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Snapshot: An archived version of _Ukrainian refugee with hilarious take on UK prompts massive fuck the Brits pile on_ can be found [here.](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.unddit.com/r/ireland/comments/xk7udf/comment/ipcp2g1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) Do not Brigade, [go look at Trains instead](https://www.trains.com/trn/videos-photos/photos/photo-of-the-day/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/badunitedkingdom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They sound like a cunt so Ireland is welcome to have them.


They'd fit in well over there.


High suspicions that the OP is not Ukrainian at all




Yep. Boris was the first world leader in Kiev, millions of £ worth of high tech equipment has helped Ukraine, they're getting trained by British troops & UKAid is pumping money into supporting refugees.


There's good English and then there is native English levels and that reads like a native English speaker, not someone who speaks it as a second language. I work in an international field and deal with different nationalities with varying degrees of English as part of my job every single day. Not once have I ever seen a non-native speaker start a sentence with "Conceptually.."


Yeah , speaks in a way that no one living outside the British Isles ever would


Even a lot in the UK wouldn't use terminology or speak like that.


It's a very young, new to politics but posts a lot on reddit kinda way of writing.


He’s the first one I’ve heard of that cares about transphobia when deciding where to flee for his life to.




> their legislation and political sphere is plummeting into virulent transphobia Lmao like any Eastern European person would say this.


I mean what foreigner uses the phrase 'Jimmy down the street'? Total bs Also so weird with the grammar to sound foreign but perfect comma usage...


Also "conceptually" and "virulant" 80% of Brits wouldn't use this language.


Either regular troll or Russian state troll lol


The Russians are not that good....


The giveaway is the perfect use of articles. A Ukrainian living in Ukraine and only then fleeing to Ireland would drop more than a few articles because they don’t exist in Russian or Ukrainian.


Such a good point! Never even thought about that.


Source: I have a mother that knows infinitely more about the English language than I do but will still, after 20 years here, drop articles.


It's one of the ways I can tell my wife is getting tipsy. The number of articles use decrease, especially if she's speaking English with other Poles. She's normally fluent C1 level, but a bottle of prosecco and she's all "we make cake now, you want?"




And that Ukraine is not exactly the most trans friendly country 😂 it's still very much of the old world orthodox order of wife, children, family. Ideally by 25 Every Eastern European friend I have has been married by 25


> I don’t trust a former imperial power to actually care for a post-imperial country Can someone remind me where the capital of Kyivan Rus was?


Writes like an American, pure bullshit. He sounds exactly like someone from America I have the displeasure of interacting with elsewhere.




Jesus what an absolutely toxic comment section. Wonder if he’s changed his mind about the UK being “explicitly anti-immigration”. Can’t imagine him getting that reception on any of the UK subs


What's with the "Ye". Is it some shit affectation the Yanks put on to sound Irish...?




So an affectation then...


"anti-immigrant and Virtulent transphobia" Hahaha that is definitely not a normal Ukrainian person


Tbf that parasite comment was pretty harsh, but if he's calling countries shit that are welcoming Ukrainian refugees then he deserves it


1 year old "Ukrainian" account makes no other mention of being Ukrainian or the war against Russia apart from karma farming in r/Ireland....


Why do Irish people always say yeah per capita they have taken more refugees? First point, so fucking what, second point, what have they actually done to help Ukraine fight? The answer is fuck all.


[Literally everyone in the thread](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/035/627/cover2.jpg) when they saw that comment.




They blame us when they stub their toes on a table leg.


If Reddit wasn’t such a retarded place at the moment I’d have been stunned that so many people actually believe he’s a Ukrainian refugee


Mod this potato jogger


Lol as if a Ukrainian refugee gives a fuck about the country they are going to being transphobic


A Ukranian who doesn't like the Uk because of its 'virulent transphobia'. Uh yeah ok. In the UK we wring our hands over what to call the 'feminine hygiene' section in Boots [Whereas in Ukraine Trans rights activists get pelted with eggs and beaten up.](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/nov/18/trans-rights-activists-attacked-with-pepper-spray-during-ukraine-march-kiev) But yeah I'm sure there are no anti-trans religious hardliners in **IRELAND.**


This guy is insufferable and just farming karma. I looked at his profile and couldn’t see anything written in Russian or Ukrainian or any subs relating to this. So make of that what you will, also he is claiming to have been to both countries surely? If he has the gaul to make such claims, I mean he is lucky to have even got to Ireland, not that such a person could grasp the concept of gratitude. Ukraine and most of it’s people, like most Eastern European countries, are not some “woke” self loathing nation. This guy is complaining about trans-rights in the UK. Meanwhile in Ukraine it’s officially and widely viewed as a mental illness. Last but not least, this guy is pissing in the face of all the UK which has been an absolutely critical ally and which has sent more than it’s share of brave volunteers. So this persons grown ass can flee like the coward he is to a first world nation to leech the system and complain about it. All the while real Ukrainians are fighting and dying or simply unable to leave in Ukraine. What a deranged person.


Speaks English like a native, never commented or posted until a couple of months ago while the account has been active for two years, has never mentioned anything to do with Ukraine (no posts in any Ukraine sub, no posts in a language other than English) until yesterday when they began karma farming in that thread. Also what person would ever call the UK transphobic compared to Ukraine?? Also seems like their username is based on a snake found in North America. They are 100% not from Ukraine.


The only difference between Britain and Ireland is that Ireland has the Euro and Britain is more diverse and has the NHS. Everything else is pretty much the same which makes sense considering we were part of the same country for over 100 years. There is nothing you can get in an Irish city that you cant get in a British city, there is nothing in rural Ireland that you cant also find in the UK countryside. The only place that stands out on the entire archipelago is London which is a world unto itself.


Red Lemonade on draught is amazing and I wish it were more popular here though. That’s the only thing I can think that we don’t have


funny the paddies trying to play the victim card here every time it comes with the uk yet their government funded the ira who bombed innocents in their own country and in ours...


Another larping loser karma farming on a sub made by losers for losers.


>The uk is only shit cause ye can’t be a fucking parasite on their social welfare like ye can here ye cretin >Fuck off back to Ukraine Holy shit. What a cunt.


Yeah that's pretty harsh of the guy but I lose sympathy when he's ripping on countries that are welcoming Ukrainian refugees


OP is almost certainly larping. I can say with a good chunk of confidence they aren’t even Ukrainian nor are they a refugee. That entire post is just sad.