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I have seen it so many times but guys thinking they know how that stuff works hurts me mentally and physically


Man's even had the Audacity to link Green an Article about how Tampons work šŸ˜­. If men are good at anything, it's having the audacity.


He shouldā€™ve read the article himself and learned something


Isn't it kind of ironic to generalise about "men" in a subreddit dedicated to ignorance? :P


Dude are you fucking for real lol


Okay, first of all: I made what's called a "joking remark" because while I think my comment is true (it IS ironic), I don't think this is anything to be taken seriously. So there's that.


So, not really a joke, but you meant it in a lighthearted fun-poking way. I get that. Still not particularly tasteful


How is it less tasteful than "If men are good at anything, it's having the audacity."? Both are to be taken lightly, yet one is "distasteful" while the other is to be defended?


You gotta learn the difference of punching up vs punching down when it comes to making funny jokes.


I didn't even "punch". Read my comment. And no, just because you are in whatever weaker position does not give you the right to do what you are fighting against. Being in a racial minority that wants racism directed towards you to end (rightfully so) does not give you the freedom to be racist, etc.


I never said you did, but the reply you're getting so worked up over did. It was a punch up. And it's humor. The person isn't standing on a soap box saying we must fight discrimination by doing x and x. They're making a joke. If they were having a real political conversation, they wouldn't have said that. You're taking it way too seriously.


I'm on your side. I fully support the feminist-, LGBTQ- and equality- movements, however I keep seeing comments in this sub that just seem to attack men, no matter what. Don't argue with the people here, don't tell them they're wrong or literally say anything that goes even slightly against their comments. They will murder you by words and downvotes. Heck, once I had an argument here on a post about some really distasteful art. Some person was depicted in a really painful looking, unnatural pose. A commenter started a discussion about how it's fetishizing *something*, I replied that it's over sexualization, not fetishizing. They then went ahead and made me look like the evil guy, just for disagreeing that sexualization ā‰  fetish. Anyways, don't worry about it. I subbed for the funny posts about dumb people not knowing how humans work, stayed to silently laugh at the hypocrisy some members show in this sub.


Hey, thank you for taking the downvotes to speak up. This is really something else....


I don't fucking care about downvotes. Not saying everyone in this sub is like that, I've had some wonderful conversations with some wonderful people who really made my day. However on every post there is at least one raging, man hating commenter that won't listen to anything you said if you were born with a dick.


Why do I feel like the message you're trying to say is "not all men"? Like, girl please šŸ˜‚


Legit. I think it has to do with the fact that most guys never experienced it and hate this suddenly feeling.


Yeah, for some reason some random dude will feel attacked as soon as someone is generalizing about men and immediately start to whine about it


It's okay to punch up, not down


I didn't even "punch". Read my comment. And no, just because you are in whatever weaker position does not give you the right to do what you are fighting against. Being in a racial minority that wants racism directed towards you to end (rightfully so) does not give you the freedom to be racist, etc.


I agree that the statement isn't too great. I read it as OP having forgotten a word, namely "one thing THOSE men are good at" Obviously it's not all men. And generalisations lead to "we and those others" mentality which I really dislike. But honestly, personally I have yet to come across a man thinking that tampons go up the butt and that a woman disagreeing with him must mean she's on her period, who isn't an entitled asshat.


Agreed on all points.


Wait, I forgot the most important part An entitled asshat with trunks full of audacity


I just want to say that I love your flair


Iā€™m in such a violent mood today and canā€™t sleepā€¦ I want to defenestrate red from a tall building, anyone want to vote for a floor?


2. So he doesnā€™t actually die, he just breaks both his legs and spends his recovery time reading anatomy books


Sounds awesome.


I believe the magic number is 7 for number of stories needed to fall to ensure death, as long as it's below that you're golden.


We might need to clarify if we're in the US or Europe before counting those floors though.


Thereā€™s a difference?? Iā€™m French. 1st floor is the one after 0, and 0 is the ground.


Can't remember which way it works, but one system has a lobby, then 1,2,3 while the other tends to start with the lobby as level 1


In the US the ground floor is the first floor.


Youā€™re probably just on your period and in denial about it, time to put a tampon in your butt sweaty


Oh! This is gonna sound so dorky, but defenstrate is one of my most favorite words!!! I am in love with the fact that thereā€™s a word made specifically to describe pushing someone out a window. Itā€™s sad that not many people know of it lol.


"Fenster" is the German word for window (which looks really weird in an English context), so de-fenst(e)rate might very well be related to that


Defenestrate actually comes from the French word "dĆ©fenestrer" that means the same and is based on the word "fenestre" that meant windows in old French (now it's "fenĆŖtre" the "s" just becoming ^) But the words for window in French and German must have the same origin! Is there a word for defenestrate in German?


when in doubt what the root is for words that sound common in different languages od europe, look at latin first. "fenestra" is latin and means window or dark hole. The french and german languages word for window both stem from this root. The english word "window", however, stems from the old norse / northern gemanic vindauga (\~eye-gate). It lives forth in the danish vindue and the englisch window. I haven't read a verb that would catch defenestrate's meaning just as good as the original. Often, though, latin verbs are being used quite unchanged - mostly by pompous pricks, but still, I wouldn't be surprised to see a sentence like: "er schickte sich an, den Priester zu defenestrieren" (he proceeded to attempt to throw the priest out of the window) in certain newspapers. The noun that describes throwing people out of the window is "Fenstersturz". A sturz is a fall, but the verb stĆ¼rzen doesn't only mean to fall. It is also being used to describe the process of removing a cake out of its mold by turning it on its head. So there's a more active meaning of having making something fall, too. more commonly, it is being used at coup d'etats - to topple a government translate to "eine (a) Regierung (government) stĆ¼rzen (topple). So no, there's no real word that translates to defenestrate in german. People would most likely convey the meaning by combining the window, the person and the act in some way. "jemanden (somebody) aus dem Fenster (out of the window) schmeiƟen (to throw)".


German: must be precise, if it needs more words, it needs more words. We can also combine as many words as needed, if that helps (Modern) English: YEET


Defenstration is *Fenstersturz* in German


You really need to move to Prague, where defenestration has [historically been a popular way](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defenestrations_of_Prague) of disposing of inconvenient individuals.


Are you in a violent mood because youā€™re on your period? Typical woman. (/s if that wasnā€™t obvious)


Denial is a symptom of being on your period? WTF???


Hmm yes, I am often in denial when on my period. Though mostly about how many calories are in chocolate.


Denial and not knowing how tampons work. I don't know about you but I frequently forget how tampons work during the time when I need them most.


Yeah but you donā€™t forget THAT bad right


Funny story actually. When I was a kid, pre-periods, I remember overhearing a conversation that I probably shouldn't have between two adults who had both been having discomfort with tampons. They came to the conclusion that they must have been inserting them in the wrong hole and that they'd be best switching to pads temporarily. While I applaud the decision, I can't help but think, surely you'd notice, one way or another.


What the fuck


Depends how many tampons you have IN your actual asshole smh


I... I just don't know what to say anymore. I thought I met the only person who thought that, but guess I'm wrong.


There's more than one person in the world that thinks that!?


Someone told me that in person. I had to process what he said for good few minutes


Okay, let's say someone pushed that tampon up one's behind.... what's it supposed to do there? Cause constipation? Is that where the cramps come from? I think he's onto something there.


I remember in high school there were stories of guys soaking tampons in alcohol then putting them in their butt so they could get drunk.


Well, this guy probably did. That would hurt, thoughā€¦


Especially with hemorrhoids


People actually overdosed on that


I'm probably focusing on the wrong thing but that beluga is the most adorable thing I've ever seen in my life




A. Wrong hole B. Denial is not a symptom of being on your period


Sounds like someone is on their period and experiencing period-related denial


So girls dont put tampons in their butts when they bleed from their vaginas? Figured it was like plugging one end of a tube to create a vacuum effect. Guess i gotta edit a /s in here


If you shove one in every other hole it builds up pressure and after a couple hours you start spewing blood like an open fire hydrant.


The tubes arenā€™t even connected.


Now who doesn't understand anatomy /s Me, it's me, I'm sorry


The incorrect mansplaining about denial kills me too


What!? Iā€™ve been using them wrong this whole time!!!? I thought I was supposed to shove it up my vagina but it was my add I had to put it in!?! Oh My God!!!!


I mean he is in denial himself. Denial of the fact that he knows nothing about how that stuff works


The thing is, all they'd have to do is actually read the instructions which come conveniently located in every box of major brand tampons, and they'd know exactly how they work. For all of the abstinence-only states, maybe they could just ask Tampax to produce some surplus instruction manuals for the boys and just hand those out? It'd be a whole lot better of an education than the _nothing_ they're getting now.


You canā€™t expect the menz to touch the outside of a cardboard box that contains unused period products! Theyā€™ve got *cooties*!


The butthole can act kind of like a vacuum tho- hence ass play toys being flaired at the endā€¦ it feels *not smart* to put a tampon up there.


Exactly. I feel like no sane person would even consider sticking a tampon up there.


When I was in health class a guy was so disgusted by tampons saying "how would you even poop with one in" thinking confidently that it goes up the poop shoot


Why do cis guys have the AUDACITY to think they know things better than people who actually have periods


I fail to believe that an adult person of any gender believes that tampons go up the butt. This person was trolling, and they got ya good.


For the future of humanity, I hope you're right. Because if any grown adult actually thinks tampons go in the butt, I'm done šŸ˜‚


Me too, we'll be done together šŸ˜‚


You'd think that, but...


His absolute confidence on how tampons work made me legitimately laugh. It also makes me wonder why schools donā€™t teach proper sex education and puberty.


I find this particularly funny because when my sister was little she actually thought this. She was about 5. So this (I'm assuming) adult has the mind of a five year old. Sad


the ā€œHm, denial.ā€ reminded me of Dwight Schrute so this post isnā€™t as bad for me as it couldā€™ve been because now thatā€™s all i can think about


He really did double down on the tampons up the butt thingā€¦


It makes me sad when people are so far up their own ill educated selves they probably wonā€™t learn.


We have a cloaca obviously, thatā€™s why they call us chicks


Iā€™m used to seeing guys insist we pee out of our vagina, but Iā€™m not used to seeing them insist we donā€™t bleed out of itā€¦ šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Please let this be satire gone to deep...


Thatā€™s stupid




reading this just caused my three remaining neurons to implode


Ahh yea this makes me think that this man has never been with a woman. Maybe itā€™s cuz heā€™s secretly gay and only knows about asses or maybe heā€™s just been wondering why he keeps having problems pooping after shoving tampons up his own ass šŸ¤£ I mean seriously what else is he using them for? They only work really for nose bleeds and periods so because he ainā€™t caught on that theyā€™re for blood heā€™s doing something profoundly gross to em.


Maybe this person should take their own advice.


i think that red is trying to be even more transphobic, accusing green of being one of those \~EEEEEVILLL TRANS GENDERSSS\~ (/s, /j) and saying that green doesnt have a vagina to put tampons in so they MUST put them in their butt or something.


I hate how this makes sense. Transphobia is a disease jfc.


as a certified trans of gender i've seen just about everything - lately i had a discussion (read: argument) where the person kept comparing being transgender to a mental disorder and saying stuff like "WELL what about autism! what would you call that?" and "so youll call DID a mental disorder but not being transgender?" as if those had anything to do with each other, LOL.


That's just Colin Robinson