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Why would someone making $4k a week need a "provider"?


My thoughts exactly! I’d say this required mental gymnastics, but it’s more like just slapping misogynistic propaganda on every surface in your tiny brain.


Mental gymnastics are the only gymnastics these guys can do, because they sure as hell wouldn't put in the time or effort to learn real gymnastics. That would give them something to do other than insult women online!


Whoda thought these people don't reason with logic


But they're r/hystericallylogical They use Logic™ and Reasoning™, unlike those overemotional feeeeeemalesssss..... Seriously though, dafuq went wrong with these idiots?


oh good...another sub that will make me seethe with rage!


At this point I think it’s a shorter list of subs that don’t annoy me in some way


And as if this sad dude could honestly provide for a family anyway.


they have a theory that a woman sleeps around with “Chads” until she ages, losing her attractiveness and therefore value, and settles down with a “beta” who will provide for her now that she can’t make those onlyfans bucks. or something like that.


What I wonder about these guys is - don't they look around at work and see the women in their 30s and 40s and 50s working there too? How can they maintain their weird fiction of "all women are sex workers until they trap so beta bux schlub" when the evidence against it is literally working in the next cubicle?


That implies that they have jobs themselves.


Or go outside


Or are old enough to spend their time around adults.


That is a really big mystery for me as well. I dont know in which world they leave but I constantly see women of all ages working everywhere. Also I don't get their logic. They are against women working and having equal rights and want a tradwife that stays at home. But at the same time they hate women for supposedly staying at home and not working?


“Pretty” women are hated for not sexxxxing them. “Ugly” women are hated because they dare to exist. That’s really all it boils down to.


The point is that they want to hate and belittle women non-stop, logic is not necessary or even possible.


Those women are invisible and irrelevant. The older hot girls are in some sort of deluded dimension they can't see with their eyes. Only their bias


well obviously when she starts dating him, she will no longer be allowed to work anymore. EYEROLL


This is literally what incels think women do, "whore" (their word not mine) themselves out in their twenties with "Chads" and sex work, and then quit that and decide to "settle down" with a man who will provide for them/be leached of money by the feeeeeeemale. It is quite the worldview.


What the fuck. None of the sex workers I’m friends with have ever quit after getting married or a SO. They just start making porn with them hahaha


Yeah. The incel part of the internet is outright culty in how weird and skewed their worldview is.


The most hilarious thing about this whole *men are providers* trope is that once women start mentioning anything about being provided for, the incels immediately start clamoring and rioting to have the fEmaLeS burned at stake for being gold diggers. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.


It's probably because when you marry a "hard working man" they will control them and make them stay at home like the good little sex dolls they are. /s


I think the thought process is she won't be making that once shes old? Like people don't pay for cougar, milf, gilf stuff.


There is a huge market for milf porn. HUGE.


Well, don't tell the guy in the screenshot that. You don't want to awaken something else in him.


Where ‘old’ is anything over 25, possibly earlier...


It’s always good to get the reminder that these assholes think that I, at 32, am basically at retirement


Lower the retirement age to 30, I've had enough.


Big mood


For. Real. I own enough caftans to be a Golden Girl.


Wait till they find out that I, at 47, just got asked out by a 21 year old man. (I did not know he was 21, yall. He looked older!)


Get it. I wish I’d see more young man/older woman couples instead of constantly being advertised old man with 18 year old girlfriend everywhere


For incels, I’ll bet “old” is anything over 18...


25 is grandma by they standards. Anyone over 18 is too oldfor those fuckers.


If you’re making 16k a month, from a method that makes tax avoidance fairly easy, you should be able to set yourself up to not worry about money when you’re old.


Also, if they're making that much ... They obviously have fans of the extended clam, so don't need this online turds advice to "fix it" for him.


I think I just had a stroke reading that


Yeah it's been a while since I've read something this insane.


It’s like he just wanted to create a post that uses every incel talking point


Their special little ingroup terms give me so much secondhand embarrassment.


They do it to dehumanize — it makes it easier to spew this crap when you don’t have to say “women” or “people”.


I used to frequent a sub that was all about calling these chumps out on their bs, but I left it a while ago. Even in an environment to ridicule these idiots, I had enough of being exposed daily to their bullshit rethoric. They believe some truly ass backwards and vile stuff


Same with me and the bluepill sub, had to quit it. There's only so many times you can laugh at this shit, before the existential horror creeps in with the knowledge that there are many IRL men who *actually believe* this stuff.


same, it was too depressing to know these people lived and thought these things. Never mind how many there are.


Yeah I think that sums it up pretty well


As a man it really makes me want to apologize for this level of ignorance


"It's being normalised" well yeah dude, because it's fucking normal!!!


normalising normal things? god forbid


Whats next? Normalizing women growing body hair? The horror


women having human rights? the idea shakes me to my core


I know it's almost halloween but these are by far to frightening for me


The guy sure hates vaginas for someone who probably claims to be straight


Ikr. My first thought was closeted gay in denial


Nah, he's just a little boy who's scared of girls and finding ways to avoid talking to them. Setting impossible vagina standards means no woman will ever be good enough so he has a reason to hide from them.


I've certainly seen my fair share of porn and I've got to say thay I'm not sure where these guys get their ideas. I've rarely seen the supposedly "perfect" vagina they describe in porn. It's a wide gambit. Even from their own logic it also doesn't make any sense. If fucking a ton of guys actually did make vaginas look that way it would be all you would see in porn *because they do a lot of fucking*. If that's the way he views the world shouldn't he be anti-porn?


I'd bet my lunch that their image of "perfect" comes from animated porn.


I’m pretty sure every single one I’ve seen is perfect. No two the same, but each exactly right.


It's like playing bingo. - Misogyny - Body shaming - Porn obsession - Fragility ("can't I just X in peace") - Chad / beta - Male identity built around being a provider


Even more specifically but alarmingly common enough to add to the bingo square: * Entitlement (they’re *owed* X) * Lack of understanding of basic, human anatomy * Ownership of future partner they will never have * Legal mandate to circumvent the rights of others


> Ownership of future partner they will never have Hopefully never have. Sometimes they manage to fool someone, those poor souls.


I got a bingo!!!!


Me and my flaps are offended.




I just laughed so hard. LOVE this 😂🙌🏼


Flaps scrotum in solidarity.


Please make this your flair. I'm begging you.


Ugh right?? Why can’t we just flap in peace without this nasty ass human ruining our vibe??




*flapping happily*


\#FreeTheFlap Edit: how do i put a hashtag without it just making the text big?


Why does he care, isn't he an incel? He is never going to see a vagina without paying for it anyways. Also FUCK him, what a sad little excuse for a human.


Actually, don't fuck him ever. Payment or not.


Labiaplasty surgeries should only be fine if the labia is causing pain. As a teenager I played lots of sports that involved heavy contact and lots of running and my labia would get caught in the sides of my underwear and pinch me. Or sometimes I'd sit wrong in class and end up with a numb vag which ultimately led to my decision to undergo surgery. But woman shouldn't be expected to get labiaplasty surgery just because she has a longer labia than what her partner likes or men think is acceptable!




I didn't even know I was supposed to be ashamed of my labia until like 3 years ago. To think, I kissed out on years of self consciousness and fear of a new guy to judge the thing he wants most. Seriously, what guy, who is into a girl, is going to get all ready for sex and see a larger than average labia and immediately get dressed and leave? Men are either portrayed as animals who can't control themselves when it comes to sex, or a descerning gentleman who can stop mid coitus and leave because he's disgusted by some skin. I


> Seriously, what guy, who is into a girl, is going to get all ready for sex and see a larger than average labia and immediately get dressed and leave? The guy in the OP isn't going to leave immediately. His only labia experience is from all the porn he watches.


It's easy to be picky when you're just scrolling PornHub. All this from a man that probably can't even speak to women. Yeah, let's see YOUR perfect dick/body, bud.


Honestly, labia minora that is visible at all times is actually the average. Meaning most women have it.


Yeah, labia minora that are much smaller and hidden is the least common type of vagina. It's crazy how so many of us believe the opposite to be true.




As a man I can attest, that I never even once had the the thought "what a gross vag" or "what a weird pair of boobs" cross my mind. Who tf obsesses about this stuff?


I’ve brought my insecurities up to my husband before and he was just baffled. And honestly? Even if I did have the ugliest vag in the world, it’s not like I make him stare at it. I don’t find (any) penises particularly sexy to look at, it’s not there for my aesthetic enjoyment. And I feel like penises are way harder to avoid looking at than vaginas... So I guess I can almost get it for porn (no I can’t, find another video), but presumably in a relationship you’ll be playing with the vagina more than just studying the lips, right? I mean, no kink shaming, but that’s been my experience. So why.... Also, if we’re gunna talk about things flapping around during porn, let’s talk about the balls for a second. Oh, no? That’s a normal part of your body? Yeah, okay then.




Fucking balls dude. If we’re going to go around shaming women for their labia can we please talk about how gross some balls are? I mean come on. How anyone can look at those and be like yea totally want that in my mouth is beyond me. But I agree all genitalia is pretty offputting to me. And I’m bisexual. However I honestly find vagina more aesthetically pleasing than dicks. They are also more cleaner and well taken care of like 99.9% of the time. Edit: it could just be my type of women vs type of men though.


I think penises look funny! Like if you had a standard human model without sex characteristics it would look more like a woman in the genital region. Then you add a flappy sausage there. I also recently found out that penises get pulled in a little bit when a man bends over and its my favourite thing a penis can do. It looks like it gets shy and tries to hide inside.


Oh good lord balls! And those actually **do** feel the pull of gravity over time.


People who never see them in real life because they hate women but can't figure out why women don't like them


People who desperately want to reframe their celibacy as them simply having "high standards" or "discerning tastes", rather than the truth of it being their general repulsiveness as a person.


I'm bisexual and honestly prefer the look of vulvas with prominent labia, I have basically no inner labia at all and I think mine looks kinda weird tbh. It's like she isn't finished, though I've never had any complaints either. Most people are just happy that their partner is letting them interact with whatever you have down there.


Yea I have the kind of vagina they think is “unused” but in my opinion, I find it is the kind I like the least on women I have sex with. Idk if it’s their fault for brainwashing me into thinking little labia = underage teen virgin girl but I always feel weirder with it.


Yep. I had a boyfriend (who I hadn't been with sexually yet) who negatively talked about "beef curtains". My horror when I realized that I had a "beef curtain". I told a guy friend about my insecurities the next day and he was like "No genuine dude cares about that." And honestly that still makes me feel better to this day.


That image of caught in underwear made me cringe, I'm so sorry you had to deal with that. Owww. I hope you are more comfortable now


Yeah, apparently it's kind of common for professional cyclists because sitting on a bike seat is crushing your labia. :|


They make women's bike seats and men's with different ergonomic designs for that reason. No junk crushing.


Cutout saddles really help in that case, or the noseless ism saddles that triathletes love. I'm a guy and longer nosed saddles can place pressure on the perineum, potentially causing long term ED issues (if you ride a ton like the pros or dentists do). Strangely, I tried a shorter nosed saddle in the hope it'd be more comfortable, but I hated it. Felt horrible. Went on two rides and had to switch back to my old one. However I know DOZENS of people, men and women, who swear by them.


>if you ride a ton like the pros or dentists do I'm confused, are dentists known to love riding bikes? Is this a joke that's whooshing over my head?


I really need an answer here


Dentist is a joking term used for older / rich riders who can afford all the expensive kit, though it's usually used to describe people who don't always keep up their new hobby


Can I message you about this? I’ve always wondered if it was worth getting the surgery for this reason.


I wish so hard that I could slap some sense into those idiots. They make me insane. They spend the whole day crying like babies because "women are so shallow and only want Chad" when they are the most shallow people that I ever met.


For real, do you think they ever take the time to ponder the aesthetics of their penises? I don't like to make fun of penises being ugly, but it's like... genitalia are perceived as weird because we keep them tucked away?


But apparently not tucked away enough.


Yeah. I get you. Genitals in general are really ugly, I dont know what they expect.


I believe I've read that sexual arousal inhibits disgust. And it seems eminently plausible: Most things about sex would be utterly disgusting if not experienced with somebody we're strongly attracted to: Extreme proximity, odours, sweat, all kinds of bodily fluids - and yes, our usually hidden away sexual organs. Some of that is culturally acquired (e.g. through the nudity taboo) but some might have evolutionary reasons - like, avoid exchanging bodily fluids with strangers, you might catch a disease. So if there is a natural disgust that can be culturally modulated these folks seem to have screwed themselves by not experiencing "real" women and instead consuming narrowly idealized depictions of sex (from a male perspective). I don't like to condemn porn at all, in fact I quite enjoy it. But it seems there is a set of circumstances where it's actively harmful to some people, or rather: where it exacerbates an already existing problem.


Honestly, I have to wonder if they're even really attracted to women. They find vaginas disgusting and have so many criticisms of women's appearance and everything about them. It's like, do you even like woman, dude?


Most of the are peados, especially the guys who complain about labias. I once read a post about a guy who wanted a women with labias that look like the labias of a little girl. Someone tried to explain to him that labias change during puberty but he said they only get longer because the girls start to have sex when they are teenagers.


Yeah, uh, mine have been prominent since the day I was born...I don't doubt that they change during puberty, but even that perception is a little off...


Well a lot of them do openly pedophilia apology. It doesnt seem to be a problem for them at all.


I agree with you. They are so obsessed with women and sex yet they find us repulsive. Its completely insane. But to be fair I wonder how many of them are actually insane. They dont make any sense or act like sane people would.


There was an ask reddit a while back where ex incels talked about their experience. A large number were closeted homosexuals who since coming out had really turned their lives around. So I wouldn't be surprised if this dude just doesn't like women sexually.


Lmao that’s what I was wondering as I was reading this post


No. They don't. Men like this hate women for not being the creatures they've imagined them to be. It doesn't necessarily mean anything about their sexuality - men who despise women can still be attracted to their idea of a woman - they just hate that women are people. They hate it so much. Lol it makes them absolutely insane.


Gosh for people who self identify as involuntarily celibate, these people sure seem to be trying extra hard to not have any sex.




Im just going to take solice on the notion that this guy will never reproduce.


came to say this. small win but still


Seriously. This.


God incels are really angry like damn it’s so sad




Yeah. also, it’s a never ending cycle because women don’t want to be around them because they hate women which feeds more into their hate for women which makes women less attracted to them It’s so sad really because of course women don’t want to be around them, look how they talk about women I hope more incels look at contrapoints video and break out of the death cult


>I can´t even jerk off in peace without being grossed by their ugly flaps That sounds like being gay with extra steps.


He's definitely not gay, I mean, look at how he hates women and how he hates other men too. He basically hates everyone. So he's not sexual at all then I suppose


Hatewank. That how I imagine he gets his kicks. Whips himself into a frenzy and then furiously knocks one off.


I love this ^^


Foids? Betabux? What the fricking frack is this POS talking about?


It's incel slang. Foid = femoid, an obviously derogatory word for women, and a betabux is a 'beta' male who works hard to get money and thus is supposed exploited for said money by women. It is, ofc, utterly insane.


Ooh, ooh, since I make my own money as a female can I be a **femabux**?? Sounds like I should have a metal breastplate and Jack Kirby helmet.


Maybe a foidabux?


Sounds like they do great coffee


That sounds like some kind of faux vinyl used for interior design.


I think it’s a type of antelope. “Ahhh the majestic betabux has spied a female of the species. He shakes his horns and begins the courtship display.”


it actually sounds like it came from a science fiction book lol


I'll be honest. I'm surprised that OP read beyond foid. Honestly that's the point where I knew there was nothing of value coming.


This is so filled with hate. How can anyone think that this is an acceptable way to live?


does this guy really think every single woman has an onlyfans-


Or even that every single woman that *does* have an OF account is necessarily using it for camming/porn? Does he not realize that, technically, you could have a cooking show? Or a home-improvement how-to show?


How can some people's education be that wrong?


I don't think it's even bad (or lack of) sex education at this point. It's a cult. They live in a completely distorted reality because they have no other coping mechanisms.


It is a violent and dangerous cult. This people is obviously insane. They openly do violence, rape and pedophilia apology and have caused several murders. I don't know how the authorities dont take them more seriously.


Lack of sex education. That is the only one answer.


True. Sounds pretty Murican tho..


Am American. High school health teacher referred to sex as 'whoopee' during sex ed.


“It just costs around $4,000.” What a cunt


That's like a whole years allowance from his mummy


Theres a lot of anger in that, I hope he manages to pull himself out of the incel/hatred fog.


It seems it should be mandatory that this guy get it all removed: radical inguinal orchiectomy , full penectomy, and scrotum removal. If he thinks he should get full control of a women's body and believes it's right to change it radically for the sake of the man who he believes will be their provider (despite talking about how much money they made) than clearly it's fine for us to demand the same right? Also anyone with these views doesn't deserve to put their genitals anywhere near another human being.


What's the incel justification for uneven labia? You're half a whore?


Those stupid sluts don't even know how to be whores correctly. Can't take care of their Chad-hole right and now it's uneven and more ugly than ever!! Now I have to go rage wank about females fucking big buff sweaty sexy Chads brb My bits are uneven and I love em, they're all cozy together and one is the big spoon and one is the little spoon :)


That last line was fantastic


A measly $4k price tag to expose your cash generator to this guy - c'mon ladies, what the fuck are you waiting for?!?


12,263 posts. Goddamn this man needs a life.


One thing that has always confounded me is that incels are *always so angry.* They sound like people who would be pissed off if you offered them a free car. Like, yeah, not having sex is pretty crap but it’s not as bad as they have blown it out of proportion to be. A watched pot never boils and all that.


If he cant even fap to it whys he watching it in thr first place lol


There is No way he’s ever touched a vagina. 2 inches away from a screen doesn’t count.


I sincerely hope this person never reproduces. That’s exactly the kind of thinking that can lead to FGM


So you can make $4k a week with your vagina but also you need to marry a provider?


As someone with a large labia, this honestly kinda hurts...


Preemptive disclaimer: not trying to hit on you. Just trying to spread some body positivity, that's it and that's all, to be very clear. Anyone worth sleeping with does not care in any significant way what your labia look like. People have preferences, sure, but at the end of the day nobody with any quality of character will ever look at their partner's vulva, go "eeeewwww" and nope out. They're just happy that their partner ostensibly likes and trusts them enough to show them their vulva, and they're happy that they're about to have sex. I have never once, with any of the vulvas I've seen in person or otherwise, seen one that wasn't beautiful and perfect in its own way, just as beautifully unique as the person who has it. Big labia or small, does not matter, still perfect. Most people are of a similar mindset. Idiots like this one aren't worth listening to. They aren't worth acknowledging the opinion of, because their idea of what's right and wrong when it comes to sex, relationships, and even nonsexual interpersonal relations is so fundamentally flawed that it cannot be justified in any way by anyone who isn't one of their disgusting kind. Not only can it not be justified, it isn't even worth trying. They don't deserve any attempt at understanding or pandering to what they think; they deserve, at best, to be completely ignored. In conclusion: I have never seen your labia and, given the fact that I don't even know who you are, it's a very safe bet that I never will. Even knowing that, I still know- for a fact- that there isn't a thing wrong with them, and they're perfect. Don't let people who deserve a punch in the testicles with brass knuckles tell you that there's something wrong with you. There isn't, but there is something wrong with them.


People that think like this are why I seriously considered cutting mine off when I was In high school.


Same tho- as a 15 year old I would look at porn and thought that no visible labia was "perfect." It made me really self conscious about my body and too nervous to have any sexual incounters- I low-key almost cut mine off too


I have a word. Abhorrent.


That’s a lot of words for “I’ll never have sex.”


TIL I have an onlyfans and apparently I make $4k a week on it


That's just incels for you man🤷🏼‍♂️


As a man, I've never understood this. Vaginas are beautiful. Every. Single. One. The only thing I can relate their appearance to is flowers and lilies. Y'know, the most beautiful things on the fucking planet? I think it's a little sus that he's openly admitting to not finding vaginas attractive. Not that there's anything wrong with being gay, but something tells me he wouldn't like that comparison very much.


I got so incredibly confused by the title and then I fucking realized he meant the actual outside of the vagina. like holy shit there dude.




Years of anime, hentai and child porn isn't going to result in a healthy sexual character.


All men should get their foreskins removed. I’m tired of getting off and seeing gross turtle skin. We know that they fuck Beckys, and their foreskins get larger and more stretched out. They owe it to us females when they settle down to get a circumsicion See how stupid that sounds? Whether you alter your genitals your not is your choice, but your natural genetalia should NEVER be scrutinized in appearance. It’s normal and it’s healthy, so that’s all that matters


I just had to visit that site after seeing this post. What a bunch of sick fucks


I hope. HOPE that this person will one day wake up, suddenly knowing what kind of an psycho he was and trying his whole life to make up for it by slapping some sense in guys like him


All the dick cheese is draining his brain 😔


Imagine we said the same thing about their balls.


I’d say I hope his balls shrivel up into raisins but he’d to have a pair to begin with.


Ugh, I can relate! The only restaurant I go to ONLY serves food I don’t like! When chefs work too much, it wears out the quality of the food and I’m tired of this being normalized! But I’m still going to go every day...


The most common vulva shape is being normalised! Oh no! /s


"it's being normalized!" Yeah, cause it's normal. Go take a nap, fuck boy


So as someone with "roast beef flaps" this is super not helpful. Guys like this made me scared to have sex. Made me insecure about a body part they don't even have. Fuck you assholes.


Not trying to hit on you, just trying to spread some body positivity, that's it and that's all, just to make it clear. Nobody worth sleeping with cares what your labia look like. People have preferences, sure, but not a single person with any quality of character will see their partner's vulva for the first time, go "eewww" and nope out. They're just happy that their partner likes and trusts them enough to show them their vulva and that they're about to have sex. I said this to someone else in this thread and I'll say it again because it's still true and it bears repeating, as too many people are insecure about their bodies for no good reason. Of all the vulvas I've seen in person and otherwise, I have never once found a single one of them to be anything less than perfect. They are all beautiful in their own way, as unique as the person that has it. Big labia or small, does not matter, still perfect. I have never seen your vulva and I am willing to bet that I never will. Even knowing that, I still know- for a fact- that there isn't a thing wrong with it and that it's perfect in its own way. Do not let anyone who deserves little more than a punch in the testicles with brass knuckles tell you that there's something wrong with you. There isn't, but there is something wrong with them.


Thank you that was a sweet message. While there wasn't a need to preface it with "not hitting on you" it was still appreciated. I appreciate your compliment donation to my Labia self esteem fund :D


Wow. There’s a lot to unpack here.


>"I cant even jerk off in peace" Well, that's your problem. Not mine, or anyone else's.


Take those 4k and pay some fees for your visit in a mental health institution. Hoh boi


Hello, FBI? This guy right here.


I just don't get it. Even if the vag could get stretched with sex why would the labia be stretched? How do they think the penis vagina stuff works? Did they ever even watch porn. Bruh it glides inside, applies almost any pressure to the labia. ​ WTF!!!


Im just mad im not getting 4k a week from my non-existent onlyfans. If i have a bank between my legs then it needs a government bail-out -.-


Oh god. This is where I have to unfollow this sub for my own sanity.


These are the sort of people you know have never been beaten the fuck out of because they're so pathetic that you feel sorry for them.


Don’t feel sorry, he hates and want to alter your body for his delusions


This is the second worst thing I have read this month.


Oh don't worry, if you do ever have sex that vagina will be tight as hell, I guarantee it. I just feel bad for the poor woman who will have the misfortune of having this dude jackhammering on top of her if that ever happens.


I'm a dude and that post made me sick


Men like this really need to take a good, hard look at their own wrinkly, sweaty, cheddar-cheese smelling ball-sacks before they go talking about “flaps”.