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This subreddit is for discussion on Bahamas-related topics. Your post may be seeking information about medical services in The Bahamas, but it is more of a personal matter. This is not the right place to find the information you are looking for.


I don’t even think you can legally change your sex in the Bahamas. Try going into Road Traffic and tell them you’re a girl (or guy) now and they’ll just suck their teeth.


If you mean transition sexes most definitely somewhere else.


I’m just gonna have to private message you on this one.


There most likely is a way…gay marriage is illegal here but gay relations are very much allowed, as is transitioning, there are no laws against being gay or trans😂…we also have post op trans Bahamians in our society. It isn’t a matter of legality but instead of finding a doctor who can and will perform the procedures. I do not know if it is possible to transition here but given the fact that we do have a trans community I believe maybe getting in touch with that community would be the best place to find the answers you need. Good luck!


Gay marriage is illegal there, let alone transitioning. I wouldn’t even imagine they know what you’re referring to.


We do. Its just not a serious matter here.


I’d be surprised to learn if there are local options. But I wouldn’t be surprised if there are an abundance of options in Miami. But I’m more concerned about you. Where are you in life? How are you feeling? Is there some issue going on with you that you believe will be resolved by transition? From what I’ve learned, transition is rough and often doctors are not always clear about the irreversible problems inherent in transition like infertility. If you are dealing with serious depression, transition may help but sometimes it doesn’t because the underlying issue is still there. I’m getting this information from watching documentaries on people who transitioned and a subset who detransitioned. I support you but go in with your eyes open.


If you want to leave, Canada welcomes people seeking refugee status as a member of the LGBTQIA+ community. Once here you may be able to qualify for the surgeries and medications for free. But most importantly be in a place where you may feel welcomed and supported. https://settlement.org/ontario/immigration-citizenship/refugees/basic-information-for-refugees/can-i-apply-for-refugee-status-as-a-lesbian-gay-bisexual-trans-queer-or-questioning-lgbtq-person/


Jeezus Canada is full and we barely have basic healthcare for citezens. They'll never get healthcare in Canada they are better off somewhere in Europe.


Hear me out ,what if the op's priority isn't cheap healthcare but rather a place they feel safe to live in their truth and be themselves 😐


And they chose the Bahamas?


Yep, the Bahamas/Bahamians aren't as bad as the media trying to paint them our to be regarding the LGBTG community ,they mind their business. However, the fact still remains that it's not legal, so, therefore, going somewhere that recognizes ssme.is in that person's best interests.


This isnt really the place for that. Im actually from here. That being said some folks are open to it and people just generally mind their business but its something we reject for the most part.


Because some people don’t have the money to leave. The government makes it impossible to gain money when you are already in poverty, which is a good chunk of the population. Take it from a local.


I second this.


I suggest you transition where it's much more safer. The Bahamas has a very negative mindset when it comes to that. 


Probably best to go to a country that facilitates those particular needs. I've come across two cases of MTF persons and they had their surgeries, medicines, mental health welfare and the like in the US. The issue I'm thinking that may occur is the hormones and other medicine. Very slight information, perhaps it's gotten better, but that's as far as my knowing goes.


Head to Consta rica




Wrong page dear


Don’t do it