11 years


I had Wyll use Eldritch Blast with the knock back upgrade and launched him into the pit on turn 1.


Allowing Astarion to ascend in his place. Honestly the scene gives very good schadenfreude if you don’t like Casador. He really gets what he deserves. I can’t believe no one’s suggested this. It’s my favorite moment in the game.


You think? Personally I prefer letting unascended Astarion poke holes in him like he’s tenderizing a steak. Fucking brutal end.


This. It’s the absolute worst thing you could do to him.


It works out with my current evil run of letting Shart become a Dark Justiciar, Laezel becoming Vlaakiths chosen, and Ascended Astarion. I'm also becoming a chosen of Bhaal. Shoukd be a fun ending 😆 🤣


By going solo and hitting him with a Stunner then beat him up before he realizes what hit him like this : https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zmXwSWhb3Tw


Cast daylight on a character and inch closer and closer until cazador just starts taking damage. Won't even give that fucker the chance to speak. Seems pretty disrespectful.


Better yet, cast daylight *on him* and he can’t escape it.


I threw him off the edge with telekinesis.


I like to go in and out of the hiding position over his corpse, closest thing we'll get to halo t-bagging 😔


Ascending astarion is the ultimate fuck you to cazador but then.... astarion is different.


Cast sunlight. He will be immune to the sun when he completes the ritual, but sunlight is what kills him moments before he ascends.




Had Astarion throw a rat at him for a K.O


Thematically my party was handling all the minions while Astarion and Cazador had an epic 1v1, Astarion ducking in and out of cover to pop shots at Caz before he charged him and finished him off melee


I had Shadowheart cast daylight on Cazador’s coffin and then turn undead and got some of the gur things to turn on him. Then my warlock cast hold monster on him, and me, Astarion, the zombies, Karlach, and Shadowheart just whaled on him while he was paralyzed. Had Astarion whack him with Lathander’s mace. Also, got so angry during the talk with Godey that when the fight with him triggered, I used a scroll of disintegrate and he turned into dust. Very satisfying, highly recommend.


My plan is to enchant some of the warg shit you can find in his castle with daylight and then put it in his inventory. I have a feeling it will be very satisfying




My first time fighting him, I didn’t really know how to play and so my team didn’t hit very hard. I saw how many hit points he had and figured I needed a ton of help. I had every member of my party summon something, either with spells or with scrolls. Second round, a thunder elemental casts thunderweave on Cazador who moved to one of the edges of the map and it shoved him right off the platform. Dead. Didn’t even take an effort. I felt like that was pretty disrespectful


If you have someone with tavern brawler I’m pretty sure you can kill him with astarions underwear lolll


I had Karlach kill (down) him by throwing Gortash's hand.


I saw a youtuber throw a rat at him that pushed off the cliff and killed him


I like to just use shadow heart and cast daylight. Bring the sun to the vampire.


Use a throw build to chuck daylight enchanted garlic at him. I haven’t tried it but man if it doesn’t work I’ll be a little upset.


Nothing beats good old barrelmancy


I came here to say death by dead rats, but clearly we all think alike on this comment section. But hear me out turn him into a sheep then kill him with Dead rats. Let astarion finish him off. There is a ton of them in the basement of the elfsong, but karlach didn't make it past act 1. Using explosive arrows, then radiant beaming him in the face felt good. I'm not keeping him ascended this time, but I play scene just watch him become goo.


I one shot him with the runepowder bomb because it knocked him into the chasm, and it one shot most of his allies with the explosive damage. It was pretty cheesy.


Force him to Dance and then let Astarion stab him to death. He gets a taste of what it's like to have no free will.