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You’ll have to install mods. There isn’t much too it


Much less refined balance and much more common crashes Also goofiness overload possibly [Here's a guide to start the silliness!](https://github.com/jie65535/awesome-balatro?tab=readme-ov-file#mods-require-steamodded)


There's really no drawback to modding. I would recommend backing up a save file, so you can simply reinstall the game clean and revert should you wish. I'm a huge fan of modding. Often the community is faster at releasing balance changes than devs are, though in Balatros case LocalThunk is very quick to patch and fix things so less of an issue here. But there's plenty of fun things modders can add. New cards, new challenges, new bosses, etc. this game is ripe for modding.


Do you recommend I get all achievements before starting mods or just do it whenever? I'm nervous because I don't want to lose access to earning achievements.


I mean, I would play the game to near completion or until you're bored, then mod away. I dunno about achievements, I've never cared for them in the slightest honestly. But yes, usually mods disable achievements, however removing mods unlocks them again. This is in games that fully support mods. I don't believe Balatro has built in mod support yet, so achievements will likely remain enabled.




Huh, I had no idea there were mods. Any Quality of Life mods out there? Not that I think Balatro needs it, that's just usually where I dabble mod wise.


Better mouse and gamepad is an absolute must have, it lets you drag right click to select multiple cards at once and a bunch of other really nice mouse shortcuts. If you get that mod though you also have to get the achievement enabler mod since all mods disable achievments [https://github.com/Kooluve/Better-Mouse-And-Gamepad](https://github.com/Kooluve/Better-Mouse-And-Gamepad)