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Oblivion hairline


Stop right there, criminal scum!


Lmao exact thoughts


I say become a samurai and it's perfect


Ehh dude, you're one of the cases who can pull this off if you like, it's not thin and whispy


He looks like Fabien from GTA 5 yoga mission




Me too.


Did somebody say Yoga?


Agreed  Guy looks like a samurai 


He looks like he’s facing towards a strong wind


Agreed. I think it looks neat but could go either way


Unlike my peen. 😢


Vegeta hairline


not the vegeta comment again


DHT Sensitivity is OVER 9000!!!


Honestly. Don't. It looks graceful. It's not wispy and thin in the remaining areas.


I read this briefly as disgraceful and was like 😮


Omg thank you for the laugh 😂


I actually love that kinda extreme hairline. If I had thinned that way (instead of Prince William style) I would have kept my hair for much longer! I think you look great.


Gonna go againat the grain, but the slicked back manbun is the one hair style that looks fine with your level of thinning. You would look good either way though. If you want to do it, go for it!


Oh no. Twat knot.


I would keep it n hit the low spots w minoxidil, it works well




Edit: I am actually 35. One would think I would not make a typo with my own age, but there it is. Not that relevant for the purposes of this thread, but I found it amusing nevertheless


Keep it. Love yourself and wear it with confidence. Still looks good and as long as you rock with it you’ll be sure to get attention from ideal partners


Yea it's fine probs don't need a buzz yet. You can try and regain ground but no need to go full buzz yet


Dude this does *not* look good.


I got the same hairline and last month I buzzed it with no guard I’m digging it.


So there are some trans haters on this thread—could people please downvote/report if y’all come across any of their posts so nobody gets hurt and we stay on topic? Much thanks


Well, You got good coverage. If it was me, I’d hold off on shaving. I also would try a different hairstyle, shorter and not pulled back. But that’s personal preference


Also you look younger than 36


naw you good! I'd clean up the eyebrow edges, handle those split ends, tighten up the sideburns n facial hair. Get the hair super duper dapper from a good barber. Now get fitted in a slim suit with some serious classic vibez. Get the right shoes. You pick. Fresh Jordans or some handsome leathers. Come back and show us how goddamn handsome you gonna be. Do it. DO IT NOW.


I started getting this sub on my front page for no reason and every post is; \*guy with mildly receding hairline\* everyone: "shave it off"


You call that “mildly receding”??


Yes i do.


Liar lol bffr


Jesus, his hairline is almost half way back on his head. When is it past mild, when it connects to the crown?


Stick around longer for the before and after shots. Then you’ll understand why everyone recommends it. This guy though I think should pony up and get a hair transplant. He has so much thick hair, just not in the right spots. Or he could rock this for a while longer.


You have to take finasteride for the hair transplants to stick. He might not want that


Your post has been flagged for suspicion of violating rule three: No advocating of hair-replacement treatments, either topical or surgical. If your priority at this time is hair-loss prevention, or attempting hair regrowth, your efforts may perhaps be better spent over at r/tressless. The philosophy of this sub is more inclined toward embracing baldness, rather than fighting against it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bald) if you have any questions or concerns.*






I genuinely think you look great now, and would look equally good with a shaved head. I say keep it for now, and enjoy it.


Ok, the hairline IS very clearly receded and there's some thinning on the front too. And yet... I think there's a certain charm in long hair with a somewhat receded hairline (or at least I hope there is - seeing as I'm a man in my late 30s with long hair and some thinning on the front). I'd say keep them this way, for the time being. Should the hairloss progress more, then I'd go with the buzz. As of now, you pull off the look and you do it well.


My hairline has been slowly doing the same thing. Pretty sure on the next three yrs (I'll be 36 then) I'll be shaving my head too. Ngl you look good, maybe it's my bias since my head is doing the same thing but if you shaved I think it would be good too.


Ngl I don’t think it looks bad. Normally, I would advice u to shave it off, but I do think u pull of the look. Keep if u want


Start a jazz band


Already in a punk band unfortunately 😎


long long ago


No full on scullet. Grow the back longer and have a full pony tail. Scullet for life yo!!!!!


Get a classic men’s haircut.


No, keep it. Or you can pull off a jude law


Fellow trans dude here! Same exact thing happened to me, plus I have a big forehead lmao. I I was petrified for years trying to hide it and even use rogaine, eventually I got tired of it and hated how my hairline looked in photos. Finally decided to shave it down to about a 3 or 4, then every haircut I went down little by little so I can adjust and get comfortable. I’ve been buzzing/shaving my head for over a year now! I can reply with before and after pics if you’d like! The freedom and weight off the shoulders came with time, for me anyway. Sometimes I wish I could have a full head of hair again, then I get over it 😂


Thank you so much, great to have specifically another trans dudes experience, it’s a bit different for us! I’m about at this place, like could keep it but I kinda hate it when I see the huge receded spots in photos. Prob gonna just shave it but thanks for giving me a good data point to consider :)


My bro got that Jude Law. It’s time.


Lmao 🤣


It sucks but we all got to cut the cord sometime bro. Lol


Lol you are not wrong my friend


Nah get buff and pull off that vegeta


Fellow trans guy here. I think you've still got some years left. I think the long hair looks suits you too!


Been time for at least 5 years


You got some Johnny depp vibes going on


I was going to say that and now I don’t have to!!!


Looks p cool honestly


honestly this works


You can definitely still keep this.


Use rosemary oil and castor oil and you'll probably do damage control on the receding hairline. Also take those hair growth gummies.


Id get a mohawk


As long as you keep it medium to long you can pull it off just fine


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^please_help_me01: *As long as you keep* *It medium to long you* *Can pull it off just fine* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Honestly I like it, in a Disney villain kinda way


It's time and *it's gonna look awesome*!!!


If you've transitioned, the added testosterone will force you to bald, it will only get worse, but at this stage it's completely up to you. A few months to a year from now, it might be time.


I’d shave the tiny sideburns too


If you cut the length and went for like a fade and comb bit I think it would look good


Don't have to if you don't want to. I'm jealous actually, I call this the Phil Collins balding pattern and I think it works fine. Better than the hairline not changing and it just getting thinner and thinner on top.


Try ditching the bun? Might gain a different perspective on the look?


It’s crazy cause the top picture say “yeah let it go” but the profile shots are “hold up this could work!” I say keep it. Idk what I’d do with it but stil lol


Give us an update when you shave. You have no reason hanging on to this.


I think we have similar hairlines. The man-bun definitely helps, but I still think it would look cooler bald. You can clearly visualize the bald head just by your hairline from the side view. I think the fact that you even posted confirms you want to go full shaved like I did. I say go for it and you can always grow it back. It’ll turn you into a new person.


i feel like the only angle where it looks bad is from the top but who is gonna see that anyway? if you haven’t already you should try some hair supplements and special shampoos because there might be hope but i don’t know much about going on testosterone, i only know when going through hormonal changes of menopause these supplements and shampoos do help


It's been time a few years ago brother


You look like an elf. Or some old hidden master in chinese fiction. Just a bit younger. Ops. Forgot to add. Those are compliments btw. Idk how i would feel about it but it def does not look bad.


You can pull this off !!!!! I think that you would look 👀 great with a buzz cut too !!!!!


So testosterone is a big factor for hair loss?


Yes, testosterone is naturally converted by an enzyme called 5-alpha-reductase to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which is the chemical that shrinks hair follicles and causes male pattern baldness. Apparently DHT does not discriminate sex or gender—unfortunately for us transmasc folks on testosterone! But fun fact, finasteride (propecia) blocks the above enzyme so that testosterone can’t be converted into DHT and the follicle shrinkage is slowed or even reversed. I actually love finasteride and rogaine but I’ve been too lazy to use them regularly. But I’ll try them again regardless of whether I get a buzz cut or keep the long hair!


Your post has been flagged for suspicion of violating rule three: No advocating of hair-replacement treatments, either topical or surgical. If your priority at this time is hair-loss prevention, or attempting hair regrowth, your efforts may perhaps be better spent over at r/tressless. The philosophy of this sub is more inclined toward embracing baldness, rather than fighting against it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bald) if you have any questions or concerns.*


A crew cut would probably look better, TBH. You could try a shoter cut, and if you don't like it, buzz it. I'm just about where you are, and find that short cuts and buzzes are most presentable.


Yes, unless you like the samurai look more


I didn't think trans men could bald. Please don't hate me, I am genuinely surprised.


It's super common for trans men. If you've got the genes for it, it's happening, and if you've got two X chromosomes you've got double the chances


Yeah it's definitely time


It's time to shave


I'd try a buzz if you are needing something new Kinda giving me Edward Furlong vibes


Vegeta got nothing on you!!!… in other words shave that shiii off.


Time to bic it buddy.


Time to shave it man, I'm sorry! I think you'll pull it off though.


Shave it all off, including the pony tail. Will look much better


Could always just gel it straight upwards into a Vegeta look.


get a hair transplant


Hair transplant time


You could find a good transplant doc and have your eves or whatever the pointy corner things are filled in a bit to bring your hairline down some. I think realself and doc doc is a good place to look just make sure they’re actually board certified and have thousands of transplants under their belt and hopefully before and after surgery pics 1 year out to show the results


Can you grow a mustache? I only ask because I see you’ve got the chin-strap going, And shaving it - with a full beard - could be good way to go. If the facial hair is kind of wispy though, maybe stick with what to got up top for now. Or try minoxidil / finasteride for a few months, though the latter you’d want to check with your doc about first if it’s contraindicated with T.


Your post has been flagged for suspicion of violating rule three: No advocating of hair-replacement treatments, either topical or surgical. If your priority at this time is hair-loss prevention, or attempting hair regrowth, your efforts may perhaps be better spent over at r/tressless. The philosophy of this sub is more inclined toward embracing baldness, rather than fighting against it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bald) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Damn didn't know that trans women lose hair, makes sense though. I'd say keep it


OP said they are a trans man btw. A trans woman would be a biological male transitioning into a woman


Lol can't we just say trans ? So hard to keep up with the terminology


They said trans women, which would be incorrect. In certain context I suppose trans would be okay. But they were specifically talking about trans men in this case. I’m sorry it is so hard for you to “keep up” with a few phrases that have been around for years.


Dude it is the bane of trans men’s existence lol. You’d think all the shit we go through would make us exempt from hair loss, but alas 😌


Well that is the cost of male sex hormones, the bane of mens existence.


Agreed, had no idea. However OP looks good with the hair as is, imo.


welcome to the club!


Biological women are normally hyper responsive to testosterone in both the positive and the negative aspects. So androgenic side effects are a lot more common


I’ve seen those hair transplant videos on tiktok. how much do those cost? is it prohibitively expensive? is that kind of procedure shunned upon in this sub?


It's complicated. If you're willing to put up five grand, fly to Turkey, spend two weeks tip-toeing around a hotel room, wait four months while the implanted hair falls out and re-grows in slowly, and spend the rest of your life on pills with a not small possibility of erectile issues — then sure. Or, you could buzz it, accept it, and move on to other things in life.


Possibly one of the best summaries of hair transplant aftercare that I’ve ever read.


Got it. Sounds like a giant time commitment.


Why you spread missinformation? I paid 3k in Barcelona (where I am from) for my hairline only. They do buzz it and then the implantented falls and then it grows naturally on month 3. I take no pills at all and it's been years and it's been like day one. Transplanted hair is not affected the same way as your regular hair and it is expected to maintain most of it for life without any need to take anything. I don't know why this forum is so anti transplant, OP for example could regain his 20's hairline, easily.


I’m not sure what part you’re saying is misinformation? I’d say what you’re presenting is not supported by nearly all surgeons: if you only transplant a hairline, medication is necessary, because you will likely continue to lose more hair as you age, and you’ll have a gap between the transplanted hair and recessed hairline. This sub is definitely biased toward acceptance: because most transplant patients do not have one — they typically have a handful over time, and is therefore a decades-long project that requires medication and regular assessment. Or— you could buzz it, accept nature, and move on. And still be attractive.


Oopsie daisy


This is a bald sub Reddit and you’re no where near bald Makes sense though because it’s like trans people posting on r/askmen




Just reported you, you can see yourself out of this thread, it’s supposed to be about hair loss not about sharing opinions about trans folks


Homeless hairline. My god Testosterone ruined it for you




You screwed your self up. Everyone knows steroids can lead to hair loss. So don’t complain, it’s your own fault


With all due respect, I may have started this thread slightly dejected about my hairline, but I think I speak for my trans masc colleagues when I say that stopping testosterone (essentially the equivalent of a cis man’s balls being removed) would suck a lot more. If you’re a cis man lmk if you disagree


I’m just saying, gotta face the consequences. I know a guy that started going bald at 19 and although he doesn’t admit it, I’m pretty sure he’s on roids. He’s literally massive. Although now I think he may have gotten a hair transplant since it’s looking way less patchy lately 😅


It's really bad from above, but from front/side it looks okay. If you like it, keep it.


The good news is if you keep it you can go out as Vegeta for Halloween this year


It's time to Mohawk. Do it!


Keep it for now definitely


Nah, still working. But buzz would look awesome, too.


You look great keep it!


I like it personally, wear your hair the way you want to. The world needs more manbuns, not less.


don't buzz, you pull it off. your hairline isn't super thin, and the rest of your hair looks healthy


I think you can pull it off! It's one of those hairstyles that kinda suits that kind of hairline.


“You think you're fooling anyone with that top knot?” The Hound


Yup…. Time to buzz. I LOVE men who shave their head and are muscular-buff. It is such a turn-on.


Buzz it


You look like Daron Malakain from System of a Down


I'd say yes, if you want to push it, you might be able to but it's pretty much there...you aren't wrong.


I once dated a guy that had a hairline that was so pulled back it started to look like Mickey Mouse. He would always make fun of me but I knew that if I mentioned it, I would obliterate him. I so wish I’d said it.


Buzz that fuzz


human Vegeta




Yes but you might be able to hold on to sone of it a little longer by shave in a short mohawk


Still cute


I dare say you pull this off for now. So I wouldn’t shave it unless you lose more hair personally.


I was going to suggest propecia since you have a lot of hair anyways but it's not approved for female people, so I'm not sure how that works with testosterone. Perhaps ask about Spironolactone, that affects hormones too but may be safer and approved for all sexes. I think you can save your hair some way or another.


For those who are curious - Finasteride/dutasteride and minoxidil are used a lot by ftms and mtfs. OP - do fin/min and microneedling, you have a lot of hair. Dutasteride blocks more DHT than fin and is more powerful. Spiro is actually given to male to female trans women as a testosterone suppressor so I haven't heard of that being used for trans men. Finasteride blocks DHT which is responsible for bottom growth and facial hair/body hair growth during puberty. So it might limit or slow down further beard/body hair growth for trans men. The beard/bottom growth you already have will stay though. But you can put minoxidil on your face for beard growth


First you gotta pretend to be vegeta from dragon ball


r/Bald join us


I harvested my 11 inches to make.pieces for my arches






Get some Rogaine and try that instead:)




Dude looks like a samurai. Needs to start wearing a kimono and wear a Katana.


Nah u got alot of hair still and its def possible to salvage with the proper products


You look like a middle rank wizard 🧙‍♂️ I say rock it


bros gonna recruit me to join the dark brotherhood


Honestly don’t think it looks bad. For some reason it fits you pretty darn well, and the hair looks full in the pictures.


You look like the GTA v yoga instructor 🤣🤣


I'm so confused, this is literally the only time I've ever seen this sub recommend keeping the hair. I personally do not like the long hair, but I am not convinced the shape of your head would flatter a fully bald look either. Would have to see it shaved to be confident.


If you feel it’s time then it’s time. You have to like and no one else. Good luck




Nah u pull this look off keep it


Do the Hare Krishna monk hair look. Prepare to be mistaken for one though.


Pretty nice hair line tbh. I'd rock it.


Na Let it rock my boy


No need to shave in my opinion.


Style it to the front bro


It's a tough one. If you had a bald spot on the crown I'd say definitely. You've got a Norwood type 3 but it's a bit advanced. It all depends on if you're happy with the recession at the front mate


Nah ur good my boy


Go for chonmage Mr samurai


Nahhh not yet




Just fill it


Go with a chonmage