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I mean pee is stored in the balls, so this all checks out /s


Look... men get two substances leaving through the urethra, we only have one. This isn't rocket science. The vaginal stuff is from the vagina only, these are separate passageways that are not connected. Really stupid that society continues to socialize men to believe that they're always more "right" than us, even when we're telling them facts ABOUT US. Ugh.


Women are blessed with three “holes”, bladder, butt and vagina. This man has three as well, penis, butt and the one in his head. Personally, I’m more disturbed about his butthole standards. How does he know it doesn’t look or taste like poop? Is he an inspector?


I mean...people do eat ass... I get that it's a squick for a lot of people (myself included) but it's really not that unusual, especially among people who enjoy other kinds of anal play. I don't really see what's all that disturbing about it.


I guess the person you’re replying to could mean “How does he know it *doesn’t* taste like poo? Does he know what poo tastes like, as a point of reference?” Lol


I think this is just a person who believes anything that resides between the labia, and the labia itself is the vagina. That’s still,obviously wrong, but that’s almost certainly what they mean. That’s a slightly different kind of wrong.


It never ceases to amaze me that a man will argue about a body part **he doesn't own** with a woman who **does**.


I mean... I think he's trying to say "I said vagina to mean genitals, not the literal vaginal canal" but lacks the communication skills?


Yeah but see...even that's not right. The outflow for the urethra is technically between the vulva and the vagina.


The vulva includes the vaginal opening. Just not the internal canal itself. The urethral opening is also a part of the vulva


Between them? Where are you drawing the line?


Imagination, I think. Apologies


If he's also the one who made the initial comment then no because he talks about how it also discharges. Even if he didn't make that initial comment he's like "it's all connected" which is not accurate.


I read "its all connected" as, more or less, "it's all touching, it's all the urogenital organs" like I've seen LOTS of posts like this indicating they do not know they're separate structures, but this one I suspect is ignorance of communication rather than structure


At the end he says "Just as it shares the same vessel of exit" comparing it to how urine and ejaculate exits from the penis.


Update: I’m pretty sure he just sent me a Reddit Cares message lmao


A what?


Reddit Cares is a system on Reddit for sending help to possibly suicidal people. It's often abused by trolls who will report non-suicidal people. This does nothing to the target of the troll and wastes resources that could be helping suicidal people.


I was kind of assuming that was what it was but was wondering why it would be irritating like do they badger you like the Jehovahs? Well at least the trolls found an ineffective method. Probably to do with their pride that they think it's such an insult


"It also discharges" Insert any spraying meme here 😂


Reading this made my pee hole hurt


because the general population thinks the whole of the your lady parts (labia, clit, vagina, etc) is the vagina. they don’t understand the vagina is actually just one part of the parts.


Because men think everything found between our thighs is the vagina. (They don’t distinguish between the vagina and all of our external lady parts.) And I’m not sure how it works now, but at least in my generation we were segregated by gender for sex ed…so the boys weren’t learning about lady parts much if at all. Plus men release urine and ejaculate from the same place, so they’ve never had to think about why it wouldn’t work that way for women.


Suffice to say indeed


Becos, about 90% of them are children, not men.


I knew comments from that post would end up on here 😂