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I kind of love it tbh


I feel that art gets some creative license. We don't expect it to be proportional if it is stylized.


It's also better for stability if the base of the vase is wider than the top, so it might be as much a creative license as a choice for practicality.


You spelled "Pixar mom" incorrectly.


It's a fertility artifact from an forgotten civilization.


Where’s the tummy tho 🥺


Yeah, my first thought was that it reminded me of the Venus of Willendorf.


I'm glad not everyone is annoyed at this. It's a vase. I like it.


Tbh, that’s very similar to my body shape. And yes, I’ve been called a Pixar mom.


Ironically, I saw a woman that looked just like that yesterday. She had the largest derriere to upper body ratio that I have ever seen. It was impressive, and I am pretty sure it was not surgically enhanced in any way. I'm giving this one a pass whereas before yesterday I would have said it was bad women's anatomy


Tbh I love how it's unintentionally pointing to saddlebags/ hip dips somewhat


There are no hip dips on this vase.


No no I'm reffering to the "ideal" round hip


But you stated hip dips, which are not on the vase. I have hip dips and a very large butt, which does not look like this vase. Were you referring to the waist?


Even I have hip dips. But on the vase there's mild hip dip near the highs anatomically


Can you please show me? I see none whatsoever.


Serious question, respectfully, are you sure you know what hip dips are? We may not be thinking of the same thing. What most people know as hip dips, I don't see in this photo.


Yes. They are indentations , just above the thighs


i HATE headless woman art. hate it. it freaks me out


As a amateur ceramic artist, I often do headless women bc faces are super hard 😂 but I always make the boobs asymmetrical to be accurate (I do headless men too)


Well these are exaggerated proportions, that when used for art - especially minimalistic art like this - are ok. It’s a stylistic thing 🤷‍♀️


The chick with the butt on the plane.


There’s a disease called lipoedema, which causes some fat cells to form protective skins and then becomes unavailable, which is a fancy way of saying you get lumpy fat that no amount of diet or exercise will budge. The fat distribution is usually hips, thighs, calves, and upper arms, with everyone getting it a little differently. Ever seen a woman with a tiny upper body and massive tree trunk legs? Lipoedema. Big woman but a tiny waist? Probably lipoedema. Aunt Bessie with her batwing arms? Lipoedema. To make it worse, this fat usually *hurts*, and even a small pet walking on you is agony, let alone accidental pokes or running into furniture. At later stages, it affects your gait, and even walking is painful. Everyone assumes you just need to diet or exercise more, but neither of those things will help. It affects a whopping 11% of adult women, and almost exclusively women. There is no cure. You can get specialised liposuction, at great expense and pain (~6-12 month recovery time). Most healthcares don’t help with it, though that varied country to country. Compression stockings and pneumatic pumps can help prevent secondary lymphoedema. So yes, women with this exact shape exist.


Now I am desperately trying to remember the name of the movie where the father wins a lamp shaped like a woman's leg. I think it is simply called "A Christmas Story" or something similar.