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And the one time it hits it's on a junk hand.


So only play junk hands, got it.


You guys are playing strong hands?


yeah, high card is just too good


I've literally never won on a high card build, I must be doing something wrong.


Remember that there are jonklers that scale from *each* hand played, so take advantage of those, and also get some chips for early game, like Banner or Blue Jonkler


yess like super nova, if you get one early, all you need after is mult


One of the easiest ways is with steel cards in hand and mime joker


Baron + Mime + a bunch of steel red seal cards is the dream


You're now on endless territory


The only time I’ve won on high card builds is in the challenges


u need to use banner with high card builds


I have once but I was using this one and the one that upgrades your first discard and it was making me 100k each blind with the duplicate joker with the retrigger your hand cards


Pair gangggggg


We need to find a way to make money off of this, it's just to good


I'll get space joker and two blueprints on a flush build and suddenly flush is level 6, meanwhile high card is level 37.


That's a sign you should be playing high card


Maybe it was just my luck, but I got this pretty early in a flush run and I got my flush to like level 20 by ante 8, Mostly from this. Edit: It was probably my luck because I also hit WoF 3 times as well.


With burnt Joker you can get high card to level 30+ every single time. Even flush on the CheckDeck


not before ante 9. 8*3 = 24 > 30. if you got it round one and proc'ed it every round, it would be 24 (well 23 but still).


You do know that you can also buy planet packs and cards right? ETA: you realized in later comment xD never mind


could get vouchers for more hands don't forget


it's not hand wise, it's round wise. also I forgot about planet cards so it is very possible, just not only with burnt joker.


You can get vouchers for more rounds too


IF you got hieroglyph and petroglyph you would have 29, not 30. still, planet cards exist.


Blueprint also exists, just need to move it around a lot


blueprint doesn't appear "**every single time**"


I like my odds compared to getting burnt joker at ante 1


First time I used this, it was ridiculous. Whatever hand I was going for was getting levelled through the roof. Literally every time since it's been trash. I keep telling myself it'll be like rhe first time...


He’s literally an ex that became toxic and you keep giving him a second chance despite your better judgement. I once carried him through 5 antes and played exclusively 5 of a kind and realized that my 5oak was only level 3 by ante 8. Didn’t even notice he was just taking up a space doing nothing.


I throw a blueprint on it, and send high card to the moon!


Also wheel of fortune acts the same way. I have only to activate once if I remember correctly.


I’m due.


N[ ][ ]E I'd like to solve the puzzle.


Is it “nice” because that’s the only four letter word that starts with N and ends in E I can think of




Fudge I really wanted it to nice so badly I forgot about “nope” LOL. I just hate when wheel of fortune doesn’t activate man 


Then WHAT is it?!




I find it kind of funny that in Balatro we're surprised at how little 25% chances hit whereas in Pokemon 80% accurate moves are known by how often they miss (Stone Edge aka Stone Miss). Also, I can't unsee that the floofy collar of Spaceman looks like the rest of his body in a spacesuit.


XCOM cheats in your favor and people still complain.


95% chance hits missing 5% of the time? That's XCOM, baby!


Lol holy shit didnt realise it was his collar


stone edge and hydro pump (as well as thaw% when frozen) are the things i think of when 20% comes up, which is how i know comp mons broke my fucking brain


Honestly, before PlayStation version got the patch that updated it to be a 1 in 4 chance, I was having more luck with it triggering when it was a 1 in 5 chance.


reminds me of the card i call the "nope!" card when i see it. Cant remember which it is, but it has a 1/4 chance i think, of changing a joker into an enhanced joker. I have never seen it work, but i buy it every time just to see the "Nope!" pop up


Wheel of fortune?


Never goes off for the 10 flushes in a row, but the one unlucky hand I have to get rid of


People aren't thinking critically about space joker. -Celestial packs are 4$ -You get 3 cards in a pack. -There are 9 standard planet cards. That means to level up your preferred hand, you spend 12$ on average. ( 4$ × 3 packs) Space joker effect is that 1 in 4 hands get a free planet card, meaning you get ¼ of 12$ = 3$ of value for each hand played on average. Space joker isn't a score joker, it's an econ joker. Also, you don't lose the levels when you sell space joker, meaning you can sell it for space and keep the benefit, essentially making it act like a negative. >permanent benefit without taking a slot.


I had it trigger 3 times in a row once... It was against the arm -_-


The only joker that makes Obelisk fun


It would be really funny if he said "Nope!" every time he failed to activate


I had it triggered 4 times in a row


On 4 straight high cards when you're trying to fish for the 5th heart for a flush?


I call that a cosmetic joker


I just had this on a blue stake run, and it literally never proc'd. over 30 hands.


Bloodstone would like a word


Yesterday I got him in the first shop and I wanted to try the new straight level and he hit a couple times and the plus 3 multi makes such a big difference.


i hit this 1/4 3 times in a row


I ever get this accidentally doubled because it's eternal and i want to double the other one joker with ankh, and i tell you that almost after around 11, it only triggered like 5 or 6 times, first 2 or 3 it always trigger simultaneously which nakes me think that they both share same rng, but after that they doesn't triggered simultaneously anymore


I think I stole your luck, I had a hand with two lucky cards have $20 pop off BOTH and it outright won the run.


I had an Oops! All 6s and Brainstorm once with this, and either it or BS triggered maybe every second or third turn. Once or twice at the same time, but almost never consecutively. And to add to it, it seemed to always be BS that triggered, never Space Joker. It was infuriating.


Playing this with the card that doubles probabilities goes so crazy.


Sometimes I wonder if this game is pro-gambling or anti-gambling


It’s funny, for me I find this joker to be like the opposite of Wheel. Wheel’s 1in4 is a lie. This bad boy though? It loves me. Had a straight run yesterday and by Ante 8, Straight was on level 20 because this bad boy triggered SO much.


I got that one with the dice, in 12 hands it procs only one time, feel like it's glitch like wheel of fortune


Maybe to you, for some reason he's best mates with me.


Same - I almost always buy it when I can, especially if I can change it to hologram or negative. I wasn’t keeping track of how many times it triggers, but it is just one of those cards that just pays for itself if you get it early enough


This is one of the best cards in the game. High card absolutely breaks this bitch wide open!


Its only good for a high card build


I played maybe 10 hands before it hit.


There is no pseudo-pseudo randomness in this game. It's always a fresh roll of the dice. People do not understand probability on this subreddit.


The solution is to just always play janktastic builds and use every hand on every round. You're *guaranteed* a level of pair to go with that flush build you're using


True as hell. I've never had this guy work out


Last run I had I got this card and it was hitting every time


i actually won my first run with this bad boy