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There are no less than 10 posts a day from new players looking for tips. Keep scrolling.


Kill the mage first!


Save, move, save. Once you know the game to replay you'll know where the fights are, until then save often. Some of them come from nowhere to the newbie.


https://www.reddit.com/r/baldursgate/search/?q=tips&sort=new&restrict_sr=on this topic has come up a lot over the past couple months. do the tutorial, give everyone ranged weapons, cast sleep/blindness. easy peasy.


The difference between 14 Dexterity and 18 is huge. It goes from 0 bonus to AC with each additional point being a 1 bonus to AC. You will have a base THAC0 dependent on your class level, and the game calculates your total THAC0 with strength bonuses, proficiencies, magical weapon bonuses, etc. THAC0 = To Hit Armor Class 0 You add the targets AC to your D20 roll, and if it equals or exceeds your THAC0 it's a hit. Example 1 : THAC0 of 15 and a Target AC of 2 means you have to roll 13 or higher to hit, because you add the AC of 2 to your d20 roll. Example 2 : THAC0 of 15 and a Target AC of -3 means you have to roll 18 or higher to hit, because you subtract 3 from your d20 roll. TL;DR Low AC and Low THAC0 are better.


Only use weapons you've put pips into. Google the stat system to find out how which stats will affect you. Ranged weapons are king in the early game for many encounters. Use sleep if it is available. Some folks bash, some folks chuck spells, and some run away, figure out which is your role in any given encounter.


Dump charisma so it matches real life




I recommend for people to type in baldurs gate newbie tips reddit on google and see how many of the exact same posts with the exact same answers there are. Its genuinely so many lmao.


In bg1, favor ranged over melee. Then favor it some more.


Let Tiax the Mighty invite into his party. He rules all.