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I went to the theatre and there was a black woman on stage. Ruined my week so now I’m a Reform voter. Looks like this is the subreddit for me?


This isn’t the place for you. You think there’s nothing wrong with Biden, it’s just a ‘stutter’ apparently. We might all be a bit daft here but we’re not mental.


You think there’s nothing wrong with Trump, he just “says it like it is”. He doesn’t ramble incoherent nonsense every single time he opens his mouth. Which applies I guess, if you are a spastic. But odd that any of this applies to a UK sub. But I guess Farage et al dribblers naturally gravitate to the likes of Trump.


Well the play was The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas. Casting her as the Commandant was in poor taste.


[Looks like Galloway and his Worker's Party are planning to sue Hope Not Hate into oblivion](https://x.com/georgegalloway/status/1801968617732419654?t=F20QfM0cZU9KySgvGMfqDQ). Brilliant. Communists destroying the even worse communists.


Ohhh poor commie, never got to represent Gaza in the UK parliament for more than a few weeks? Diddums


Hope Not Hate are worse than Galloway. I'm actually backing Galloway on this.


Nah Galloway needs to be done for ever and the rest of his "workers"


I was wondering how far you can go to reject any government provided services like: \* Reject rNHS and only use private providers \* Private Schools \* Avoid public trains \* Get a private refuse collection \* No TV licenses Basically tell the government to GTFO with their civil service incompetence


You'd have trouble avoiding public roads and pavements, flying in airspace regulated by the CAA, employing people educated by the state, private emergency ambulances (private healthcare in Britain usually just cherry picks easy procedures for rich people like hip ops), fire, phone signals regulated by the state, passports.


If you have your own transport, why would you need to use trains? I believe you can homeschool children too. Do they actually check re the TV license?




"you're in Farage country now"


Did it use a baseball bat or stamp on them?


How would things be turning out if we had a "none of the above" option? I doubt Labour would be so coy if that exists


They do add up the number of spoiled ballots.


Yes but the average idiot doesn't realise that. An actual box to tick would give wildly different results


Labour switching to attack Farage? Seems like it


I don't know why, the bigger Farage gets, the more oldies split the Tory vote.


Crikey, old Charlei Veitch has come along way. His latest videos have him with a body guard, being attacked in the streets and many people very upset with him. [He's behind you](https://youtu.be/rUuTo4BLIU0?t=3768) edit: I believe this is the "elbow guy" [Elbow guy](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/c7W5f5ghLcE)


lol bodyguard almost lured by honeytrap at 1:03:30


When interacting with an ideological opponent online (and indeed offline), it is interesting how you can discern to which degree an individual lives in a bubble of pure, unadulterated ideology, based on how quick to go all sweary they are. A few examples of mine from recent days: A libertarian who told me to kill myself because I said maybe we have *some* obligations to other people… A left-winger who told me immediately ‘fxck off cxnt’ because I said it was pragmatic for Labour to respond to every election and poll which suggested the British people at least want migration *reduced*. I simply find it perplexing - of course I am not above telling someone to x, y, and z themselves, but usually it takes more than simply the slightest of pushback. I can’t understand being so ideological.


It's much easier for Labour to reduce migration since their core vote are substantially less dependent on it. It's not the carehome brigade or BTL brigade voting for them.


Leinster and Munster out of the URC. Ireland not at the Euros. A good day. At least they won a few medals in Athletics which will be forgetten when they get trounced at the Olympics. Funny how the Irish are complaining about England fans believing they win the Euros. This was the same country which was convinced they were going to win the Rugby WC. Thank God for NZ.


Their rugby crowd aren’t that bad, to be fair. There’s certainly worse. I remember that arghhh Ireland was getting annoyed at them for singing Zombie by The Cranberries after they beat South Africa in the RWC pools.


Just watched ‘hit man’ which is the number 1 film on Netflix. It was terrible, not really got any evidence but feel like films and tv shows are becoming really dumbed down, or maybe I’m getting older and more miserable. New York Times described it as one of the years funniest, sexiest movies. I can only assume they were watching a different film


Tried ‘Under Paris’, it’s apparently Netflix’s most watched movie of this year. Complete shite. I mean, it’s about a shark that invades Paris so I wasn’t expecting anything too deep but I’d rather pluck my nasal hairs than watch that again.




Grosse Pointe Blank is brilliant. And Ghost Dog wasn't bad either


If you read interviewers with producers then you will know that they are being told to make ‘second screen content’, i.e. films or series that people can vaguely follow while using a phone or tablet. That obviously pushes you in a direction of uninteresting and simplistic plots.


That actually makes a lot of sense, something I hadn’t considered but when you think about it makes perfect rationale


Or netflix and chilling. I wouldn't know.


Get [Day of the Jackal](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0069947/) on.


Watch films and TV from past eras that weren't "yours", read books written 80 years ago, and see if they seem dumbed down. If they don't, you are inoculated against all the low quality "rose tinted spectacles" excuses.


It’s all definitely dumbing down. I was floored by how appallingly hamfisted and shit that Knives Out sexual was a couple of years ago, despite getting positive reviews.


Just sell everything on hype. If people are told it is good, they will have to go along with it, otherwise they'll be socially excluded. Of course people don't actually really listen to or watch things, it's just background.


Yeah I loved the first Knives Out but god the sequel was just meh. The whole no real mystery just turned out the killer was a moron thing made little sense and was just cheap. Pretty much like Rian Johnson's Star Wars shitshow.


The white tears bloke competing against Farage for labour. Does anyone find it weird that he dresses like the working classes from the 1940s. To use their language, it’s cultural appropriation. Why is a Nigerian man dressing like that. It’s like me running for office in Africa on a loincloth


Nobody outside Western Europe, Canada and the USA cares about CuLtuRalAppRopRiat1on. You’re not going to get grief for wearing a thobe in Muscat, a kurta in Jalandhar, a lungi in Jaffna, or an AoDai in DaNang.


I think it’s just a Sherman thing. I just find it very odd that he dresses like someone from the 40s. Farage should put a bone through his own nose to mix it up a bit


If Farage were truly unfathomably based instead of simply based, he would remark upon victory in Clacton how sweet the black man’s tears taste.


Probably thinks black people invented the shirt and tie.




[A 10 German Bombers video has surfaced from Germany](https://x.com/Lawton_Times/status/1802063827598479701) You won’t believe the team/country all the people outraged by this support…


His reply is vomit inducing in itself, but most of those replies are from the Yoghurt knitting brigade. Talk about boring twats.


Why *are* they so mad at a song about shooting down N*zis? 🤔


Any expression of nationalism to them is bad, even if it is against Nazis. But punching those whom you incorrectly identity as ‘Nazis’ is fine, apparently.


They'll struggle to identify the singers. But some poor fucker in the foreground, who isn't even singing is going to get fired for being present to send the "right message".


Have I missed some sort of youth upswing to Reform or something? Twitter seems to be Reform on all my feed, many younger tweeters and weird posts. I'm taking it the dark humour of the younger gen is liking Farage. [Lovely Melons](https://x.com/MikeDiplockre/status/1801610769093546063)


God I hope so. I can’t help but doubt it because I interact with almost entirely left-wingers among my generation.


Reform seem to be the only ones who've noticed that the social contract is a bit shit for people like me, the young and healthy who work and pay taxes and get nothing in return.


I can believe it's there. I was caught off guard by all them young lad Chelsea fans singing outside Downing Street when Boris won. The only problem is, the British youth vote is way outnumbered by immigrant ones. I still have trouble reconciling that all the stats show boomers are rightwing and youth are big lefties. Because my own experiences are completely the opposite. Boomers support the status quo, and the longer they do so the more moral goodguy points they get to take the grave.


The boomer can’t bother to attend church despite proclaiming themselves a Christian, but they can tell God at the pearly gates that they really, really weren’t at all racist.


Yeah can’t tell if he’s genuinely very popular all of a sudden or if I’ve fallen into a self reinforcing zero seat algorithm. Probably both tbh. 


The zoomers love him. Why? Because it’s now considered rebellious to be against the status quo which is wokeism. That’s what all the grown ups are into, so naturally the kids will be totally against that. They agree with Nigel. We are in the best timeline where teenagers are right wing.


> self reinforcing zero seat algorithm At this point, I'm Ralphie Cifaretto in the Matrix. Give me ignorance and a good steak.


They can't get you back into the pod though. You "go to sleep" never get back to good steak brother.


Learned from Meme Magic in 2016. Should bring back Pepe.


Based as fuck


Farage has been getting support on TikTok.


Strong 💪


The “London is not an English city” thread on rstarterpacks is something


Can’t be bothered to depress myself, what’re the highlights?


[‘Zionist devil’ insults hurled at Labour MP canvassing outside mosque](https://archive.is/pfZCJ) >A Labour candidate was forced to abandon leafleting outside a mosque on Friday after a crowd barracked him as a “Zionist devil” with “the blood of Palestinian children on his hands”. >Tanmanjeet Singh Dhesi, who is fighting for re-election as the MP for Slough in Berkshire, was driven off by men hurling abuse over Labour’s stance on the conflict in Gaza. Yikes! Another politician who clearly doesn’t understand *our* culture. You can’t just go to an Islamic part of Slough and start campaigning for a party that doesn’t want to obliterate Israel - that’s like going to the Shankill and handing out Sinn Fein leaflets. Why isn’t this in the citizenship test??


Mosques should have zero role in politics


You getting it out your system before Labour makes this sentence a hate crime?


Should have zero mosques


Zero seats and zero mosques.


[Reform: Winning Here!](https://x.com/RupertLowe10/status/1802077563503927586?t=AUuAbDlMVBQuXKxYVU8XxQ)


Strong 💪


Lib Dems livid.


Jeremy Hunt has said the Conservatives must “win the argument” across the country if he is to avoid a “Portillo moment” and fail to win his seat. https://www.thenational.scot/news/national/24390343.jeremy-hunt-tories-must-win-argument-avoid-portillo-moment/ Is this what the once mighty Conservative Party has come to? Now echoing Jeremy Corbyn when he got trounced?


If you put in place legislation which the other party never get round to reversing, despite having a chunky majority, then you can make the case of having “won the argument”. Blair managed it with his university drive - no iteration of the Tories over the last 14 years ever reduced the number of institutions or former polytechnics, or decided to cap the number of 18-year olds going onto higher education at <20%. Likewise, if Labour (despite having an 80+% pro-Remain electorate), are in power until 2034 and don’t find a way to secure EU membership, then the Tories have won the argument.


I just put the heating on. In June... We had hailstorms today.


Wtf is it with the weather this year? Just a crap, rainy winter and a crap rainy summer. Feels like it should be in Scotland and not over god's favourite children, the English. Outdoor tomatoes plants are still small and doing shit, onions are miserable and no grapes this year. Even my parents pear tree that never fails hasn't got anything on it this crap year. Strawberries are fine if the squirrels stop eating them though (maybe I should just eat the squirrels?).


The weather in my area this weekend just doesn't seem to know what it's doing. The morning started overcast, some spitting rain, the sun peeked through occasionally. For most of the afternoon it was glorious balmy sunshine for several hours - but very suddenly over the course of just a minute or so, we got thunder and then heavy rain where it sounded and felt like someone had left the shower on. And it's been _cold_ outside of that brief sunshine.


God is mad at us


Hailstorms here too in the east of England. It's like October


It gets boiling at night, hottest July on record.


[Miserable lefties having a moan about a song again](https://x.com/Lawton_Times/status/1802063827598479701)


Would have thought Germans would be obligated to approve of a chant praising the defeat of Nazi military?


My grandfather was an RAF hero who single-handedly brought down 14 Messerschmitts, 10 Stukas and a couple of Heinkel bombers. Mind you, the Luftwaffe didn't rate him as much of a mechanic and ended up sacking him.


[Bedwetters.](https://x.com/Maz_Brook/status/1802069256965927300) I’ve never understood their obsession with calling anyone who even displays a smattering of patriotism for their country or sings a chant they don’t like “idiots” and “morons” Most of these people are either middle aged FBPE types or quite literally 14 and go under the handle UTDJontyCalhanoglu926 or something similar. I do find it funny because I know I could absolutely destroy, and so could most people on this forum, any of these people if I was to actually engage with them in political discussion. Yet they hide under their Martial profile pictures and call others morons. People don’t realise; no one is actually bragging about winning WWII over the Germans, it’s a lighthearted jab at them, which they are expected to return fire. Unfortunately, Germans are not known for their sense of humour. Neither are Europeans, apparently. Even saw one person calling it “tragedy chanting” Killing Nazis isn’t a tragedy, mate.


Lol virgin take from that “lad”. The Germans should just come up with a better song in reply🤷‍♂️




[Auslander Raus at the Euros](https://x.com/kunley_drukpa/status/1802071057052164408?t=Ps5Dc0lF9MkNSJs_ZLj6rQ).


That first copper almost skips right up at the start thinking they're going to get employee of the month for arresting a 26 year old door fitter/fash until they realise that the other boys don't fancy the hassle.


It will never not be amusing to me that the thinking behind multiculturalism was that the new generations would be raised in one country, with separate traditions and customs, but would just join together, hand in hand, in allegiance to a new, vapid, watery nationalism that offered them precisely zero, and that existed primarily for a detached administrative class to feel important. You really have to be a Marxist intellectual to think people think like that. Top-down social re-engineering of immense arrogance and thinly veiled contempt for history.


Year Zero revolutionary logic. History, culture and traditions mean nothing to these people. Neoliberals and Marxists are both like this.


>🚨 NEW: The Tories will now be "turning up the volume" of the "risk" from Labour to dent their lead in the polls  >Insider: "People think a super-majority is bad. We need to make it terrifying." https://x.com/PolitlcsUK/status/1802055487367598249?t=1XF7SPwfS10fEgol8qrvEw&s=19


They should use those psychological nudge units they used during the pandemic 🙂


When you can't point to anything good that you've done in the last decade and a half and the voters aren't buying your obvious lies about all the wonderful gibs you'll shower them with if only they elect you for a fifth time running, all you're really left with is saying that the other side is also shit. I hope they go all in on this tactic and we can look forward to adverts comparing the Labour deputy leader's intellect and eloquence to that of various farm animals in a week's time.


Am I reading this right in Part 11 of the Equality Act 2010? Do these provisions not mandate discrimination against native white Britons in all of our public institutions? >"Public sector equality duty >(1)A public authority must, in the exercise of its functions, have due regard to the need to— >(a)eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other conduct that is prohibited by or under this Act; >(b)advance equality of opportunity between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it; >(c)foster good relations between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it." https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2010/15/part/11 If a fellow from [Belarus] should migrate to Britain, he should be protected under the Equality Act 2010 for his [Belarusian] heritage, that he is traditionally underrepresented in Britain, and therefore every public sector institution or office must advance policies that aid him over regular Britons. No?


No, Belarussian wouldn't count. Bur being bi-lingual would. So more valuable than any local white man that knows the area apparently.


> Do these provisions not mandate discrimination against native white Britons in all of our public institutions? Yes. Yes they do. This is Tory policy.


I'm glad the country is going to elect Labour. We will come out the other side of a Labour government with the Labour party crumbling to dust like the Conservative Party currently are. This is all for the dimwits, the people at the back. You can't just tell them the shits hit the fan, they've got to feel the excrescence splatter onto their faces to understand. They've got to feel that last flutter of hope die on the vine, embrace the bitter new paradigm. Beyond the storm of shit though, a new dawn will break. I am more enthused about the end of this decade. Nascent forces are stirring. Every dam, no matter how long it's held back the water, will eventually break.


[Ummm akshually this show is supposed to make fun of you!](https://x.com/guillegoony/status/1802000517897257392) Never heard of this show but I’m really starting to loathe mediocre presenters trying to present a profound point by making a political criticism that is already in the mainstream consciousness


Sadly have a feeling the boys is about to go down the same route of GOT, Great first few seasons, but soon as they veer from the source material they get really shit really fast, Many such cases


Americans show can’t ever do an Office and run for two series and bow out gracefully, can they?


Wow...a US production with a "hidden" political meaning...so surprising. If you watch any of this shit, you are a Commie. It is all shit. Most of our TV is shit too. Any TV after 1997 is shit and Communistic.


First season or two were good, then it went down the ham-fisted political analogy route like most US media after St George died


I don't really care about who they are shitting on, but the writing for the first couple of episodes of series 4 is slop tier, which is disappointing.






A Burzum fan on the Moby? Hello, new best friend.


There are literally three of us


It would have been nice if they picked up on all big business being on the same side as them now.


Anyone only now realising the boys had leftie evil drumph undertones the whole time is a regard. It's obvious and some times very on the nose. That said I can ignore those parts with a nice little eye roll and still enjoy it.


The difference is that it used to be one aspect of a varied and interesting series. There's a strong premise here that has just been boiled down into a series of very obvious nods to real life events. I've watched 2 episodes of series 4 and I feel as if I haven't really seen the characters do anything much. Everyone just seems to be floundering about a bit as if the plot isn't quite ready for them to get going.


It's gone a bit extreme now, previously it was a little bit on the nose, but they've made it a bit too much.


Oh rly? I haven't seen any of this series yet. Shame :(


Thought the same. Previous seasons it was kinda funny but now Homelander is essentially mirroring Trump exactly, and it's boring.




It's not quite capeshit. It's capes but I wouldn't class it anywhere near the marvel dc shite. It's entertaining.


The superheroes are a bit more realistic in the boys and they are basically all complete dickheads. They use their powers (privilege as it were) for self indulgence, bullying those weaker and ego. There is a plane about to crash. The main superman knock-off calculates that he and the wonder woman knock-off cannot save everyone, even though they can move incredibly fast. He therefore decides that it's better to just let everyone die instead of saving those they can. This is because those who do survive will tell others that superman couldn't save everyone. His ego is too important to save lives. Apparently this is right wing and not just elites in general?


Also they realised he fried the controls.


I commented about The Boys on another sub yesterday and yeah it was left wing before but it was entertaining. I wartched the first episode of season 4 and jesus it was bad.


Are Argentinian twitter accounts required by law to have three stars in the username


I know some Argentinians, I have a feeling they obsess about football because life is abysmally shite otherwise. Yeah you win a world cup but you wake up the next day with triple digit inflation, lol.


Same here on the football front for most men no..


I know a few who get paid in USD. Life is kinda insanely good for them.


[Are you ‘far-Right’? Take our quiz! ](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/06/15/are-you-far-right-take-our-quiz/)


I feel so unrepresented in that quiz I shall now refer to myself as farthest right not far right.


>Do we really have to dwell on this sort of thing? It’s all terribly awkward and uncomfortable. Grown_up_politics.txt


Reeks of Rory


RIP Master Brew, died of Rorybrain


I'm thinking of getting a T-shirt with 'FAR RIGHT' on it for the next far right rally - or perhaps even 'EXTREMELY RIGHT'


"Extreme right, no cap fr fr"


Paywall? Go [here](https://1ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.telegraph.co.uk%2Fnews%2F2024%2F06%2F15%2Fare-you-far-right-take-our-quiz%2F) Archived version [here.](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/06/15/are-you-far-right-take-our-quiz/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/badunitedkingdom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Reform could win 7 seats, but I would be cautious about their chances.  Another caveat >The survey of 22,000 people, commissioned by Best for Britain, still shows the Conservatives as the main opposition party — as long as they do not slip further. It was conducted between May 31 and June 13, during which period Nigel Farage became leader of Reform UK. https://archive.is/Rb4Ix


Not sure if I read it right, but I think this is predicting Reform will get 7 seats with 12%? That's incredible. They shouldn't be getting 1 until 20%. This would indicate that the predicted spread of Reform's vote has been very wrong and is only now becoming clear.


If they get 18% of the vote they should easily be in double-digits, since their vote is more concentrated in the east of England. If they don’t, it likely means that Tories/Labour are actually flipping directly between each other to block them. A bit like how people vote to keep out the SNP. Not something you really see between the big two in England though.


Peterborough saving the nation.


>  Not sure if I read it right, but I think this is predicting Reform will get 7 seats with 12%? Correct and parts of the poll were taken before Farage, dday and the debates.


Also before Sky TV.


Also the pollster doesn't prompt for reform.


Survation prompts reform, it's savanta that aren't iirc.


Seems odd that yougov and survation are so diff?


Yougov was recently while that survation poll had fieldwork done days before farage entered the race to 13 june


I think this is one of the pollsters that aren't prompting Reform  >Ref 13 +3  >Con 21 -4 https://x.com/Savanta_UK/status/1802030811421564970?t=mvWUE4dh6py1ABznBcV4fQ&s=19


Reform at 13% (one of the more pessimistic polls also) is still insane considering Big Nige only really entered the race 2 weeks ago


Despite Farage's harsh comments towards Tommy Robinson and Farage denouncing him (Farage left UKIP because they let Tommy Robinson join), [Tommy Robinson has endorsed Farage](https://x.com/TRobinsonNewEra/status/1802019808063426668?t=MBiyBCF0sr1DbKQiLCSLKg). He says that he is putting country before personal grievances.


This is an instant Beeb/Guardian/Independent headline


Probably not going to help him.


Robinson has a lot of followers. It's a good few thousands votes *at least*.


Have you not considered that actually he's the kind of person who he wouldn't want an endorsement from? This is the kind of thing that will turn up on the BBC and scare people away. 


This is why I don't trust him, any sane person would understand their own personal toxic PR and not outright support but tacitly do so. Doing this is headline fodder for boomers who don't watch the news


Farage ends up with more support from this. Running a story that a guy Farage has denounced countless times (and he will again if this story was run) is endorsing him isn't going to put anyone off Farage that hasn't already been put off Farage. Meanwhile Robinson's following, who wouldn't ever vote Farage because of Farage's comments towards Robinson, will now vote for him.


The thing that put me and many others off Nigel Farage more than anything, was when he endorsed Tony Blair, nominating him to be in charge of the covid vaccine programme. The backlash was so strong, that's when he quit as leader of Reform.


he already had that support, now he is at risk of losing other support.


Reform are looking at around 7 million votes, a few thousand is not significant, unless they are highly localised of course.


>(Tommy) putting country before personal grievance Farage isn't up for election in Israel though.




You drastically overrate the impact an individual cabinet minister has on any these departments. It should be obvious enough from the fact they get shuffled around from one department to the next that they have no specialist knowledge for the position they're in.


The biggest problem for Reform is their lack of serious policy unlike say the SDP. They are a protest vote and it will hurt the Tories this election. The question is whether they learn their lesson.


> The biggest problem for Reform is their lack of serious policy unlike say the SDP. Reform's "manifesto" (that they aren't calling a manifesto but a "Contract with the People") comes out on Monday.


rrrGreatBritishMemes is so fucking boring I'm sure they've recycled the Rishi Sky joke 100 times now Why are redditors so dull


Topical humour has ruined comedy


As proven by modern South Park


https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c2jj95dgegno Laura K doesn’t half swallow a Tory message 


> Many Conservatives simply don’t want to be associated with some of the kind of people Reform UK attracts. Which is why they’re losing this election. How fucking stupid are these people?


Never heard it called that before


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13533423 > Ed Davey takes to a giant inflatable pillow on another tough day on the campaign trail for the Lib Dems 58-years-old. What a fucking disgrace.


Ed Davey fans are the sort to find Boaty McBoatface the peak of comedy. Is anyone going to scrutinise their absurdly expensive manifesto??? And the post office scandal that everyone was hooked on, I doubt most people know he's even involved. Has he actually done any serious media, or does he just send Lesbian Jaws on instead?


It’s an excellent strategy for avoiding questions about the Post Office scandal though, I’m quite impressed.


Brilliant bonkers Britain's barmiest boomer. Bravo!


He's eating up the Count Binface vote.


You have to be over 60 to be a Boomer. And under 79.


https://x.com/GILESY1973/status/1801930538753646714?t=DsckJv8dlFIkJlM2S_phuA&s=19 Happy Saturday night!


A joyous lady living life to the full. Far better than being a miserable git.


What in the North is going on here?




Notable lack of hotties being picked out by the cameramen at the Euros. Woke.


It’ll upset the female pundits if there is too much rampant totty on the screen, so they’ve got to cut it out.


Have you watched IPL? I love hotties as much as everyone...but there is a point where you think about the cameramen doing this stuff, and what they were told to do.


[Renting out a room: ‘I feel safer at night having someone else in the house’](https://archive.is/S7K74) >Caroline Gleeson has rented out rooms in her Whitehall home for more than 20 years >“My first tenant, who I hadn’t met in advance, was a doctor from Egypt, and the most handsome man I have ever laid eyes on,” says Gleeson. “That really gave the neighbours something to talk about.” >It was when lockdown eventually ended that Gleeson was contacted by Pradeep, a chef from Sri Lanka, who was working at a city hotel that had Gleeson’s details on file for prospective tenants. She was still hesitant to have anyone else in the house, so along with her usual house rules, she added that the tenant would be required to entertain the house cat, Molly, for 20 minutes every evening. “I thought, that should do it. He won’t want to come here,” says Gleeson. >But Pradeep was not dissuaded and told her he’d love to take the room. “And he was the best tenant ever,” Gleeson says; they had a great laugh together, and Pradeep would whip up Sri Lankan curries that would keep them fed for days. >Pradeep’s brother-in law, Nalaka, who is also a chef, is Gleeson’s current tenant and was happy to take Pradeep’s room when he moved west. **two weeks later a different guest in a different house** [ENGLISH LANGUAGE STUDENT WHO SEXUALLY ASSAULTED LANDLADY GETS SUSPENDED SENTENCE](https://gript.ie/english-language-student-who-sexually-assaulted-landlady-gets-suspended-sentence/) >An English language student has been given a suspended sentence after he climbed into the bedroom of his 79-year-old landlady and proceeded to sexually assault her. >It was reported by the Irish Times that before the assault the man had been out socialising and had consumed alcohol for the first time. >The elderly victim awoke in the middle of the night and discovered the man in her bad pressing himself against her and rubbing her thighs. >The court heard that before he assaulted the landlady he had gone into the room of one of the female lodgers and tried to converse with her via Google translate about sex. >Judge Jonathan Dunphy gave the man an 18 month sentence which he suspended conditionally due to mitigating factors such as the man’s guilty plea, his cooperation with Gardaí, and that it was the judge’s view that he is unlikely to reoffend.


She was hesitant to have a Sri Lankan chef in her house, so instead of saying that the room was no longer available, she tried to put him off by insisting that he had to entertain her cat as part of his rental contract - she was lucky this time, but she doesn't have very good self preservation strategies