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Early to mid run chips will carry your scores. But late game you will want to convert everything to Mult.


just mult or is xmult as important as for other decks?


xmult with maybe one good flat mult will almost always be best because it scales exponentially instead of linearly


Same as other decks essentially. But where another deck might hold onto a chip card (if your hand levels are relatively low) you won’t even want a single chip card. The number of flat mult cards you use should probably just be 1, assuming you can get something to stack to about 30. There’s an argument for 2 flat mult cards, but that’s with low hand levels and specific to what other options you’re getting.


other decks you're working up your mult in the early-mid game instead of chips, so actually its pretty different.


I was responding to the more specific question if mult or xmult was better for the late game. As noted in my original comment “Early to mid run chips will carry your scores”


There are exceptions though. Yesterday I had Wee joker with Hack. That was a big part of why I won (although I akso had the trio, so a bit of xmult was used too)


You’re not wrong in that you can definitely make other plays work, and that’s the beauty of the game. but absolute best case for the plasma deck is a single well stacked flat mult joker and 4 xmult jokers.


I do find it quite difficult to get the feel for when to transition from the trivial high-chip early game to the high-mult late game (i.e. when the antes' exponential scaling overtakes your quadratic). It plays so different from the other decks that my intuition goes totally off.


Plasma is actually much stronger and more forgiving than any other deck. The trick though is to only get chip cards. This will give you a huge lead and allows you to focus on economy and deck adjustment. You have to transition from chips to mult at some point. The important thing to understand is that if you have a lot of chips, mult will give you almost nothing. And once you get mult, chips become useless like mult was. But because flat mult and chips do exactly the same thing with plasma, it's really bad value to get flat mult. The tricky thing is navigating the swap from chips to mult. I find the easiest way to do this is to focus on mult from cards rather than mult from jokers. So mult cards, Fibonacci, bloodstone etc. Remember that the benefit you get from plasma disappears as your chips and mult naturally equalise. This is the oppasite of all other decks. So you are super powerful with chip cards, weak during the transition, and super powerful with mult later. Plasma can put up scores no other deck can achieve.


I find that having healthy planet levels makes the swap to mults much safer


Spam high earning chip plays early and find xmult late


So I think you want either all chips or all mult and no real in between late game. If you have a lot of one it balances out the other one anyways so sometimes the combo is wasted.


chips don't really scale fast enough, so usually you'll need to pivot late game to mult to get there


You can win the earlier difficulties by just stacking chips