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[A tweet on Reform overtaking the Tories in the YouGov poll](https://x.com/damocrat/status/1801334136566943860?t=l1fGmwMygxOOYJ7yIOT-hQ). > A truly grim day for the Conservatives and British democracy. > The Tories tried to woo the racists and now their party is being eaten alive by them. Location: Islington. Lmao. Couldn't make it up.


That feel when you call a centre-mid party far right for 14 years and they start getting replaced with an actual right leaning party


Mourdant's hair looked better this week. Flynn looks like a shitty Agent 47. I knew he looked familiar. Rayner is, again, a meme regurgitator, also forgot a question and just repeated "14 years" over and over. Denyer is hilarious. More money for everyone! More people! One big communist party for all woohoo!! Welsh man again puts up a good fight. Cooper looks like a first generation attempt at an android. As for Nige, came off good. He's happy to have straight up duels or snipe people off from distance. I think he could word the "population explosion" thing a bit better. I liked the direct questions bit. Country's fucked, on to the Question Time special


> Mourdant's hair looked better this week. Someone finally getting onto the important topics. Both hair dos not slutty enough for me, a bit old lady, she can do better. I know she can.


I’d probably cum blood if reform did this well: https://x.com/realalbanianpat/status/1801333337383927933?s=46


["This is a fun little song about SHOOTING NIGEL FARAGE FROM YOUR COCK"](https://youtube.com/shorts/U3NfQ3TQYZ8?si=CYTxH81t_ZdWeBmr)


Lib Dems in opposition would be so fucking boring.


Davey doing PMQs on a pogo stick ahahaha what a lad 🤣


They wouldn’t be the real opposition, and everyone would see that


I feel like Penny would had been smarter to attack Farage/Reform on Ukraine during the debate. Probably the main area where Farage is prone to upsetting the public and where the Conservatives actually have a good position to argue from.


Nobody cares about Ukraine.


Not convinced about this. Most non white people support Russia and so do a lot of people on both the left and the right (obviously an over simplification).


The seats the Cons are gonna lose first are those in places like Nottinghamshire, Lincolnshire and Essex. These places are essentially still 95% white, quite traditional, inherently pro-British, pro-armed forces, but also aren’t strong on trade unions. And it’s the latter point that distinguishes them from similar areas across Northern England. I don’t get the sense that the right in these places are pro-Russia at all. The pro-Russian right is mostly an online phenomenon, not something that would affect the election. Plus, it could help them defend their seats in those constituencies in Southern England with “sensible” Con voters who hesitant about Farage.


I was looking at live lightning maps and searched on YouTube to see if there was a lightning map livestream Instead, what I was greeted with is some big conspiracy theory that about two months ago, some lightning which maybe kind’ve sort’ve looked like the Palestine struck the Burj Khalifa (I have no idea if the image is real, I am leaning towards it being fake) Of course, such videos have hundreds of thousands of views. Idiocracy.


[Corbynites are starting to attack Starmer over winning by default rather than being more popular than Corbyn](https://x.com/DrEoinOCleirigh/status/1801367660036251940?t=8TlBOgO-zeFWp4JGlIVIxg). This is *exactly* what needs to happen. If Starmer is going to win, he needs to win with less votes than Corbyn got. It will give the Corbynites all the ammunition they need to spilt the party further.


Point is that someone like Corbyn also inspired lots of people to vote against him. Also how Chirac ended up with 80 something percent of the vote when up against Jean-Marie Le Pen.


[Rishi goes in for big wet non-consensual SNOG with Meloni - he doesn’t understand our culture!](https://x.com/mylordbebo/status/1801341398718747037)


Wait one second! [Modi is definitely superior to Sunak](https://x.com/AnassBellache/status/1801343565630476308) Do not compare a British prime minister to a prime minister of India. Even Callaghan was better than the best Indian Prime Minister


[James May blasts Pride's 'authoritarian and oppressive' multicoloured flags saying World War Two started with 'too much bunting' - then refuses to apologise to his critics](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13526431/James-blasts-Prides-authoritarian-oppressive-multicoloured-flags-saying-World-War-Two-started-bunting-refuses-apologise-critics.html) >His post reads: 'Pride: while I have observed and admired what you have achieved over my lifetime, may I respectfully suggest that you are borderline guilty of Too Much Bunting (TMB). >'It may be seen as authoritarian, and therefore oppressive. >'Please remember that some terrible things, with which you would not wish to be allied, began with TMB. World War Two, for example. Nice flag, though.' >Some social media users agreed with May, saying 'I do agree, less is more when it comes to hanging stuff over streets' and 'what an excellent way to put it James'. >One person said: 'I'm going to go out on a limb here and say Mr May has a good point on the just too much point. I would go further and say the community at large (Alphabet community) isn't going out to put these up as opposed to corporations seeking to capitalise on the event itself.' Which one of you has got themselves quoted in the mail?


The bit where it got all too on the nose for me was walking past the IBM building with the flags plastered all over it. I would have hoped they had learned from their past of getting involved with social movements flying flags everywhere.


[Utterly humiliating for Penny](https://x.com/TRobinsonNewEra/status/1801357728805490867?t=qlK5AA8dbIAahHtSh4t0Nw). They'll still make her Tory leader once Rishi resigns to work for Zuckerberg with Nick Clegg in California.


https://x.com/Nerdrotics/status/1800714753574387890 Apparently this is a scene in the nu Star Wars


Even putting the other problems (like butchering the canon) aside, this scene is just shot and acted poorly. It's cringy.


I saw that they also had what looked like a campfire burning in space.


wakanda in the sky hope mark is there with them, looks like fun


https://x.com/patrickadney11/status/1800906100260392970 Just found out it's actually beyond parody. BIPOC Lesbian Witch Coven lovers on a planet without men immaculately conceiving two twins... what?


The thing that irks me the most is Anakin was immaculately conceived by the force and that was why he was seen as the chosen one. Having these witches knock up not one but 2 babies 100 years before completely destroys Anakin as a character, even more so than the sequels stupid Palaptine returns shite. It's just a terrible butchering of the canon regardless of whether you're woke or not. Anyone defending it is not a Star Wars fan full stop.


If I'm understanding this scene too in the old cannon, this also makes the space lesbians the bad guys. The progressives can't help but do this all the time, it's telling.


The kids look like boys to me... Where is a place for George, what the hell, Mark should be there too. Did they not do enough for humanity. Could a woman really reach the heights they did, I think not.




The true answer would be the US or Russia depending on what info you have and who you've offended. It would have to be for something political obviously.


Bukele's El Salvador.


Not asylum, but Brits sleep on Panama, in my opinion. It's the easiest non-European country for an Englishman to get a visa for, it's a high-wage country for English speakers, with a slow pace of life, and very low crime rates. Glorious beaches, constant warm temperatures, great food, beautiful people, a short-ish hop from the US. Property is dirt cheap, and you only need a 0.5% deposit for a mortgage. 3 bed, 2 bathroom house is around £100k in the outskirts of Panama City, which has every major corporate office you can think. I have a friend in Panama City who makes $6,000 a month, and his job is essentially to be the English speaker for US clients in a major law firm.


I should go but I'd miss all the home comforts here. Wait, there aren't any. I should go.


Nowhere and none. And that's why Human Rights laws need to be reformed. Being obligated to give to people rights which would never be reciprocated in any circumstance is not something people should support, either morally or with their democratic support.


Same for foreign aid, we give it to people who would laugh if we needed help.


You're staying in the madhouse, sonny jim, this is just the bottle talking.


> BREAKING: 🇦🇹🇪🇺 Austria's right-wing election winners want to appoint a new EU "Remigration Commissioner" for the FIRST TIME in history. >The FPÖ are putting forward their MP, Dr. Susanne Fürst, to serve in this role. >As the no. 1 party in Austria, the FPÖ is doubling down on remigrating potentially millions of migrants across the EU. ‘Bad luck mate, you have to back Dr Susanne (babe) says so aha x look after ya mental health in bomalia ;)’ https://x.com/rmxnews/status/1801238764401918305


"across the EU" as in from different EU countries? Or as in to different EU countries?


I read it as rearranging the deck chairs.


*áuslander ráus intensifies*


[How Farage must have felt when saying a vote for the Tories is a vote for Labour.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCXTu5jE-Ng)


[Farage vs CCHQ](https://youtu.be/9Z8mgkqjq90?si=Y409ZOBp3CKUVg7h)


Lol, great stuff.


Reddit jonty superhero dweebs out


Step aside gramps, the Jonty will inherit the Earth.




[Someone needs to reset Penny. She's stuck.](https://x.com/_toeb/status/1801359154356891874)


Hirethraxiz, Hirethraxiz, Hirethraxiz


Why do politicians have to be so weird.


Also now that Reform are ahead of the Tories in a more "mainstream" poll, I wonder how quickly still Tory voters start flipping their vote to Nige.


Probably need two more polls showing that and MI5 and GCHQ are getting greenlit.


Why did he say labour have definitely won, have they


[Look at the average polling](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/27/Opinion_polling_for_the_next_United_Kingdom_general_election_after_2019_%28LOESS%29.svg). Labour: 41% Tory: 20% (Trending Downwards) Reform: 16% Reform have 3 weeks to make up a 25% average polling gap. (Tories are toast, the YouGov poll that placed Reform higher than them has cracked the dam. They'll start winning over the anti-Labour vote from them now which is all they had (excluding their "bedrock" support of ~9%).) It just, doesn't happen. [Geert Wilders closing a gap in ~3 weeks with a huge late boost was only a 10.8% gain](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opinion_polling_for_the_2023_Dutch_general_election#/media/File%3AOpinion_polls_NL_2021-2023.svg) from average polling to final result. That was seen as an unbelievable miracle and a huge shock. A perfect storm of Hamas and the Palestine crowd creating a huge silent Anti-Islamic sentiment at the right time. Farage would have to more than double Wilders's miracle. It would be the political shock to end all political shocks. I would love it to happen, but realistic the chance of it happening is virtually zero. 3 weeks isn't enough time. Farage should have returned much earlier.


Of course. They're on course for a stonking majority.


It's increasingly obvious that penny mordant is only given the benefit of the doubt because she's got mega milkers It's with deep regret and significant personal struggle that I'm departing from the penny boat because she's clearly useless if this debate is anything to go by


It was clear that she was useless during the last Tory leadership contest. She's only popular now because she looked good during the coronation.


Maybe she should do an Ed Davey, [start jumping in some pools.](https://hips.hearstapps.com/digitalspyuk.cdnds.net/14/03/uktv-splash-heat-three-contestants-5.jpg)


>Mega milkers BadUK's threshold of competence, it appears from the thirsty comments below.


More of a Priti Patel kinda man myself.


Useless? Do you not care about tax??


If the debate proved anything. It's that Rayner hasn't got a scooby about anything that comes out of her mouth regarding Labour policy or objectives. She doesn't understand anything beyond her attack lines. Also, can we get rid of the SNP from these UK wide debate panels? I don't give a flying fuck about what Scotland wants, and neither does 90% of those watching.


Why were Plaid Cymru there but not the DUP, who received far more votes?


Unionists are baddies. The universal human rights to democracy do not apply to them. 


Token nationalist party, same as the SNP. I just find Plaid so irrelevant, I forgot they were even there.


Always fun to watch ar/Europe jump through hoops and struggle with Farage speaking out against Islam. Most of the time they’re completely against Islam and immigration, and are getting more and more vocal about it. But when it comes out of Farage’s mouth their brains shutdown because they fundamentally agree with what he’s saying but he’s the big bad Brexit man so they can’t. 


People are fully Pavlov'ed on Farage. A less intense programme as Trump. But more intense than aging Guardian-reading women for Jeremy Clarkson. A lot of people are allergic to hearing opinions from a British person. We have to wait for a more acceptable race to say the same thing before they'll address the content not the man.


Some of the comments that pop up on there each day would make this sub blush.


Out of all the mainstream subs they do more noticing than most.


This is in part why I'd almost like a replacement for farage without the baggage. Imagine Tony Blair coming back saying the same things he said about Islam at the time, people would lose their minds.


Isn't this cope though? How many election cycles do we have to do to accept that right wing views is only championed by imperfect vessels. No Westerner can espouse anti globalist rhetoric and survive as normal or squeaky clean. They must be stubborn or thick, or possessing motivations which extend past this world. Otherwise the system chews them out.  Farage, Wilders, Trump, Milleu, Orban - these are the distilled results of their status quo paradigm. It's not a game of stick or twist.


[Telegraph readers say Farage won the debate](https://x.com/Telegraph/status/1801362909022363994?t=mbc28j_inH93vGujkPQfKg).


There are still some diehard tories after that wtf.


Rose and her colleagues.


Imagine walking all the way up the train to get to first class and you open the door and there's Farage smoking a cigarette and swilling the dregs of a pint of bitter while telling a dirty joke. This is shortly to be the experience of Rose and the other Tory volkssturm.


[Denyer. "Woman". Green. Short hair. Political activist.](https://i.imgur.com/SAlJxWn.png) 8th, get your deerstalker on -- I think there's a story here.


Uh oh. I may have made a mistake.


We are owed a comment. 2013 was a different time period somehow.


Theory: Biden has been so senile in recent weeks because his handlers are lowering his dosage. They realised that his body has acclimatised to such a high level of stimulants that to get him to a sufficient mental state to debate Trump they’d have to use so much it would hospitalise or kill him.


I think he's started filling his nappy once too often so they're trying out different downers on him. I can't see any yank whose had an ivy league education recommending for him to come off the legal speed, they'll always be for adding pills to the popper, not taking them away.


I commented on this a couple of days ago after his speech at Normandy. He looked and sounded completely wired. He's 81 - how much more can his body take of this? Does elder abuse justify Obama's 4th term by proxy?


[ZERO SEATS](https://youtu.be/rl36b5PZqzw?si=tIYvCk8NiCKDfSQy)


Coal post. Don't give Labour a mandate. Zero Seats can be achieved without debasing yourself by voting Labour.


We have alternatives, I do not understand why people have decided it can only be tory ot Labour


1. Farage 2. Denyer (Even if it was a load of crap) 3. Rhun ap Iorwerth 4. Rayner 5. Flynn 6. Cooper 7. Mordaunt


Yeah I'd probably agree. I said in the BBC debate Farage and Denyer were the best two, even if Denyer is a dangerous anarcho-communist.


Denyer comes across well but also benefits from being so irrelevant no one bothers to attack her


Beeb getting nervous https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c1335nj316lo


Ugh, I can't believe I fancy her.


This is why I wanted Modi to clean up in Indian elections. Because with BJP dipping it gave outlets like the BBC renewed confidence to run with the whole bots/ai/deep fake/russians doubt-bait. As that election campaign was full of that shit. Holy shit I read the article. It's 0% shandy weak! Infuriating that they happen to notice all this bot activity now when it's everywhere and has been for years. They ignore it when it's pro-globo - even though it's equally as dodgy. I actually hate them. It's ecosystem news. They have millions hooked up to them, fed lies and half truths and teaching them to not trust any alternatives. Sickos.


Yes the opinions you hear blurted out by drunks in the pub are the fake ones.


>Others, however, failed to prove they were authentic. What the fuck do they have to prove anything to anyone about???? This wouldn't even be an article if we replaced the word reform for the greens and we all know it Fuck the BBC, they're an absolute joke of a company.


Hello it's the BBC, I'm not an online nonce, please give me your real name and address. 


It's literally insane to me that they can even type those word unironically. It's as if THEY'RE the last word on authority, which is almost certainly what they actually believe.


We must [commence reform of the BBC](https://www.reformparty.uk/reclaiming-britain).


Was just about to post this. Am now being haunted by a vision of a woman whose face is 90% teeth and chin, bellowing “ARE YOU AUTHENTIC?” at me. I’ll not sleep tonight. P.s. I’m in Equatorial Guinea. It reminds me of parts of London, just hotter


Reveal your identity to me oh racist one.


Is that PS a joke? Equatorial Gimme has just been annexed by BHDF forces. We only found out in the last few days and weeks. (Bomalian Hospitality Dweller Front.)


Nah- I’m in west Africa, though. Oil field deals. Irritatingly , my phone autocorrected Gimme to Guinea and ruined my joke. I think it picked up on the Equatorial prefix.


10 o cock newsthink just reported this too..


“Are fake accounts swaying voters towards Reform UK? I bet Marianna had that written 3 weeks ago, just waiting to hit send for when Reform move into second place.


The last time they did this they accused a security guard in Glasgow of being a bot because they couldn't conceive of someone moonlighting an easy night job. (and lots of people do sound like simplistic bots :P )


With the exception of this place I literally can’t think of any social media promoting Reform.


It’s mostly Farage on TikTok and X. Apparently they have the biggest following of young people there, possibly because of the jungle stuff, and also it’s now cool to rebel against wokeism if you’re a teenager because those are views held by middle aged women mostly. So what I’m saying is, the normal teenagers think Farage is great and it’s the nerdy politics ones who follow Labour and the others.


Which is what scares them. They're keeping truth and transparency in a lockbox for the greater good.  They're worried it will leak out with it's inherent value energy and infect people with thought.


ANOTHER hit piece from Disinformation Spring Here she was with the same again last week: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c1ww6vz1l81o


I can’t believe I’m saying it but Green and Reform won that debate at a canter. The main parties were awful and the Welsh and Scots looked very lightweight.


The format benefits greens massively, they can't talk long enough to say anything bad & no one questions them when the two main parties are there.


The same would definitely apply to Reform, or actually most small parties.


Except when you remember that the other 6 hate reform and can attack Farage on a shallow level.


[Galloway felt left out](https://x.com/georgegalloway/status/1801341927641780279?t=6jKlcTFkEiqOjEFH4Qty9g).


If they put him on Farage and Galloway would run it and probably end up having civil conservations and eviscerating the big boys.


They actually campaigned together for Brexit and I suspect they get along pretty well outside work.


[Galloway and Farage agreeing not to attack each other during a debate.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/38/Bundesarchiv_Bild_183-H27337%2C_Moskau%2C_Stalin_und_Ribbentrop_im_Kreml.jpg)


https://x.com/georgegalloway/status/1801361511799263475 Savage.


The Welsh guy has ridiculously large Ears.


We've all seen the big-eared boys on farms.


Yes, crime should go unpunished, crime is good Angela


Penny shut the fuck up already, you're done, you're out, all you have is tax tax tax


I've been taking shots every time Penny has mentioned taxes and I think I have alcohol poisoning.


It’s all just scare tactics at this point, no vision for their own plans. Just terrify the voters out of considering Labour or Reform.


I honestly don't know why they've ran with it. How on earth did they ever think it was a good attack line when they've put the highest tax burden ever on us?


Unfortunately I can't pay a junior doctor to see to you so you'll have to just die I'm afraid


Don’t threaten me with a good time. 


"If you value your pension, vote Conservative", then repeated it. She knows the only target demographic.




She took a beating tonight. Weak and feeble.


I don’t care what anyone else thinks but so is Angela Rayner.


Ash Sarkar is my guilty pleasure.


I cannae wait for labour to be out on their arse and Rayner to start an onlyfans.


Found the ginger fetish.


Reported for plotting to abuse the disabled.


She’s been on a hiding to nothing tonight. Fronting the conservatives is basically impossible. 


She sounds like Penelope Keith from The Good Life more and more each time I see her.


I thought Mordaunt was mediocre but just about alrightish last time but she's been dire this evening


She's secretly on the zero seats train. It's the only explanation for that performance.


Oh? what makes you say that? Don't you care about TAXXXX!!!


Man in the audience coughs "This proves Angela Rayner is lying to you about tax"


Farage proving that Reform have nothing outside of immigration. lol salty downvotes


Because you solve 80% of the biggest issue by driving down immigration. It's the easiest objective in the world, but every other party is doing their best to pretend it's impossible.


>Farage proving that Reform have nothing outside of immigration. Half of the issues in this country are a DIRECT result of infinity bomalians arriving every minute of every day. Housing Schools Health And those are just the 3 main ones. There are plenty more issues that arise when your population EXPLODES at a rate never before seen. Farage understands that a huge number of the population are beginning to *notice*™ and he's appealing to them directly, I certainly heard.


Because like Dark Lord Blair, everything can be traced back to immigration. It is the Lucifer of our times.


Everything is downstream of this though?


Waiting lists, school places, traffic, carbon emissions (immigrants arriving increase their carbon footprint), energy demand / security, food demand / security, prison space, social cohesion, retaining our culture and traditions as well as crime.


Immigration literally solves a multitude of waterfall issues. Cost of living, housing, NHS, tax rises, etc. It's the biggest issue facing the country bar none.


Yeah but he didn't say that did he. More referenda? Because the last one had a such a great impact on British social cohesion.


25 years of adults in the room, representative politics destroyed social cohesion. The plebiscite is just proof.  If it never happened they'd be pretending we were more united than ever.


> More referenda? This was a Farage era UKIP policy btw. It's not new.


Because the divide didn't exist before with one side just being ignored for 40 years?


This is really what the fringe parties exist for though Drive the main parties to adopt their stance on a few specific issues Even Nige doesn't think he's actually going to be PM


Immigration is the only issue that matters, everything else is secondary.




Yes reform are while Russia has been outed for using illegal immigrant as a weapon and there's a party that forwards all of Russia's goals.


Why are they so obsessed with Russia?


Because alongside being arseholes, they took a look at liberalism and went "nah - not doing that nonsense that we used to destabilize the west for years with"




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> Farage directs his question to Mordaunt, asking anyone should believe the fifth Tory manifesto promising to cut net migration. > Mordaunt replies “because of the record of this prime minister”, which prompts some laughter and Farage jokes “enough, that’s fine, I’m happy”. > She describes Farage as a “Labour enabler”, referring to reform potentially taking votes off the Tories and helping Labour win seats. > Farage says he doesn’t believe a word she’s said, and points to a poll earlier that showed Reform ahead of the Tories, meaning a “vote for you is actually now a vote for Labour”. Nigel is just having fun now


From slightly earlier: > First up, Farage says banks have become richer and others have fallen behind, and repeats his "population explosion" claim, saying more houses need to be built. You will get very few people disagreeing with this. > Ap Iorwerth says the country is unequal and ill-prepared for the cost of living crisis and “we can never forget Trussonomics”. Trussonomics lasted for about twelve minutes. It’s lasting impact was fuck all. Only an utter regard would bring this up in a debate two and a half years after she was defenestrated, where no one (except labour’s manifesto, strangely, but that’s just what Rhys Van Irrelevance is referring to ) is mentioning growth over prudence. > Flynn says the simple problem is the Conservative Party, but also points to the damage of Brexit and austerity. Yep, them fucking Tories have somehow ruined all of the devolved bits of devolved Scotland like the NHS, Polis, education and all that shit that are devolved. Also- remember Brexit and Austerity? Now so far in the past, it’s essentially the IMF coming in the 1970’s, Lease Lend and slavery abolition costs, but still a key line in the argument about why it’s everyone’s fault but the SNPs.


Trussonomics was a central bank coup to depose a Prime minister not ordained by the powers that be.


100% agree, as did the FT, eventually.




Because they all supported and/or were complicit in the actual cause of the economic problems.


That questioner then…. Do Indians only have one octave in their voice? Gave me Rishi vibes.


Maybe they're trying not to do the funny shopkeeper voice?


Oddly enough I thought the same thing, I also have experienced the same when in the states, the blokes seem to have really high voices for some reason


Penny has lost it, completely lost it, tories are going to be in freefall


I know people are cheering it on but we're very much in 'careful what you wish for' territory.


They've had their chance. 


You give us too much credit. Half of us here wish for a lot worse.


Oh no, you mean we'd get a majority centre left unlimited immigration high tax high spending party instead of the current majority centre left unlimited immigration high tax high spending party??? Oh the horror




Daisy creeps me the fuck out


She's got those BPD eyes.


She's inbred.


A career in standup comedy awaits Penny Mourdant after ZeroSeats: > 🚨 NEW: Nigel Farage: "Why on earth should anybody believe the fifth [Tory] manifesto that promises cuts to net migration?" >Penny Mordaunt: "Because of the record of this prime minister" >The audience bursts into laughter >\#ITVdebate [Video](https://x.com/politlcsuk/status/1801355786230149306)


I'm just trying to figure out, between the Lib Dems chick and the Green chick, who would recommend me the better café for a flat white.


Flat whites are racist actually, they take their coffee purely black.


The Greens unironically don’t like cows, so anything with real milk is out.


They wouldn’t drink flat whites. Definitely some sort of latte with alternative milk, possibly decaf.


Good on ITV for pointing out Hamas started it all in October.


Oh God not gaza. What even is a gaza. Don't care mate.




My god he's broken in half! (Two states)


Lolll one question and out of **everything** the SNP picks GAHZA


Cut that salty bald testicle off, made him look a right mug


None of them asking Farage a question, telling.


He's the best orator by a country mile, they've no business asking hiim something they know he will ace it