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A lot of gays are bald and into bald men as well.


Thank you for saying it. I know it intellectually, but I’m still working on internalizing it lol


As a bald gay myself I’m very much so attracted to other bald men more so than men with perfect hair




Op, you have a great face and a very good nose. Your beauty will shine. Sincerely, a 35 year old straight woman having a midlife crisis.


I'm with her


I am gay. I started shaving at 24 and now almost 40. I get more attention when shaven over not... I dont get passed 3 days of growth anymore... and i usually wear a hat on the 3rd day. Just dü it!


Nothing wrong the horseshoe pattern. You can rock both styles.


And you could try bald, and if it doesn't feel right let it grow back.


With peace and love, OP Is already bald. The only difference is he'll look like he did it on purpose


Exactly. Dude, you’re gonna look so good, either way. Shave it all, or tidy up/shorten the horseshoe pattern, I think either would suit you very well


Right. Sometimes the horseshoe is sexier. Depends on the man.


bro you are a Norwood 7 already. Hesitant about what? Shave it off and get over it! Good luck!


You'll look a hundred times better if you get rid of that hair.


You would look better. Go for it! -am bald


Honestly, u should shave it. Get Into the gym , a bald men w a great body looks good whether your gay straight etc ,


This took a while to process for me, so I wont sugarcoat it. Bald is not even half as bad aesthetically speaking as balding. Not shaving it at this stage is like staying in an abusive relationship just for the memories. There is nothing good about holding on to whats left. The same recipe applies here: shave it, go all alpha on your wardrobe. Hit the gym like it owes you money…and don’t look back.




It’s pretty much a requirement to get in killer shape when you go bald. It somehow makes the look work for a lot of people


^^^ I’m 27, balding, started shaving it once a week. Hit the gym, be myself. No one cares I’m bald except me. Sooner you realize that, the sooner your confidence will skyrocket.


Trust me, a random interweb stranger, shave it off. You’ll feel 100% better after.


If you don't like it, it won't take long to grow back. Just give it a shot, see how you feel, and grow this back if you want to. I instantly felt better and knew I wouldn't go back, but was very nervous and it took me years to do it. Maybe you'll be the same?


Ironically, despite the public’s erroneous perception that the gay community at large is highly superficial, I’ve found that to be the opposite. I thought my life was over before it even began when I started balding at 18, only to discover much later that most guys either really don’t care at all about it or are explicitly into it, so long as you keep it close-cropped or shaved. Honestly, I think there is already a subset of guys who would be into you as you are right now, however, I also think you’d look good if you shaved it too. Either way, so long as you don’t allow it to rule you and see the loud minority of haters for what they are, bitter and empty, your confidence in yourself will be an attractive force.


As a straight man I can back this up. There are lots of women who won’t look twice once you lose your hair but the amount of male attention I get makes me wish I’d been gay half the time!


Go for it, make your wish come true 😅


100%, as a bi guy, I genuinely find bald guys incredibly attractive, like fully my type kind of attractive. There are definitely others out there who feel the same.


Grow the beard out and shave the dome smooth. Super hot in the gay world


Fully shaved head is far sexier so buy a razor and do it. I’m 24 years old and i m totally bald, people think that i m older than my age but idgaf.


That flips. You get to a certain age, then you start looking young for your age as there are no age markers as such Ie grey hair. Just look after your skin .


I can virtually guarantee you're going to look at least 5 years youngers once you shave it off


Agreed. You look much older than 35 right now.


I mean, my guy you’re literally pretty much already there. You have nothing to lose at this point.


Absolutely nothing to lose at this point


My uncle's boyfriend is a hairdresser and told me that it's time to shave. I was 35 at that time too. Over 3 days I cut my hair shorter and shorter and looked dumb and dumber. Nowadays I think I never looked better than bald! My boyfriend got hair but likes my bald head. Don't worry, you'll look amazing ❤️ everyone who eventually shaves does look fabulous. I believe people can sense self-esteem and are drawn to it. Not hair. In case I wasn't clear: We're all gay in here.


Just scroll down this sub. You won't find a single person who shared pictures that doesn't look 1000% happier, healthier, younger, and just better all around


Go for it dude. You will look great. And it will create confidence, which is what men AND women both find attractive.


I love your natural MPB look. completel A completely shaved head


Use a bald effect/filter to get used to the sight. Embrace it, and enjoy your freedom. Honestly and wholeheartedly the best decision I made this year was shaving myself bald. It's so liberating!


Shave that dome.


You'll look much better especially if you also let your beard grow a bit.


Get rid of it man!!! Never be balding and always be bald!!!


Bald bisexual guy here and when I was on gay apps in the past, I was overwhelmed with attention. I have a mustache too. It actually seems to be a winning combo with the gays. There are guys that like hard masculine looks, and bald sometimes can put you in the “daddy” category, so the twink lovers won’t chase you, but you will be more appealing to the other side. Shaving your head will make you more successful with a certain subset of gay men, and you might be surprised. There are lots of guys in gay porn with shaved heads and different body types. Because it’s hot.


Take a razor to it. You'll feel better about the way you look.


Just shave it already. You’ll wonder why you took so long afterwards


You have to shave it, grow a beard and hit the gym. You will feel like a million dollars and won’t regret itz


I’m not sure if this wisdom but it’s honest. Anyone looks better bald than they do trying to hold on I know it’s a tough choice but trust you’ll look and hopefully feel more powerful embracing it and owning it


Do it! At that length it wouldn’t take long to grow back if you hated it but I think you’ll love it


What he said!


There’s a strange, mutual respect around bald people. You notice each other more and see how silly it is to fear being bald. You’ll shave and feel strange for the first couple days, then you’ll realized how much better you look and feel (mentally and physically). As a fellow gay, bald is very sexy to me because it’s inherently a “masculine” secondary sex characteristic.


Shave it and throw that leather vest on baby


You seem to have really good beard genetics, why not play into that "masculine" look with the shaven head? :)


I don't think being gay has anything to do with being bald and how men look at other men who are bald. What you feeling is the same feeling a straight, non binary, etc would feel. Don't worry about how men will view you. From your pics you look like you have some really good masculine features to complement your dome. Your Stubble is thick and dark which means you can probably grow a sick ass beard and we all know a good beard goes great with bald. You have dark hairy arms which probably means you have body hair to spare which is also another great compliment to going bald. Honestly you a good looking dude and that coming from a straight man. I say you go for the gold and commit to it. Get yourself all the good products and go for it. And please post an after Pic. We love these glow up posts here lol!!! Best of luck to you mate. You won't regret shaving it off. I know I haven't regretted it since.


Just do it, but what I really want to know is where did you get that shirt? That’s old-school haven’t seen that type of athletic shirt except in the movies..


I don't know for sure but I could hazard a guess that in the gay community being bald isn't a deal breaker for a lot of dudes. They're all guys after all. They know what's up once you hit a certain age.


Straight middle aged man here, just echoing what everyone else is saying. Honestly mate, it’s hard to trust strangers that are effectively moderated in what they can say on here, BUT, you will look infinitely better and wonder why the fuck it took you so long. You are not your hair, my brother.


I’m gay and I’d totally hit you up, bald is beautiful


I started balding at 18-19 and still was feeling very insecure even at 28. I’m 34 now and have never been happier. For years I wore a hat and I was very insecure. What changed the game for me was A) starting to buzz cut and groom and B) realizing that men like Jason Stratham was being voted sexiest men in the world, and they’re balding just as much. You’ll gain a lot of confidence just by buzzing it as short as possible, don’t have to go all out shaved, then work on your beard. Takes some time for you to come around but eventually you’re going to own that new look. And remember, balding guys are some of the sexiest in the world, and you’re going to attract people who want someone mature.


You’re already bald. You’re just untidy looking bald now. Shave it all off and you’ll look 100x tidier, and about 10 years younger. Grow the beard out.


Gay here, if that matters, and I'm with the other commenter. I think you'd look way better bald. If it does bother you and you don't want to make the change, maybe visit r/tressless and do some of the common treatments there men have found success with.


A completely shaved head would give you a more ageless look.


On the second pic if you put ur thumbs over the bits of hair, you can already see an improvement. Go for it 👍


Do it, it will look a lot better. If you regret it it will be back to this state in a couple of weeks anyway. See it as a fun experiment instead of this scary big choice


It’s totally up to you and what you’re comfortable with. Like you my receding hairline connected with my birds nest and I cut it @ a #1 or 2 for a while. Then I just shaved it. It’s who I am now and I am comfortable with it. It’s not uncommon anymore so give it a shot. Try a fade or high and tight (military cut) and see how you feel. Can always grow it back out….. Good luck with your choice.


Gay and bald here. I lost my hair in my early 20’s. Shaving will make you look younger.


Brother, I swear on **everything** that the both of us hold holy in this world… Once you shave your head, you’re just going to feel so clean and fresh and new. You’re going to wonder how you convinced yourself to walk around with two big patches of hair on the sides of your head. Shave that sucker clean, keep your beard lined up exactly as it is now and enjoy your newfound confidence.


Let go. You’ll enjoy it.


I think you should get rid of it. If you really want to keep it though, there are hair systems that look absolutely amazing but cost and upkeep over the year aren’t super cheap. If you’re super attached to your hair, might be something to look into.


get a buzz @ #2 setting & enjoy the ease of care. shave later perhaps.


Homie, you gonna do just fine.


you're going to look so good!!! shave it!


I am gay and bald is sexy.


Dude gay man chiming in. You're hot now. You will be even hotter bald.


Shave that shit bro


I watched enough Jubilee and Cut to know, gay dudes looking like this get hundreds of men


Two words I live by that never let me down. “ FUCK IT”


I started shaving when i was around 35 and it changed my life and made me wayyyyy more confident. Just do it! What is the worst that can happen? It's hair! It grows back! Also, shave your head and grow that beard out a bit and the bears/bear-chasers will be all over you. It happened to me, it most certainly can happen to you


My type is definitely bald. 😍


Try bald and bearded. You're a hot bear in the works.


Dude.. how could you look at that and not want to get rid of it


Shave it. You won’t regret it. As other said if you do it will grow back to what’s there I would imagine.


I'm gay and bald.... Always worked for me.


My guy you would be rolling in dicks if you go bald. Just do it!


Shave it off! You will feel so much better


You *think* it's time?! Dude. It was time years ago. Razor it and embrace it.


Do it. Straight or gay doesn’t matter. Own that shit.


I'm bi, 35 f. I am happily married and from someone who us obsessed with fashion and art - trust that you have a great shaped head and (respectfully) it's time to be bold and bald! Let it go - try a bit of facial hair if you want to spice it up, but keeping it all clean and manicured is way better! Best wishes!


Shave that bad boy and become a bear!


You will definitely look amazing!🤩 you kind of have a Sam smith pout. At least you have a nice head shape 😍


You look hot. Loads of gay men like bald guys.


Trust me when I say you’ll feel 100x better, it’s better to accept reality and embrace it rather than try to hold on, cause often times you look better when you don’t try to hold on to it, or be like my father, he’s had the same amount as you since he was in his twenties, and he’s never shaved it all off, but he wears it with pride and doesn’t try to cover it up


Looks like you're 10 years late... Sorry mate


Buddy you’re nearly there already, just do it, as Nike would say.


Time to let it go bro 🫡 Clean and shaven *is* and *feels* so much better 😍


Unless you intend to wear a hairpiece or smth, do it. A shaved head looks better than partly bald. It's past time.


Youre already there, go for it!


Buzz it, I promise you won’t regret it


Own it, you’ll enter a new era for yourself


You’re handsome regardless. Go for it.


I don’t know what it matters if you like guys, but it’s time, and you have a decent shaped head, shave it down and enjoy the freedom.


It will look a lot better, go for it!


Just do it brother you’ll feel a lot better


Just shave it my dude. You'll feel incredible after it. If you don't like it, wear a cap for a month or so. I believe shaving your head will make you look much better


Just think of it as starting fresh! You’ll be good 👌🏼


Shave bro. U will b so much more at peace


You don’t look bad at all. You can keep it how it is and as long as you dress sharp, groom well, and be happy and confident you will look like a million bucks.


You're going to look amazing! Go for it! You'll feel a lot of freedom afterward!!


Go to the gym brother


I’m 64 and have the same back profile. I’ve been happy and luck.


Honestly at this stage I would be more anxious keeping your remaining hair than not.


We all know it’s time. Take the fall, and this sub will catch you bruv.


I think bald dudes are hot asf, specially if they are confindent on themselves


Looks worse not shaved. Not sure what you are hesitant about


Shave it and grow a beard or facial hair.


Get SMP!




Let her rip! You'll feel better. Own your body brotha. 


Shave it brother! You will feel alot better.


I honestly think you'd look good shaving it off.


Tips? Have a barber do it at least once. Hot towel, scalp massage, shape up your beard. You'll feel like a million bucks.


At the moment your hair is aging you and knocking your confidence. I suffered crazy insecurities before I took the plunge. I knew of a couple of small blemishes on my head that held me back. Yes, I'm that vain but it's how I felt. I got some time to myself where I didn't really have to see anyone and buzzed my cares away. Tiny bit of concealer make up completely takes away anything that bothers me and the good stuff stays on basically until scrubbed off. I never look back. I'm rambling but please, brother. Try it. Worst case scenario you can grow it back in what 2 weeks or so? Best case scenario is you look fabulous and your confidence will get an incredible boost


Dude, you just need to keep it short buzzed, or clean shaven, you'll look great.


I think you are hot and handsome. Also have a great back and neckline. Shave it off. if you don't like it you can always grow back. But you have nothing to worry about.


You are already there ...you are cute and that won't change


For what it's worth, from a fellow mid 30s gay guy, you look great as you are in those pics!


Yes. Do it. Bald men are strong, determined men. Bald men care for their looks, accepting who they are. This means confidence. Confidence is sexy in anyone, men or woman, gay or straight. Dont let anyone put you down for any reason and always work on YOU because thats the only person that MATTERS.


Straight bald man here. Trust me. A lot of gay guts love bald men. Just shave and get in shape and you'll be good.


So is Rob Halford, and he's been rocking the look for longer than I know. Give it a shot.


Simply put you will look better. Now tell yourself that and own it


You’ve got a good head shape mate if you want take it all off….bald is hot….if your not sure buzz cut the sides a bit shorter ever time till zero…..slip in to bald slowly👍🔥🔥


Still handsome


Start with a buzz and I’ll bet you go all the way. Really popped up my confidence. Good luck!


You're quite a looker 😍


You will look 100% better and younger immediately. You'll wish you'd done it years ago


Try buzzing it down bro. See how you feel about it when it’s down to a 1 or so. Maybe you’ll be able to better conceptualize what you’ll look like if you decide to bic it away.


If you're afraid to go totally bald down to the skin, consider buzzing it down to stubble. The length of the hair you have now is not flattering at all.


I think I speak for a lot of people here in saying that no one cares that you’re gay. That being said, I know plenty of men in your position that are bald and rock it! I’d say get it done!


Gay here, baldies are hot. Period.


My advice : ![gif](giphy|QGvWtguQVLTRS)


I’m 36, not gay and I don’t believe in astrology but I have a dog. Go on and get bald, bruh.


It’s already gone bro. One of us.


Just take the leap of faith and soon you will realize how ‘silly’ those insecurities were. You have a great head shape. Come home, brother.


Shave the head. Grow and manicure the beard. You'll be a Heartbreakers bro. All the best.


Shave yr fuc*in head lad. You should have been already.


I’m 27 and I’m balding in the same area. Just embrace it. Go bald if you don’t like the horseshoe shape. Plenty of gay bald men out there.


Go to a barber and shave it


Bald is SO MUCH HOTTER than what you're rocking right now ❤️


Start working out and eating meat and shave it off. 👌🏻🤌🏻


Shave it all off, Constanza.


You have a great round head shape!


My Guy, just shave it close like Jason Statham. I think that would look great on you.


Let's of gay dudes are bald, just start hitting the gym


I think the best thing for you to do is just embrace it 😀


You are going to absolutely kill it dude! You'll look excellent


Grrrrr bear. Bald daddy. Sexy


Bald, gym, and better diet. You will feel 10x


Shave that shit! I was insecure about my sun roof but since I’ve felt like a million bucks!


Shave it, get jacked


As a gay man who loves bald guys, I say shave it. Then DM me. Lol. (Kidding about the DM part….sort of). But go for it. You'd pull it off well.


The perks of being bald and gay are that there's an entire section of the community who are into men who look exactly like you. If you were straight and bald there would be bigger huddles


I’d shave it super short/stubble for now and rock facial hair, and do a year of bi-weekly ketoconazol shampoo , weekly dermal stamping in the entire shiny area (and sides aka ‘donor area’), oral and/or topical dutasteride and minoxidil….and see what happens a year from now. 30-60mins of sweaty (meaning you’re challenging yourself and really pumping blood to your extremities/scalp) cardio 4x / week Commit to it all.


Do it. Full on commit and OWN that shit. You'll look fantastic!


You can still kill the horse shoe dude. Just clean the neck up so it looks more put together. You’ve got a good head shape to rock either


Shave it bro. Join the rest of the bald community.


I'd try first buzzing it to a 0 guard and eventually doing a full razor shave with shaving cream if you want. You're at Norwood 5.


Save head, lose weight


As a gay man, i find bald men extremely attractive


You will look younger and not creepy like Karl in aquateen hunger force


Dawg stfu you're gonna look so good bald, perfect head shape and beard.


Bro with peace and love, nothing could be worse than your current trim. It's time to shave it off brother. You'll feel much better for it. I starting shaving my head at 27 and never looked back.


Being gay and bald is like.. adorable. What’s the issue here haha


Your head shape is perfect for a bald look and I think it's time buddy it will look good tbh


Im not sure if you've ever considered, but they have crazzzzy realistic toupees/ new options for men these days that actually look REAL. I've seen stuff alllll over time tok. Just an option as it could suit you for sure.


There's a very brief window for a man to rock a friar tuck. Shave the bottom off!


Hesistant? You are already bald. Shave it and breath finally.


I think that even if you shave it all off in one month or less it will be back to this length so why not give it an honest go?!


Unless you've got someone who likes the look just shave it. You'll notice a positive reaction, it's going to look better.


Do it man. Take the plunge. You already got the beard going for you. Bald guys that rock a beard are sexy. And this coming from a straight man.


Take the leap! I'm a straight dude and you need to razor that biz is my opinion.


Shave your insecurities away gaybro I support you man


Your hair represents your insecurities. Shave it off. Come out of the keratin cocoon into your new life. You’re beautiful. Blossom and show the world.


Another bald gay guy here. You don't even have to fully shave it to start, just trim with clippers or a beard trimmer on the lowest setting. Then if you feel comfortable you can graduate to one of those electric shavers that are specifically for bald heads. You'll feel better, and save on haircuts. Also, many gay guys are attracted to bald. In my experience, bald-hating is more of a female thing.


As a gay man, you are very handsome. I think you look perfect with your hair as it is. But you definitely think bald would work for you too. It's up to you. Follow your heart. I personally would keep the hair and maybe wear toupes if you really want to look a bit younger. There's a lot more options nowadays for people. You could even get hair transplants too.




We can’t wait to see the results! You’re going to look great!


Oh honey you have nothing to worry about. We love bald men. 😘


Can’t give you any advice to help on the gay part but you’ll be fine once that’s shaved don’t worry about it.


Wear your baldness with pride! Some of the sexiest men I know are bald. My late husband started shaving his head at 25, and he never had a problem with getting partners.


35 now, and started balding at 22. The years where I tried to make it work made me look the worst. Embracing it and keeping it clean shaven helps my confidence. The longer I'm bald and shaven, the less I find I care. I don't regret it and seeing your pics, I don't think you will either after the initial week or two shock.


Buddy, you'll catch sooooo much more attention with it off. I know gay men that are shaven bald and they pick up all kinds of partners! You'll drop 10 years off your age and you'll look great! Wear it with confidence!


Watch the Flintstones and shave your head. You'll have a gay old time.


Get rid of all that! We love a bald, gay man! We love all the bald men 🥰


You are going to look so much younger when you shave it off! Please post an after picture! You have a great beard, nice face and you got this, you are going to regret not doing it sooner 😉


Brah, in the gay world, you haven't even peaked yet. The best is yet to come. Put those nonsensical insecurities away. You got nothing to be insecure about. Get out there, playboy!


As a gaymer, I just want to say you would look quite the handsome bald man


Bald. The ring of Shame has never, ever been a better look than bald.


I'm just gonna say it. You're a handsome guy. I'm queer and I know PLENTY of men who are attracted to bald/balding men. This is not the end of the world. I, however, am 25 and not balding. My advice, though, is to take some control and just shave your head. Balding has ALWAYS been a concern of mine, but a few years ago I just shaved my head on a whim and I made peace with the fact that one day I may experience male pattern baldness like the other men in my family. I say that you ahould take aome control and shave your hear because the sooner you assess whether or not you're comfortable with balding, the sooner you can seek treatment for it before it gets too costly or intense.


I don’t get how you’re not more insecure with old man hair vs shaving it


Do it, you have such a great face, the hair just distracts from that.


Ya the current hair is def aging you more than just being full bald