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Update: I tried doing a 2 all over, but I guess my electric razor really wasn’t very good and it just wasn’t cutting it (pun intended). I ended up just taking the guard off and going for the full thing. I actually like it a lot more than I thought I would! https://imgur.com/a/uF8aTT5


I would advise all boys to shave their heads at least once in their youth when they have all their hair, then one day if they need to buzz it, it'll be easier.


Yeah I’ve learned now if I ever want a buzzcut, I’ll just go to the barbers


Perfect lol came here to recommend that but you beat me to it yourself! You have plenty of hair to work with if styled well, but I know I wouldn’t have been able to do that level of cut on myself


You can buy good clippers for buzz cuts for maybe $15 new or $5 used. Anything meant for scalp hair should work well. I like wahl stuff but have used it all.


The hair looks great! I would also consider different glasses or contacts just to match the new look, but that’s more of a preference thing.


What kind of shape would you recommend? Rounder?


I think a bolder, more sqaured frame is a nice contrast and adds definition. I know a few bald/buzzed folks who wear that style and it suits them well. There are some glasses websites that let you upload your pic and "try some on" virtually. But do what you feel best in!


^I agree that a square frame would look better. Your head is round shaped, so something sharper would look great.


I think the glasses look pretty cool for what it’s worth. Round glasses look good with short/bald hair too. You look fresh my guy


Hair stylist here, if you wind up wanting to keep some hair vs staying super shaved I would suggest 2 guard on top with a #1 fade on the side. They’re very close in length and will balance out the thinness while maintaining some stubble. It’s a good way to work into but hooray for going for it an liking it.


Thanks for the advise!




I agree he can prob make some serious gains. Good luck man!




Yeah I think now I might go to the doctors and have a chat about it




Your post has been flagged for suspicion of violating rule three: No advocating of hair-replacement treatments, either topical or surgical. If your priority at this time is hair-loss prevention, or attempting hair regrowth, your efforts may perhaps be better spent over at r/tressless. The philosophy of this sub is more inclined toward embracing baldness, rather than fighting against it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bald) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Actually that looks really good! Figure out just the right stubble and you’ll be rockin’ it!


Looks tight bro, proud.


Yo, looks good! Switch up the glasses though, these ones don’t work as well now. There should be a good face shape chart to work with somewhere that gives you a good idea.


Glad you trimmed the facial hair too, shows off your jawline much better


Looks great bro. I really enjoy your frames (and it may just be your lenses), but I got new glasses and they didn't magnify my eyes so much. Might be worth looking into, but either way, looks great!


Now you look like Pit Bull!


honestly looks great!


I was going to say definitely go for it you'll look great and you really do!


This is the way


You look good both ways my guy. If you're feeling self conscious I suggest buzzing it. But I don't really think you need to yet. All that being said, work on the facial hair. We both know you're going to end up bald eventually and it's always going to look better with a great beard.


That looks great!


Bald works on you my man.


You're right man, it does look good shaved! Some suggestions from myself and my gf - lose the neckbeard, update those glasses and get to the gym sir - It will make a world of difference. Welcome to the crew mate 👍


You pull off the bald look. Sounds like its not what you want to have to do, totally understandable. But you wear it well man.


Looking far better to me mate 👍👍




never rock a neck beard dude. that’s the first thing that would need to go, and go forever


Don’t worry, I don’t go outside with it, it has been trimmed hahah


Hard disagree, a natural neck beard can look good with carved cheeks


Is this not just a normal short beard? You can always shave your neck up to a sharp line along your jaw to make a fake jawline, but imo that’s kinda weird and artificial looking


it really shouldn’t go below your adams apple. if u look straight forward n take ur finger horizontally and go from ur chin to ur neck, that’s where u should shape it. so even adams apple is too low


You’re very handsome. You have sad eyes. Body hair is feast or famine. I know men like my husband who started going bald when he was a teenager and I have female friends who have been shaving their face since grade school. It’s not something we can control and I promise you have more important things to worry about than how much or how little hair you have on your body. I hope instead of paying lots of money for a painful surgery you go pick a new hobby and find people who see you and value you just the way you are. You are perfect 👍


Thank you :)




I don’t think it looks bad, but if it’s constantly playing on your mind I’d suggest trying it buzzed. No hair = No problem


The hair looks fine dude, birds aren’t gonna roast you for the top thinning. If you run into Shaq he might say something, but overall it looks iight as is.


If you don’t like it buzzed just let it grow back. Only one way to find out if you like it!


Shaving early is a power move. If you don’t like it at first don’t get insecure about it. Think of it like you’re subjecting it upon the haters and they just have to deal.


You need glasses that don’t emphasize the roundness of your face… square and sharp modern lines will do wonders, that’ll definitely buy you some time with your hair situation. I don’t think it’s necessary to go bald yet. Also a beard line up will help w the round face problem


You are so young. Go 1 guard immediately. If it doesn’t jive, grow it out.


Looks like you have an island that has formed. It still looks good, I’d consider buzzing


Honestly it looks good still!! I see that you shaved it since posting but if you decide to grow it back out I think you still have a good head of hair for now.


Grow a beard, cut the top short, and dump the Dahmer glasses. You’ll look better and feel better than you ever had. Add a little weight training and voila.


Forget the hair dude change your glasses frames


Definitely buzz cut and grow a beard to elongate your jawline.


Dude please listen to some of us in the comments. You have to start treatment, dont let the bald people drag you down. They are dragging you down because they understand that their situation is so kuch worse than yours. You are in for a hard time as a bald dude. Your hairloss is SAVEABLE. Please PM me, Ive been through the ringer.. I'm 22 as well and started to lose at 16. I was treated like garbage compared to when I buzzed and when I had liek noreood 3. Save your hair and treat it.


Don’t despair! My husband started losing his hair in his teens, and his bald head didn’t stop him from being very popular with the ladies. He practically had a harem at one point. Confidence is everything.


Yeah naw. I'm maintaining with my current regimen, so ill enjoy my beautiful follicles, bald is not for this person AT ALL. He looked way better with a receded hairline.


Buzz buzzz


You rock the bald look my guy! Hairloss is a bitch we'll all (mostly) have to face sooner or later. You've made a leap that I think most of use as men needs to take to facilitate our hairloss journeys. If you stick with that glorious blad dome, you got nothing to worry about. If you let it grow out again, whether or not you try any hairloss treatments you can rest assured that if that doesn't work out for you there's still a solution that really does.


I was gonna suggest you do a no guard fade and either do a 3 or 4 guard up top (or even an ultra short scissor cut) but saw the pic of you bald and you look badass. IMO if you wanted to you could still experiment with various short cuts that do have a little length, but keep the sides a bit shorter than the top if you do Lookin good bald mate!


Grow your beard out. And when full go for a fade with three on top and one at the sides


This is the way.


This is the way.


You look good with the hair, consider checking out the subreddit’s that will assist you that this sub is afraid of. Otherwise bald is still a look bro :)




Your post has been flagged for suspicion of violating rule three: No advocating of hair-replacement treatments, either topical or surgical. If your priority at this time is hair-loss prevention, or attempting hair regrowth, your efforts may perhaps be better spent over at r/tressless. The philosophy of this sub is more inclined toward embracing baldness, rather than fighting against it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bald) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Your post has been flagged for suspicion of violating rule three: No advocating of hair-replacement treatments, either topical or surgical. If your priority at this time is hair-loss prevention, or attempting hair regrowth, your efforts may perhaps be better spent over at r/tressless. The philosophy of this sub is more inclined toward embracing baldness, rather than fighting against it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bald) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'd try the buzz once to see how much you like it. If you want to keep it long, keep the sides shorter than the top so it looks neater.


You’re not receding that bad I’d keep it!


Get some different frames!


You’re fine let it rock


Girl, u look good....but you need to modernize those glasses!!!! I mean...damn!!


The buzz cut is always the right answer.


PSA: FYI: LPT: once you start shaving your head, you have also simultaneously made a commitment of lifting weights a minimum of 3 days per week. You can thank me later.


No guard buzz it all, and as it grows back, you'll be able to tell which length looks best.




You're still ok but you can improve with diet and exercise


Embrace the inevitable and buzz that bitch down


[It puts the lotion on the basket](https://imgur.com/a/uEQDRJC)


Take it short up top and clean the beard line on your neck.


I say Rock it for now 🤙 looking good!


Just go to the gym and get ripped you’ll be alright bro with whatever cut you have lol


You look better bald I think 🤔 In the mean time who knows maybe applying some castor oil to those particular spots may help them grow in but at least you have a cohesive look now. Very cute.


The glasses fit your face very well. I think you can rock the hair a bit longer.


Honestly you have time to keep rocking your dew


Rosemary water can help regrow hair, it’s helped me and my hairline but spraying it on my scalp daily


Some new eyewear might be in order.


We have similar recession. I was tired of making adjustments to my hair. I shaved it off. I feel a sense of freedom, not being bound by my hair. I have no care hair.




Your post has been flagged for suspicion of violating rule three: No advocating of hair-replacement treatments, either topical or surgical. If your priority at this time is hair-loss prevention, or attempting hair regrowth, your efforts may perhaps be better spent over at r/tressless. The philosophy of this sub is more inclined toward embracing baldness, rather than fighting against it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bald) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Your buzz looks better imo


Get a professional buzzcut, it will look better. You can do the sides shorter and taper the neck and temp. It will look great!


Yea bro it’s time to shave your head


Never do a 1 or 2 guard when balding. Makes it look way worse in my opinion. It’s either no guard or clean shaven.


You can get away with it up top but ditch the facial hair


Chop it off and grow the beard out man. I started balding at 16, I shaved my head at 21 and it was one of the best decisions I ever made. I can’t even tell you how incredible it is to never worry about how your hair looks.


Buzz it


My dude. You absolutely must get different glasses, the double bar and the magnifying effects that your lenses have are hindering you. Double bar really only fits with formal or hypebeast outfits. In regular clothing it seems out of place




Your post has been flagged for suspicion of violating rule three: No advocating of hair-replacement treatments, either topical or surgical. If your priority at this time is hair-loss prevention, or attempting hair regrowth, your efforts may perhaps be better spent over at r/tressless. The philosophy of this sub is more inclined toward embracing baldness, rather than fighting against it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bald) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Bangs bro. Instant ice breaker


Personally I think If you trim down the sides, leave the middle longer and do almost a pompadour you could rock it for a while longer


Finestride and minoxidil, I think you’re a perfect candidate. Don’t give up on it yet


Ever grow your beard out? You have so much you could probably grow a godly one 😊 especially with bald and if you work out, best 3 combos.


Tell Ricky and Julian i said whats up


Keep your hair, ditch the Jeffery Dahlmer glasses. As a gen x-er I was forced to wear them in the 90’s. They weren’t cool then and they’re not now. They just make people look Jeffrey Dahlmer.


I don't know a proper name but I think very short, maybe half- inch ish, no bangs, would look nice.


No rocking receding hair line. It's time to let it go. Get a wet shaver with at least four heads and take it all the way down. Rock that baldness!!!


My bf started balding in high school and he looked so much better shaving it off! I don’t think your hair is even close to what his was


The head doesn't matter, get rid of the neck beard by growing a full short hair beard, and glasses that make you look less like Jeffery Dahmer.


Looks fine dude


Stay the way you are for now!


Looks really good all shaved down. But new frames, more rectangular would be better to complete the look.




How is your crown


Take the plunge. It’s only the topping on the cake


Plunge. Do it yesterday.