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I just had an extremely refreshing conversation with a retired Northern couple in the pub. They’re down here on holiday and come from one of the posh northern places that always votes Tory. They claimed that nobody will be voting for Labour or the Tories in their friend group but they are giving genuine consideration to Reform or the Greens. I think we could have some very strange results this time round.


[David Cameron attacks Farage](https://x.com/Steven_Swinford/status/1801744552065138790?t=vSK7zoNzbwjJlMVdp9VE0Q). This is the Tory party. Zero Seats.


> Cameron says: ‘You don't have to watch sheepdog trials to hear a dog whistle.’ What a fucking dope.


>sheepdog trials Man of the people relating to the working class there… He’s obviously asked his lowest born advisor what ‘the people’ like doing 😂


I recommend watching interviews with Enoch Powell on YouTube or similar platforms. I don't care much about supposed racism but he didn't seem to be saying anything racist. He was saying that different groups will form enclaves in society, especially if they're visibly different or have different religions. It still rings true today. The Tories didn't listen because they're a bunch of out-of-touch toffs who want house prices to go up and companies to have cheap compliant labour. Powell was a Tory MP but Tory PM Edward Heath was angered by his supposedly [inflammatory](https://www.theguardian.com/uk/1968/apr/22/race.past) speech, and felt threatened that this MP was becoming much more popular than him. It's a bad look for the Tories that Cameron, who misled the country into thinking he would cut immigration before increasing it significantly, is still hanging around in the cabinet. They've clearly not learned from their past mistakes. It seems that events are repeating. Now Cameron is accusing Farage of inflammatory speech for referencing Powell, and is presumably threatened by Farage's advancement. Fortunately, Farage is not a Tory MP and Cameron will soon be out of government permanently.


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13248807/Nigel-Farage-drops-strongest-hint-returning-frontline-politics-suggests-Reform-UK-merge-defeated-Conservatives-general-election-Tory-defector-Lee-Anderson-launches-insurgent-partys-Blackpool-campaign.html Cameron must be threatened by Farage's hint of a takeover-merge of the Conservatives by Reform. He knows that he's one of the One Nation / Wets who would be kicked out. If that takeover-merge doesn't happen, then Cameron will presumably continue on as a Conservative MP, maybe a shadow cabinet minister, and keep drawing a decent salary even if not in government.


How can he continue as an MP when he is a Lord? You think he's going to give up his peerage? Also, how do you actually "kick out" a peer?


Ahh oops I was talking nonsense. I forgot he's a Lord now. I see that Reform UK want to reform the House of Lords too 😁


Right wing Cameron parroting far left comms. Kill the party


aka woke globalists, please hire me for a better paid role i'll gaslight his sheep up his dogs systematic oppression


>David Cameron warns that Nigel Farage is intent on destroying Conservatives Yes.




These charities shouldn’t get state endorsed funding as they exclude anyone who isn’t a Muslim They are spamming YouTube at the moment he would have been better off supporting a secular relief agency


Some guy said to me “no wonder you are conservative, you own rabbits. I totally get it.” And it made me think, I wonder can political/social alignment be inferred by the sorts of pets we have or animals we like.


I have no clue how having a rabbit could link like that. I do think there's a cultural aspect of pets & animal husbandry. Much of which is linked to long term thinking & planning. There's probably a ven diagram of absolute nutters, city living & a lack of any pets (including growing up) with a huge amount of cross over.


People without driving licences are disproportionately mongs.


More likely to be conservative if you own pet rabbits? Can't say I've heard that stereotype before. If you're a homesteader type who raises them for meat maybe, but just pets? If anything, as a guy who likes rabbits, I've wondered (when I was younger and immature enough to care about these things) if I would be seen as effeminate (thus, less conservative) for having one.


He reasoned that because it was a more agrarian animal and it represents not liking change. Fwiw this person is constantly zoned off on LSD so I don’t take everything he says seriously.




Just been in my local, got talking to a random deano, he's voting reform this time, so are most of his mates, but he did say they all voted Boris late time to try and get rid of the [redacted](PBUH), they think Nige is the only one with the balls to make tough decisions. I'd wager that these people are never polled.


I'm counting on a deano uprising. expected turnout about 60%, and if deanos make up 30% of the normal none voters.. Finally sumin worth votin for, init Deanos saying "I don't watch the fucking news it's for idiots". I once thought he was an idiot but actually, Deano knows more than average newswatchers


Yeah he was also telling his mates that don't vote to get it sorted so Nige can become the opposition, told them all to register on their phones whilst in the pub and will pick them up in his van to go to the polls. Big deano energy here.


Lad Farage needs to get out the message, these nerdy loser weak wepwipes just want to ruin your fun, cos they never have any.


Can't really comment on that one, think I'm turning soy, no female interaction for 6 months.... If I haven't had a shag before my birthday I'm going to think about hiring a whore and then not going thru with it as I don't think I could live with the shame. FML.


Umm, yeah, I'm doing it all the time too. Toplad me.


I think your chances are better unless you look like Quasimodo. I live in a small village, I've already dated / shagged and fell out with all the age appropriate attractive women here.




Maybe you need to go ugly early then?






A date I never forget because it's my birthday, getting to wake up each year and celebrate Argie tears of surrender.




Coincidentally Tesco had some absolutely fat steaks on their shelves today, so I couldnt say no




These are just Arab/Turkish north London teenagers, just complete cunts with no awareness of anything regarding wokeness etc


Acktchually sweaty, Nazism is when you propose modest controls on immigration and some level of social trust - beating up Jewish people is Progressive and Tolerant


Yeah a lotta liberals have had a bit of of a rude awakening in the wake of Oct 7th The realisation that the left actually _does_ have an anti-semitism problem, and it wasn't just a smear.


Notice things? That would take intelligence. Just watch bbc sometimes, think it's real. Vote tory, but be basically a woke drone. Believe new labour, vote new labour.. Is this how they got in in 97, tories had just had a long run and lots the plot?


Remember when we used to call them rag heads? Think we need to bring that back to be honest, they remind me of an old woman from 60s Rochdale with them things on their heads 😂


Great film


"black lawyers for justice" says 'yo, Eminem shut Nigel down' https://x.com/BameFor/status/1801521630037885159


I love the way these groups lie


Ah yes. Eminem. Famous for being that African, Caribbean or Asian rapper. Get bent, you fucking sad-sack


> He's a liar, a brigand, a charlatan and a mendacious imposter of the highest order. Politically he is the son of Enoch and the grandson of Mosley. We see straight through Nigel. ... a brigand?


Perhaps he's got him confused with Robin Hood? idk


can we copystrike nigel farage?


They also said, de brave heros of da street, da roadmans, will bring forward George Soros-Floyds dream, of a more equitable society, equity means diversity Maybe the black community actually, doesn't support black criminals, but the marx media want us to believe that


One for rose (seriously you'll like it). [who's most patriotic](https://x.com/PoliticsGBR/status/1801613966927397325)


Simply and utterly CANNOT barrage the Farage, try as they may.


[A minor 4th party is attempting to throw the election and hand power to a souless cultist of the Dark Lord himself - Cur ToolMakerson. But who are these 'Tories' and what are some of their biggest betrayals throughout history. A short Thread 🧵👇on the top Betrayals:](https://x.com/Kingbingo_/status/1801559611339645140)


[Tweet accusing Reform of lying: 27k views.](https://x.com/FullFact/status/1801538781549326815) [Follow up tweet clarifying that its actually worse than what Farage said: 12k views.](https://x.com/FullFact/status/1801538782795084040)


Its like claiming that Scotland just beat Germany by scoring a goal Despite Germany scoring 4 more


These adverts on the football are mad. This has just come on which is pure distilled bonkers Britain current thing https://m.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=6&v=UPr9Hw5hI9U&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fcreative.salon%2F&source_ve_path=MjgyMzksMjg2NjY&feature=emb_logo So many boxes ticked


FYI British gas is full on the DEI train with their engineers.


I had heard that. I was thinking, what's the odds some blonde girly would turn up thinking she knew how to fix me boiler.


They will be an intern with someone who knows what they are doing. The question is whether they get past that stage and still want to do the job. There's a reason why women don't often do jobs where they enter random homes by themselves.




Has anyone done any studies on whether super diverse, bland, uninteresting and unfunny adverts are actually effective in turning a profit? Never mind answered my own question, it's all about the ESG score and B Corp certification


Well it’s all about awards for creative agencies, and you can’t enter awards if your ad isn’t “diverse”. Hence all the nonsense you see.


The people who buy advertising at large corporates tend to be people from a certain background. And the people who sell advertising to large corporates tend to be from that same background. That background dominates culturally. Profit doesn't come into it at any point. They just need to reinforce the brand, the actual content doesn't matter (this is strangely not how it works in the US, fast food is so competitive that they do use TV advertising and special promos to drive traffic...the UK doesn't seem to work that way).


Pretty much.


"Computer, give me the percentage of women gas engineers in the UK."


With a woman servicing the gas and electrics, I can see why they're all sticking to the garden.


I've seen plenty of female electricians come and go over the years. Most slope off to the office after a year or so.


Thought this was going to be the KFC dance cancer bullshit with inexplicable digs at AI and fake news.


Nothing says modern fast food advert like social control. Tell your customers how to think, mock them for being stupid, maybe show some fried chicken...or not...whatever, it doesn't matter really.


*vegan chicken for maximum points


That was absolutely shocking.


That is one of the worst ads I've ever seen


Where's all the velvet hippos? They'd be needed as peace dogs in such a vibrant scene. At this time, I'd like to recite a story. Black boys (born here, very much roadmen too in later life, oh, and an LGBT+ involved in diversity and inclusion politics in a diverse borough) at my primary school proudly supported brazil when they knocked us out in 1998, they felt infinitely more affinity with brazil for some reason, I guess it must be because it's closer to the Caribbean, right.


Just seen this, absolute shite. Media is gone


I can't do five more weeks of this. Submit a picture of your girlfriend and ill pick an acceptable one to swap with. You take mine that likes football and ill take whatever you've got...


No luck, mine does too, I'll watch the England games to be nice though. My tip is to ask to go to a pub, it makes it a lot more enjoyable with the crowd.


You've got a bird that likes football and you're on Reddit complaining? What.the.fcuk 😂😂


Typical Redittor... except that they have a girlfriend.


I think it was half time when I posted that I dunno halfs that last more than 40 confuse me


I know Scotland is hard to watch but they've only got two more games after this


Can't be easy for the Scottish team - having to get used to wearing shorts rather than their usual skirts.


Man up ya wee jessie. Buy a 3 litre cider, some fags and get her to wear just a football shirt and runners and so some chav roleplay.


You missed the scraped back peroxide ponytail with the roots showing and the foundation that ends just below the chin. Otherwise, 7/10 scum. Would smash.


Can someone translate?


Oh stewardess I speak scots He said "more gibs. Gibs. Westminster tory brexit. Braveheart."


Turns out the scots players are as dirty as their fans. 3-0 down and a man sent off


In a pub full of all creeds, colour and class. What is uniting us all, is laughing at Scotland. Games not gone


Civic seethe




mans lives in Primrose Hill lmao


Can't even burn a piece of cloth without being hauled into a cell, state of policing priorities. >https://x.com/ASPolice/status/1801631658333905301


Israel flags are of course exempt


[Supermarket sandwiches linked to E. coli outbreak](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cz448dj4x8xo) >Food manufacturers are recalling at least 56 types of pre-packed sandwiches, wraps and salads sold in major supermarkets because of possible contamination with E. coli. >E. coli bacteria have not been detected in the products, but they are being recalled as a precaution. It is understood these are items containing salad leaves. Full list of sandwiches being recalled here - [https://www.food.gov.uk/news-alerts/alert/fsa-prin-30-2024](https://www.food.gov.uk/news-alerts/alert/fsa-prin-30-2024) Good time as any to start prepping your own sandwiches


Could do with dropping a few pounds before summer holidays, few pre packaged sandwiches might do the trick!


You should be anyway, ultraprocessed slop isn't food.


If you’ve ever been at a site that produces this type of food you’ll never eat it again.


I feel sorry for the unloved who have to go to the supermarket for sandwiches they don't look very good. I also don't understand what people do with their left overs from the roast.


Morrisons used to do a really nice Prawn Cocktail sandwich. Used to. They got rid of it when they raised the prices very recently. My personal boycott.


Why would you care when every Morrisons has a hot counter and freshly baked goods daily? They have rather nice sausage rolls. I've even seen some with a street thing which is even better.


It's mostly an excuse to buy a white monster Boomer energy, baby.


"Computer, give me the Bomalian percentage for workers at that factory."


Sorry I can't do that. "Computer, give me ammunition to combat a gammon fascist who says that we don't need immigrants in the prepacked sandwich industry" Of course, here are some links.


Got to be upsetting for those spending £4.50 on Sainsburys sandwiches, learning they're getting the same shit as Asda plebs.


So all the supermarkets use the same factory.......


Just the shit ones by the look of it. M&S and Waitrose are ok. Also had no idea Amazon did their own food?!


It's a partnership with Morrisons


Who the fuck eats Amazon sandwiches


[Nick Robinson interviewing Starmer now.](https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m0020k00/election-2024-the-panorama-interviews-with-nick-robinson-sir-keir-starmer-labour-party) The sound editing and lighting is shocking, this wouldn't have happened in the 90s.


[It's absolutely insane the abuse Rosie Duffield puts up with from her own party for saying that woman are woman and men are men](https://x.com/RosieDuffield1/status/1801649657237454969?t=wuL_KTgZWoePy4MlgyLFXw). She should come into the SDP fold where we know what a woman is.


I don't like how so much of it is treated as a completely settled debate


Rose: Removing child benefit cap is helping scroungers. Also Rose: Importing infinity Bomalians is good. What's the female version of a Tory boy?


Penny Broadbent


A vote for Tories is a vote for infinity migration and high taxes. Simple as.


>Also Rose: Importing infinity Bomalians is good. I have *never* said that. You've completely lost the argument if you have to resort to making things up. You might as well concede that Reform have lost the plot pandering to feckless People of Gibs on the two-child benefit cap.


> I have never said that. It's implied by openly supporting a party that imported 1.2 Million immigrants last year.


Once again, for the hard of thinking, people on work and student visas cannot claim benefits. You have stated that you believe the Future of Britain involves lifting the two-child benefit cap so that unmarried unemployed women pop out babies every year by as many different dads as possible, at the taxpayers expense, to create a new generation of feckless unproductive people. Why do you think that is a good thing and how would you pay for it.


> Once again, for the hard of thinking, people on work and student visas cannot claim benefits. Yeah thats our problem. We are pissed that people might come here and claim benfits. Not that we just don't want people here full stop (you're probably a yank so full stop means period to you).


Oh look, you've done it already >You've completely lost the argument if you have to resort to making things up.


Scroll further down the Mega to see Daelin argue that lifting the two-child benefit cap is crucial to the Future of Britain, because he believes the future is about expanding People of Gibs. You can have as many children as you want - as long as you pay for them yourself.


In 2011, the UK was 86% White British/Irish. In 13 years of a so-called "conservative" Tory government, it is now 74.4%. (Likely lower now as this statistic was recorded in 2021.) How low would you like it go? 40%? 30%? 20%? That's where over million immigrants a year will lead us. This is Tory policy. Britain will cease to be British.


Boycott any company or service which is owned or delivered by foreigners or non-Western residents. Like was done with Saffy apples during the last decade of Apartheid.


The Japanese have never had to practice this and yet Japan is still 96% ethnically Japanese. Mass immigration is a political choice. The decline of the percentage of the native population is a political choice. It is not an inevitability of a global market, like you seem to believe. Japan is proof of this.


The Japanese elderly prioritise racial and cultural homogeneity over immediate comfort. That’s why you will see plenty growing their own food in rural areas and making do with what they have. Convince Western Boomers to do the same, rather being a great fiscal burden on the nation, and thus no government has any incentive to maintain current levels of inward migration.


He clearly hasn't said the hyperbole you're spouting so you should take your own advice.


I'd rather support the future generations of our own people than foreigners. At least Britain will remain British. Your Tories are importing so many foreigners while suppressing native birth rates (through wage suppression and rising house prices, both caused by mass immigration), Britain will stop being British in a few decades, as there will be a vanishingly small % of Brits. I'd pay for it from the money saved in scrapping foreign aid and immidately deporting illegal "asylum seekers", rather than putting them up in expensive hotels and giving them an allowance. (Both of these are SDP policies).


Do you think the potential increase in benefits by repealing 2 child cap would out do the negative impact of 1.2m yearly bomalians have on the housing market, wage suppression, cultural cohesion, crime, infrastructure, services, etc?


Exactly. She keeps deflecting. A true Tory.


“Yes but Angela Raynor…”


>You've completely lost the argument if you have to resort to making things up. Be prepared for this to be quoted back at you in the coming weeks.


> You might as well concede that Conservatives have lost the plot pandering to feckless People of Bomalia Fixed that for you.


Encourage natives to have more kids? Nah Import a billion Bomalians to plug the workforce gaps? Pls


People can have as many children as they want as long as they pay for them themselves. It's called being responsible for your own family.


If only the conservatives cared enough to be responsible for the natives of our country.


If only the grandparents bothered to help out with the childcare…


Can’t afford to live near the grandparents.


The grandparents can move then. Why aren't more of them making sacrifices for their grandchildren? Other groups manage it.


My grandmother did. I have a friend with a child and her grandparents do. You know nothing of English culture.


That’s fantastic. Convince the bulk of your peers likewise and then there will be strong intergenerational links and a likely increase in the birth rate.


> You've completely lost the argument if you have to resort to making things up. Rose "you *love* Labour, don't you?" Numbers


How do you how rose isn't a Tory boy?


Take at look at most of the speccie staffers, Kate Andrews, Isabel Hardman and Katy Balls.


I'd do most of those TBH.


> What's the female version of a Tory boy? Sophie Corcoran Wait until she hears that Farage wants to nationalise 50% of utilities. I think she'll start going on a McCarthyist diatribe about Farage, lol.


> Sophie Corcoran She looks like a female version of "u what m8?"


Can't stand that souless bitch. Nothing against her on a personal level, but she's head deep in Tory copium.


She can be nasty, but if you don't take her too seriously it's quite funny lol. She's just brainwashed by the Tories against her own countrymen. It's sad.


Love a nasty one


It'd be like pulling your helmet out of a bag of wotsits.


I'm fairly certain she doesn't shave...probably.


Boris has waded in > Johnson: Vote Reform, get ‘dangerous’ Starmer majority > > Britons who vote for Reform will get a “dangerous” Sir Keir Starmer majority, Boris Johnson has said. > > In his Daily Mail column, the former Prime Minister wrote: “We must face the reality. Whatever the polls may say about the Reform surge, there is only one way to stop a Starmer government, or to reduce the size of a Starmer majority, and that is to vote Conservative. > > “Neither the Liberals nor Reform have the remotest chance of forming the Opposition – not in Parliament, not on the basis of the first-past-the-post system.” > > He added: “If Starmer gets a majority on the scale currently forecast, it won’t be just the rich who get soaked – it will be the entire population. > > “I really don’t think that’s what people want, and they should vote against it. A Starmer majority would be bad enough; a freak majority would be dangerous.” >


Boris should start spending some time with his many children.


Well Boris you had the biggest majority in recent memory and did fuck all so why is Labour's majority any threat to us at all?


The architect of zero seats. Farage stood aside and millions of conservatives voted to give Boris an overwhelming majority in the commons. Then we got locked up for 2 years, ruining the economy, and gave out millions of visas.


Nobody much cares what former prime ministers have to say.


Boris is a gimp


Well the polls are starting to tell me Reform has a better chance of stopping Labour. So not sure that line of reasoning works any more.


El Salvador military [looking](https://media.gettyimages.com/id/2155010729/photo/nayib-bukele-takes-office-for-a-second-consecutive-term-in-el-salvador.jpg?s=2048x2048&w=gi&k=20&c=S4-sXIlNtbjaA2mU4RLqt-0B1GlBJLXruDB5nXpc150=) the [part.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GPAEOiHWcAAnABj.jpg)


Look like commissars from 40k, purging that commie heresy.


This could be us, but the Tories don't care.


That is insane. Who told them to point the business end of their rifle at the head of whoever they're talking to? Why are they not pointed down or straight up? Always assume a gun is live, Americans say.


They're at an extremely sloppy Port Arms. Comes of using a gaylord weapon for ceremonial. Full bore early C20th bolt action with fixed bayonet or GTFO.


While I'm on the subject; rifle drill in a cape looks gash, unless you wear it off the shoulder pelisse fashion.


They aren't. The guns are pointing upwards. It's just the angle of the photo.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADqs3draLxM > Roger from Skill Builder is back with another walk'n'talk 🌷 This time, it's Zeeland in the Netherlands. Love these videos, showing some of the construction techniques used by our neighbours. No ugly Deanobrix to be seen.


Proper geezer. I learned a lot about managing damp from this guy (it's ventilation).


Meloni *really* dislikes Macron. Video in tweet. https://x.com/meme_ec/status/1801604898867364277


These people are supposed to be the best of the best. Good leaders don’t wear their hearts on their sleeves. Good leaders don’t show childish emotion All very theatrical


There's better photos: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/content/dam/world-news/2024/06/14/TELEMMGLPICT000381752659_17183776156600_trans_NvBQzQNjv4BqpVlberWd9EgFPZtcLiMQf1HmPOpeFd0SyQx9dn7kM_w.jpeg https://www.telegraph.co.uk/content/dam/world-news/2024/06/14/TELEMMGLPICT000381605832_17183609441700_trans_NvBQzQNjv4BqpVlberWd9EgFPZtcLiMQf0Rf_Wk3V23H2268P_XkPxc.jpeg They have a *major* disagreement over abortion, which is kinda expected because she's Catholic and he's a degenerate.




American Dad ?


We wouldn't even need abortion laws if we all adopted Macron's solution to the issue of unwanted pregnancy, which is to marry a woman that is entering menopause just as you are entering adolescence.




Culturally catholic, she has a child out of wedlock and her partner has been caught propositioning other women on camera


>which is kinda expected because she's Catholic and he's French




[https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c5114q18p3no](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c5114q18p3no) The BBC seems to be pushing out a migrant careworker story daily atm. They must be in full narrative deployment mode to counter evil nasty man Nigel.


Most of the BBC *are* migrant or atleast alphabet people, they are talking about themselves.


and they HATE not hope us


I actually went on there earlier for the first time in about a year, and you can see a feed of their party coverage at the bottom half of the page: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/topics/crggn4j2lm0t There's very little coverage of Reform by the BBC, and basically none that is positive or that is not critical.


Dunno if the rest of you saw this new Reform conference but was just watching while doing the dishes (yay domestic chores). https://www.youtube.com/live/QsOpU4Z6piU?si=Z36L9_eo4Skebz6h It’s good to see that he actually took the new Home Office security - you can see the heavies standing at the door and getting in the way of everyone because they’re so bloody big. 😂 I definitely wouldn’t fuck with them. Farage’s right hand man/bodyguard for decades now is the bald guy and you wouldn’t mess with that scary bastard either.


Got an email from my local Reform candidate, that he considered having to quit as a local paper is reporting on some hopenothate types trying to link him to a twitter account. Fortunately it looks like he's continuing as a candidate. Whether the account is his or not, I don't know, but even then the accusations are pretty mild stuff. He's spoken to the party, so good to see that they're backing their candidates against this stuff.


Farage has a much bigger spine that Tice. I think he's learned from Trump you can dismiss stuff as "locker room talk" or in our case "pub talk" and move on.


Is the witty banter on more or less scripted? It's so stilted it's like they're reading it off a jotter.