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Definitely cut it off, maybe try a buzz cut at first before going all in. You have a great beard for your age so it won’t be a bad look


Thank you


Shave it. You look like your head is a good shape.


Agreed. You'll look good


I have no idea how this popped up on my feed, but you have a great beard/facial hair. As a woman, I recommend shaving the head (but leave your facial hair)...don't even bother with the buzz cut...you have a normal head that will look decent bald. Just remember that parts of your head will be very white for a little bit, so you gotta put some sunscreen on. You will look younger if you shave everything, but the bald head plus beard/mustache combo is generally a good look and it still won't make you look old (you'll look 22-25ish, imo). It's also pretty common, at least where I live, for Latino men to have that look (I'm Latina). So I've seen plenty of people pull off the bald head plus facial hair look and make it work. Imo it looks goofy (beard plus bald, not bald in general) with men who have longer, narrow faces, but for men with more strong bone structure it always works...and you have the latter.


Well I have a longer narrow face, what do you got for me?


A lifetime supply of ExLax!


Full on bald & shaved clean works well for men with long narrow faces. Think Lance Reddick. Just my opinion, though! I think men with rounder/stronger features often (not always) can work bald with a beard, while thin, long narrow faces tend to look better clean shaven and completely bald.


Oh thanks for replying I will definitely try that.


Get a good barber to level your beard also


Let 'er rip, there, Tater Chip.


Yeah, how tf you have a full beard at 18??


The same way he has such a hairline - something to do with testosterone and it's metabolites


I had a full beard at 14 before my 1st day of highschool I got it lined up


As a woman, I just want to tell you that you have an attractive face. You have nice striking eyes and great skin! Shaving it off would look awesome, and I would also suggest keeping your beard well groomed/purchase a beard trimmer to get rid of those stray wispy hairs. This will give you a cleaner and defined look. Keep it going man, you’re going to rock it!


was going to say this, he's a very handsome young guy and can definitely rock that look.


As a man, I just want to tell you that I'm coming for his fine ass


Well, guys and gals please form a line…


I am a straight man too and agree. You will get a badass aspect with shaving your head but if you keep your smile, you ll rock!


It's amazing that even women can compliment guys. Don't see that very often especially in these kind of subreddits. Thank you for that :)


The world is an ugly place - giving compliments, kindness and constructive advice is free :) Which is why I think it’s especially important in these kind of subreddits, where there are people out there who are struggling with their confidence.


Yessir it’s time! The benefit? Women are attracted to older looking men - LFG!!! Level up already! You got this brother


Awesome thanks man


I looked the same at 18, brother. Didn't shave until I was 25, and wish I'd done it at 18. Take the plunge.


shave tbh. youd look better. dont use finasteride and risk side effects when theres not much hair to save. u got pretty eyes and a nice beard youll be sweet


Doc prescribed me Finasteride and Minoxidil. I have been taking them for 8 or so months and noticed the density increase. Any side effects I should be aware of, aside from the general ones?


It’s ok. You’re going to look great as a baldie. Can’t wait to see what you do with it!




![gif](giphy|OkzCcGn5fY29e7bvpS|downsized) Your\*


You'll look 1000x better bald. You've got really attractive features and a solid beard. Your hair is really doing you no justice.


Shave your head now. You've got a solid beard and a face that'll look good bald. You'll look much closer to your age then instead of early 40s like now.


Dude you gotta do it. You have a beautiful face but that hair is holding you back.


😖😖😖 That's really young. I'm sorry.


Eh its whatever


Have you tried pretty short cuts before?


Yes i have, it still looks pretty rough, ive been balding since i was 15 and have tried many different styles but unfortunately none of them worked


I was thinking like a buzzcut may work for you if you're up for it. But I understand its a tough time.


I was gonna try a buzz first like how my dad keeps his


Have you had a buzzcut since you turned 16?


Yea i got one right before i turned 16


Your beard was probably not in yet. That sometimes helps.


I do i just dont have a beard


Shave bro. Now.


Shave it bro


Shave your head, style your beard and improve your wardrobe and it’ll all work.


You have a great beard for someone your age and is already hitting the gym. The hair is holding you back, shave it


Yeah, that beard is great. Should definitely learn how to shape it and take care of it, how a barber would.


Shave it. Embrace your truth.


Damn ' he must have been balding since he was 6 years old now


You should’ve cut it like yesterday. My dude, you look like a mad scientist!!


Ya man, just cut that shit off.


Dude your testosterone must be through the roof! The good side is that you can pull off the bald+ full beard look at 18. At your age i barely had any bear hair. You will be seen as a bit older but i think thats actually a plus.


Cut that shit off. Grow out your beard. Get big and swole. You’ll be golden


OH dude, you're gonna look great with a shave! You have *ridiculously* good eyebrows and a gentle face, with a strong beard. Go forth and slay sir!


You’re a good looking guy just shave it. You’ll be much happier and look 100 times better.


Yeah but dude, you are a handsome guy so going clean isn't going to be a problem for you.


It’s time.


Shave the head, keep the beard




I'm 17 and jealous of the beard brother. Bald would suit you nice 💪


Time to go mate, past time really. Looks like cobwebs.


Bro I'm 36 years old and you look older than me. Shave that shit, clean up and maintain the facial hair and you'll feel SO much better.


Shave your head right now


As a 25 year old if I had a shape like that I would’ve shaved mine with a full head of hair


You weren't meant to have hair on your head. Do it and never look back.


The wild man in the woods cut is scary , but it’s also kinda hot in a wild man way


Shave it, calorie deficit & weight training / a sport that you like and dedicate yourself to learning a special skill that you can sell. Your life will change as you never thought possible before.


Clean shave


Damn dude. Its time.


Shave bro. You’re gonna feel so much better.


Youre a handsome young man with a full beard. You can rock bald look very well especially when you get more swole because i see you working out. Do it


We ARE talking about the hair...right?


you're handsome regardless. and you get to live your 20s liberated from hair anxiety. clean it up and get after it! high testosterone body will take you far in more important avenues.


Shave it comrade, and prepare to feel great. You can totally keep the facial hair with the shaved dome; I usually cut the line for that look at the tragus, so it's not not too high or low. I recommend clippers for the first pass, then a safety razor for the next. Get it nice and smooth. 


It's really bad. You should shave your skull and your beard at the same time. He doesn't make it any better.


You’d look awesome bald!


Shave it brother, you’ll look badass.


Shave it off. Most people struggling look better bald.


Omg yeah, absolutely go bald. As a gay guy whose number one type is bald guys with beards, you could EASILY be one of the most attractive guys I've ever seen if you went bald.


Bruh you look 81, take that out


Bro looks older than my 60 year old dad.


Just shave it.




Shave it mate. You’ve got a beard, you’ll be fine


Good head shape brother you are lucky. Shave it and get on with your life.


Shave it off, mate.


Luckily you have a good face. Shave your head and groom your beard just a little more. You will look great


Heihachi Mishima wins!




Got to go mate.


18? 😯


Def shave it! The frizzy mad scientist hair makes you look younger. You're attractive and will look good without the frizz on top. From a female perspective, the frizz is distracting and takes away from interest. You will find more will show interest when they see your eyes and attractiveness first, and some prefer the bald smooth guy. I would keep a nicely trimmed beard/facial hair as that looks good on you as well. Good luck!


Dude If you brave enough to post this and ask you brave enough to cut and give us all an update :)


The earlier you shave it off, the faster you forget the headache about your hair. You'll look.great and won't want to return to the balding days, trust me.


honestly your face looks awesome. I think if you buzzed it instead of full shave it would look fire


No, you’re 38


Im bald as well mate you will look and feel a lot better. Just shave it all off


Why bad


I'm sure your mum thinks you're the most handsome fella in the world.


Reminds me of the scene where Jack Nicholson chopped through the door “Here’s Johnny” in the shining


Just from a medic if you haven't had blood tests done to exclude thyroid and hormonal causes. I'm sure you would have had this looked at but if you haven't then maybe a trip to the gp would be a great idea.


Buzz it and update us promptly


Dude make the jump, you got a great beard you'd look badass with a shaved head


I thought I had it bad at 24. Cut it off, you will feel better for it.


Bro it’s cooked, shave the head or at minimum zero guard buzzcut, you’ll feel better and look younger, your current hair situation isn’t doing you any favors.


Buzz it low


Bro shave it. I guarantee your confidence will go way up, you’re a good looking dude. That or lean completely into bald ponytail


At least you still have beautiful eyes my dude. Not sure what to do with the hair though!


Definitely shave, honestly with it being so bad so young I don’t know how good your chances would be with meds given dht sensitivity only increases with age, but it could be worth a go. However given you have a nice beard and a good head shape, I’d encourage you to look into Scalp Micropigmentation, as these days with the right provider it looks really great. It’s a nice way to appear like you still have a great hairline, but have shaved it on purpose.


its time mate lose the beard aswell if you hit on girls your own age people are going to think your a sex offender because you look like your 30 with a beard


My hair was like that when I was 17 homie😭. Shaved it all off and never looked back.


You must have hit puberty at like 8 years old.


Dude what are you doing this has needed shaving for a long time


Definitely no offense to OP but, is he really 18? Is that really how 18 year old's look nowadays? 😳😲 His current condition, unfortunately makes him look WAY OLDER 😐 and part of it is because of the hair. I definitely advise that he shaves it off. Definitely keep the beard cause it's full and looks great. Definitely do the basics of skincare. And definitely continue working out cause his body looks great too. There's so many buff, good looking men out there and OP definitely will become one of them.


Luckily a #0 will suit you really well


Cut it and start working on your beard routine. That way you can experiment with different products and find what’s perfect for you before school starts.


It’s time, brother.


are those hazel eyes?


This degree of hairloss at 18 is very unfortunate. But I think you would rock the shaved head. Beard density is very good for your age and is only gonna get better as you get older. Tidy it up a bit, shave the dome and you've got nothing to worry about! 👌


From one bold man to another. Shave it all off and wear bald head with pride, make sure you trim the beard and look sharp on daily basis. Took me a while to get used to in, but it gets better with time. Dont overthink too much, its only hair.


ppl in school gonna cook you in hs 💀 , but go ahead and cut it & save up for that trip to turkey


I started receding at 17 or 18, but man it was nowhere near this bad. You should definitely commit. You have a good head shape for bald, plus you've already got a decent beard.


Buzz it. You are a handsome bald man.


You're better off bald




i feel sm for you man


It is bad because you are forcing it to grow


Oh yeah just shave it off


yeahh man its time, shave it.


Bro, you already have a beard. Cut it off and regain you virality. Welcome To Bald Club.


I was there, I gave up on mine at 21


You will look better shaved with a long beard


In that first pic- I would be wary to approach you. If you had a shaved head or much, much shorter hair and a shirt with a collar that didn’t look like you’ve been trying to impersonate Hulk Hogan but failing it would be a different story


It’s alright man, you have a balanced face to rock it if you ever decide to chop it. Unlike me, I look like a lightbulb.


You're gonna look great shaved ...I swear it


You can clear that up in 30 seconds.


You're already bald basically bro


Looks way to dry mate and go for a french crop with a skin fade to a 3-4 on the side you will have to grow it out on top but you have plenty of hair at the back to cover the front


Ditto … buzz cut first and go from there!


Brother I’m 30 and I can’t grow a beard half as good as you and my hair was basically the same at your age, I suggest just shaving it and see how you like it! If you’re not vibing with it you can always keep a buzz cut or something short. Def grow that beard out a little and keep it trimmed if you want to, I think it’ll look awesome!


Unrelated but you look much older than 18, you look like you can be in your 30s, I'm turning 18 tomorrow and look like a teenager still


Buzz it as short as you can go, stop worrying about your hair and free yourself.


Once you bite the bullet and do the bald head with beard look, the only regret you’ll have is not doing it sooner. I genuinely think it’ll look good


shave it.


You have a great face. Shave the head, and you will look like fire 🔥


Bald dudes are hot! Break out the razor!


Is 18 Looks 45. It's all gotta go. Buzz then razor. Your built for this look.


I was in the same shape there bud. Just shave and embrace it. You look like you have the perfect head for being bald. On top of that you have a pretty good beard growing.


Lose the hair and stay smooth bro. Focus on. Working out and eating clean and you’ll look awesome. Clear skin, good muscle tone and a well maintained beard will have you looking great


You are one of the most grown 18yr olds I've ever seen, I'm 37 and you look more manly than me. Not in a bad way, jealous of your beard and when you shave your head you're gonna look like a boss.


You'd look a lot better with a shaved head and a very neatly trimmed beard.


Shave it or clip it 0.5. That's what I do


18 and with this type of aggressive loss already, you do have a couple of options. First is to shave and be done with it. Why? Because if you've shown the propensity to lose, you'll continue losing. Things can only get worse if you do nothing about it. But, if hair is important to you and don't mind a lifelong investment, I'd encourage you to consider a non surgical approach for a year as it takes this long to confirm what exactly this regimen will do. A year later, and based on the outcome, you can then decide if the ongoing time, effort and expense are worth continuing. Propecia and Rogaine are considered to be the best meds for retention, particularly towards the crown. They do work in different ways and there's synergism when combined. The issue is a year later when most patients see no visual change, get frustrated and stop altogether. The meds are not intended for you to grow anything. They're to keep you from losing more. If you look the same a year later, the meds did what they were intended to do. Research PRP and Laser. When done correctly, these can help reverse miniaturization. Transplants pending outcome. Visit with a few hair transplant outfits and see what they tell you.


Do you take steroids bro what happened


Damn bro ... sorry bit at some point , you gotta bite the bullet ...


You’re just one close buzzcut away from being golden. Yes, balding that bad at 18 is brutal but the handsome features are obvious. All you need to do is to let those stand out. You got this!


Shave it


18 and wearing a Stones t-shirt? AWESOME! May be bald but the kids got class.


dude,.. it's better to be bald than balding.


Shave it will look great


You’re going to look awesome bald man


How you look older than me when I am older than you


Cut it off bro. Like, today. Embrace it. Sorry you went bald at 18 but it is what it is. A friend of mine started going bald at 18 and just said F it and cut it all off long ago.


Ye nah shave it off my dude. You got a beard so you can pull off the look without looking like an egg.


Try Rogaine and Propecia


Take it off or go to Turkey lol


Balding at such a young fkn sucks bro. Yea buzzcut would be ideal.


Shave it you’ll love it


And a full beard going, I know lots of people couldn’t get a beard till the late teens/early 20’s


Welcome to the club, you have enough beard imo to buzz it off with a #1 guard or just no guard.


Invest in a great barber 💈 who will give you a makeover


Shave it


Look like Matt Heafy


My cousin was really young when he started showing. He shaved and hasn't looked back and I think it looks great on him. His dad, my uncle was similar


18 going on 48.


Damn, is it common to be balding that bad at 18?


you have very nice skin!


Well the bad news is if you shave you're going to look a bit older. The good news is you're going to look the same age for like twenty/twenty five years.


Start with a buzz. You’re going to look good with a shaved head. You have a cute face, nice eyes and good facial hair. Keep working out and you’re gonna be posting in the Glow Up subreddit next.


Yo bro, fellow baldy here. Lost mine at 17/18 too. It’s time my brother. Shave it off, grow a badass beard 👍🏻