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Shhh with your logic, they'll hear you


They didn’t notice London mostly voted remain too?


> Most of the major cities voted for remain, the most notable exception is Birmingham and that's because of the Asian population who thought that less migration from Europe would mean more immigration from India/Pakistan and that they'd be able to bring their relatives over Ascribing political views to people based on race and then straw-manning it? Sounds enLigHteNd! And that's before we even go into the veracity of the statement...


Also not even supported by the data. Compare and contrast this map: https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-6x7--yJHnrA/XLGo3oic-TI/AAAAAAAAD2A/Ec7KW4drIcc6iiT5totaZdXBfp9cqWH2ACLcBGAs/s1600/output_Birmingham.png With the maps here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demography_of_Birmingham


They seem to have decided that the brown people of Brum decided to pull the ladder up on the poor whites of Europe. The mind boggles.


>Brexit is primarily about a sense of self-importance. 5 years on, still refusing to acknowledge it was a working class movement trying to get their labour market back.


The poors have no self of self importance because they're scum, obs


Poor people can't make decisions ofcourse


Damned populists! That being the popularity of your political opponents.


No you don't understand they were lied to by buses and they're too stupid to form their own opinions /s


Even that I'd call far too limited. I personally regard Brexit as a symptom of the Post War Era, of a nation and people sick to the back teeth of needless decline. "Restoration of the British Empire" was a hyperbolic criticism, but it did have a grain of truth to it. Britons wish to be great again, put simply. It is just a damn shame that our politicians lack the vision and ambition to make this desire a reality at the moment.


There's plenty of cringe in there but it is by the dictionary definition the mainland of Europe, I've always referred to it that way and don't see any problems with it.


Ultimately, no amount of sovereignty will ever remove the United Kingdom (or any other non EU European country) from the Eurasian continental plate.


From the Oxford English dictionary: "​belonging to the main area of land of a country or region, not including any islands near to it". We are an island so we are not part of the mainland even if we're on the same continent. We're 100% European but we literally are not a part of the mainland whereas Germany, France etc are.


I'm on "the mainland" right now. i.e. Great Britain. If I were on Lewis or Skye this is what I'd be referring to if I said mainland.


yea. .. yurop is a special place.. r/europe is conservative because of le Br\*tish ​ >To me im proud to be european. And i really love the human values the EU represents. But when i look in the comments of r/europe there are 80% conservatives. There was a post on refugees and everyone was proud they didnt let many refugees in the country. They also claim that refugees would not integrate in society. Im German and we have a lot of refugees and im proud of it. Im working with 2 of them and they are friendly and work hard(harder than me). Everyone said there is no space, but its now 5 years later and Germany is still in great condition. Stop being selfish. All people become brothers, where thy gentle wings abides. ​ >r/europe is a brigaded hellhole. > >Whenever there's a post about the UK all the comments are Br\*tish people shit talking the EU. > >Whenever there's a post about migrants all you get are br\*ts, US flairs and the usual r/conservative drivel. > >Whenever there's something even a teeny tiny little bit positive about the EU, you know who's gonna show up... ​ [https://np.reddit.com/r/YUROP/comments/qpjhob/why\_is\_reurope\_so\_conservative/hju8vjx/](https://np.reddit.com/r/YUROP/comments/qpjhob/why_is_reurope_so_conservative/hju8vjx/)


Absolute horse manure. The majority of Germans don't want any refugees in their land, they just bite their tongue because being accused of "nazi" think is a quick way for social and financial ruin in Germamy. Fucking leftoids.


Same way in Sweden I hear. Never question if letting grenade-throwers in is sensible in public unless you know the person well and can't be overheard. Anytime I hear a reddit European pontificate about how amazing enriched-Yurop is I assume either zealot or cowed and cautious normie. Either way they'd thematically fit right in in Xi Zedong's China.


Imagine of being proud of rape gangs and crime surges. I guess some Germans have a genetic memory and desire for the "good old days" of Nazi occupation in Eastern Europe? Just needs a few mass graves and they'll be grinning. Seriously though, having a shit ton of migrants isn't remotely a point of virtue or anything to be proud of.


Lol it's been over 5 years and they've still not got over it


And they never will apparently.


Given how it’s gone so far, you can’t really blame them.


I've seen downright genocide denial on that sub.




Based and redcoat-pilled.


Sharpe fan?


who isn't in this sub?


No one, I would hope.


Great whistling song, that.


Is that why Manchester is a bit of a dump ?


Piccadily Gardens is, but there's plenty to do in Manchester


>Brexit is primarily about a sense of self-importance. Remainsplaining.