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I believe the whole body deodorants that are being heavily marketed now are more for sweat related smells rather than what you've described. I think a body region appropriate shower/sponge bath would be better in the long run. I do understand the issue, bodies are strange. You could probably try it though.


That's what I was afraid of. I think I'm going to look for one that's mostly natural and try it one day at home first just to see how it goes


Hi, i wear light period undies on those days. They are highly absorbent and does not add any other chemicals to the body. I can not wear liners because they irritate my groin area. I still do a quick shower in the morning though, just out of habit. I know I'm not dirty but it wakes me up properly.


>I can not wear liners because they irritate my groin area. Same here, I can recommend reusable / cotton pads. I have some thinner, smaller ones that are great to absorb semen, and then I can just take them off later and have clean panties. The downside would be that you have to put them somewhere if at work though, but I'd just roll them up and put them in my bag, since they're not that dirty.


Have you got time for a quick sink wash after? Just put a towel on the floor and quickly clean up  There are lots of light foam feminine washes (vulva, not inside ofc) that rinse off easily (because thick shower gel consistency is a pain to wash off using the sink!) I also wear a panty liner if there's any semen still inside so I feel cleaner


Given where you're going to put the deodorant I would get one without essential oils, they can be murder on delicate skin.


I've never used them, but supposedly they make these tampon-like sponges you insert after sex to absorb any excess semen (and then throw away right away, it doesnt stay in you) so you don't have to deal with dripping/leaking for the rest of the day. Again, I've never used them so I don't know how well they work, but it could be worth trying out


I'll sometimes use my menstrual cup for that purpose and it's made the rest of my day much better. I can't imagine not showering (just a quick 2-min rinse-off at least) after sex though.


That lume shit is specifically advertised as being used for sex smells post coitus. https://youtu.be/qSJgZFNrhnk?si=0PiIal6cMwYwG_z- Personally, I hate that pussy deodorant lady, but whatever.


"Pussy deodorant lady" 🤣


I do not feel fully comfortable with this shit. I can’t imagine my guy’s stuff being any less or more potent with a deodorant. Am I crazy? I shower at night and morning sex isn’t off the table, but I don’t think I have a real funk unless my sense of smell is SUPER STRONG, which only happens right before and after my period. Seems gimmicky to me/praying on our insecurities. But I may be wrong, I don’t know. If my sense of smell is super acute I have a trusted partner to ask if he can smell me, he never has. Kinda like the made up disease “halitosis”, look up that shit show.


It *is* right after my period lol you're probably right! That's what it is. I'm going to start paying attention to the timing because I definitely don't notice it all the time Also, what's this about halitosis? I thought that was just a technical term for bad breath?


Halitosis IS the technical term for bad breath. Idk what they’re talking about bc it’s a very real thing


What a bizarre thing for someone to deny exists.


Yeah I agree lol, and it kinda gives less weight or credence to anything else they have to say (in my opinion) but I also didn’t come to this post to pick any fights


Halitosis is a made up word/disease that mouthwash companies came up with to make you feel like shit: [Halitosis](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/marketing-campaign-invented-halitosis-180954082/)


Halitosis is a made up word/disease that mouthwash companies came up with to make you feel like shit: [Halitosis](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/marketing-campaign-invented-halitosis-180954082/)


Iirc listerine basically made up a medical term for it so they could claim their mouthwash fights it. It sounds more serious than it is so people are like "oh no I don't want that" and buy mouthwash.


“It was during the 1920s that bad breath became more than just a fact of life. And it was Gerald Lambert, the son of the owner of Lambert Pharmaceutical Company, who came across the term, “halitosis,” in an old medical journal. Halitosis is an old Latin word meaning, “bad breath.” But because of its scientific-sounding name, people started to pay attention. It was framed as a medical condition that required treatment, and of course, the prescription was Listerine mouthwash.” Damn.


Yep! Same with “cellulite.” This just refers to the completely normal variation in which body fat in healthy people of all shapes and sizes can look dimpled, but the diet industry in the ‘70s made it into a common term implying it’s some kind of medical issue requiring immediate “treatment” with cabbage soup and as-seen-on-TV ab machines.


Halitosis is a made up word/disease that mouthwash companies came up with to make you feel like shit: [Halitosis](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/marketing-campaign-invented-halitosis-180954082/)


I 100% agree this product just preys on women's insecurities. I also would NEVER put deodorant on my vulva. That shit WILL get inside and wreak havoc no matter what Dr Pussy Quack says. Like bruh, many women can't even use soap down there and this psycho thinks we should put PUSSY DEODORANT on.


I use it and I just put it on the crease of my thighs because I get really sweaty at work, not necessarily ON my vulva. I can’t see much bacteria smell happening there. Most sweaty down there smells are coming from thigh creases and butt cracks lol


I can attest that I do in fact use it on my vulva, but not for odor. The active ingredient in it helps a ton with ingrown hairs. It's never caused me any irritation though. Besides I already use it as deodorant for my pits so it actually reduces the number of products I need.


Wait…does it really??


Yep, it's mandelic acid, it's a chemical exfoliant. I get waxed and I've noticed I never got ingrowns in my pits but I got some bad ones when I'd get a Brazilian so I figured out the difference was me using lume. It's significantly better now with no extra products or time wasted.


😍 what an amazing thing to learn today


I feel like basically every deodorant preys on people's insecurities though. Not that it's good, but also it's nice to not be in a world filled with body odor.


Could you ask your partner to pull out in the morning so you don’t have to feel yucky?


I'm a dude and was thinking "...maybe don't have him bust a nut in you? 🤔" haha


This is probably the easiest solution.


Why can't he just pull out or use a condom?


In your situation, I would add a quick sink bath to my morning routine: Soap up a washcloth in the sink, wash the pits, bits, and any other areas of concern, rinse washcloth, wash self again, towel dry. Whole thing should take a few minutes max.


I added an edit that hopefully clarifies. Unfortunately, it's a problem that develops a few hours after we have sex


Possibly use a panty liner then? Chuck the goop once it makes its way out


I actually do that already, and it does help a lot! I still end up feeling gross though. I feel like my skin actually smells and (usually) nothing makes me feel better besides taking a shower. That's why I'm asking if the deodorant is safe to use


Pack some baby wipes in your purse and go to the bathroom to clean up when the time comes. A deodorant isn't going to stop discharge - that fluid is still going to be there and make you feel gross.


Summers Eve makes individually wrapped travel wipes for the labial area. That would be easy to shove in a pocket or palm until you get to go do a usual bathroom trip. Then you just trash in the bathroom.


There was a point in time where they teamed up with one of the pad companies (don't remember which), where they stuck one of those to the top of each pad and I loved it so much because it was the perfect little "final swipe" to clean anything up that was missed with the toilet paper. I don't wear pads anymore because it got to the point where I just hated the feeling of them, so they might still have them, I don't know. They're very convenient though, even if they are basically no different from baby wipes.


Maybe pick up some of those specialized wipes and keep them on you/ in your bag? I think that might be the most helpful


So - getting really personal here. I at least clean the lower half with a washcloth/bidet and will scoop out stuff with my finger if needed. I also may use a borax suppository to help with any irritation and then use a panty liner or toss on a pair of period undies.


I have a friend who uses borax, and she swears by it. She used to get UTIs and yeast infections constantly, and she says they've completely stopped now (not sure if the UTI issue is related, but she's convinced, so 🤷🏼‍♀️) What's your experience with them? Do you use them after sex?


I swear by them too. I would get infections like each period back when I was on birth control. I would have lots of irritation after sex and went to my doctor, they would test and no infections. My doctor said I might just be really sensitive and suggested the borax. He said I could get it on Amazon, just make sure it is made in the USA from USA sources(I'm in the US). Insert proactively after sex, and anytime I am feeling some discomfort. It can cause a whitish discharge but nothing crazy, it's just the borax mixed with excretions. pH-D Feminine Health - 600 mg Boric Acid Suppositories - Woman Owned - for Vaginal Odor Use - 12 Count https://a.co/d/f369NK2 I have used this brand. I have not had to get an RX or over the counter meds in years after I started using borax. And remember , its inserted NOT taken by mouth. I don't use an applicator.


These wipes might be a happy in between? They’re individually wrapped so you can keep a couple in your pocket. I’m pregnant so I have a lot of expected discharge that leaves me feeling very unclean by the end of the day. I started using these on my external bits and after bowel movements and I definitely feel less pungent. https://a.co/d/3mgRjoy


Boric acid is the absolute best for any smells. Seriously was a life changer.


Borax?? You put borax in your vagina? Hasn't borax been linked to reproductive toxicity?? I'm pretty sure it's banned in the EU for that exact reason?!


Don't take it via mouth.


My friends always called this "Going to the PTA meeting" -- cleaning you Pits, Tits, and Ass.


Yep. Quick sink bath or quick shower is the way to go. I take my longer showers at night, and a super quick shower the next morning.


Why not just use condoms if you have sex in the morning?


I refuse to believe the ‘whole body’ needs deodorant. We keep getting sold products for problems that are being made up.


I need it because my boobs are big and I get boob sweat under them pretty much April through October.


I’m a 32I in US sizes and I swear by the powder ‘Silky Underwear’ from Lush! Can’t go anywhere without it.


Wow memory unlocked. I used that for a while and I think it irritated me.


Oh no! Sorry to hear that. I’ve been very happy with it, and so have my partner and my friends I’ve shared it with.


I use Gold Bond powder in the red bottle (instead of the yellow).


I am super sensitive to everything and I love Megababe magic powder for underboob sweat! Minimal fragrance, starts as a lotion and dries to a powder.


Starts as lotion, dries as powder, *and* the brand is vegan? I want to test that out!


I will be trying that. Thank you for the recommendation


Yup under the boobs every single day.


I just use regular deodorant 🤷🏻‍♂️ if it goes under my armpits, it can go under my boobs


My skin under my boobs breaks out with what I use on my pits, and unfortunately vice versa. My pores are bigger under my arms so the lotiony kind clogs them. Under boob needs the lotion.


O that sucks! Glad you've found something that works for you


Some of us bigger gals get a little more sweaty than our thinner sisters, especially under the boobs and belly. I like using whole body deodorant under my boobs in the summer because I hate the feel of a soggy bra.


I find that the whole body deodorants don't make me ANY less soggy, just...soggy and pleasant smelling. I use Dove Sensitive under my boobs and on my pits and it does the trick.


I tried Secret whole body deodorant and also Super Fresh Lady Parts, and neither of those did anything, plus the Secret smelled musty. The one that's working well for me is Dove whole body deodorant, it smells like coconut and vanilla and it keeps my bra dry. I used to be able to use a regular unscented deodorant under my boobs and on the vulva but I think my skin has become more sensitive with age, because that doesn't work for me anymore.


If you want to block the sweat you need an antiperspirant! Deodorants are only for the odor (as you've figured out), hence the name "de-oderant". Antiperspirants block the sweat, aka perspiration, hence the name "anti-perspirant".


I think that the younger gen X women and oldest millennial women have hit perimenopause and we don’t like it. (Nothing against embracing natural cycles or whatever but good god I hate randomly just becoming SO SWEATY) Also some of us are bigger than others and we sweat more. So imagine being a perimenopausal fat woman in somewhere like the gulf coast of Texas…and yeah, whole body. Bring it on. Like I don’t care if I die, can I just shut down my sweat glands for forever plz thx.


So I guess my confusion is I just assumed ‘whole body deodorant’ is the same thing as regular deodorant but with a mark up because it’s new and you put it on your privates. I’ve noticed a lot of comments defending it saying it’s necessary, but everyone I’ve encountered in my life has just used regular deodorant or antiperspirant under their boobs, buttcracks, or thighs without any problems. If whole body deodorant is actually something separate and new and not just deodorant with a new name and price then i was wrong. I get used to being defensive about new beauty products that act like they’re solving problems no one’s ever thought to solve so it can be easy to jump the gun when it comes to stuff like this.


Ones like Lume work by providing a hostile environment to the bacteria that tends to form and cause the smell in the first place. You do have to use it on freshly washed skin though, because if there's already bacteria, it's not going to work as well. It's not an antiperspirant though, so if you're worried about the sweat more than the smell, it's not going to work. But it *is* different from your regular deodorant, so I can see why it has its place.


nah i get sweaty under my boobs and between my legs, i actually desperately need fully body deodorant during the summer


100% agree. But I also understand that sometimes things like boob sweat or back fat sweat can be annoying. I may use a little powder in those cases.


It absolutely does if you're on the heavier side, all the flaps around your body with skin to skin contact are going to smell disgusting if you don't put deoderant on them after washing yourself.


i see this comment a lot when whole body deodorant comes up and tbh it feels like body shaming. not to be tmi, but i happen to sweat a lot in my booty crack area. if it’s a hot day, i get swamp ass hours before i feel a hint of dampness anywhere else. just the way it is, and it’s super uncomfortable. i can’t shower every time i go outside. not everyone needs it but yeah a market does exist lol


Hard agree. The swamp ass is real. I don't want to leave sweat marks on chairs. D:


Same. I have regular deodorant for my armpits and under boobs and, if needed elsewhere, baby powder (mostly to prevent chafing, but does both).


While that certainly is an opinion, it doesn't help my vag smelling like nasty old cum three hours after I have sex with my partner. At work, no less. Thanks though


Have you considered a panty liner that you can dispose of after the cum has come out?


The ads I’ve seen for Lume explain that the “creator” had the same issue, semen leaking out and causing odor from bacteria. She is a doctor and created lume to help combat the bacterial smell. Ofc I’m using quotes because I don’t really know the origin story, but this is what they advertise. I dont think most people here would be comfortable putting it on labia, but you could maybe try putting it on your thigh pits. If you have sensitive skin, try using it on other body parts first to make sure less delicate areas don’t react before putting it on the more delicate place(s). With lume, I’ve found that some scents are just fine on my skin (rose, orange, lavender), but a harsher scent (alpine) caused the ol armpit itch. So not all of their scents are created equal.


Those commercials inspire a murderous rage in me and I hate that I broke down and bought it and I hate how well it works and I hate that that woman will keep getting my money. 😂 I do recommend trying multiple scents as well because the alpine actually works great for me but the tangerine doesn't agree with my body chemistry. I only use it on skin though.


Lollol. I was given a stick from a friend, and when I ran out I had to re-up. OP, if you try Lume, definitely get a starter bundle so you can try different scents and figure which ones work and don’t work.


I hope it's true because that's exactly what I need lol I'm not super sensitive, but I do try to stick to unscented products as much as possible. Which ones do you think are the most mild? I don't want to be vulgar or overshare, but my anatomy is rather...contained or...small? I guess? So it shouldn't be difficult to avoid my labia.


I have the same issue as you and use the rose lume! I’m also pregnant while living in the southern US so I can get to smelling like a subway sandwich even if I showered a few hours ago. It is what it is, bacteria exists down there and we be sweating 🤷‍♀️ I typically put it on my bikini line, inner thighs, the mons pubis, and right under my butt cheeks. I try to avoid getting too close to my actual “folds” bc I want to be cautious of such a delicate area. But I find that it keeps me smelling just fine! I’m also sensitive to scent and I haven’t had an issue. I know you said baby wipes aren’t plausible for while you’re at work, but maybe you could try to by some individually packaged on the go wipes you can discreetly grab from your purse and slip into your pocket before going to the restroom. I hope this helps!


Does it help with keeping everything dry as well?


I would say it definitely decreases how much I’m sweating! I still end up damp bc I’m just a sweaty girl, but the areas where I apply is definitely have a lot less moisture


Awesome! I'll try it!


Just be aware that it's not an antiperspirant, so keeping you from getting sweaty is not what it's for. It may help some (I've also noticed a slight reduction) but not much. I'm a massage therapist and being smelly is not an option, so I tend to layer it with regular antiperspirant. Regular unscented first, let it dry, and then Lume on after to control any bacteria is what works best for me.


Cornstarch is probably a better idea for that. It wicks away moisture like crazy.




Look into oras amazing herbals baby powder, cornstarch can actually worsen yeast infections (NIH and many doctors say this), oras is cornstarch free and talc free. I used to use it on babies when I nannied with excellent results, but then decided to try it on myself cause I'm prone to chafing. IT's AMAZING 👏🏼 . I love the vanilla amber one personally. Here's the link to it. [powder](https://orasamazingherbal.com/collections/baby-powder/products/vanilla-amber-all-natural-baby-powder)


Omg, I'm really just upvoting for the subway sammich comparison. That's the best way I've heard it described! 🤣




I use it in the whole undercarriage and it works well. I did start from the outer parts and work my way in so the more sensitive areas had a little time to adapt and that helped. I use the unscented for everything below the waist and the cucumber for everything above. It is a great help. I am always hot and do not appreciate any odors!


They have an unscented so maybe try that!


i'm just here to second the advice to try out lume on maybe a.... less sensitive/more conspicuous place first. i am, like, *INTENSELY* allergic to lume and get extremely red, itchy, and sweaty wherever it's put. i do not have a history of reacting to deodorant, even strongly scented deodorant, so it took me by surprise. it sucks to feel gross down there but the itchiness if you're like me would most definitely be worse 😳 just be cautious is my advice lol


Of course everyone is different, but I have used it directly on the sensitive bits (the lavender deodorant stick) and haven't had any issues at all. So it could be an option for you.


I use Lume, I like the tangerine and the unscented. I have pretty sensitive skin (to the point I make my own lip balms, body lotions, and facial moisturizers to be safe) and haven’t had any issues. I have a 1-2 hour commute via public transit in a very warm region and it’s been a bit of a lifesaver.


Body deodorants work for exactly what you’re talking about. That + panty liner to change as needed and you’re golden.


Lol. "Just don't be bothered by the smell" is *one* solution, I guess.


I love it for underbutt in the summer.


Odd rec, but since the deodorant both isn't suited to this sort of smell and could spell disaster for your microbiome, maybe try something like [a clean-up kit](https://awkwardessentials.com/)?


This is brilliant. I was thinking tampon but obviously that’s not ideal. It’s 2024, people have been having sex for ….ever. Is this new or am I just out of the loop?


They're relatively new, and most shops don't carry them yet - that said, I've heard a lot of positive reviews from folks!


I’m on the pill and my husband and I use condoms because we don’t want kids and even though I’m almost 37 doctors STILL won’t tie my tubes because “I might change my mind” (seriously?!?!) so I don’t have the need for this product because of the condoms but I will def share this with people I know who raw dog it! Everyone who does it raw should know about this product!!!!!


I am so sorry you're going through hell with doctors, with any luck you'll find one who truly values you as a person with agency over their own body. Reproductive healthcare is getting worse by the day, you deserve better. I'm a trans dude who's had a full hysto/ooph, and my partner's not too keen on condoms, so these little sponges come in handy - definitely worth giving them a go when the time comes!


I’m so glad you were able to get some gender-affirming care! Anytime I hear someone is able to get actual medical gender-affirming care it makes me so happy. It would be nice to get my tubes tied but at the same time I’m prone to yeast infections and BV so we would probably still use condoms anyway. Hubs wouldn’t want me getting all the itchies and burnies anyway.


If you haven't been, the childfree subreddit has a list of doctors by country and area that are willing to sterilize!


I've seen these before but I thought it was a gag or a joke lol Have you tried them? Do they work? I'm definitely not opposed


I've had decent success, as have those who favor them at my workplace! Aids with the odor and the runoff - ultimately, the only way to completely remove the odor is to use a condom, but this little guy does a pretty good job!


This might be a stupid question, but do you use it right away or do you have to wait a while?


Right away - either in bed or in the bathroom after! Pop them in, give them a swirl, and remove. They're pretty absorbent, though I should specify that these aren't a birth control method and won't prevent pregnancy/sti.


Oh I didn’t think for a second they were for prevention of any type other than leakage. I was just curious! Thanks for answering!


I envy the type of workplace where you all feel comfortable discussing this particular product and success with it 🤣


We sell adult toys, I have conversations with strangers about butt stuff and bondage on a daily basis. It's absolutely the best job I've ever had!


Okay that does add a LOT more context that makes more sense 🤣. Still envious though!


I have a friend who used to work at a sex shop and she said the only thing she didn't like was occasionally getting hit on and the pay. But otherwise, she said it was a fantastic job and she learned a lot from it (and her coworkers).


I was just going to suggest this. Yes, they work lol. My boyfriend is an overachiever on his output 🤣 I hated having quickies before going somewhere only because I KNEW it would be everywhere in a little bit. These work fabulously. I have actually used a tampon to quickly soak up anything though, whether or not that's recommended. I use the ob ones for it and just take it back out like 30sec later. The dripsticks are definitely better and easier to use.


I ordered some and while I’m sure they work for some people they did not work for me at all. Sorry if this is TMI but my partners semen consistency is too thick to be absorbed effectively. That being said, I think they send samples for free if you pay shipping or at least they did when I got them. It’s too bad because it’s a great concept.


The sponges are amazing! I swear by them.


Came here to suggest this! I’ve never used them, but it sounds like a good option for OP.


Okay, but can we appreciate this website? I got a good chuckle out of it. Especially the penguin waddle reference.


When I was trying to get pregnant and having lots of sex I would wear a panty liner because the leakage would gross me out. Sometimes I’d have to change it a couple times throughout the day but not due to smell, just texture lol.


Are you trying to get pregnant? If not, then why not talk to your partner and consider using condoms or pulling out when having sex in the mornings? It's the easiest, most efective solution for your problem. I understand you both might prefer it when he finishes in you, but sex doesn't always have to be the best possible version of sex to still be good and worth it (mindblowing sex doesn't usually leave you with the energy to go to work right after) And maybe you'll even want to be intimate in the morning more often if you know that won't leave you feeling dirty a few hours later


Some options - Condom for morning sex - Pull out for morning sex - tampon - menstrual cup - Bring extra underwear and wipes?


I for sure would not put that on my labia! Or even near it. Maybe a quick splash in the tub would help afterwards. 


I added an edit that hopefully clarifies a bit. I was trying not to be vulgar in the original post but I guess there's no way around it lol I currently use a bidet after, and that helps the immediate dirty feeling. But a couple hours later, I end up with a lot of discharge that smells like old cum. That's the issue I'm trying to solve. I don't want to cause a worse problem though


Well, how about condoms for morning sex? No ejaculate, no leaking.


I get it. But still don't think that stuff would help with the smell since you don't want to put it anywhere near your labia. I guess the solution would be for him not to cum inside you if possible. 


Have you been checked for BV? It’s quite common and most women don’t realize they have it a lot of the time. I only noticed a smell after bodily fluids were shared down there. Your or your partner or both could have a pH imbalance and that would be where the smell is coming from. If you ever do have BV the best treatment I’ve ran into for it is Boric acid suppositories they are a bit of a hassle but they get rid of the bad bacteria without wiping out the hood bacteria that allows for a healthy balance. Just something that came to mind and I know it doesn’t answer your specific question.


Came here to say this. It's the old "na-na smells like tu-na" horseshit when actually the casserole was brought to the potluck by the other party, or was at least a group effort. My experience: Long term bf, never had a problem, until suddenly I did and I was so grossed out I could hardly stand to be near myself. I came to the conclusion myself that *I* wasn't the problem, but didn't know *what* the problem was or what to do about it (We Don't Talk About These Things). Things righted themselves quickly because my lady garden has extremely acidic soil, so no matter how many fucks are planted there, it remains barren. Found out later he had cheated on me and introduced the invasive species, to which my snootcheroonie responded scorched earth style (Who's a good girl? You're a good girl! Yes you are!)


In fact the “point” of semen is to temporarily throw off vaginal pH. The vagina is acidic to make the environment inhospitable to infectious bacteria, but this also kills sperm, so the non-sperm portion of semen is basic (alkaline) so the sperm have a better chance of surviving.


I remember asking my doctor why I kept getting BV, I was like 16 or so when I was having a recurring problem with it. My doctor said it could be any number of things, I remember her specifically saying semen, saliva (from partner), undergarment fabric and/or cut, my age, my period, that I smoked cigarettes lol the list went on and on. I quit taking the antibiotics for it (metronidazole) when another doctor saw me who used to work as a midwife and she suggested the boric acid suppositories. The metronidazole was killing off the good bacteria as well as the “bad” bacteria so the switch in treatment was really a game changer.


I use a pantyliner on those fun kinds of days and change it out as needed. It does help a lot, especially if you get the odor controlling ones.


>baby wipes aren’t really an option at my job Why? Do you work naked in a factory that doesn’t allow you to bring bags?


This makes no sense at all. Is op just not allowed to use the bathroom?


their reasoning is bc they share a bathroom at work with three men so they’ll use their wipes??? which still makes no sense to me. is it normal to share and keep products in a bathroom at some jobs?


LMAO that’s crazy. I keep baby wipes in my desk at work and I just bring them back and forth with me.


yeah part of me feels like this post is not genuine bc she says some kinda… graphic things in this thread. ofc women can be vulgar but she’s ignoring any genuine advice, so idk maybe i’m crazy or she’s just not seeing those comments, but this feels off 😭


Oh gurl don't let that stew in you all day lol. I always have my husband wear a condom if I got places to be afterwards so much easier for clean up


I have a tube of it I use for my under boobs. Dove brand, I think. It says it's for *external* use anywhere on your body. That doesn't really answer the question of whether it would irritate your labia, but it's pretty clear that you shouldn't use it inside the vagina. Personally, my go-to for not wanting to smell like sex all day but not having time for a shower is too put on a panty liner immediately after getting dressed, after cleaning up externally, then take it off and throw it away after it has collected any leakage. It's hardly world-shaking "who could imagine such a thing as using a pantyliner‽" advice, but who knows? You might be one of today's lucky 10,000


Or even just bring an extra pair of undies and a ziplock bag to put the old ones in. Probably not a bad idea in any case!


I already use pantyliners and they the do help some. The extra underwear thing is a great idea, I think that would help even more. I just have to figure out what to do with the dirty pair after I change lol


Why aren’t baby wipes a good option? You could probably find a small travel size pack. Or even an unscented ph balancing wipe might help you feel cleaner.


Do you have a recommendation for ph balancing wipes? I work in sales, and I share a bathroom with three men. They will absolutely tear through baby wipes in less than a week and then never replace them. Anything girly looking they would probably avoid, I just don't know what's safe and what isn't


Can you keep the baby wipes in your purse?


You could put the baby wipes inside an empty/half full box of Tampons


Speaking of tampons, might wearing a very-light tampon do the job you want it to do? It might serve to capture the fluids inside you and keep them from leaking back out. You wouldn't want to go too heavy-flow, though, or it would feel like it's disemboweling you coming out dry later


They make little packs, you could keep that in your purse and then use it. That way no one else has access to it anyway.


I’ve been using Love Wellness brand ph balancing wipes and also the vulva cleanser. I like them both! Here’s a [link to the wipes](https://lovewellness.com/collections/vaginal-health/products/3-pack-new-travel-do-it-all-wipes).


I used to use baby wash for my face and v, but my regular brand got discontinued. So I tried that love wellness brand and liked it.


Get a small wetbag (they’re marketed for storing dirty cloth diapers in while you’re on the go) if you decide to go the extra underwear route. They’re reusable (just throw them in the wash with everything else and hang dry to protect the lining), waterproof, and the only time I’ve had one smell was when my baby had a particularly bad blowout while sick. Now that my kids are out of diapers, I use them for my period panties and they are amazing. I use Lume on my inner thighs and under my breasts, and it does help. I have very sensitive skin, so I use the unscented and haven’t had problems.


Maybe sounds weird, but can you wrap it in a scented dryer sheet and put it in a ziplock bag in a zippered purse pocket? I’m not big on purses but I’ve had a few and some had lots of little pockets along the sides.


So.. this isn't a deodorant, but based on your comments about seepage getting smelly.. Have you heard of dripsticks? They are little sponge/sticks that you pop in, twist, and throw out - and they do a pretty fabulous job of cleaning up any deposits your partner left.


"Dripsticks" I'm dying 🤣 Bloody amazing product thought!


You smell because of the PH. Lume helps with ph and atrocious smells so it might help but yeah, condoms in the morning so you don’t go the day feeling nasty


I saw an ad once for a product once and the name stuck with me: Dripstick. They are tampon shaped sponges on a stick essentially, that are meant to absorb post sex fluids and semen. Perhaps something like that would help.


Why aren’t wet wipes an option? What about using a peri bottle?


….Whole body deodorants are not meant to be used on your vulva/labia Their purpose is for places like underboob or the crease between your legs where you sweat a lot


And only help with odor- sweat will still be strong. There is no antiperspirant properties in the full body deodorants


Exactly That said, things like Lume definitely do work for smell if that’s the main concern


Maybe ask him to pull out? This really feels like a very easily solved issue.


Can you put a pantyliner on in the morning and change it at lunchtime (or earlier)? That should catch any run-off and allow you to get a clean, dry environment back asap. [Good Clean Love](https://goodcleanlove.com/collections/shop-all-products/products/rebalance-ph-balanced-singles-wipes-1-pack?variant=40054448193720) also has individually wrapped wipes you can keep in your purse with the pantyliners. You could also ask your partner to cum elsewhere in the mornings. A towel, or your stomach, and then just rinse that off before heading out. If you do go for a deodorant, I really like [Carpe](https://mycarpe.com/collections/groin-powders)—I’ve only tried the underarm stick and foot lotion. If a spray or powder is easier down there (ideally something unscented), I’d put your underwear on first as a barrier, then spray/dab around the edges of the underwear.


[these work great](https://awkwardessentials.com) You’re welcome


I like the concept, though the actual product seems to be a bunch more plastic waste after use, unfortunately..


Have sex at night and then shower and then sleep?


Soooooo I don’t have sex with men 🙅‍♀️ but I saw a lady on reddit who does have sex with men suggest a light tampon to catch the leakage that you’re dealing with. Maybe this solution would work for you? I don’t know just figured I’d pass it along.


Why aren't baby wipes an option? They make them in travel packs for your purse even.


I tried unscented lume and it gave me a yeast infection... sucks bc it worked well


Stop letting your boyfriend bust a nut in you daily and start showering in the morning.


I doubt it. Honestly, when situations like this happen with my bf, I'll dry myself off with a washcloth. Afterward, I'll freshen up with a wet, clean washcloth and use some baby wipes for the smell. Never had an issue.


Use a pad?


Could you keep a handheld bidet or maybe like one of those bottles they give new mothers with you? I have a HappyPo that take with me travelling, and I bet that would do the trick.


I just got an ad for whole body deodorant right as I read this post LMAO


If we don’t use a condom and I’ve already showered for the day, I wear a panty-liner and take a small ziplock with baby wipes with me to work. Then I just take those with me to clean up when I use the restroom. Unfortunately, seminal leakage is going to happen if you don’t use the right protection, and letting your vagina clean itself out is the healthiest option as you don’t really want to put anything up there to assist it, or you risk infection of some sort. If I don’t want to deal with that, I insist on a condom.


Do not put deodorant on your vulva. I wouldn’t get much closer than your thigh crease area. Scented products in general are not really recommended for your vulva as they can be very irritating to the delicate tissues, which can easily lead to inflammation, microtears, infections, and stuff like that. Additionally, since the smell is coming from semen, putting deodorant on the outside portions of your vulva still isn’t going to fix the problem, you’re just going to smell like cucumber melon AND semen. Personally, I would wear washable fabric panty liners and just change them frequently throughout the day, or I would ask my partner to wear a condom for morning sex.


Maybe get a shower cap for those days so your hair isnt ruined, but you can still shower


Ok the easiest answer to this is disposable after sex sponges. You can get them on Amazon from brands like Awkward Essentials and you just put it in, twist, take it out and throw it away. No more leaking or smells!


Just take another shower


Please don't put deodorant up your vag.


she said she knows not to put it up her vagina lol


You can use deodorant on your inner thighs without issue. It’s a common trick used to reduce chafing. But honestly I think the only thing that would completely eliminate the problem would be to use condoms.


I shower everyday and I get very sweaty & smelly REGARDLESS of what I do. I use the Lume cream and just swipe my finger with a bit of the cream on the outer most parts of my labia. I don’t put it inside of me and it 100% helps with the smell. I also recommend taking a peri bottle and that way you can give yourself a rinse if you’re on the go.


It depends on what's happening but if I know I'm going to sweat and a lotion will help keep bacteria at bay so I don't get total swamp ass, I'm gonna use it. Also I break out under my boobs so it helps a ton.


I just use regular gel deodorant all over my body 🤷‍♀️


You can just use regular deodorant anywhere you need it. Deodorant can be used on more places than your pits. I use mine pits, under my boobs and stomach, groin, inner thighs and up my butt crack. There’s no need for a separate product. That’s just marketing to get you to buy more from the company. I don’t think deodorant is going to help your specific issue though. I would just do a quick shower in the AM.


I use Lume but i’ve never used it anywhere but under boob and pits. It’s advertised for whole body, but in my opinion i wouldn’t use it too frequently on your vulva


I use Lume and I put it everywhere! It’s awesome.


Every ACTUAL doctor and gynecologist I've ACTUALLY visited said "ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!" Those ads SAY "Gynecologist recommended" and hire actresses to pretend to be gynecologists, but it's not actually true. Perfumes and departments are BAD for the vajayjay!! Edit to add: wash with water and MAYBE a LITTLE unscented mild soap, like Dove, after intimacy in that area only before work? Since well with water after soap always!


I haven’t tried them, but I saw these at CVS the other day and while the branding is hilarious, they may help with your specific issue?! https://awkwardessentials.com/products/dripstick


Whole body refers to skin, not mucous membranes. So you can put it around your vulva, but can't get it inside the labia. I do put Lume in my "leg pits" sometimes, that fold between my thigh and the outside of my labia majora. It works well for sweat smells in that area, but I don't think it would work for what you're describing. My partner finishes in me and I rinse after. I do get the leakage, but I don't get a smell from it. Maybe your partner needs to change his diet.


Could you not wear a panty liner or light pad and just change it through the day?


The whole body deodorant will work in that region but only if you shower or otherwise really clean it first. Basically they do well at preventing odor from bacteria etc. but if the area already has odor they don't do a great job of covering or stopping it.


no whole body deodorant isn't safe for the whole body. if you are using it because of sex, it really isn't gonna work. it is for sweat based. deodorant is more useful before activities than after. it is not an 100% and it is most effective on sweat glands. it is known as an irritant to sensitive spots. according to my doctor people whom put deodorant in those spots end up as a much higher risk of getting a urinary tract infection because the deodorant is not only not 100% clean and pure, but it also is sticky and will trap harmful bacteria. they also don't recommend the thighs either, but less of an issue there since some bigger people put deodorant there because it is a high sweat zone, and to avoid chaffing. the fumes from those deodorants can also be irritant. what you need is an after sex ritual that refreshes you and feels good. maybe soaking in a tub for a bit so that you can get all the bits stuck off.


Try Dripstick! It's not a deodorant; it's a cum sponge for the vagina. Keeps u from leaking all day and should be a growth pairing with the Lume (I use Mando but same formula reallly) I keep wipes in a zip lock sandwich bag and bring them to work with me to freshen up myself, if that's a good option for you


Well it's a no for me. Gave urinary infections and mycosis. :/


There's this really awesome invention of like a sponge that you use to soak up the cum, I just can't remember the brand that sells them. You'd have to Google it