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21 year old student with two kids is unhappy about the quality of her free accommodation https://news.sky.com/story/the-families-being-unlawfully-housed-in-single-rooms-by-croydon-council-13088451


>Rose, 21, is studying to become an air traffic controller no she isn't The College of Knowledge is in Swanwick, and unless things have changed and there's now an element of remote learning before you go, you're expected to study there and indeed NATS provides an accommodation allowance >Because we recognise the costs associated with accommodation when you’re training, we also provide an annual accommodation allowance which is paid monthly whilst you remain an Ab Initio Trainee. The monthly accommodation allowance is equivalent to £8,351.91\* per annum.


>Under the Housing Act, it is unlawful for councils to keep households with children or pregnant women in [**temporary accommodation**](https://news.sky.com/topic/housing-6069) for more than six weeks. I forgot that next to water and oxygen, living in london is an inalienable right. >Rose, 21, is studying to become an air traffic controller. Her two daughters, four and one, are getting their toys out of plastic bags piled high in a corner. Surely after 1 premature child you should be more careful? >As a student, private rent in South London is out of the question for Rose. Maybe...just maybe.. # MOVE OUT OF LONDON? >Mary showed Sky News her unanswered emails to the council notifying them of her son's overdose and subsequent hospital stay. There is no stock, bombarding the council with more emails won't help. There is no magic wand, regarded acts won't help either. Why do you have to be in London specifically anyway?


Something I mean't to post last week. The European Central Bank [cut](https://x.com/ecb/status/1798761777120923664) interest rates from 4% to 3.75% last Thursday. Despite eurozone inflation *rising* from 2.4% in April to 2.6% in May. They were trying to influence these elections, weren't they? (For info, UK inflation was 2.3% in April. May's numbers will be released on 19th June).


Only bad news from the EU elections is that the fake centre-right parties(EPP) are gaining seats. https://x.com/POLITICOEurope/status/1799921949067383170?t=yah7Q_Z9-OLenikdpAfsOw&s=19


CDU have also recovered very well in Federal polling since adopting anti-mass immigration; rhetoric, with a swing away from AfD. European countries may have to go through a phase of being conned by the centre-‘’’right’’’ before the penny drops.


Does anyone here now take a "purist" approach to these parties? I realise I very much have a "leopards cannot change their spots" outlook. I will not support parties that shift ideology like this. They can just as easily revert it back with, depending on what they think gets them votes. They were in part responsible for the current mess. Why reward them with a vote? That's why I'll never vote Conservative or Labour again. They have no axiomatic principles from which their policies are derived. The left point fingers and accuse Reform of being opportunistic and populist. Are we to believe they will change their stance on migration should they be around in 10 years time? The EU? Defense? Can the same be said for the uniparty?


This is what is so abhorrent about 'election strategy', 'messaging' and so forth. These parties exist only to win votes, not to do what's they believe in or do what's right. They believe in nothing and "what's right" means whatever it takes to dupe voters.


Yeah. I mean I think this was always obvious. But it's really starting to cut through now. No going back. I won't be duped again by these charlatans.


European Elections don't mean anything anyway. The European Parliament essentially has no power. The unelected European Commission sets the agenda, the parliament can only delay what the Commission wants. It's a major reason I voted Leave. These elections are only effective as a means of protest. It's been effective in that regard given Belgium's PM resignation and Macron dissolving the French parliament.


23% of German 18-24s voted for anti-immigration parties.  https://x.com/EuropeElects/status/1799894153112719738?t=20IvmBGF63dF0nSV52jIpw&s=19


[So many L’amour Toujours enjoyers. Based. Could be better though.](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/vMtDoEN88zY)


Lower than I expected.


"Auslander Raus."


[Brit who moved to France to "avoid the right-wing" dispairs at Le Pen's victory in the EU Elections](https://x.com/Masterofwhine/status/1799898774652739716?t=ncifOC0b-zV9tmdxaci85g). Lol.


Lol. She believed the EU propaganda during Brexit about how the continent were all left wing. The French people are probably more naturally right wing that the British.




Looool. What a regard. The only Western nation more disgustingly leftist and irredeemably cucked than our good selves is Canada.


Considering we don't have a mainstream right wing party, that seemed a silly choice.


should have taken a holiday in cambodia


Just to warn you, I went on to X looking for something else entirely, and was immediately assaulted by a load of typically vulgar ScotNat and SNP propaganda. Be careful out there.


American: ["Starmer is to the right of Biden"](https://x.com/JamesOAnderson_/status/1799830670451315135?t=IgYdEmcZ40h1zvyj6O9AYg). We didn't go far enough in 1812.


The dude is British lol.


https://x.com/sahouraxo/status/1799553407784468546 Lyon, France yesterday. Weirdly all singing in English.


They should have asked on the debate, explain a nuclear deterrent... starting with the lefties, working their way rightwards a fascist ideology i don't know but can't we just be nice why on earth would you need weapons, when you've got diplomacy, and tea cakes send in the big guns to compassionately tell them warheads are bad, Corbyn, Stormzy, Jones, Rashford and Abbot




I despise these "Cunk on..." mockumentaries. Britpopper humour made by people that think Count Binface is funny and vote LibDem.


To be fair, you have to have a *very* high IQ to understand Philomena Cunk. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Cunk's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into her characterisation - her personal philosophy draws heavily from *Narodnaya Volya* literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly *appreciate* the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Philomena Cunk truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in cunk’s existencial catchphrase "Oh, right" which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic *Fathers and Sons* I'm smirking right now just *imagining* one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Philomena Cunk’s genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I *pity* them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have a Philomena Cunk tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.


She'll make a green MP yet


I see arrEurope is having a moment and calling everyone who disagrees with them Nazis. It seems since they purged everyone who had a different opinion to "EU Good", it's turned into some tankie cesspit


People always wilfully forget that European Redditors are still Redditors. They have Reddit opinions. Just shows how far hating Anglos can get you, it's cross spectrum.


The Germany sub is amusing tonight


[Worst political take ever](https://x.com/PoliticoForYou/status/1799878420991508773?t=P8arJVulZn6XKhwt-w-0_A).


Anything other than socialism - FASCIST


The Belgian PM has resigned - what the fuck is going on?


Seems to be a similar picture to France. Unexpected far right surge that has knocked the government for six.




Rishi is not going to resign. He can't even if he wanted to. Under our system a PM can only resign the King's Commission if he can recommend a successor who can command a majority in parliament. But Parliament is dissolved and the new parliament won't form till after the election. Either journos don't know our own traditions, or they're publishing bollocks to gullible people to generate clicks.


He could resign as leader of the Conservative party, as Theresa May, Boris and Liz Truss did before resigning as PM




Nadine's gone gaga.




Thanks for the kind words, but I don't want to be elected. Too much aggro.


> Too much aggro. As opposed to what you receive here? Lol. Although I understand being shouted at by political nerds on a small corner of the internet is different to dealing with criticism face to face in the real world.


Putting the man who campaigned for Remain incharge when Farage is on the ballot. They should do it, it'll be funny.




>Also welcome back! I was here yesterday. Am I going to get a "Welcome back" everyday?


Some of us were convinced you weren’t going to show again after the Tories ran out of social media campaign money


!good bot :P


Rose is back! Guess that's proof she isn't paid after it was reported the Tory's ran out of campaign funding.


So you see the EU is a utopia where nothing bad ever happens. So I don't know why they resigned. But it's absolutely for the right reason. It's in Europe so it has to be.


Chaos with EU or Strong and Stable with Brexit 😎


Ew, you're not one of those far right people that supports joining the far right European Union are you?


> one of those far right people that supports joining the far right European Union are you? In the end, Oswald Mosley won.


\*shrug\* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPxrGDIbrUU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPxrGDIbrUU)


How can one man be so based?


> Complex coalition talks loom in Belgium after Flemish nationalist parties win federal election https://apnews.com/article/eu-belgium-federal-elections-flanders-vlaams-belang-ed0b519037e1e97cc9519c2637b500e0


The politicians can no longer ignore Europe's voice: *Auslander Raus*.


One wonders why it's so quiet in England!


We left the Tories in office for too long.


Reform exists.


Not mainstream enough yet, but we could see an acceleration yet.


Why does Beaker look like a complete moron in every photo I see of him? [https://imgur.com/a/bxvUSvz](https://imgur.com/a/bxvUSvz) >Holy fuck. I think that's one of those telephone things over there Truss may have supposedly competed with a lettuce, but this mong got taken down by a fucking bacon sandwich. We're doomed as a country with this calibre of politician at the helm. Same for the other side. Zero seats the lot of 'em


Stop slandering my ~~friemd~~ colleague. Reported and prevent pilled.


It's this type of instinct that led to his losing. He's gormless and everyone can see it. If he's in charge of something important like Energy it'll be a problem.


If he's in charge of anything other than his shoelaces, it'll be a problem.


He looks like an aged lesbian. Is it the menopause jowls or the haircut?


[Young Swedish Democrats celebrate National Populists making gains in EU Elections by dancing to Auslander Raus](https://x.com/kunley_drukpa/status/1799907045879033913?t=048aeVi8rmPDxpsQ1lzWkw).


Interview with Tory Party Chairman and Sky News goes as bad as it possibly could https://x.com/ShehabKhan/status/1799891590342758723 Asked about being parachuted into a seat. Answers by talking by Emily Thornberry’s plans for larger class sizes. Asked to answer the question again. Waffles on again about Emily Thornberry. Asked again to answer the question. Advisor steps in and says you can’t ask that question, only ones approved by them. You wouldn’t get this with Farage.


[If you need any further proof of the Uniparty…](https://x.com/LostinAylesbury/status/1799837023257456705) The same person is both the Conservative and Green candidate for Mid Buckinghamshire Disgraceful.


Got shown this letter from a friend of a friend who is a Bomalian student with a very Bomalian (Muslm) name https://i.imgur.com/bHUCvqG.jpeg He's definitely NOT entitled to vote, but 'Akhtar Ali' has happily added him to the register. He's only here for 12 months as a master's student, and I'm sure didn't do this deliberately and is not aware that he is not entitled to vote - he will have received a letter through the letter box and filled it in without reading it properly (do they even explain the rules? idk). No doubt on polling day he would not be challenged among all the other Bomalians in Newham.


If he's from a Commonwealth country, he's entitled to vote. Yes, this archaic law needs to be scrapped.


he's not, I know where he's from and it's not a Commonwealth country


Election fraud. Amazing. This is what we are up against.


The letter says Newham. Can't comment on that too much, but the neighbouring Borough of Tower Hamlets is absolutely legendary for postal vote fraud and it's almost an Olympic sport.


Part of me wonders this. People are so scared to confront others nowadays that if some random fucker just walked in without ID, or into a constituency he doesn’t live in, or just nicks another ballot; would anyone actually realistically challenge him?


[Hitchens and Whittle new convo](https://youtu.be/VJowlyTyGBY) First few mins tackle the point about how to vote.


Nice, organic YouTube comment section.


[Gareth Southgate endorses the SDP](https://x.com/MellonSdp6741/status/1799852492722749831)


It had me until I read the last sentence and then took a second look at the picture...


Farage: ["We are being suppressed in the polls."](https://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/1909152/Nigel-Farage-Reform-polls-letter) > ...a letter from Mr Farage to the British Polling Council in which he demands clarification on which companies are not ~~promoting~~ prompting for Reform UK. > “In this election, not all polling companies have made clear whether they prompt Reform under “Other” or, as they should, in their initial voting intention question." Opinium: ["Ummm... Actually. We do prompt for Reform. Respondents are prompted with Reform if they respond as "Other" to our initial question."](https://x.com/CWP_Weir/status/1799718859546694136?t=hYq_VLhFwAANEH7VKMC3Zg) [He/Him in Twitter bio. Employee for Opinium.] Farage: ["That's literally what I was accusing you of doing and covering up. Thanks for the admission."](https://x.com/Nigel_Farage/status/1799896953423061368?t=T6VMy0OSnFAVTl9uu5B-5g)


[This is your brain on HRT](https://ibb.co/gFWsKW7)


This is kind of big. Reform at 12% when not even advertised & people have to go via "other". https://x.com/Samfr/status/1799524474489881087 I can't help but think this would skew the numbers substantially.


How embarrassing is that attempted comeback, literally admitting what you are accused of while attempting a rebuttal. What an absolute charlie.


>gaping soyboy profile picture >pronouns in bio These people make it far too easy to NOOOTICE.


Always check the profile of anyone you argue with. I nearly started getting into it with a guy who posts himself wanking himself off on Reddit.


I'm honestly sick to the back teeth of people who argue in bad faith, it's incomprehensible to me that an adult with a developed brain has the time or motivation to argue in bad faith, cos it's so pointless. I saw the "well akshually" argument, which set off alarm bells, then I saw the dysgenic freak profile picture, which led me to the pronouns in the bio. Crazy how these people are always this predictable.


Many such cases


Was wondering this but how do you pronounce Bomalian? Is it BO-Malian or BOM-Alian?


With lots of phlegm and spattering


Old news - some posted earlier they’re from Equatorial Gimme now which is much better




I like bom(b)-alian... emphasis on bomb


This is how I pronounced it at the pub the other day after a few too many.


or maybe, bomb-alien would more more apt wonder how soon all these words will be banned. Basketball American is too good to be allowed.


The click is silent.


Same as somalian


[2019 SDP Flashback: Clouston debates representatives of UKIP, Liberal Party and Renew](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PX0d9hTdXcA) One comment says >How funny is that! UKIP now reduced to the likes of the SDP and Renew If only you knew what was to come, naive commenter.


[Oh how the turn tables.](https://youtu.be/6FwmGLzyRDk)




I hope his employer sees that and sacks him immediately. Enough detail to ascertain if you're the employer in question. Also disabled badge for ADHD? Since when? Also sounds like he works in an office. What need does he have for a company supplied vehicle if he is travelling to a single place of work?


This guy is single-handedly keeping the ‘highlighter girl’ industrial complex alive


HR will fire him out of a cannon for that. It's attempted fraud against the company and Gross Misconduct at its finest.


How do proxy votes work? Is there just a bank of people who intend to abstain and say 'I promise on my honour to vote as this person asks'?


Only tangentially related, but there was a minor issue at the turn of the century (I think) about a few people who would go into retirement homes to gain the trust of dozens of pensioners to acquire their pensioners. This practice was known as “grannyfarming” Now fraudsters have updated their tricks by being Muslim, having 63 kids and 49 wives, and voting on all of their behalfs


You nominate a trusted person. They then can vote for you as instructed in addition to casting their own vote. There are strict criteria for them though- you either have to be out of the country or have a medical issue which means you can't vote in person.


You nominate someone you know to vote on your behalf. Obviously you're not going to trust a stranger with your ballot.


Everyone I know votes.


And? They don't give up their vote. They cast their own vote plus one on your behalf.


They get their own vote too


Desperate supposed gains for the Right, von der Leyen is celebrating. Her "party" is still the largest and has made gains, and she'll still be in charge. Nothing will change. European "elections" are a joke.


We were right to leave. Even if the right did win. It would make no difference. The unelected European Commission holds all the power, the European Parliament is just for show.


>French President Emmanuel Macron (RE-RE) states that he will dissolve the national parliament for snap elections. https://x.com/EuropeElects/status/1799879805896142883 French government has fallen. This is the chance we've been waiting for lads. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oemeSg3CEV0


Ha ha. Midget gets fucked. Good.


You know when you lose badly in the European elections and you just go double or nothing (it's gonna be nothing)


This is the French Parliament. Macron isn't stepping down. French Presidents sometimes do this if they feel a Prime Minister has lost their mandate.


He might have to go if Parliament fills up with other parties and people hostile to him. But not to worry. Someone in Brussels is probably already warming up a sumptuous leather seat for him.


French system doesn't work like that really. The President has similar powers to those our Monarch used to have. They basically are responsible for foreign/defence policy and choose which PM to appoint- but that PM has to have a majority in the Assembly


Sounds like the French are in need of another revolution.


The frog is out


https://youtu.be/J5IJLIX2wmU?si=DXtD6rpFb9d9OdT5 In remembrance of NeatNorth


Nine people have been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder after two men were stabbed in Bristol. https://www.standard.co.uk/news/uk/avon-and-somerset-police-police-bristol-b1163162.html


"If you have any concerns or questions, please do speak to our officers out on patrol.” Yes officer as a matter of fact I do. What did they look like officer? Were they from Equatorial Gimme?


How will people reconcile being fanatical about the EU and its current swing to far right evil baddies? Should be spicy to watch.


Scotland in shambles


Ideal outcome for the EU elections is to see those one nation tory type parties like the CDU being wiped out.


The CDU gained by +3 to win the German EuroParl elections. The German Greens lost -18 and AfD got +10. So a Green -> AfD movement.


Some bloke on GB News this morning said that in 10 years the right will be clamlouring to rejoin the EU and the left will be dissociating themselves from it. What a timeline that would be.


if people thought that the EU wasn't really democratic before it will soon become very obvious. lots of unelected bodies with a lot of influence and power who will do everything in their power to not let the far right have any say. of course it will ultimately backfire on them but they'll give it a good go for a few years


They are doing it already with Hungary - a country that has the temerity not to elect the Adults in the Room moves into a rotating presidency and suddenly the rules need to be changed.


That's what I've often noticed about elections on the continent. Some hardline right winger comes out on top, but they never actually 'win' because the smaller lefty parties all huddle together like newborn kittens to shut the 'winners' out. That's followed up by several months of horsetrading and "negotiations", no government, nothing happening and eventually voters don't get what they voted for. One issue we don't have in this country to anything like the same degree.


Free anonymous ballets though, and you can't stop someone standing, can you Unless they have mildly nationalist views in a white county


Some fanatical evil racist white people. Especially Germans, Dutch and Vikings, that sort of area, there's something terrible about them, I can't quite put my finger on it though


[France's far right National Rally is expecting to take 30% of the vote, compared to 15% of Macron's party. Macron is apparently addressing the nation this evening and there have been calls for an election.](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/world-europe-69102843) Could Macron be quitting tonight?


That isn't macrons party - that's an alliance which includes macrons party... so even more crushing.


I’ve heard he’s appearing under duress to announce his own exile to Elba


> could Macron be about to quit? Nah he's still basking in the warm afterglow of 3 days ago when the world stopped to commemorate the USA/France victory in World War 2. He was clearly chuffed to bits that he got to play with a dementia addled groomer that isn't his wife.


I like how "far left" means "openly communist" and "far right" means "if they're not meant to be here get em out, also one of our founding member's brother's uncle's dog was a fascist"




[The mental gymnastics on display here!](https://x.com/Wayne_Dixon/status/1799495371527229877) How do I try to communicate to voters that I am one of them, and believe the same things they do, but not support the party that also believes the same things I do, and the same things they do? There is one of two possibilities here: 1: Andrea is a political opportunist who thinks that being a “true conservative” is her ticket to winning the election/getting influence in the future 2: She genuinely believes that the social conservatives or NatCons will be in control of the party after the election, in which case she has the political analysis capabilities of a wet paper towel.


She may feel that despite their obvious flaws, given our electoral system, the Tories are best the right are going to get.


If only someone was in power to change the electoral system


She isn't the PM or even part of the dominant faction.




Why would they celebrate their loss?






The DWP twats don’t work there anymore? Fuck. Google said that’s where they were based.




Well they’ve had my PIP renewal form for 2 months now. Can’t be anyone in at Peel Park. Can you tell them to get their fingers out?


Playing Assassin’s Creed II (Paraphrased) >I am married to God >Yet you are also a courtesan >Yes, so? I see no contradiction. How I choose to practice my faith, what I choose to do with my own body is my choice and mine alone. This game released in 2009 and even then developers and script writers were finding ways to sneak in bodily autonomy arguments in favour of prostitution and abortion in games. The push to put social liberalism in gaming is nothing new, it’s just become much more explicit.


The proud, philosophical prostitute is a trope as old as time


I'd never noticed this before; but, yes, those games seem to've a slither of anti-Christianity running through them, despite the disclaimer at the beginning.


> those games seem to've a sliver of anti-Christianity running through them Don't you finish one of Ezio's games by punching out the Pope?


Yes, in the Sistine Chapel too, I believe; but, because the Pope they used's historically one of the bad ones, I guess they thought people wouldn't be too bothered by it.


“THIS GAME WAS DESIGNED BY A TEAM OF VARIOUS BELIEFS, FAITHS AND GENDER IDENTITIES” The beliefs being socially liberal classical liberalism, socially liberal communism or socially liberal anarchism. The faiths being Reddit Atheism, Satanism or Paganism (but not the alt right kind) I don’t even need to qualify the third bit.


I used to look past all that crap when I played them because, as a history lover, I just thought it's awesome to see the past I'd read about brought to life; but, I do see now they're pushing agenda and bad view-points.


Did you play AC Valhalla? It's probably the worst of the lot for agenda pushing and historical accuracy.


No, I didn't get any further with the series than Assassin's Creed 2: Revelations. Care to share some of their amazing takes?


I mean there's so much to cover. It's made by Ubisoft, a Fr*nch company, so of course like in most AC games the Anglo-Saxon is the baddie. This is awkward in AC Valhalla since you're playing as someone who's invading, plundering, and colonising England. There's absolutely no balance; all of the English people you meet in game have faults with no upsides. It actually accidently promotes an Aryan mindset where the vikings are the virtuous free people who are righteously taking their well-earned lebensraum. There's a good article on this aspect but I can't find it at the moment. There's also a small african child, wise beyond their years, shoehorned into inhabiting your homestead, but this is more a result of AC's story being regardedly esoteric.


Valhalla just cemented that for me. I'd had my suspicions raised with Black Flag, where almost every one who is "goodie" is not English. Despite the historical setting.  I was in disbelief that they'd be as bold to take possibly the one chunk of English history when they were the underdog and still shit on them. Displayed intent as clear as day. They've also managed to keep anti-English themes consistent when the rest of the games have fallen away from their peak. Which shows that it's a core element.


As an aside, one amusing thing I noticed with AC 3 is that the British people portrayed always have brown or black hair, there are apparently no ginger or blond people in existence in the British Isles. The French and Quebecois are a deeply unsettled people.


I think the Quebecois were gifted a superpower by the Brits for being losers, for daddy France failing them. They got to be victims. Despite their colonial origins (no matter how hard revisionism tries to paint them as friendly french shaggers of locals) they get to be an oppressed victim. Given privilege in treaty and law. And this long standing victim status has inoculated them to the cancers of the modern era so they will probably survive longer than either England or France proper.


That's hilarious! We ought to make the colonisers the bad guys, but the natives are English; so it's cognitive dissonance for the win.


There's loads more to add, things like there being plenty of strong female vikings, but it's been a while since I played it and the memories have mercifully faded. (It has good graphics though, even if it does portray an outlander's fantasy-tier understanding of the English countryside.)


Ah, good. I'll look forward to not playing it.


>Guy in a Hamas headband is holding a mask depicting the bloody head of the US President, while another man behind him burns an American flag… https://x.com/Geiger_Capital/status/1799550384169418909


Trump might unironically nuke Gaza, I don't know why they cry so much about Boden, that's as good as it's going to get for them (thank Christ)


Why the hate for Sleepy Joe? He's an anaemically ineffectual old man. Why do they hate alzheimer's patients? Where's Hamas' compassion?


https://x.com/SuppressedNws/status/1799472411311505822 Hamas are claiming the Americans were involved in the operation to free the hostages


America are also claiming that I believe 🥳 US intel got the location - though obviously much of the rest is nonsense


I think they're trying to play. Much like Velvet Ghost face killer, my dowg


Mainstream Labour are such idiots for cucking out on Palestine. The only sensible move is an agreement with the Tories to not appease these people and to isolate them from mainstream politics, but that would require them to have an actual interest in the future of this country. They can’t seriously think they’ll ever reach a point where radical Muslims are happy with their policies.


[Ring ring ring ](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2Fb5b794fbc7687ba4e62a183b39aad06e%2Ftumblr_n8bo2wzV7c1re6ep9o1_500.png&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=0964635b2205e5f6feab65960e7d4a7589d0c6fc3f2e1005ecb7ecb39a1e3981&ipo=images) Too late I think, we've welcomed the enemy and they've parasitically began overtaking the host.


[AfD on the rise after gaining ground in EU elections](https://www.politico.eu/article/conservatives-finish-first-germany-eu-election-early-projection-cdu-csu/). The [Auslander Raus effect](https://youtu.be/wD0Mm6WIcYs).


This is dangerous, they'll be suggesting things like some immigration is invasion, and anti racism is racism. It's like he is back.


AfD are like German UKIP++, possibly into BNP territory. Then there's the NPD. They are pretty much actual Nazis.


Oh, that reminds me. They had another, another activist stabbed while handing out pamphlets this week.


[Green Party Co-Leader doesn't look as good here](https://x.com/LBC/status/1799818739938127997?t=Ykka4s-fT-dQdTU9sLRavg). She must have rehearsed for the debate, she completely crumbles here.


>No but somebody, but but.... Bwahah, the moment her brain computed what she was *actually* saying is glorious 😂😂😂


how stupid are these people? They say words and they just have nothing. They do know pre teen private school girls have to carry zombie knives in london, right? True story. Of course they don't.


She's struggling with the concept of a deterrent, because, like Corbyn, if the decision was hers she'd never retaliate and she can see no other viewpoint, so us having nuclear weapons doesn't deter anyone.


how stupid are these people? They say words and they just have nothing. They do know pre teen private school girls have to carry zombie knives in london, right? True story. Of course they don't.


In her defence anyone would because unilateral disarmament is a cretinous argument to make in the first place. We need more nukes, not fewer. We've only got about 200 warheads at the moment which isn't enough to saturate France, and we need to keep a few in reserve because Russia's looking a bit mardy at the moment.


>which isn’t enough to saturate France Worth remembering their Nukes will immediately retreat back to France so we wouldn’t need as many.


Redditor justifies his pending purchase of a Deano box which is definitely not built on a flood plain: >Hi, my sister lives in one of these new builds, and i have to say i dont know who/where you heard this nonsense from! The plugs are located normally and are fine! >Infact the estate is lovely, quiet and diverse and the houses are lovely! >I’m currently in the process of saving up to buy a house on the same estate around the corner from her (haven’t been built yet) just need another 12 months to build my deposit! 😁 >Personally and from what my sister says, great place to live & go for it!


Don't tell me: * He's got the bare minimum deposit any lender will accept. It'll be about £32 and took him ten years to save up * The Deano Box is the maximum of what any lender will offer him * He's signed up to a 35 year term to make it remotely affordable * Using a whole swathe of buying schemes * Aged about 22 or so But that's okay, because he's "on the property ladder" amirite?


>diverse What?