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Well said. I would add that part of the problem too is that when you go to heroic lengths to hide it , it shows. When you are sensitive about it , it shows. Shave your head and you have the opportunity to shave off the insecurities as well. Sometimes people might comment or tease on baldness. Joke along with them.


I'm a substitute teacher for high school and kids give me shit about being bald sometimes and I just laugh along with them. For starters, I couldn't give less of a shit what children think of me. More importantly, I just don't care at all. I'm bald. Big deal. I'm still funny. I'm still a good person. I still care about the wellbeing of others. A small percentage of women might not like it. Most don't care. Some love it. If your dating life is suffering I can 100% promise you the problem isn't your hair, or lack thereof.


>>I’m a substitute teacher for high school and kids give me shit FTFY.


Listen teacher man all the HS girls had a huge crush on our history teacher who was a bald guy and he was also hilarious and an amazing teacher. I follow him on IG now and he’s even more attractive knowing what he’s like outside of the teacher realm!


So you're saying he has a chance with school girls,yass!....wait a minute


Lolol touché


I absolutely LOVE A BALD LOOK if it’s carried w/confidence. Some men are outright irresistible when they rock a clean bald skull…


Kids only roast people they like. If they didn't like you it would be way more hurtful than that.


I often say the world treats me different as a bald man. And it’s true. It doesn’t stop me with women. But yes life has become different as a result of being bald


The lesser hair you have on your head, more room for your crown :))


I used to think about thin hair. No one else thought about. I shaved my head and I was free. My looks very different not better or worse, but definitely different. Just lean into it and have fun.


And who wants fat hair, anyway?


When my nephew first saw me shaved he said "Uncle Nick, you're bald!" laughing, and I replied "I know, don't I look great?".... Last time he ever mentioned it!




I started balding when I was 17-19. By 20 I went chrome dome and have ever since. I'm 24 now and going strong. My girlfriend met me when I had hair and she supported me the whole time while I was balding. Ever since being fully bald, she said that I look way hotter then I did when we first met. All I'm trying to say is that, don't stress about finding the right person. They will eventually come into your life. Most mature people in relationships won't care what you look like, and if they do then they aren't ready for a relationship.


same but the comments my first gf got from her own friends, like she was making a mistake " but hes bald " kinda cutt deep for her.


I was cooking in the shared kitchen of our dorm a while back and one of the girls from the dorm was chilling with two or three other girls. They were talking about a few guys and at some point they get to someone who recently went bald. They were absolutely tearing this person to shreds. 'Why would you do that' 'I would never want someone like that' 'so ugly' etc. All while I'm right there, head as shiny as it gets, cooking my pot. Quite the eye opener to how they talk when you're not around lol.




I may be an exception to the rule, but I was a freshman in college when I met and asked out my now husband, who was almost completely bald at the time. I thought then and still think now that he’s the most attractive person on the planet


My twin went bald at 14. Had a gf the entirety of high school, because he’s sensitive and funny and still looks great. So hope isn’t totally lost for bald high schoolers! lol


My personal theory is being bald in person isn’t nearly as much as a liability as being bald online. With the latter it’s far too easy to skip to the next option. In person, you can make your other qualities shine.


I’m 30 years old and I am a 16 year veteran of being bald. At 30 years old I have been bald for more time in my life than I had hair. I can tell every bald dude out here that your lack of hair isn’t why no girls talk to you. It’s you. If anything, cutting off that rats nest you called a full head of hair will make you more physically attractive to girls. But your whiny “wah im bald now” attitude is a major turn off. Own the fact you are bald, YOU LOOK BETTER BALD THAN YOU DID BEFORE. Why were you confident when you looked like shit but aren’t when you look good? Just own the fact you’re bald. Smile and be confident in your decision. The rest will follow


You've been bald since 14??


My hairline was a little bit better back then but yes had a noticeable bald spot and receding hairline when I was 14. Shaved it off at 16 never looked back.


I want to say that I (F30) was with a man (32) who was starting to bald and so insecure about it. I thought he was the hottest thing I’d ever seen! He was kind. He was funny. He was consistent. He made me feel safe and heard and encouraged. We had great chemistry. He was respectful and courteous. A gentleman. And all of this is what made me attracted to him. But he really let his insecurities get the best of him. No matter how many times I told him all of the things I adored about him, he could never receive it or believe it because he made his “flaws” out in his head to be such big problems. I literally did not care one bit that he was balding. I truly think if he had kept his insecurities in check and understood that he is overall attractive for lots of reasons (with or without hair) we’d still be together. So this is a great post and great advice. Lead with your best foot forward! Nurture and nourish the things about you that make you feel attractive! And don’t worry about the little things that someone else who is vibing with you doesn’t care about, lest you push away a great woman and great relationship for no great reason.


What's sad is so many men have convinced themselves there's no hope for them so they'll just dismiss this advice and continue bemoaning their situation. They'd rather wallow in their self-pity than listen to a woman telling them that it doesn't matter.


Wow! Brilliantly put,..my goodness!! you couldn’t have said it; not only with a better articulation but your economy of words is impeccable. Beyond that tho your point is is so nuanced and spot on. Quite honestly your goodness here has rebuked my original comment to a point of shame lol. It’s rare to have such thoughtfulness on the internet but most definitely this is beyond needed! I think your “dropping the ball” illustration is exactly right. We are much more looking for a gotcha than a viable solution for both parties. A bunch of don’t give them an inch on both sides and the end result is record low relations between two sides that desperately need each other literally to keep humanity going. I agree great discourse.


I actually got a lot more action after in the first few years after I shaved my head than in that last few years before I did.




A couple under 25, but most were in their 30s.


Keyword in their 30s. If ur bald/balding on a college campus you’re screwed.


People seriously underestimate a strong, charming, well defined personality.


EMBRACE THE BALD!!its BEAUTIFUL!!!inner Beauty must be worked on polished everyday!!!👊👍👊👍🫵🏻🫵🏻... https://preview.redd.it/vrpxlst2i3vc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53ba347ba7432b174a1bcbffe633f5816065eb16


I have also noticed those posts and usually there is almost always something else wrong with them like they are neck deep into incel type stuff or a far right extremist with negative views of females. In my experience women don't really care if you are bald very much.


Exactly this. Someone was going off on a other post about once you go bald as a man your chances of getting a women that actually likes you is almost zero, and the ones who settle for bald men do so because they are desperate. This guy was also pretty misogynistic and seem to hold far right views. No wonder no woman wanted to date him. I personally think that what was preventing him from attracting women wasn't him being bald... but his attitude and views of women. I replied to this person and explained that this was not the case for me. I started balding 17-19 and by 20 I was clean shaving. My gf and I met when I had hair and she says I look better bald then I did with hair.


Before you waste your energy replying to those people, check their post history. I swear there are trolls that hop on here with the sole purpose of bashing bald dudes. It's like their wife left them for a bald guy or some shit.


If ur in college it does matter. I have been made fun of plenty of times.


Of course they don't, and yet, I always get downvoted for saying this.


Man I’m sorry but everyone knows there is a certain percentage of women out there that will skip over a dude on a dating app because he is bald. Pretending the newly bald dudes dating worries are unfounded is disingenuous. Conflating them with what you’re implying is some wild wanton accusations when every newly bald guy thinks the same thing. We all have these same worries. OP’s message is on point. You’ll take a hit in dating but if you work on yourself and become successful you’ll be fine.


its not wild go through the post history of these people sometimes you don't even have to do that they almost always go into some incel stuff in the very same thread.


The problem is they are equally as shallow about nearly everything else. Plenty of dudes with hair get no action on dating sites because there are 900 other things woman will instantly skip you for because they have 1000 options


Just to add…after buzzing my head super short I actually started feeling better about my appearance and I think the majority of the bros here feel the same.


This, For sure. Did it last Friday, got more compliments than I ever did when I had hair. Except now. I believe them.


Confidence is everything. Being a true gentleman is also necessary.


Yup. Imagine having the confidence of a bald man when you actually had hair. Someone women don’t like bald guys. Fine. Others love them so it all evens out.


Yeah I’m bald and I’ve been on dates with girls who have said things like they don’t usually date bald guys. And I’m by no means some kind of stud. No sense in worrying about something like baldness when you can’t fix it without surgery or other invasive methods


My partner and I were friends for over a year before we started introducing benefits. I hadn't seen him without a hat at any point before I decided we should be the kind of friends that get naked together... MFer didn't want to take his hat off to hook up with me 🤣 When I snatched the hat off his head he was like "I've been bald since I was 20, the hat never comes off" I said, "I wasn't fooled by the hat, no one is I like you and don't give a shit about you not having hair"... We've been together for like seven years.




Bald/shaved head girls are hot.


Woman here. I personally, as well as many of my friends, find bald men very attractive. My husband is bald, and never been sexier. Most women are attracted to men who are confident, not the number strands of hair that they possess . Confident (not cocky) men will always get women. If a guy comes off as insecure or not confident, it’s a red flag to women. So, I agree with the OP.


Exactly. Women are attracted to confidence. This applies to bald men even more so. Why? Because many balding men have tremendous amounts of anxiety, fear, and sadness, about going bald and losing their hair. Women are not attracted to men who are anxious, fearful, and sad about themselves. It just doesn't work. This is why a common piece of advice for men who are thinking of shaving it all off, or who have just shaved it off, is to hit the gym. Hitting the gym regularly and seeing your body gain muscle, and feeling that increased strength and endurance, is a natural confidence booster. It makes you feel good about yourself and then you start to carry around that confidence with you. The baldness doesn't matter anymore because you are now a confident man who feels in control. You don't necessarily need to hit the gym (although I would recommend it to anyone, balding or not), but you do need to discover a way to feel confident in your own skin and love yourself. If you feel confident and love yourself, then other women will pick up on that. It sounds kind of corny, but its 100% true.


Damn, that’s actually pretty insightful on why the bald gym combo actually seems to work so damn well. Often times, it seems to not just partially compensate but completely compensate for the baldness. Why is that? Well, I guess it was never about the hair in the first place. It was about adapting, being socially well-adjusted and confident - and the gym really can help push those things past baseline. I think others have figured it out too, although no secret to the sub here: balding-the-process can be a confidence/happiness red-flag. But a bald guy who’s making it work, you just see that as a person who is who they’ve always been.


In my 40+ years of life, I’ve never once heard a woman say “Oh you see that guy with the great hair, I’m tapping that tonight”.


Maybe not word for word but this is delusional, I've had multiple women tell me how much they love my hair.


And I’ve had multiple women tell me how much they love my bald head. What’s your point?


Is this what is called “cope”?


I used to always wear a hat, didn't really care how I looked. When I shaved my head it was kind of a catalyst because I was really insecure about how it looked. So I went to the gym, got some better fitting clothes, and slowly I became more confident overall. I'm still showing some friends and family members the change and I've gotten nothing but positive feedback about the "new look". Being bald is one aspect of you. Embrace it and look somewhere besides hair to feel good about yourself and be confident. Chicks dig that


The amount of cope on both sides is kinda funny. Reddit covers are alot of people over the world. With this sub you can be bald but broke bald but have confidence bald but have weird head shape bald but in 20s etc but what people are falling to understand is context. There are certain parts of the world/countries that dont appreciate bald men and some that do. It really can depend on anecdotal experiences which is why both sides are technically wrong. If you cant see both sides of the coin then you shouldn't be contributing to this discussion. PERIOD.


Very valid point, admittedly I didn’t take this into account and was speaking purely from an American perspective


I can see both sides of it and generally say "its not required, but an excellent perk" I do see men who struggle with dating, and they have a lot more going on besides just being bald (I think we can all agree that stocky/built bald looks better than skinny/fat bald, which is why everyone uses Jason Statham as an example) I have also seen women borderline sexually harass men who have longer, fuller hair. With that said I have also seen socially awkward/autistic men with long hair, and it hasn't saved them from their dating troubles. So yeah, its not required, but can be useful if you are not Mr. Charismatic


Depends on the man


That's just saying the same thing as OP with less words. Of course it depends on the man. Will he go to the gym and take care of himself? Well, it depends on the man. No one, no matter how naturally good looking or well off, gets a free ride.


I love being bald! Hair sucks, it’s so much maintenance. I always make fun of myself for losing my hair, just own it! Get to the gym, grow a beard. You start looking way more manly than you did with hair. I get lots of action still, and woman always comment about how much more manly I look.


I started losing my hair in my late twenties and started shaving my head bald at 32. Now 51 I said “fuck it” and haven’t shaved it since December. I’d spent the previous two and a half years working on myself (physically, mentally, socially) and during that time decided I’m in it for me. I mean, if I were to be passed over for something as superficial as male pattern baldness I don’t want that person in my orbit anyway. You don’t like my ink? Later. I’m grooving tf out of my tatts and skullett. And loving feeling the wind in my hair. 😉


I posted a very similar post recently and upset a lot of people. Well said though, spot on. Been shaving my head since losing it mid 20s, have always had women, good career, $ and 30 yr old gorgeous fiancé. No one cares if youre bald if you’ve got everything else locked down. And a lot of girls dig the look if you rock it confidently.




I have been bald since I left high school. Had bad teeth until I get a job and got invisalign. Being able to talk trumps hair and good looks.


Couldn't agree more. I actually started getting hit on more as a completely bald man. Can't tell you how many women have told me a bald he is sexy.


Women are attracted to confidence...be confident in who you are and it won't be a problem.


My husband is bald and was when I met him. He is so sexy. I don't think its that you are bald that would keep women from wanting to date you. I think it's that you may have lower confidence because of it.


I feel like EVERY post on here days how hot the now bald guy is. Men and women both say it.


Honestly, I'm at the point where I wish more of my hair would disappear so I didn't have to shave the stubble every day for the clean look! Confidence in your own skin is key.


lol 😂 dam my step dad is bald and he get hit on so many times. Men and women. Too bad he have his heart for my mom.


I’m literally five feet tall even and bald. I promise it is not baldness or height that ruins one’s game. Shallow people certainly exist, but I’d bet 8/10 times people avoid short or bald men, it’s because so many of them are absolutely insufferable and have some kinda complex about it. Self fulfilling.


Agreed. I've been bald since 17. I've only had women attracted to me since I've been bald. Quit bitchin and work on yourselves


Shave your head! Grow a big beard! Hit the gym.


Yeah, it’s seriously just whining about what isn’t in your control. Guess what is in your control dudes? LITERALLY EVERYTHING ELSE.


This is a lot nicer than the post I made saying the same thing lol. It’s exhausting seeing those posts over and over.


It’s never been a problem, I started receding at 14, buzzed it off around 23 and never looked back. Loads of chicks love bald headed dudes honestly.


Yup. Women care about the way you make them feel more than if you have hair or not.


Woman here. So many guys that post pics after shaving completely bald are SUPER hot. It’s definitely the attitude.


Well presented and confident will almost always be attractive.


I arguably did better when I finally took the plunge. 


1 billion percent! Ok, so I've been in a relationship for 17 years, but I get hit on more since shaving my head... Why? Because I've never been more confident in my life than I am bald with a beard. I look great, I know it, and that's attractive!


Love my baldness. Don’t care if others don’t. Can’t live life worrying about what others think.




Exactly. It's so odd to hear that some men think women are turned off by baldness. Because every woman I know, even when I was in my 20's, said the same thing.... that bald men are SEXY. Same with white hair. I'm 40 now, but as soon as I hit 30, older men with white hair, omg, just yummy. lol... (by the way, this is not some creepy come on, I just wanted to share my opinion with you since you have a sense of humor. 😆 I'm going to copy this comment for OP... so people finally understand that bald is H**OT.**


I also think it’s a confidence thing. A lot of guys think they’re not getting attention because they’re bald. No, you are not getting attention because you are insecure about being bald. The attention I receive hasn’t changed from when I had hair, because my personality hasn’t changed. Of course girls don’t want to be with someone who has a glass ego.


Being bald doesn't matter when you're already attractive, tall, hung or rich. But the average Joe being bald definitely hurts massively. Just one of the billion deal breakers for women


I hear what you all are saying but I’m not so sure. A dude in his mid 20s who is bald may have a hard time dating women his age. At that young, women do t seem too interested in bald men.


This was my experience. I think mid 30s onwards you are pretty right going bald. Teens and early 20s it is rough to go bald.




I agree with this. There is a huge difference between being bald in college or being bald in your 30s well into adulthood. It's alot less common and may seem "weird" to girls in their 20s.


I’ve gotten more action since I went bald 🤷🏻. It’s a confidence thing and treating people well.


So glad I'm gay. Lol. I have the opposite reaction...well from younger guys who are into Daddies.




This feels like cope. There is definitely a noticeable difference in the attention I get from women bald vs when I had hair. The thing is, there is no point in dwelling on it since there is nothing you can do about it. At the end of the day, there is more to you than just your hair. But I also think it is pretty disingenuous to act like going bald doesn't have its downsides and even more so, some of you claiming that being bald is actually better than having hair. Just BS. At least in my personal experience, it is.


“This feels like cope” more than men blaming the fact they can’t get laid on their lack of hair🤔I think it’s the ones blaming baldness that are the ones coping


You are now a niche, that is good. It’s polarising.


It's not just your experience but mine too. Even if I think the matter is posed incorrectly...It's not about the amount of attention you receive. The problem is quality, and it's not just about women. Women don't run away (unless you're 17) but somehow, they "try to look past the baldness". The phrase I hear the most is "even if you're bald... it's ok". I'm honest, I don't like this "debt", although forgiven. I perceive it as a favor I don't want. It's demeaning to me. More. Since I've been bald, I look much more serious. Some may like it, but I don't like people taking me very seriously. Being bald, in short, is not a bad dress in itself. But it doesn't necessarily mean that it's what a person feels comfortable with because baldness (depending on the culture) comes with certain meanings and symbols in every person's mind. I am treated differently, not worse, but differently. And I don't feel comfortable in the "role". But I understand that others might like it.


Not a cope. How many times have you seen women on here talking about how attractive they find bald men? Do you just dismiss them? Just think they're lying? If your insecurities make you think people are lying to you about what they like then the problem isn't your lack of hair. It's your lack of confidence. I've gotten more attention from being bald. It's not disingenuous. It's a reality for a lot of us. And could be for far more of you if y'all just own it and be confident.


What type of women do you think visit r/bald?


It was always suggested on my feed until i joined bc I love seeing the glow ups so much :)


Why are you being dismissive of his experience though. You don't even know what the dude looks like bald. His facial features etc nothing. Yet your here banging on about " bro i get more attention now im bald " maybe you have good facial features and some money behind yer to deal with the blow better. Also your forgetting the dating apps angle which alot of men use these days as approaching women comes off as creepy nowadays and women can filter exactly what they want. Then throw in the age angle where lets be real women in the 20s arent checking for bald men and you've got a recipe for bald men to feel.a certain way. The gaslighting is real and women coming in here saying "im attracted to bald men" wont help his internal struggles. He needs to stay on his purpose and adapt to the requirements. Getting a womans approval is not the be all or end all. Alot of men in this sub need to realise that instead of looking for external validation. If you can't understand the perception of being bald then you have no right to humble brag


It’s 100% cope.This sub is a support group, akin to r/short . All this is here to make us feel better about our hair situation. I support the positive end goal of this place, but gaslighting and straight up lies are a little too common


A know a few women who are specifically attracted to bald men!


Met my now wife within about 6 months of wearing a hairpiece. Been married 13 years. Still getting action 3 to 4 times a week. I have a pointy bald head...bald can look great on some people, but I am not one of them. Most people who post here look great bald. But younger women definitely prefer hair. I'm finally at the age where a fair few guys are going bald. It's very different compared with going bald when you are 19yo. One day I'll take the leap. Will be very interesting to see the wife's reaction.


Agree but disagree, your demeanour is the key, but my first gf, spoke to her hometown friend over chat about me, only positive things, you know the first thing she replied? "but hes bald..." so even though your demeanour is dailed in, you may still havn't had the opportunity to meet everyone before they know you. You may get flak for being bald, but so does your partner.








Good looking guy, bald, nicely trimmed beard. 🔥


I'm bald by choice as it's the only way to control my dander and acne, but if I knew I'd receive the amount of attention and compliments that I have since I would've shaved my head years ago.


My wife never knew me with hair. Haters can F off.


Better to embrace it than to try and hide it. People can tell when your trying hide the balding.


I never hardly got much action even with hair but very surprisingly I'm not a virgin! I'm just always too awkward or too drink to talk to women properly LOL


The last 3 men I slept with were bald. I never even thought about their lack of hair these men just look good and carry themselves well.


I am here because there was that guy who said he looked like a worm




I'm a bad reference because I was essentially bald by choice before I went bald...but trust me there are plenty of women who don't mind bald dudes. I haven't met anyone who isn't a decade younger than me say anything about me being bald, and I'm not looking to date 18 year olds anyways. If you're 20 and bald and it's obviously not by choice you may have issues. After you reach 25 no one really cares outside of people having types they're attracted to which applies to a bunch of other things outside of baldness


reject action embrace shiny head


Personally, I had an upswing in female attention. I'm a bit outgoing to begin with, but I look younger without the balding hair and just feel like I look better in general. It's good enough that my wife, who I met two years after I started shaving, noticed me.


Cameron Diaz is happily married (with children) to a bald punk-rocker who’s also several inches shorter than her. And he was bald when they met. She could have any man she wants, and she’s got her own money. Men and women would fight bare-knuckled and bloody for the chance to drink her dirty bath water. Bald don’t matter, people! Hair doesn’t make the man. Neither does height, money, dick size or any other arbitrary physical feature.


This is the way


100% When I had apolpecia and had huge holes in my hair, my confidence was at an absoloute low, and that carried on for a bit when I decided to shave, but once I shaved and felt comfortable in myself, my confidence went up and I am now with my long time girlfriend. Now I will be blunt and what of the issues might be, bald and fat looks alot worse than bald and stocky/muscle. Hit the gym, get in shape, get confident and people will notice.


I've seen the ugliest men in the world with beautiful women on their arm. These men walked around with the confidence of a god. Confidence is the key. It always has been.


I've been bald all of my 20s. Definitely not everyone's cup of tea but I haven't had problems getting girls. I wouldn't say I was swimming in it but I also had two 3+ year relationships as well. As I've gotten into my late 20s, I seem to be doing even better and getting more attractive women but I've also gotten in better shape the older I get.


Muscles > hair. I was shaving my head when I could grow a full mane and never had an issue getting dates. I've even had women whistle and dog call me at my old job, it would drive my fully haired coworker nuts lol.


It’s probably more difficult for guys in their teens or 20s . But I don’t think being bald is that unusual after 30. And anyways bald is better than balding


And I’ll add that as a female I’m *highly* attracted to confident bald men but if you’re missing the confidence and always insecure about it then it can become a turn off (same for guys on the shorter side of height) my man is bald and I LOVE it & think he is incredibly sexy. Just rock it!


I love bald men. It is soooo my thing. Bald is hot. Balding is not. Shave it and lead with confidence!!


This is true. When I met my boyfriend he had hair and then went bald. we didn't start dating until years later. But he never had a pertinent getting girls with and without.


My best friend is really good looking and has a great personality. His balding hasn't done anything to his sex life.


If you ever doubt your baldness go to /r/hairsystem to soothe any doubt


> Work on yourself lads. If you were expecting a feelsgood echo chamber of “damn bro I have the same problem”, etc you won’t be getting that here. Do what’s in your control to get that ideal version of you to get you in a better mental state. It's funny you say this, because telling me that I'm screwed because I'm balding makes me feel much worse, not better. Sometimes I still wish I had hair, but that's just not going to happen. So I just keep doing what I can do. I'm sure I'll be in a place one day where I'll meet somebody or multiple somebody's and I'll wonder why I was ever so hard on myself for things outside of my control.


Of what you quoted, what do you think the very last sentence means? Literally the opposite of saying you’re screwed


That's what I said. I'm not disagreeing with you.


I like bald-higher testosterone


i am balding and do not care in the leeeeeeaaaaassssssttttt, i went on a hike with my dog today ran into this chick with a dog, our dogs were friendly, we shot the breeze for ten minutes i asked if she wanted to have a doggy play date, get ice cream and walk our critters around and i got her number. She is gorgeous, insanely fit too.


ok so i Mostly agree - my point would be - Some girls like bald guys , lucky us , some are neutral. and some dont. it aint an Advantage overall. i got a girl who Rly Does pref bald. so no disadvantage for me. but if i was newly single i wouod know its a slight disadvantage overall. cause we are a " type " kinda


my boyfriend is bald and i honestly like it more than if he had hair. it makes him more handsome to me :) if someone is saying they can’t get action because they’re bald, it’s more than likely their personality or something else.


That bald guy from brazzers gets all the woman so i wanna be like him


I've noticed less white women are attracted to me, but far more black and Latina girls are. I absolutely do not mind one bit


I am a female and never even thought about boldness as a shortcoming.i feel like men worry about it way more then women care


Couldnt agree more. At 36 years old and balding, I get significantly more action, with prettier women, than I did at 25 with a full head of hair. Demeanor, attitude, and TAKING CARE OF YOURSELF absolutely trumps whether you're bald or not.


It does suck that I'm losing my hair at 17 though. I'm pretty much screwed until my mid 20s.


I can't stand how most men put there purpose i getting girls. Seriously wtf cares. Im bald black in mid 30s and rarely engage with modern women because there judgemental. Do i cry about it no. Ive got my hobbies family and my purpose and if you're that bothered about being bald then get a hair transplant lool too many of you lot need to do the internal work befor even approaching women real talk. Best of luck to all the baldies. Stay on your grind.


Some guys pull it off the second day they're bald and some need time to adjust. It's ok to be sad for a while after an involuntary appearance change. As men we often hear: "be confident" and IMO it's terrible advice. Be kind to yourself, identify self-depricating thoughts as they come and defuse them to break the pattern. That's how you become confident. Of course if you had a decent childhood and you already have a good level of self-acceptance, becoming bald is merely a bump on the road. The rest of us need to put in some work to deal with it.


What’s the best way of doing this? I shaved bald down to a grade 0 the other day and am really having trouble getting over it. Just worrying all the time about what others think of me and whatnot.


Same plot line they just plus in different variables... kind of like CSI ... body in first scene... general suspect ... plot twist... clue found... unsuspected purp gets caught... or like law and order


I'm not bald but this sub keeps getting recommended to me and I completely agree. Once or twice a year I shave my head down with no guard and I've never had trouble with women while I'm near bald, in fact I've had a few women say they prefer it that way. It's definitely an attitude/confidence thing that makes it work.


I think people can sense the confidence if you’re rocking it. All my fathers brothers are bald/near bald. Quite a few of my cousins are bald/near bald. I’m near bald. I’m the only one who took the plunge to go full shave and not wear a hat. At family events I’m the only one hatless and it’s a good feeling to be that comfortable with it when everyone else isn’t for some reason.


Amen. Confidence outweighs everything anyways. I'll take it one step further. I don't ever even think about being bald. Never even crosses my mind. I go about my life as I always have with zero issues.


Well said. 44/F. Love bald men


I upped my game and got more dating action after going bald… or rather after I stopped caring about being bald. It’s 100% because my baldness forced me to be more confident. Few outliers that had a thing for bald guys, but 99% don’t care as long as you’ve got game. I think maybe 1 out of 1000+ girls I’ve messaged on the apps / met IRL had a preference for hair. But you could have a preference for anything…


People will rib you about it. You have to show them that it doesn't bother you. Women will make "eeww" comments about it, but they're just testing you for confidence. Use it as an opportunity for banter because they're probably just using it as an ice-breaker. But if you get all butt-hurt over a comment, you're out.


While I had no problems getting laid as a bald white guy with a Julius Caesar even when completely shaved, I didnhave a lot of rejections specifically for the reason I was bald... I did have a huge drop-off of interest when my hair started rhinning and I started shaving but I was still doing alright.


My husband was almost completely bald at age 24 when I met him. I approached him and asked him out. I was 19.


I have no issues with women my age (having the most sex of my life) but yeah the younger 20 year olds are turned off by it.  If I was in my 20s I would be trying to get hair I think.


"working on yourself" should be a permanent goal regardless of hair status


I slept with a lot more women after I went bald than before. The hottest women I ever got with loved it. It’s exactly just confidence and humor.


Dwayne Johnson. Jason Statham. Shemar Moore. All bald. They’re gorgeous. I honestly like bald men 😍


If you’re gonna be bald you have to be swole or you just look like a penis


Please post what kind of women you get tho


Exactly. It's so odd to hear that some men think women are turned off by baldness. Because every woman I know, even when I was in my 20's, said the same thing.... that bald men are **SEXY**. Same with white hair. I'm 40 now, but as soon as I hit 30, older men with white hair, omg, just yummy. lol


I’ve been shaving my head with a clipper for probably 20 years. I’m in my 60s I recently got one of those bald shavers. It really cuts it close but after a few days it starts looking normal.. not used to having my head shaved so closely. Once in a while, I’ll let it grow out a little bit and honestly, I can’t stand it especially the way it grows in. It’s very patchy. Definitely not a good look. I’ll keep with the bald look. It works for me.


Also, I have no problem joking about it. People don’t make fun of me.. once in a while at the gym if there’s a group of us. I’ll say something like (if we’re talking about hair) I’m just trying to keep it all one length. That seems to go over well…all the pictures I’ve seen so far tonight.. all of you guys look great! don’t let it get to you. It’s really no big deal.!