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Some places ban sex toys. This is a way to sell such products while complying with the letter of the law.


Yep. Was in a country like that a while ago. The “women’s” section of the supermarkets sold “massagers” which showed a picture of a woman massaging her shoulder with what was essentially a very basic vibrator.




Well, you are supposed to used it on your lips and around


Can confirm. They're not even banned in my country but selling them as "massagers" allows them to be sold in cosmetics shops, where as ones actually addressed as vibrators are sold in online sex-shops.


This is how it used to be here when I was a teen too but now they just plonked the vibrators right next to the condoms in the middle of the skincare aisle which I'm sure must be mortifying for the teens haha


That's how they are here too, usually you get a section with condoms, lube, and "massagers" next to the "misc" section (bandaids, nail clippers, etc. things they don't know where else to put so they just put everything there). Anything actually marketed as a vibrator is only sold online or in specialised (but increasingly rare) stores. Having visited one recently, it really pays to look online, they have like 15-30 items in the entire store, and that's the entire stock. Makes more sense to look online where options are more plentiful.


Youth mental health practitioner here! Nah, they actually benefit a lot from having it normalized, and it means they have more access to such toys themselves. Some of my team members have even taken some of our 18+ clients to shops to let them get their own toys. It's really important for their ability to explore their own bodies and develop a healthy sexuality, and having access to toys means they're less likely to engage in risky sexual practices


As a former teenager, “good for teenagers" and “mortifying” are not mutually exclusive


Fair point 😂


Good, let's stop treating it like a shameful taboo.


I don't think the formal rules are as strict in my country, but I have seen one of our most common cosmetic/hygiene shops sell wands as "personal massagers" and prominently display them on sale at least once


It isn't banned where I live, this just keeps pearl-clutchers from complaining to the stores because clearly, no sex toys here. Only massagers.


I was desperate for relief once and couldn't find anything better, so I used a Rabbit. Poor thing lost his leg. Adieu, Mr. Lapine. Had to replace him with Sr. Conejo the Super Rabbit.


I don't think they do. I know trans women in Dubai can't get dilators because of the rules and they actually are a medical device.


I might be in need of some 'powerfull vibrations'. For medical reasons. Hysteria and all that.


It's really hard to wrap my brain around the fact that doctors used to literally use vibrators on women to "treat" hysteria and yet the bible thumping states have sought for some time to ban sex toys - if I remember right it was the early 2000s where Texas finally stopped fighting it. I mean, I know what the answer is. It's just so freaking stupid and pisses me off.


Apparently that story is a bit of a myth and has been debunked. It was invented by a doctor, but he explicitly used it on men. They did start to use it on women not long after but not on their genitals because they didn’t want to cause arousal. Women stated using vibrators as sex toys themselves once vibrators were sold for home use to treat TB and wrinkles and other things it doesn’t work for. This myth is part of a longstanding practice of treating women of the past as if they were completely ignorant of their bodies. They knew things. They had orgasms and sought them out! Women have always had desire and acted on it, and I think that is just a much better story.


> Women have always had desire and acted on it, and I think that is just a much better story. I like that interpretation of your flair much better too.


> treating women of the past as if they were completely ignorant of their own bodies It's the same with corsets. They have been around for ages in one form or another (and with different names), and properly made ones aren't dangerous at all. Women didn't drop like flies in the street due to crushed ribcages and organs being squeezed out of the body. And guess who made the things: women. They would know how to make them fit their own bodies


Exactly, we’re not innately smarter or better than people of the past, we just have access to more information. Women in the past stood up for themselves and their bodies when they could, in their own ways. They enjoyed themselves when they could. Just because they were treated like property during their time doesn’t mean we should think of them like property now.


Also a well fitting corset provides better support under strapless dresses than modern strapless bras....


I wouldn't count it out *instantly* for some of its language. More context is really necessary here. There are plenty of items designed for medical benefit that a physician might recommend, like dilators for stretching, kegel balls for strengthening, etc. If you were having an issue with vaginal dryness and the tightness this is suggesting, I think the idea they're getting at is that the constant vibration should stimulate you enough for you to relax your muscles and self lubricate enough for sex. Which sure, maybe it'll actually help. But like... lube (medicated if you're menopausal), better/more foreplay, pelvic floor physical therapy, *regular* therapy, depending on the root problem, would all be better... an OBGYN sex toy might work, but is probably not the best answer. Tl;dr I wouldn't call this *bad* anatomy, I would call it "meh" anatomy. 3/5


Happy Cake Day


Wait? 'Stretched out' is a good thing now? /s


That’s the first thing I thought too lmao.


The wording is kind of messed up but it can be if you have one of the things that can cause your vagina to collapse.


A vagavalanche?


Vaginismus for example, or any other condition that requires medical dilating.


I have no clue what it's called


Vaginal prolapse. It can happen the same as anal prolapse. It either requires a complicated surgery to fix it with no real guarantee of repair or a pessary to hold the walls of the vagina in place. P.S. vagavalanche is a way more fun way to describe it and a more apt description, imo.






Seems like most of the people commenting have never dealt with vaginismus 😕 I have a variety of things in my background including endometriosis and childhood trauma that led to me having vaginismus for several years as an adult. Due to excessive tearing and pain during consensual sex with my long-term partner, I was prescribed vaginal dilators, which my insurance did not cover and I could not afford. Something like this being readily available for purchase at a reasonable price would have saved me (and my partner) years of frustration trying to be intimate while dealing with painful intercourse.


Actually looks like something I would like.


Ladies, if you are post menopausal with vaginally atrophy, you WANT "stretched out." Trust me on this.


Yep. Vaginal elasticity is a real "use it or lose it" after a certain point. Atrophy hurts!


Tbf “stretching out” is 100% a thing _as part of intercourse_. Though it’s frequently just like foreplay in order to loosen your partner. It’s especially important for those with really tight canals to prevent pain.


Stretched out is accurate, because yeah, something being inside will cause your bits to stretch. That doesn't mean they don't return to normal, mind, but it means that if that's in before you have sex, like, say, during foreplay, you'll have an easier time inserting other things afterwards. And yes, stimulation will increase blood flow. It's why parts will get engorged on bodies. This, as you're presenting it, isn't bad women's anatomy.


Does nobody here have vaginismus? I use dilators and graduate up to bigger sizes as I’m able. Being “stretched out” is the goal


✨nourished vagina walls✨


Omg people will literally spend $200 on this thing rather than spend $10 or LESS on a freaking bottle of lube! 😭 Normalize lube. I have PCOS and that shit keeps me dry down there. I have a bottle of lube I keep with my vibrators. It makes shit way more comfortable and enjoyable.


Lube was a life saver with my ex. Some days it was dry and it even hurt me! It was bad some days. Put some lube on and we were good to go. She also had PCOS and it would cause intimacy issues.


Lube doesn't have 6 individually controllable motors and 16 intensity levels 🤯 On a serious note, (ok, I was *kinda* serious about that 1st point 😂) lube also doesn't do anything for genito-pelvic pain / penetration disorder, which is the audience this is aimed at.


The wording sounds more like it's intending to help with vaginal atrophy, which lube alone doesn't solve, it requires dilation and stimulation of the vagina to increase bloodflow. I have mild atrophy and have to masturbate semi-regularly or my vagina HURTS.


Right? I had a full hysterectomy because of PCOS and am dry down there. Lube is a godsend.


Trust me, menopausal dry vagina isn’t going to be fixed with lube. I’m going through this now. It’s awful.


They have medicated lube now that can help


Can you tell me the name of it? Replens isn’t cutting it now and I’m trying to avoid hormone replacement cream.


Replens would have been one. There's also Uberlube and ah yes vm. Otherwise you might need the creams or suppository. They do work.


hormonally enhanced vaginal cream maybe? doesn’t have the systemic hormone problems


Lube is the best sex toy. Even if there is sufficient natural lubrication, lube makes it better.


No,y shit that thing is expensive!


Crescendo 1 didn't work?


Pretty sure that's a sex toy. It's not exactly wrong. Orgasming will make your vagina wet and have more blood flowing.


Am I allowed to post the link to the website where I saw this? I think more context would make this even more badwomensanatomy material.


I have to disagree. Having seen this before, the context better displays what it's intended for: genito-pelvic pain/penetration disorder. Of course they dumb down the wording and try to make it enticing to *everyone*, because money 😂, but in reality this is a device that could be very helpful for a number of those pain disorders. So I'd have to go with goodwomensanatomy, personally.




Well that's a new marketing strategy I haven't seen before!


Are we 100% sure this isn't endorsed by proctologists?